Chained Kong

Mario RPG

Sent in by Videogamerpat

More about Chained Kong...
Games: Super Mario RPG
Sports Hall Record: 3-1, Round Three Qualifier (5), Rank 29
W: Heavy Troopa (5-1), X-Naut (5-1), Ice Snifit (5-1)
L: Doopliss (5-3)
A Donkey Kong knockoff that appeared in Barrel Volcano of Super Mario RPG, he's pretty strong though not as powerful as some other enemies in the area.  For some reason he's got a ball and chain tied to his wrist, not that it really makes any difference as he's still able to move in for swipe attacks and can chuck rocks at his foes.  Just in case he doesn't already look enough like DK, behind one of the doors in Bowser's Keep one of his kind (or a lesser variety known as Guerilla) is to be seen throwing barrels not unlike Mario's original nemesis himself.

In Roy's Sports Hall he's actually outperformed the character that inspired him and reached Round Three in Season Five, but was outmaneuvered by Doopliss in getting barred from the finals.  Qualifying for the Season Ten Tournament as Seed 27, his limited range was not a problem as he overwhelmed Wrench Guy.  Free mobility would seem to be a must in his next match against Kamek, but we'll see if Chained Kong can unlock the secrets to victory once more!

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