
Super Mario 64

Sent in by Paperlemmy

Sent in by Jr. of Doom

New Super Mario Bros.

Sent in by Paperlemmy

More about Whomp...
Games: Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy 2
A giant, walking slab of rock with an ugly face.  Considered to be as dumb as a brick, it's impenetrable from the front but if you can dodge it's faceplant attack you can easily defeat it by ground pounding it's back, where a bandaid covers some kind of fracture.  Or you could just run right on by.  It has a boss form, the Whomp King, that isn't much tougher in Mario 64 though it puts up a bit more fight in Galaxy 2.  Whomp may be a natural roadblock but I think he'd actually be a pretty lousy goaly, as it'll be tough for him to block the area between his feet.

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