Bowser's Inside Story
More about Midbus...
Games: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's
Inside Story
Sports Hall Record: 7-3-1, Round Three
Qualifier (8), Rank 36
W: Mad Piano & Francis (8-1), Ludwig
& Mad Piano (8-2), Grodus & DK & Hooktail (8-2)
L: Sergeant Guy (8-1), Spy Guy &
King Boo (8-3)
T: Yoob (8-2)
Midbus appeared in Bowser's Inside
Story as Fawful's top minion. The most common question asked about
him is, where did he come from? Because Fawful didn't have any obvious
underling when he was working with Cackletta. That, and Midbus does
not seem to belong to any other species. With his large size and
those wristbands, he does serve as a good rival for Bowser but he's certainly
not the same species. Midbus encountered Bowser a few times during
that game. The first time was early on and Fawful ordered Midbus
to dispose of Bowser, but Midbus declined to finish off the weakened Koopa
King. At this point I considered that Midbus might be following some
kind of honor code and that he sought a fair fight... but now I think he's
probably just a disobedient underling as he showed no interest in helpful
Fawful carry Peach later in the game. A pig in deed as in appearance,
the most salient thing I remember from the full-blown battle in the middle
of the game was that he would make food appear and you just hoped you could
get Bowser to eat it first. Late in the game, Fawful transformed
him into Blizzard Midbus and he gained the use of some ice-based attacks,
but maybe that wasn't the best strategy to employ against a fire-breathing
turtle tyrant? In the end, Blizzard ended up frozen and was further
humiliated as Bowser used the ice he was in to intermittently cool himself
down. So much for any honor.
Midbus slogged his way through Season Eight in Roy's Sports Hall, winning matches involving multiple foes but also losing a few and being involved in a tie. Ultimately he was defeated by Spy Guy in Round Three, this freezing his Sports Hall aspirations for the time being. He is back for revenge in the Season Ten Tournament and could be a tough contender. In his first round match against Bandit he frequently appeared confused and outmatched, but refused to stay down for the count and came out victorious. His Round Two fight will be a rematch against Spy Guy with everything on the line!
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