Yoshi's Story 2: The Tale of Friendship

By Misty Koopa

My first Mario story, yay! I invented it around the time when Yoshi's Story came out. So I made this story about Yoshi's kids going off on an adventure and running into... well, you'll see. First though I must describe them slightly. There are nine kids. They're all the colors of the other Yoshis in Yoshi's Story, except for one who is purple. Here are their colors and names and boy or girl before we get started.

Magic: green, male
Bow: pink, female
Ashley: black, female
Snowball: white, female
FireballL red, male
Mist: light blue, female
George: blue, male
Sunny: yellow, female
Karen: purple, female

Now you can picture them all in your minds sorta. Now let's get going!



Nine little Yoshis were awake one night, too excited to sleep after hearing the story of how their very own dad and mom and their aunts and uncles saved all of Yoshi's Island. They all were gathered around in a circle on the floor talking.

Sunny: That must've been so much fun, saving all the other Yoshis and the Super Happy Tree.

Fireball: Yeah... and so many fights...

George: And fruit! Yummy yummy!

Bow: Ohh George, is that all you can think of?

George: No, I can think of other stuff.

Mist: (mumbling) Sure...

Snowball: Shhh. Dad'll hear us.

Ashley: We could get into trouble.

Magic: Big trouble.

Karen: Hey... didn't Dad say that Bowser is just as strong as he was back then?

Sunny: Sure, lots of times.

Karen: And didn't he recently capture the princess?

Magic: Yeah...

Karen: Then let's show him a thing or two like our whole family did and save the princess!

Fireball: Yeah!!!

George: Let's do it. There'll be a lot of fruit so we won't go hungry.

Snowball: And Poochy can help us find fruit. Along with our noses!

Karen: Then let's do it!

And so the young Yoshis left in the middle of the night, without Poochy as he refused to wake up. So they crept out the front door of their house and walked into the night in the direction of what they thought was the other side of the island. When the sun began to rise they found themselves on top of a hill, looking down on a valley. There were Shy Guys, Pak E. Derms, and fruit, along with a tower. In the distance was a large entrance to a cave and beyond that were giant mountains.

Sunny: This must be it! 'We were on a hill over looking a valley. We saw all sorts of sites and started our journey here.'

Fireball: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!

They began their journey where their family had before, through a small wood and then on a beach, over lifts and through a small tower. Along the way they ate melons and gathered all the other kinds of fruit. Occasionally they got heart fruit and became super happy. Finally they reached the cave and went in through the entrance. They went a ways and  stopped.

Ashley: This must definitely be the caves Dad told us about. 'We then entered  a very creepy cave. Bone Dragons inhabited the entrance while in the lava Blarggs lived and jumped out of the lava. Then there were two mazes of pipes. The first system had a lot of jelly and Slugs and the second system had a ton of water.'

George: *whimper*

Snowball: Well we can't turn back now.

Ashley: Yeah. Let's continue.

Karen: And don't forget to use our noses.

Magic: Yeah.

They went through the caves then. Very bravely, with no trace, of fear they defeated all the Bone Dragons, Blarggs, and Slugs. When they reached the other end they found themselves looking up at the tall mountains. They saw many clouds leading to a very tall tower which seemed like the only way to the mountains.

Snowball: Definitely the mountains. 'We looked at the mountains with awe. It was only then when Sparks mentioned that the tower was the only way to the top of the mountains and the clouds leading up a bit to the tower were the only to get to the tower. We continued once more. This time though we met different enemies, such as Ravens. We also met dragons that were good and helped us across places we couldn't get across ourselves.'

Karen: That's a long ways up...

Mist: Uncle Sparks is right though. It seems to be the only way up since climbing up by hand is impossible-looking after 100 feet.

Bow: No time to lose though. We gotta do this!

And so they hopped from cloud to cloud. Every so often they would meet those dragons and snakes that helped them up. And right when the reached the top of  the clouds...

Cloud 'n' Candy (Huff 'n' Puff's sis): Ohhh, and who have we here? Yoshi, Yosha, Sparks, Sky, Aqua, Ash, Snowflake, Spitfire, and another punk for a rematch?

Karen: No, we are not our mom or dad or aunts or uncles for a rematch. I'm  Karen and these are Magic, Fireball, Snowball, Ashley, Mist, George, Bow, and  Sunny.

