Aleth's Quest

By Aleth

Chapter 4: Booster's Armory

Peach: This looks like an armory.

Psyche: Watch out! One wrong move and we could spring a trap.

Aleth: Everyone, avoid every white tile that comes up, and destroy those cameras!

Psyche slips and hits a white tile.

Psyche: AUGH! I’ve been caught!

Bowyer jumps out of a hidden machine triggered by the white tiles. Psyche disappears and suddenly Aleth feels extreme pain.

Aleth: Psyche is being hurt, someone must save her!

Aleth slowly picks up a bow and arrow and faces Bowyer.

Bowyer: Nya! Defeat Bowyer you will not!

Aleth: Don’t be so... sure about that... Bowyer!

Bowyer disables Aleth’s Bow and Arrow attack.

Aleth: This’ll show you... something about me!

Aleth dispels the spell and shoots Bowyer’s string, destroying it.

Bowyer: AUGH! Dumb you are! Bowyer can be defeated not!

Aleth: Yeah... right!

Aleth shoots Bowyer’s chest.

Bowyer: Smarter you are becoming, defeated, I am.

Bowyer falls apart and leaves behind Sleeping Poison. Aleth takes the poison and falls into a room where
Psyche is being squished.

Aleth: Psyche!

Psyche: Aleth! Focus your magic on the walls!

Aleth: Got it!

Aleth blows the walls up and escapes with Psyche. Smithy summons Mack and drops him into the room that Peach is about to enter.

Peach enters the room and runs into Mack.

Mack: You don’t look so tough! You couldn’t have done much against Exor.

Peach: Never underestimate your opponents!

Peach makes Mack fall asleep by using Lamb’s Lure. Then she pulverizes Mack with her Slap Glove. Mack falls to the ground and gives up an Energy Blade. Peach gets warped to where Aleth and Psyche are waiting. Psyche steps on another white tile and a life-size solid hologram of Bob-omb Battlefield appears. Smithy slips in and summons the Bob-omb King just before leaving.

The Bob-omb King traps the other warriors. Everyone runs under King Bob-omb and pick him up

King Bob-omb: What?!

Everyone tosses King Bob-omb onto the ground

King Bob-omb: ARGH!

Lemmy jumps onto King Bob-omb and allows Wendy to use an aquatic blast on him

King Bob-omb: That’s it, you’re DEAD MEAT!

Kamek uses his Wand to lift King Bob-omb and drop him, making him explode. An item parcel lands in front of Ludwig. Aleth unwraps it and finds a small bag full of Blast Powder.

All of the warriors reach the outside, where a Podoboo appears from a nearby lava pool and tries to melt Psyche.

Aleth: Not again! Wendy, get him!

Wendy washes up the Podoboo using her Wand. Lemmy runs up to the Podoboo and launches an ice beam at it, weakening it.

Bowser: I'll get him. CRUSHER!!!

An oversized Mechakoopa lands on the Podoboo, destroying it.

Ludwig: I suggest that this party gets about three to four hours of sleep, or we will never complete our goal.

Lemmy: Ludwig says that we should get three or four hours of sleep or we'll never stop Smithy.

Kamek: Good idea.

Everyone falls asleep, prepared for another adventure tomorrow.

Read on!

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