Survivor 3

By Crazy Packers Fan

Day 22

Panser Pack

Simon, Interviewer: Now that we know our chances of winning are gone, we might as well think of something to do until we're all gone. How about eating? That looks like a nice vegetable!

Panser: Get away from me! You're only the third player who's tried to eat me today! I'm sick of this torture!

Lord Seth: Super Mario Advance 2 IS better than Super Mario Advance, you know.

Panser: No it's not, and if you don't shut up, I'll vote you off personally!

Videogamerpat: Look, the best of you stupid SURF losers is that Bob-omb, who isn't stupid and isn't a loser, but the rest of you are!

Panser: I'll remind SURF to destroy you as soon as my time here is up.

Rachelle, Co-Webmaster: Why do I have the feeling that it's going to take three weeks for anything actually
worthwhile to happen?

Panser: SURF will soon rule the Mushroom Kingdom and Sub-con! Ha ha ha!

Vapor: Hey, Panser, I have an idea. Go run out the door and find a bunch of Fry Guys to play around with!

Panser: Fine, I will, and you'll regret it!

Panser goes out the door.

Vapor: What the? He actually listened!

Rachelle, Co-Webmaster: I take that back. It was only about three minutes!

Lemmy: Where are we going to get food now that Panser left? Next time, ask for him to bring us back some
food while he's at it.

Vapor: At least we don't have to listen to him anymore.

Arim: Why do I have the feeling we haven't seen the last of him?

Guest256: We haven't. You know he won't go to the Fry Guys.

Koshi: I've had it with this. I'm going outside and actually getting us some sort of food.

Koshi goes out the door.

Simon: Hey, what's that sound?

Everyone is silent.

Simon: I can almost swear I hear Fry Guy saying "I'm too hot to touch!".

Rachelle: That's Lord Seth's Game Boy Advance. Remember last night when he teleported to go get it?

Guest256: It was hard for me to block the camera for long enough, but it was worth the snack he brought
back with him.

Lord Seth: Well, I stole this one off Crazy Packers Fan, actually... Wait a minute, I'm not playing Super Mario Advance. I'm playing-


Koshi: Uh oh!

A dozen giant Fry Guys rush right into the house all the rest are staying in, which gets set on fire easily. The eight players rush out the door, finding Koshi standing there.

Lemmy: Why didn't you tell us they were coming here?

Koshi: They came too fast!

Rachelle: Don't look now, but I think Panser's leading them after us!

Koshi: We'd better run, then, because they're super-fast!

The Panser Pack starts to take off.

Lord Seth: Great, I dropped my Game Boy Advance!

Vapor: There's no time to get it now!

Lord Seth: I'll be right back!

Lord Seth quickly teleports back to the completely destroyed house, finding no trace of his Game Boy
Advance, until...

Lord Seth: Oh no, not you...

Panser: I have your video game now, and you're not getting it back!

Lord Seth: I'll get it back or...


Lord Seth: Where did he go? I'd better teleport back to the others.

As Lord Seth teleports back to where the rest of Panser Pack was, he finds no trace of them. That's because the rest of Panser Pack had taken a side route into an exhibit on Beezos. And I mean INTO the exhibit.

Arim: Do you think that the fact that Lord Seth is getting so much air time, he'll get voted off?

Guest256: I don't know. I mean, we don't have any control over the votes.

Lemmy: Don't tell me that big Beezo is about to try to stab us all at once.

Koshi: Am I supposed to tell you or not tell you?

Rachelle: Too late!

The big Beezo and a bunch of other Beezos are able to get each and every member of Panser Pack stuck on the end of their pitchforks, even Lord Seth, who just so happened to walk into the path of one of the Beezos. The big Beezos, of course, bring the players right to Crazy Packers Fan and the reward challenge.

Reward Challenge

Crazy Packers Fan: Welcome to reward challenge number... well, I forget by now, but-

Guest256: Number six?

Crazy Packers Fan: Close enough. I know that everyone here is starving, well, maybe not everyone, and maybe some people are just hungry and not starving, and maybe some others are-

Lemmy: Come on and tell us the reward, Morton!

Crazy Packers Fan: I'll take that as a compliment. Anyway, you'll be playing for food. As much food as you want, whatever food you want, and you'll even be allowed to share some with your fellow players, maybe to win some brownie points or something.

Lord Seth: And the challenge is?

