Hatching of the Shreok

By Slimer49'r

Chapter Nineteen: The Prehistoric Beast, T-Rex

Luigi screamed as the gleaming sickle was slammed into his brother's head. Mario got up. Luigi breathed a sigh of relief. Mario had tucked in his head and avoided the sweep. The skeleton-like creature rasped dryly, "Leave, or suffer the consequences."

Mario sighed. "I wish we could, but-"

"Rauughh!" The creature had slammed his sickle at them and hit the wall instead. He pulled it out and noticed the other zombies were regenerating. "Fools! Leave now!" the creature bellowed at the brothers and came with an upward swing. Mario blocked it with his sword and parried.

"Way to go bro!" Luigi shouted. "But we have another problem!" The zombies rushed foward at Luigi, swinging at him with clubs and maces. The leader rushed at Mario, going hilt to hilt with him. Mario was strong, but the skeletal beast was stronger.

Just as Mario was about to lose, his brother Luigi grabbed a mace and split the creature in half. Mario thanked his brother gratefully and they turned to face the other zombies, who rushed them with great speed. The two brothers were beating the zombies left and right until finally they were all scattered on the floor.

"Okay, let's get out through that door," Mario said.

The Brothers went inside it and gasped in wonder and horror. There was a giant bottomless pit in between the two sides of the room and a grappling hook attached to a pulley leading to the other side of the humongous room. Luigi whimpered and muttered, "Ladies first!" with a small grin.

His brother ruffled his hair. "This is no time for jokes little bro," Mario said seriously. "I'll go first." Mario gingerly climbed onto the pulley. He made it to the other side and passed the rope back to Luigi. "Your turn!" Mario called back.

Luigi hesitated but when he saw the door bulging, he quickly clammered over to his brothers side. They went in the next room and saw moving platforms with swinging axes. "Ohhhh! What next?!" Luigi cried.

He and his brother hopped along the platform pretty well until Luigi slipped. He was holding on by a finger. "Bro! Hold on!" Mario shouted. He helped Luigi up, then the two of them gasped for air.

Once they recovered they went into the next room, a dead end. They heard the zombies pounding on the door. "We're doomed!" Luigi shouted. The door burst open and the bones of the zombies joined together to make what looked like a gigantic T-Rex.

Chapter Twenty: The Darkness Within

Far out in the great Vista Sea, in a run-down dusty old wearhouse, scattered remains strewn upon the dead lifeless beach. Gnarled windowsills crackeing in the shape of demonic helish eyes. The twisted tattered door, the gaping mouth. Inside the walls tore and cracked as if bleeding. There was a broken lightbulb resting in a twisted lamp.

The floorboards creaked with age and pressure, like an earthquake bowing before its evil master. This was a place of darkness and evil.The waves outside crashed against the hilltop. There was a kichen that was just as pale and lifeless as the rest of the house. In the back there were three statues of Koopas resting upon the floor.

Down in the depths of the pit, which was the basement, passed the dingy food storage room, passed the iron doors with the symbol of Hades marked on it, was a dark room with huge monitors all over. In a black recliner, sitting in front of the fireplace, was a figure sipping a red liquid. "Sir!" A Koopa had entered the room.

The myserious figure sighed. "What is it, Johnson?"

The Koopa had become nervous upon seeing his master. "Are you sure Slimer49'r will succeed in getting the eggs... for you?" he stammered in fear.

"Do you doubt him?!" the figure replied angrily.

The Koopa was more terrified than ever. "N-n-no," he stammered.

The figure rose his hands and got up abruptly. "Follow me," the figure said with an emotionless tone. The Koopa gulped, most who questioned the master would die. The robed figure opened a door; a large factory could be seen inside.

The factory was coated in the backround with lava everywhere. There were huge wheels and machinary glinting in the light. The figure rasped, "See those koopas? They work hard, and do not doubt my servants!" The Koopa looked like he would pass out. He knew what would happen. "It's the dungeon for you, bread and water for a month!"

