
Mario RPG

Sent in by Videogamerpat

Sent in by Miles Thumbs Power

Sent in by Miles Thumbs Power

More about Shyster...
Games: Super Mario RPG
This guy looks like a Shy Guy on a pogo stick, though Mario RPG never actually owns up to any character being the standard Shy Guy.  This is the most basic model that appears in the game, anyhow.  It's still pretty tough for appearing early, in the Mushroom Kingdom.  It can bounce on Mario's hard head or Mallow's soft one, and can shoot a small fireball.  It appears to be, you know, alive and maybe not a weapon, but the species works for Mack, a member of the Smithy Gang, so who knows.  Like any good Shy Guy they cause plenty of mischief, which is fine... It's fun to give them a thumping and set things right.

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