Crazy Packers Fan: Oh, very simple. Just get across your broken bridge faster than anyone else does. These bridges are from this cliff to that cliff, as you can see, with a long drop below. If you fall, you end up
in that nice pile of Porcupos and Pokeys below, which the Koopalings prepared so nicely. I think they
deserve a hand, or maybe even a tip, for that.

Guest256: Oh, joy.

Crazy Packers Fan: I expected more excitement than that from you all, but that's okay. Ready, set, go!

No one moves.

Crazy Packers Fan: Well?

Simon: We refuse to go until you say it the Survivor way!

Crazy Packers Fan: You don't know how embarrassing for me that is!

Vapor: If not, you'll be sitting here for a while.

Crazy Packers Fan: Arrrrgh, okay. Survivors ready, go. Yippee.

The players rush across the bridges, not realizing that each and every one of the bridges is made to be too flimsy for one to get past the midway point. They naturally all collapse at once, sending all plummeting down to the prickly pit below.

Crazy Packers Fan: Roy, you did a great job with those bridges.

Roy: You're welcome. Should I now go start rigging the immunity challenge?

Crazy Packers Fan: Yeah, but make sure the traps are completely foolproof.

Roy: Okay, right away!

Crazy Packers Fan walks over to the edge of the cliff.

Crazy Packers Fan: How is everyone?

Arim: We'll get you for this!

Rachelle: That was mean!

Crazy Packers Fan: Blame it on Roy! That was his idea!

While the others complain, Lord Seth grabs a rope of one of the bridges. He starts climbing up the cliff, and he eventually reaches the top.

Crazy Packers Fan: Lord Seth wins the reward challenge! What would you like to eat?

Lord Seth: Oh, I don't need to eat anything!

Crazy Packers Fan: Then no soup for you, or any of your teammates!

Videogamerpat: BOO!!!

Lemmy: Great, another wasted reward challenge!

Crazy Packers Fan: The Koopalings will provide some Arrow Lifts for you to use in just a few minutes.

A half-hour later...

Koshi: Get him!

The other eight Panser Pack members chase after Lord Seth, who is somehow able to teleport away from them. After they cool off a little bit, he rejoins them without much violence.

Crazy Packers Fan: By the way, tomorrow I'm visiting your house, and if it's all in great shape I'll give some food, but if that house is damaged at all I'll be angry, because that was the last remaining original Sub-con Park building.

Vapor: Oh no!

Crazy Packers Fan: Why the "oh no"-ing?

Simon: No reason! We'll be on our way now!

An hour later, at the wrecked, burnt, and destroyed wreckage of the house...

Vapor: How do you intend to fix this thing?

Simon: Simple. Just get a whole bunch of bushes and cover the whole thing up.

Guest256: Oh, yeah, like that's going to fix it!

Simon: When Mr. Packers comes, we just tell him that we wanted to make our house look more jungle-like.

Lemmy: That won't work!

Simon: Well, I'll try it!

Koshi: Go ahead, but you won't get our help! While you mess around here, we'll be looking for a place to

Lord Seth: Should I mention to you that the Fry Guys are coming this way?

Arim: We can never escape trouble!

Panser: There they are! Get them, now!

The Fry Guys spit fireballs at the eight other Panser Pack members besides Simon, who just continues on piling up bushes on the wreckage.

Rachelle, Co-Webmaster: I'm starting to hope this will end soon... I don't like this constant running and stuff.

Eventually, Panser gets tired of trying to follow the Panser Pack and stops.

Panser: You can stop now. I think I'm going to try this game... Super Mario Advance 2. Let's see what all the buzz is about...

Meanwhile, Panser Pack has stopped running.

Lemmy: I think we've lost them.

Arim: It's a good thing, as it's getting late.

Videogamerpat: Wait a minute... don't tell me this day actually seemed like normal length.

Guest256: I guess it was.

Vapor: We'll just sleep here tonight and then go find a new place tomorrow.

Lord Seth: What about Simon?

Vapor: Knowing this game, he'll meet up with us sooner or later...

Day 23


Simon: That's good enough, I think. Too bad everyone else left me.

Crazy Packers Fan walks by.

Crazy Packers Fan: I've brought some food for your Panser Pack, because I found out that Panser helped
burn down your house.

Simon: They aren't here right now, but I'll eat it for them.

Crazy Packers Fan: That's fine. I'll be seeing you!