The Koopa could not believe his luck."Thank you my leige!" The Koopa said enthusiastically, and ran to the dungeons.

The figure turned around and chuckled to himself. "Slime'r better succeed," he said and crushed a can. "If you don't, Lord Alkeron will find you!"

Chapter Twenty-One: Battle of the Birds

Buzzar chuckled. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Raphael the Raven was serious. "Leave the princess alone!" he spit through clenched teeth. Peach gasped.

Buzzar growled. "I guess we'll have to fight." The sky was red with burning flames, an unnatural lightning storm raining down on the small Island. He raked at Raphael, causing him to be temporarily blinded. "Aughh!" Raphael screamed.

The Raven took to the sky and dived at Buzzar, pecking at him with his needle-shaped beak. Buzzar shreaked. "So, tryin' to scrure me, eh?" Buzzar and Raphael clashed, claws and tallons flying. Raphael fell back from Buzzar's thorny feather. Both contendors gasped for air.

Meanwhile, Yoshi and his friends were having their own problem. "Now, burn!" The evil Wareyoshi shot a blast of flame at the trio. Yoshi dodged and got out a crystal egg and threw it at the beast. "Arrgh!" It slashed at them and blew fire at the walls. Peter did a flutter kick and landed on the Wareyoshi's head. He growled and slashed his own head. Billy uppercut and knocked him backward. Yoshi gasped. "Look, the portal is closing!" They ran and just slipped through, and were teleported back to Yoshi's Island.

Buzzar came around sharply, talons glinting. "Ya, try this on for size!" He pinned Raphael down. Peach gasped as Buzzar's talon neared Raphael's exposed throat.

Chapter Twenty-Two:Yoshi's Island Ho!

Bowser and his kids had rebuilt their ship by stealing some tools from the Aquamantarian traitors. Bowser asked his oldest son, "Ludwig, where is Yoshi's Island from here?"

Ludwig looked at a compass and said, "10 miles east from here." Bowser smiled, Ludwig always was a genius.

Wendy, as always, was applying her makeup and striking poses with her new fur coat made from real Mousers. She was also wearing green, red, and white lace boots made from Pirahna Plants. Lemmy was practicing on his circus ball, Larry was gambling with a Shy Away. Roy was hitting a punching bag and Morton was making a speech. Iggy was inventing something and Ludwig, of course, was helping Bowser in the cockpit.

Bowser peered through the telescope and gasped, there was Yoshi's Island! "Yoshi's Island ho! " he called.

Ludwig calculated, "By this rate we'll be there in two hours.

Lemmy smiled. This is my dad's best plan yet! he thought to himself and took a nap.

Later, Bowser was getting tired too. "Ludwig," he asked, "How much more 'til we get there?" Bowser asked.

Ludwig blinked and shouted, "We won't make it unless we steer from those rocks!"

Ludwig alerted the ship, telling everyone to abandon if necessary. The Koopalings panicked, realizing the danger. CLunKK!!! That was the sound of the ships hull cracking! Everone rushed to get a bucket as the ship leaked. They fished out the water and tried to stay afloat, but to no avail, the ship would sink. "Abandon ship!" Bowser cried as he and his kids leaped onto a nearby island. They were stranded here, stranded.

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Belly of the Beast

Mario and Luigi shuddered under the huge mass of the terrifying tyrannosausus rex looming over them, licking its massive jowels and smacking its lips eagerly. Rauughhh! All of a sudden, the stone wall broke apart and a gargantuan head came down and snapped up the skeleton of the T-rex like a french fry. "Mamamia!" Mario shouted, "What was that?"

They looked up at the demonic form of none other than the Aquamantarian fish. The fish opened its large gullet and let a horrible breath out of its hideous mouth. "Ha, it can't swim on land!" Luigi cried.

Mario set a horrified look upon the fish. As it squirmed violently water slowly poured into the cave. The fish was... grinning? Mario looked on in fear as he saw what almost looked like a smile upon the fish, and realized what it was planning. It would wait for there to be enough water in the room and then... he didn't want to think about it. His brother had just made the same realization. "Quick, the door, Mario!" Luigi cried. They made a dash for the door but the horrible fish belched slime at the door, sealing it.

