Roy Learns a Valuable Lesson in Climate Control

By Zapster81

Artwork by Fried Rooster

Roy was becoming very unhappy due to the fact that winter was soon to come to Sky Land.'What should I do?' he thought. 'I know! I'll use my climate control power to warm things up and create warm fronts! No snow, no cold, all happiness!'

Little did Roy know that this would lead to a major disasters all over. It was okay at first but once the cold fronts were unable to perform their duties, climate changes were happening everywhere.

But first, let's review the normal averages first!
Summer Average Temperature Winter Average Temperature
Grass Land 75-85F 25-45F
Desert Land 95-105F 75-90F
Water Land 65-80F 40-60F
Giant Land 80-90F 35-55F
Sky Land 60-75F 20-40F
Ice Land 10-35F (-)20-0F
Pipe Land 75-85F 65-80F
Dark Land 85-120F 50-70F

It was November, and winter was on the horizon when Roy initated his plan, His land went from 50F to 80F, and enjoyed hawaii like weather, while others were in for a surprise.

The first impact was Grass Land. There had been an extra-long summer there, and there were anxiously
awaiting winter so they could get relief from the heat. The crops were getting extra time, so people didn't complain at first. The temperature should have have been dropping, and the leaves should have began falling, but the opposite was happening, the temperature was rising! The daily temperature was 90F in
November! Larry liked it, for the plants anyway, but knew something was wrong. The area was also losing precipitation, so the heat was beginning to kill the plants, and A/C bills were through the roof!

Next, was Desert Land. It was dry as always, but the temperature stayed the same as in summer and there was more rain than usual. This was due to the cold fronts bouncing over Grass Land and interacting with the heat of the desert. The desert had poor soil that was not able to absorb the excess water, causing flooding in many areas, as well as thick fog!

Ice Land was next. The temperature was raising steadily, glaciers were melting everywhere, and Lemmy was freaking out majorly. The waters were becoming warm enough to swim in without getting frostbite, and it caused flooding everywhere. There was also major fog.

Water Land was affected adversely also. The water levels were rising due to ice land's meltdown, causing some places to become majorly engulfed by water. Many people almost drowned. Wendy was enjoying this until she got hit by a gigantic tidal wave, which was cold water. "I hate cold! It's not fair!" she screamed after that incident.

Pipe Land was next. It is is a tropic zone, but Ice Land's cold front had to go somewhere, didn't they? Pipe Land had its very first snow ever! Many tornadoes stuck, destroying buildings and killing many plants.
Ludwig was freezing; he used the heater for the first time ever.

Dark Land even had doused fires, and that's when Bowser was completely in the dark! Heh, Heh, Heh! Bowser was steamed and called for an explanation for all of this.

Meanwhile, Roy was enjoying total bliss,  nice warm breezes, and gentle rains, oblivious to what was going on!

Now, for the lands status' over the last three weeks of this:

First Week Second Week Third Week
Grass Land 90F, no rain 95F, drought 105F, major drought
Desert Land same, more rain even more rain massive flooding and tidal waves
Warer Land same, flooding more flooding massive flooding and tidal waves
Giant Land uneffected...
Sky Land 80F, perfect
Ice Land 55F, melting ice 75F 90F, record heat
Pipe Land 25F, snow 20F, snow 5F, blizzards and high winds
Dark Land in the dark

Bowser and the other Koopalings called for a meeting concerning these complaints. "This is a serious matter!" growled Bowser, who was grumpy because he hadn't taken his lava bath. "Ludwig, have you
been messing around with your climate control invention lately?"

"Not I, King Dad!" said Ludwig.

"Wait a second, who's the only one who hasn't complained about changes or diasters lately?" Bowser asked.

"Iggy and Roy!" Wendy shouted.

"It wasn't me!" Iggy whimpered. "I don't know anything about weather!"

"Then it must be Roy!" Bowser fumed.

Roy received a call from Dark Land...

"What's up King Dad?" Roy asked.

"You have been messing around with the climate, haven't you?!" Bowser snapped. "I hereby sentence you to the dungeon for three months, and you will fix the climate before you go!"

Roy looked surprised. "But I hated winter, so I just thought-"

"You really caused chaos everywhere!" Bowser screamed. "Don't you know that there is for every action an equal or opposite reaction?! Now get to work!"

Roy did his work, then went to the dungeon for three months.

Things slowly returned to normal. Winter finally came and balanced things out just in time, before even more damage was done.

This is a lesson in global warming, folks!

The End

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