Crazy Packers Fan walks away.

Simon: Yes!

Simon eats all the food, while laughing at the same time.


Panser: That Crazy guy was right! It's nearly impossible to work this cape thing... especially when you have leaves for hands. I hate this game already! Maybe Fry Guy wants to play this game... do you?

Fry Guy: I'm too hot- I mean, sure!

Naturally, the Game Boy Advance is burned to a crisp the instant Fry Guy is within a foot of it.

Panser: Whoops!

Panser Pack

Lemmy: So, where's our new shelter?

Vapor: Okay, okay, so maybe I can't find any place for us to stay. But I will!

Videogamerpat: Skip it. We'll be sleeping right here anyway. This is boring enough, but it's going to be even worse now.

Videogamerpat, Social Outcast: Who knows why anyone had to get Panser upset, but I can't do anything about that now.

Guest256, Spiky Rock: A time comes when you finally accept that you're stuck here on this place and it's not going to end anytime soon. That time hasn't come yet, as I keep hoping I'm going to find myself at home.

Lord Seth: So, are we just going to sit here all day? And don't give me a bunch of "yes" and "right" and stuff like that!

Rachelle: Well, that is what we're going to do, but if you don't want us to say yes, how are we supposed to
say it?

Lord Seth: Never mind, then.

Lord Seth, Interviewer Extraordinare: I don't get why we just have to sit around and wait to be voted off,
because that's inevitable now. Unfortunately, that is the general consensus around here.

Arim: Does anyone else have the feeling today's going to be completely boring instead of somewhat exciting
like yesterday?

Koshi: Yeah, it's going to be boring. There's no getting around that.

Simon comes walking over to Panser Pack.

Lemmy: Did CPF fall for the trick?

Simon: No, he knew Panser let the Fry Guys destroy it.

Vapor: I told you so.

Simon: Yep, you did!

Simon, Interviewer: Ah, the taste of victory!

Arim: Do you think Bowser will read us the poem today?

Koshi: Maybe Mr. Game & Watch.

Guest256: The Mr. Game & Watch joke has been used up already. I'd say Morton.

Rachelle: When in doubt, go with Roy.

Videogamerpat: Well, I know who...

Lemmy: Who?

Panser: Hello!

Lemmy: Oh, of course.

Panser: Here's this week's poem:

Although you've already met this guy,
He's the one on which you will try
To guide through obstacles and grab a key,
Upon reaching will give you immunity!

Rachelle: That's not very descriptive. Who are we riding on?

Panser: Someone you've met.

Guest256: Probably a Pokey, no doubt.

Lord Seth: Or maybe a Porcupo.

Simon: Maybe even a Fry Guy.

Vapor: Whoever he is, it will hurt to ride on him.

Lemmy: Goodbye!

Panser: I don't plan on leaving!

Lemmy: I said... oh, skip it. You can stay.

Panser: All right!

Arim: Why don't you give me Lord Seth's Game Boy Advance?

Panser: Oh, that? I let Fry Guy have it.

Lord Seth: Fry Guy?! Fry Guy?!

Panser: Yeah, Fry Guy.

Lord Seth: Good. I had stolen that spare one off Crazy Packers Fan.

Panser: I have a bad feeling about this.

Lord Seth: Oh, I bet he won't hate it as much as you think!

Panser: Why's that?

Lord Seth: He complains all the time about the Game Boy Advance! I'm surprised he hadn't destroyed that
already, instead of just griping about it!

Panser: Really?

Lord Seth: Yeah. In fact, I don't think he even cares that a new Mario game is going to be released on the
Game Boy Advance late this year. He's always saying that he doesn't know why he even bought a Game Boy

Panser: That's funny.

Lord Seth: It somewhat is, because the games he complains about, I like!

Panser: Actually, it's more funny because-

Lord Seth: What else is funny is that he actually plays Super Mario Advance 2 a ton, and yet everything he says about it is bad.

Panser: Well, the truth is, Crazy Packers Fan had your Game Boy Advance, because it was left with the comfort items on the ship! So, I guess you stole your own!

Lord Seth: I ought to have Roy beat on you!

Lemmy: Come on, that's not the proper way to do it.

Lord Seth: What proper way?

Lemmy: Use these vegetables! Pansers hate them more!

Panser: Wait a minute, I can explain, hold on...