Cloud 'n' Candy: Well you can't stop me even if I'm made of sugar and fluff.

Everyone: Sugar and fluff?!

All began to slurp up Cloud 'n' Candy until she was defeated to nothing.

Karen: Look, now we can go and climb the tower and then the mountains.

The began to use springs and climbed the tower. They leaf-surfed a bit and became good too. At the top a ghost appeared.

Inviso: Well well well... a challenge.

Fireball: Not.

Inviso: We'll see who's laughing when I win.

The Yoshis used their eggs when they thought they saw Inviso. Finally he was  defeated.

Fireball: Yeah, we're getting good!

Magic: Look! Across the water, I see Bowser's Castle!

Bow: Yeah!

They took a small leap and trudged across the mountains. But now there was snow and it was very cold. They moved very very slowly. Finally they were stopped on  one peak by an evil genie.

Cloudjin: Ah, so you have trespassed onto my mountains.

Sunny: These aren't your mountains!

Cloudjin: We'll just see about that. And how good you stand up against my firepower.

They hopped around and dodge the spiked balls and occasionally threw eggs. Cloudjin was defeated.

Snowball: Well all we gotta do now is cross that mountain and defeat who else is here.

Using wooden barrel things they easily crossed the area between them and the other mountain. On the other mountain they entered a pipe and found themselves in a room with another pipe at the other side leading outside to the other side of the mountain.

Don Bongo: Ah, so finally I get a challenge. Let me say this, don't touch my lips of blubber with your eggs!

The Yoshis looked at each other and threw their eggs at Don Bongo's lips and defeated him. The crawled through that pipe and found themselves on a not-so-steep slope. It looked like it would take 15 minutes to sled down and 10 to climb back up. On the base of the mountain and on that half of the island was a thick jungle. They sled down to the jungle.

Magic: 'The jungle was creepy. Piranha Plants, Spikes, and Evil Cheep Ccheeps. The Neurons were helpful and friendly though.'

George: We've come too far to turn back now.

They first jumped into a hut and got the fruit before the Spikes could stop them and left. Then they swam across the lake, passing mean Cheep Cheeps, to the Piranha Plant Grove and crossed that to the Neurons' part of the jungle. The hopped from Neuron to Neuron and made it to a beach. The ocean stretched across in front of them.

Mist: It's huge! 'The ocean was so big and scary I have no idea how the heck we crossed.'

Neuron: True, it's big, and scary, very scary, but it's a very short way to Bowser's Castle.

Everyone: It is?!

Neuron: Yep. But you'll have an easier way than on mainland. Mario and Luigi aren't even at the castle yet, close but not close enough.

Karen: What are we waiting for?! Let's go!

They all jumped into the ocean and swam down.

Neuron: Wait! A hurricane's coming! There's no way you'll make it all the way there, beat Bowser and save Peach, swim back, and make it to the other side of the island where you live!

They did not hear the Neuron's warning. They swam down to the ocean floor and dodged fish. They went to an island and felt so happy that the sun is out and shining and they sang. Limbo Shy Guys came out and they all danced before swimming to a beach and dodging Pirate Shy Guys' bombs. They made it to Bowser's Castle.

Fireball: Woah, it's huge...

George: How are we gonna find him?

A nearby bush rustled.

Karen: W-who's there?

Seven figures stepped out. The two parties looked at each other for a split second and screamed.

Karen: Who are you guys?

?????: Who are you guys?

Karen: I'm Karen and these are my siblings Sunny, George, Mist, Bow, Ashley, Snowball, Fireball, and Magic.

?????: I'm Larry and these are my siblings Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig.

Wendy: Why, exactly, are you guys here?

Sunny: We're gonna save Princess Peach Toadstool.

Ludwig: Hey... our dad wouldn't let us help him so... we're gonna help you!

Fireball: Really?

Roy: Sure. Besides, you need our help to get through.

They first crossed the huge lava moat and entered a cave full of Boos. They went in through a door and entered the actual castle, dodging swords and saws. Then they trekked through a tower and burst into Bowser's lair.

Bowser: Ah Mario, you finally ma- Hey! You're not Mario! You're just some dumb stupid Yoshis! Eh? WHAT ARE YOU KOOPALINGS DOING HELPING OUT THE ENEMY?!

