Morton’s Story

By LizardKing

Artwork by Fried Rooster

It was a warm day in Dark Land. Morton was lying in his bed listening to the silence of the castle. It was an unusually quiet morning, but Morton didn’t notice. He checked his alarm clock, which read 11:27 AM. Morton felt hungry so he went down to the kitchen to eat his daily cereal. He didn’t meet anyone on the way down and the castle was awful silent. “Mom!” he said, a little nervous. “Dad! Anybody here? Dad’s probably in a meeting, and the others are probably at school or something, but where’s Mom?" She’s always in the kitchen, he thought to himself while eating his cereal.

Suddenly he heard a loud noise from downstairs. It sounded like someone running too fast and crashing into a closet. Then he heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen. The footsteps stopped for a while and then someone jumped through the kitchen door. “Tadaaa!” said a voice that sounded just like Morton himself. The voice belonged to a yellow character with the same body build as Morton and a pair of purple sunglasses.

“Who are you? What are you doing here? What have you done with my family?” Morton demanded, rather surprised. “How did you get in here?”

“Why, I used the front door,” the person said. “Do you have any cheese?"

“Tell me who you are and what you are doing here first,” Morton ordered, trying to sound like Roy and hoping that he could scare him away.

“I’m here because..." He thought hard for a while. “I’m going to help you capture the princess so we can rule the world!”

“Rule the world?” Morton asked.

“Yeah, c’mon, it’ll be fun,” the cheese-loving creature said. “Where’s your doomship?”

“It’s right outside,” Morton replied.

Once outside the yellow person exclaimed, “Wow! You really have your own doomship! It’s huge!”

“Just hop on board, whatever your name is,” Morton said while climbing onboard.

“I don’t think I have any name, you can just call me Cheeseman,” the yellow figure said. “Do you live in that big castle on your own?”

“No,” Morton replied. “I live with my family, but they’re all gone now, and I don’t like it, it makes me feel scared and alone, neglected, rejected, and they have probably left me alone here because no one really likes me because I talk so much and because they think that I’m just annoying, but I’m really not you see, sometimes I don’t like my family but now I suddenly know I do because they’re gone and I don’t want to rule the world alone if I don’t have my family, we must find my family so I can be happy and so they too can help us rule the world.

“And oh look we’re already at my country, this is Desert Land, I hope you like heat and sand because that’s almost all there is here but we have a lot of oil too so we are very rich because of that. This is the best country to live in because we always have nice, sunny, hot, warm weather and I like that because it makes me feel happy, I don’t know why, but for some reason it does, but now I want to find my family, you don’t know my family, I will now tell you about my family.

“My father is the King of Dark Land, the all-mighty, great ruler King Bowser, and my mother is Clawdia, she likes to be in the kitchen baking food and especially wedding cake… Yum, wedding cake.”

Morton became quiet for a little while.

“Is that your family? Don’t you have any brothers and sisters?” Cheeseman asked.

“Sure,” Morton said, “I have five brothers and one sister, the youngest one is Larry, he likes plants and eats only yucky vegetables but he is really good with plants.

"Then there is me, I am the great, marvellous, superb, magnificent, Kooptacular Morton Koopa Jr., ruler of the hot, boiling, scorching, sandy, great Desert Land and Royal Son of the all-powerful omnipotent King Bowser Koopa, ruler of all of the Mushroom Kingdom, including all that I can see and all that you can see and all that we can’t see.

“And then we have Wendy, I don’t like Wendy, Wendy always throws tantrums and eats a lots of candy so her teeth are rotten, Larry is the only one who has seen Wendy’s teeth and he became ill for four weeks so they must be very disgusting, stinky, bad, something that I don’t want to see, ugly, eww!

“Then we have Iggy, Iggy is nice, I like Iggy, Larry says Iggy can do cool magic tricks but he never shows them to us and he hangs around with Lemmy a lot, but first there is Roy. I don’t like Roy because he is mean, he beats me, Larry and Iggy, and sometimes Wendy when she throws her tantrums but I think Wendy deserves it because her tantrums are painful and no one likes them and I need to go to the doctor to check my ears because they are constantly ringing and I don’t know why.

“And then we have Lemmy, Lemmy has a ball which he likes to ride on, but unlike Iggy Lemmy always shows off his tricks, I think it’s funny when Roy pushes Lemmy off his ball because then he can’t walk and he has to crawl around and he looks just like Iggy without glasses but I don’t like it when Roy does it too much and it is not funny anymore and I tell him to stop but then he just comes and beats me up but luckily Dad comes and throws him in the dungeon.