Panser runs away, with vegetables being thrown by all the players except for Rachelle and Guest256, who don't want to touch them.

Guest256: I hope that's the last we see of him.

Rachelle: I'm awfully sick of him too.

Lord Seth: There goes my Game Boy Advance!

Lemmy: Don't worry, we can do the same thing tonight. Just go and teleport to wherever and find a Game Boy Advance, then come back here.

Lord Seth: Maybe Crazy Packers Fan has his own with him...

7 hours later...

Guest256: I'm blocking the camera, while Rachelle spits eggs at the cameraman. Now go do whatever, but
if you don't bring any food back, you're being voted off!

Lord Seth: No problem!

Lord Seth teleports to Crazy Packers Fan's camp, where the other Koopalings are.

Crazy Packers Fan: I'm sorry about losing your Game Boy Advance, Larry. I could have sworn Lord Seth stole
it off me two nights ago, but I thought it was a bad dream.

Lord Seth: (So that wasn't mine after all! Panser's a liar.)

Crazy Packers Fan: I never know, though, because he uses some invisible-teleportation thing that is supposedly illegal, but if it's not for a challenge or game I can't do a thing about it. Still, you can use his Game Boy Advance instead.

Larry: Okay.

Lord Seth grabs the Game Boy Advance off Larry, then grabs a bag of popcorn off Roy, then teleports away.

Larry: I think it happened again...

Roy: Where's my popcorn?

Crazy Packers Fan: It must be your imagination.

Larry: What imagination? Look, I was hitting the A button when it just disappeared.

A clock alarm goes off.

Day 24

Koopalings' Camp

Crazy Packers Fan: That's it! It's midnight! It's time to go to sleep, so we can get up early to get that challenge ready!

Roy: My popcorn!

Panser Pack

Lord Seth comes back to see Stupid Cameraman fighting with Guest256 and Rachelle. He doesn't see a ton of giant Ninjis all scratching and clawing at the other players as well.

Videogamerpat: Did you get your stupid game system?

Lord Seth: Yes! And this one's mine, not like Panser-

Videogamerpat: Then give us a hand!

Lord Seth joins the others in trying to fend off the giant Ninjis, who won't stop their bickering. After two hours of endless fighting, the Panser Pack is able to get away from the Ninjis, but not away from a yelling and screaming Stupid Cameraman.

Koshi: What's wrong with that guy?

Stupid Cameraman: I'll get you yet! All of you!

The tired players rush by the sleeping Panser and his Fry Guy friends. And, naturally, Lord Seth drops his
Game Boy Advance into Panser's lap... well, he doesn't have a lap, but you should understand what I mean.

Panser: What's this? The Game Boy Advance must have survived that anyway. Hey, here it is! It's not ruined!

Lord Seth: What was that?

Videogamerpat: Just keep running! That guy's carrying a big Bob-omb!

Lord Seth: You like Bob-ombs, go talk the Bob-omb out of exploding!

Panser runs up and gives Lord Seth his Game Boy Advance back.

Panser: It didn't get ruined! See! Look!

Lord Seth: Thanks, but I have mine right- oh, I guess that is mine. Thanks again.

Panser: Don't beat me up for this!

Meanwhile, Videogamerpat tries talking to the Bob-omb, but the Bob-omb can't hear anything over the loud,
messed-up noises the Stupid Cameraman is making.

Videogamerpat: Hey, Bob-omb! Don't blow up! You'll kill us all! Oh, it's no use!

Stupid Cameraman lights a match.

Stupid Cameraman: This will blast you ALL off this island!

Videogamerpat: Wait, Bob, don't do it-


The explosion sends all of the players flying... right to the Koopalings' camp.

Roy: Hello, Lemmy?

Crazy Packers Fan: What is this?

Guest256: I can explain...

Larry: The Game Boy Advance!

Roy: He did steal our stuff! Where's my popcorn?

Arim: We got... oh, it's too long of a story to tell.

Ten hours later...

Crazy Packers Fan: You nine are just doing this on purpose! You get a nice place to sleep just because you got into a fight with Stupid Cameraman!

Videogamerpat: It's not my fault... oh, what do I know.

Crazy Packers Fan: Now, after cheating, you'd better be able to make this a good immuntiy challenge, with
lots of emotion! I definitely don't want a predictable immunity contest where everyone can take one look at
the screen and see who the winner is without looking any further!

