The Maze of Inevitable Frustration

To collect your prize of two Koopaling votes, fill in the blanks by unscrambling the letters you found along the way in each room. When you have it solved, Email me your results.

Larry: _ _ _ _
Morton: _ _ _ _
Wendy: _ _ _
Iggy: _ _ _ _,
Roy: _ _ _
Lemmy: hand
Ludwig: _ _ _ _
Bowser: _ _ _ _ _
Big Boo: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Boom Boom: _ _ _ _ _,
Rezznor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

Missing some letters? Missing all the letters?! Then jump in the warp pipe and look again.


Go back to the start of the Maze.
If you have a Maze of your own, Email me!
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