Iggy: You wouldn't let us help you so-

Lemmy: We decided to help them!

Please note, the Koopalings are sorta the same age as the Yoshis so they didn't know better yet.

Bowser: Fine, but you can't win.

The Koopalings used their fire power and the Yoshis used their eggs. Finally Bowser was beaten and collapsed, dropping a key. They went and opened Peach's cage. Just then Mario and Luigi came. The kids ran off  quickly to the outside of the castle.

Ludwig: You gotta leave now. A hurricane is coming.

Bow: Where?

Roy: Here.

Fireball: Hey, do you wanna come with us and stay for a while until the hurricane is gone?

Morton: Of course! It'd be great stupendous awesome tubular wicked wonderful grateful nice-

Roy: Can it! Sure we'll come with.

Sadly those young ones made a mistake as a pipe leading to Yoshi's Island was inside and Mario and Luigi and Peach put a use to it. The kids didn't know about it so they jumped into the sea, which was rough, and headed straight for an island the hurricane was heading toward. They reached shore quickly and ran through the jungle, using the Neurons' help, and climbed up the mountains and trekked over and climbed down (sorta). They entered the pipe and crawled through it and the cave. Meanwhile, in a hurricane shelter...

Mario: Don't be sad you guys. It was them who saved Peach so maybe they're still safe.

Yoshi: But still they're so young they can get hurt easily...

Right then and there all of Yoshi's brothers and sisters were there, claming down him and his wife, who were hysterical. Meanwhile, where the Koopalings and Yoshi's were...

Mist: I can't believe it! It hit here!

Ashley: But we gotta try and make it.

Ludwig: Certainly it's a lot smarter than trying to stay in that cave. We'll be blown out!

The wind was blowing in the way they were heading so they moved fast. Soon Yoshi City was in view. But right at that moment...


George: ME TOO!!!

Indeed they were all flying around and then were going around the shelter, all night long. By morning thankfully it was over and the whole Yoshi family followed by Mario, Luigi, and Peach stepped out and saw... all the kids in a tree holding on and waking up!

Karen: Hey... we stopped.

Larry: We did?

Yosha: Karen, Sunny, Magic, Ashley, Snowball, Mist, George, Fireball?

The Yoshis looked down and saw their parents and aunts and uncles.

Yoshis: Mom, Dad!

They all climbed down and the Yoshis had one big ol' family reunion. The Koopalings stood over by the tree watching them. When all quieted down the Yoshis approached them.

Bow: Hey, you know if it weren't for you guys we wouldn't have succeeded.

Wendy: We gotta give you some credit too.

Karen: Hey... no matter what let's all be great friends forever.

Iggy: Yeah that-

Lemmy: Sounds great!

They all shook on it when a voice speaks, an old one.

???????: You certainly will make great friends and adventures.

They all looked. Seven stars were floating near them. The oldest one had a wand-like thing in his hand.

???????: You deserve this like your parents did...

He chanted something and a book appeared.

Karen: But who are you?

???????: You will find out in good time.

The stars all floated away and disappeared. The title of the book is "The Tale of Friendship". It opens and the story begins (imagine like the end of the game).

Nine Yoshi's talked in bed awake. They decided to save Peach while talking and set off to save her. *page turn* They arrived where their family has begun and began there too. They worked just as hard and had hope for everyone. *page turn* They moved through the cave and lava sea and pipes with no fear in them. Just hope. Their future looked very very bright. *page turn* They met up with the large mountains in awe before climbing through them, not letting anyone stand in their way, not even cold. *page turn* The jungle was dangerous. Many times they seemed doomed but they pressed on. Still they felt lucky and still where hopeful. *page turn* The ocean was beautiful and fun. They had a great time swimming and dancing. Never did they feel they couldn't do it. *page turn* They met up with the castle and the children of Bowser.  They didn't care, they made friends with them. And they each helped beat Bowser and saved the princess. *page turn* The hurricane hit as they were trekking back home and they were blown around for most of the night but they were A-ok. *page turn* Everyone was glad they made it and they were greatly thanked for saving Peach. They were so happy they all danced around her. And they were all friends after that, even though the Koopalings were bad quite a few times. The end.

The book closes by itself and lies there as the friends really do dance around Peach.

The End

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