Arim: Oh, trust me, I'd never do that!

Crazy Packers Fan: I hope not! It happened back on Day 3, and I'm determined that it won't happen again!

Lemmy: Okay, okay, just get going!

Crazy Packers Fan: The Koopalings will finish building the immunity challenge, then we'll have it.

Five hours later...

Immunity Challenge

Crazy Packers Fan: Welcome to the immunity challenge! First, I'll have the immunity game back from Lord Seth... oh, yeah, you gave it back after the Mass Massacre. Well, NCAA Football 2003 is the immunity game of the week, again. This week's challenge involves you getting on the backs off Beezos, then riding them through this obstacle course of many Sub-con creatures. If you make it to the end first, you win. Yippee.

Lemmy: No Porcupos, Fry Guys, or Pokeys. What a surprise, really.

Crazy Packers Fan: Survivors ready, go.

The players jump on their big Beezos and start trying to guide them through the obstacles. None of the
Beezos really pay attention to who's on their backs, however, and they simply fly around as they please.

Vapor: Any way of controlling these-


Vapor: -Beezos. Oh, is that tree in a bad position.

While the rest of the players are flying around in circles, so it seems, or right into Tweeters and Shy
Guys, Arim's Beezo is flying right towards the finish line.

Lemmy: Oh, of course someone else gets lucky! Oh no...


Lemmy: That Fry Guy seemed a little hotter than normal.

Meanwhile, Arim and his Beezo cross the finish line.

Crazy Packers Fan: Arim wins immunity!

Arim: Yahoo! I-


Arim: -won. That blast of fire from that Autobomb wasn't a nice way for this to end.

Crazy Packers Fan: I'll see you all back at Mass Massacre tonight at... well, I guess back at the Koopalings' camp.

The players, of course, are still on the backs of their respective Beezos, holding on to them, due to the fact that they are going too fast to get off safely. Within two hours, all are off and have started on their way to Mass Massacre, while Arim has taken his immunity game.

Panser Pack

Lemmy, Clown Prince: It's good to see you back to being stupid and not mad.

Stupid Cameraman: Yeah, that Bob-omb blast knocked my senses back into me.

Panser: Hello, everybody!

Everybody: Not you again!

Panser (throwing out a potion): It's time to enter the Mass Massacre! Ha ha ha ha... oh, what's so funny or

Mass Massacre

Crazy Packers Fan: It's a good thing you players left your Bob-ombs with me last time, or they would have
most certainly been lost in the past three days. Speaking of them, how have things been lately here?

Lemmy: Hot.

Videogamerpat: Tiring.

Rachelle: Annoying.

Crazy Packers Fan: So, have Panser's antics got you upset?

Lord Seth: I don't understand him. He starts off mad at me, then turns out to be pretty nice.

Vapor: You're crazy enough. Panser's too much for me!

Crazy Packers Fan: Beezos have been a recent Sub-con species that refuses to go away the past three days. Are they making you mad, or not bothering you?

Guest256: Of course they're bothering us, but I'm not mad over it.

Crazy Packers Fan: Arim, does immunity mean anything to you, since your alliance is obviously in no sign of

Arim: It means that none of the former Troopas have immunity, and we can vote off who we want to.

Crazy Packers Fan: Are any of you hungry?

Koshi: Of course we are!

Simon: Not me, after that feast I had.

All other Panser Pack members: Feast?!

Simon: Oops...

Crazy Packers Fan: It's time to vote! I forget what I'm supposed to say now... oh, just go vote!

No music plays this week.

Arim goes to vote.

Arim, Goomba-Hater: I vote for Lord Seth. I won immunity just so that I could get him. With him outta the way, getting immunity will be so much easier.

Guest256 goes to vote.

Koshi goes to vote.

Koshi, Fruit Freak: My vote is for Lord Seth, because I'm getting really ticked about everyone putting Sonic
characters in their submissions/comics/etc., and I'm venting my frustration by voting him out.

Crazy Packers Fan: I concur.

Koshi, Fruit Freak: You're not supposed to respond!

Lemmy goes to vote.

Lemmy, Clown Prince: Checkmate.

Lord Seth goes to vote.

Lord Seth, Interviewer Extraordinare: Although it hardly makes any difference on who I vote for, and also
that there's a 99.99999999999999999999-

Stupid Cameraman: Get to the point!