“I don’t like the dungeon, it is cold and lonely and Dad puts me in there too sometimes for reasons I can’t understand, and the oldest of my siblings is Ludwig and he has to go to the dungeon a lot too because he makes terrible inventions that explode, and none of this is good for my ears. He also makes terrible music but he is crazy because he likes it and he always thinks that he’s the best and sometimes he beats me up too when he’s not making inventions so I don’t like Ludwig either, and by the way where do you come from, what is your family like, and where do you live?”

“I don’t know, I don’t have any family,” Cheeseman said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

“Oh, that was sad to hear, we can adopt you, you can live with my family, but you must be careful around Roy and don’t taste any of Larry’s vegetables because they can sometimes have strange effects on you and you know-”

“Morton!” Cheeseman suddenly yelled.

“What?! Why are you yelling, I don’t-”

“Look, it’s a tornado! Turn the doomship around quickly!” Cheeseman interrupted.

“But my doomship can’t turn around quickly!” Morton yelled back.

“What?! I can’t hear you, the wind is so loud!” Cheeseman shouted.

“HEEEEEEELP!!!” Morton cried, but it was too late. The tornado sucked them in and they went round and round and round and round! “WE MUST GO INSIDE!!!” Morton shouted. “THERE IS A WARP PIPE AT THE END!!! HERE, TAKE MY HAND!!!”

But Cheeseman was gone. Morton didn’t see him anywhere so he thought he had fallen off. With his heart beating really fast up in his throat, Morton ran as fast as he could towards the warp pipe, but the wind was so strong it kept blowing him back, and back, and back, and when he finally reached the warp pipe he jumped but the wind just blew him back to where he'd started.

“Oh no, I will never make it, I will never see my family again, ever!” And then for the first time in a long while, Morton started to cry. He thought of himself being neglected as a child, and Wendy getting all the attention just because she was a girl, he thought of all the times when Iggy and Lemmy had saved him from being beat up by Roy, and he thought of all the times he had been beaten up by Roy anyway, and he thought of the time Ludwig tied him to a chair because he had made an invention that would make him stop talking, but instead it blew up in his face, leaving a big star on the left side. Morton gently touched his star.

Suddenly the tornado was gone and his doomship had landed. It was very quiet again; he had apparently landed somewhere in Giant Land because there was a lot of giant creatures surrounding him, but he couldn’t see any of them clearly and he had a terrible headache. The creatures came closer and closer, and now they started making creepy sounds too. “Morton!” one of them said. “Morton! Are you alright?”

“Don’t touch me, go away!” Morton screamed.

“Morton, it’s just me dear, are you alright?”

“Mom!” Morton cried. “Mom! Where have you been? What happened?” he gasped.

“You probably just had a nightmare, because you were screaming and making really weird noices,” Roy said, trying hard to be nice.

“We must find him! Quick, before the monsters eat him!” Morton suddenly yelled.

“Find who? What monsters?” Larry asked, looking stupid.

“Cheeseman! We must find him! He’s in Giant Land with the monsters!” Morton replied.

“Relax, Morton. It was just a dream,” Ludwig stated.

“No! He’s real, we were at my doomship and it was blowing and blowing and he fell off and there were monsters everywhere and-”

“Stop talkin’ such nonsense, it’s not real, it was just a stupid dream!” Roy said with a little anger in his voice.

“I think you need to rest, Morton,” Wendy said, looking away from her mirror.

“Yeah, you need to-" Iggy started.

“Take it easy, bro,” Lemmy finished.

“You passed out after you were hit on the head with a Thwomp," Clawdia explained.

“I was trying to keep ten Thwomps in the air using only my mind power," Iggy admitted, "when Roy punched me and I lost my concentration.”

“You happened to be walking under the Thwomps so they all hit you in the head,” Lemmy finished.

Roy, to the dungeon now!” Bowser roared.

Roy walked off to the dungeon muttering something about Iggy and Morton.

“And Morton, look what I got here,” Clawdia said while holding up a big…

“WEDDING CAKE!!!” Morton yelled, almost jumping out of the bed.

“Take it easy now, Morton,” Bowser said.

“WEDDING CAKE!!! LOOK SO PRETTY!!! Yummy! *slurp slurp* Yum! Um... this was very good, Mom! *slurp* “Thanks, Mom!”

“You’re welcome,” Clawdia said.

“Morton, eat properly or you’ll have to go to the dungeon with Roy!” Bowser roared, but Morton was so busy with the wedding cake that he didn’t notice.

The End

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