Lord Seth, Interviewer Extraordinare: -percent chance that I'll be voted off, I have to vote for someone, and forfeiting my votes doesn't sound good. Anyway, he seems the most influential member of Koopa Mass, and
at least this might help in tiebreakers. Still, it doesn't really matter, but hey, I have to vote for SOMEONE.

Rachelle goes to vote.

Rachelle: My vote is for Lord Seth. Biggest threat = Survivor 3's next cast-off.

Simon goes to vote.

Vapor goes to vote.

Videogamerpat goes to vote.

Crazy Packers Fan: I'll go tally the votes.

Crazy Packers Fan slips and falls seven times on his way to the votes, and another eight times on the way back, but he is very disappointed.

Crazy Packers Fan: That's two falls shy of the record! I've got to work on that!

All of the players just stare at him.

Crazy Packers Fan: Oh, the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the one voted off will be asked to hand me his or her Bob-omb and jump in the jar immediately. The first vote: Lemmy.

Lemmy: Move on, move on.

Crazy Packers Fan: Lemmy.

Lemmy: I know, stop making it dramatic!

Crazy Packers Fan: Lemmy.

Lemmy: Now, the deciding vote.

Crazy Packers Fan: Lord Seth.

Lord Seth: I knew it!

Crazy Packers Fan: Lord Seth, Lord Seth, Lord Seth, Lord Seth, Lord Seth, you get the picture. Please hand
me your Bob-omb.

Lord Seth: Sure.

Crazy Packers Fan: Lord Seth, the mass has spoken.


Crazy Packers Fan: Jump in the jar, Lord Seth.

Lord Seth: I refuse to do that.

Crazy Packers Fan: If you don't leave, you forfeit your winnings!

Lord Seth teleports to the Interview Room.

Crazy Packers Fan: I keep forgetting he can do that... you can leave now.

In the Interview Room...

Lord Seth, Interviewer Extraordinare: Well, it looks like I've lost. I'm not bearing any grudges (at least not
any permanent grudges), because after all, all those people did was what I was planning to do to them. I'm not going to go all haywire like Misty Koopa. Still, I think I would've won if the masses were more even! Look at the facts: There were two "no-namers" on our mass (or three, depending on how you define "no-namer" that is, whether a "no-namer" is a non-Super Koopa or just someone who hasn't submitted anything), and only one on the other. There's only one person who has 100+ votes on our mass (me), and three on the
other mass (Rachelle, VideoGamerPat, and Guest256). Plus, I'm pretty much the only regular contributor on my mass, and the other mass has a lot of regular contributors! If only they were a little more even at the start... In any case, as I said, no hard feelings (or almost no hard feelings), and I hope that the person who wins ends up deserving it! What am I forgetting? Oh, yeah. I think the reason I was voted off was because everyone regarded me as too much of a threat. People are afraid of me! I've always wanted that! Okay, I still lost, but at least I know people fear, er, FEARED me. My guess is that Lemmy will end up winning, or at least getting into the final two. He has a killer strategy going on. He didn't get voted off before the merge
because of the fact he's part of an alliance. When his alliance votes everyone else off, they'll start voting
for each other. However, since he usually doesn't submit much, he won't be so much of a threat and people won't vote for him, so he'll last a while. Well, that's what I think his strategy is, anyway. At least I'll get on the Jury. You know, in laws, Juries always have to be unanimous, so this is a little different than... oh, never mind. Well, now I'll have more time to play Escape Velocity: Override. Strangely enough, that game (which is the sequel to Escape Velocity) is, at least in my opinion, better than Escape Velocity: Nova, which is the sequel to Escape Velocity: Override. In short, the reason I lost was because one, the masses weren't even, two, I obviously didn't strategize enough, and three,people were afraid of me getting immunity again. Why
couldn't I be on the other mass and be part of their big effective alliance? Well, soon their alliance will dissolve because they'll have voted everyone else off. Then I'll have some fun seeing them start to vote each other off, one by one. Arim will probably be voted off soon because he's winning immunity so much, and people will constitute him as a threat, just like they did for me. Like I said before, a lot of the fun was lost because of these giant alliances. It was just a "Koopa Mass vs. Troopa Mass", really. Why didn't Crazy Packers Fan switch some of the people from one mass to the other? I'm pretty sure he said he would, and if he did, it would have made it a lot more interesting. Maybe he just forgot. Okay, enough with my Morton

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