The massive beast writhed like a worm on a hook. The water was enough to swim in now that it was filling up. The creature swam into the room, backing the brothers against the wall. It reared back with its ugly head and swallowed them whole before swimming out of the large hole in the cavern wall.

The Mario Brothers bounced on the huge tongue that looked like a snake with three heads. "What a day, huh bro?" Luigi said sarcastically as they were slid down the monstrous tongue of the beast. Mario tried to climb back up, but it was like a slide on the playground; when you tried to walk up it, you fell back down. They slid down the the throat and wiped themselves off disgustation. A mighty roar was heard from the beast. RAAUUGH!!!

The Marios covered their ears in pain. It was an inhuman roar, one like they had never heard before. They fell down into a dark pit of acid. The liquid was like a whirlpool, whipping them about like a washing machine, battering them against the wall repeatedly. Mario was looking down a large dark well with a light at the end. He found himself drifting off. "Unh... the light," Mario stammered.

His brother witnessed this and called over to him. "Snap out of it, bro!" Luigi shouted.

Mario was delirious. "Luigi? Who's Luigi?" he muttered.

Luigi thought quickly. The sword! Luigi thought. He pulled it from his pocket and rammed it in the demonic fish. RAUUGHH!!! It writhed and spluttered as it died and the Mario Brothers were let out. Luigi had become tired from the acids and from rescuing Mario. "Won't-sleep, won't sl-" Luigi fainted.

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Sacrifice

Buzzar cackled in victory as he lifted his talon above Raphael the Raven's throat. He whispered mockingly to Raphael. "So hand over the princess or well... you know."

Yoshi stepped forward, surprising his friends, Billy and Peter. "I'll fight you, Buzzar!" Yoshi piped up.

Buzzar snickered. "A puny little wimp like you?" Yoshi just glared hatingly at the big bird in the sky. Buzzar was looking forward to more prey. He flew down at Yoshi but he sidestepped.

"C'mon, what can't catch a little dino?" Yoshi teased. Buzzar didn't like prey that messed with him. Buzzar pecked at him but missed, although the resulting shockwave knocked Yoshi down. Buzzar flew down, grinning as he closed in.

Yoshi got up and threw an egg that collided with Buzzar's face. "Sqwackk!" Buzzar screeched in agony. Yoshi flutterjumped up and kicked Buzzar in the bill. "That's it you mangy dinosaur! You're meat!" Buzzar flapped his humongous wings and knocked Yoshi to the ground. Spiny feathers flew at Yoshi, pinning him to the ground. Buzzar wanted to relish this moment of glory. "So, thought you could take on ol' Buzzar eh? Well you're wrong!"

His friends could take it no longer. "Leave him alone, Buzzar!" Peter said.

"Yeah!" Billy added.

Yoshi struggled. "Thanks guys," he said.

Buzzar looked at Yoshi's friends and spun around, making a tornado which they were swept up in before falling back down. "Now, where was I?" Buzzar chuckled. He swooped down ready to strike, when Yoshi leaped up and performed a ground pound on Buzzar's head, knocking him out cold.

"That takes care of that!" Yoshi said.

His friends were amazed. "How did you do it?" they both asked.

"Well I've been on lots of adventures," he said honestly.

Raphael smiled and congratulated him. "That was amazing, my friend!"

Yoshi blushed. "Aww, it was nothing."

Rapheal smirked. "I think we should cele-"

The Bashful tribe looked up in terror. "Look! Look!" one shouted.

Sure enough the vortex had become larger and was spewing more fire again and again.The island was in a panick, and the younger Yoshis did not know what was going on. In fact, neither did Yoshi or his friends. Yoshi looked worried. "What's going on?"

Raphael gasped. "Slimer49'r is coming. He plans to steal the Shreok eggs."

Chapter Twenty-Five: Stranded on Shy Guy Isle

Bowser and his kids roared as their ship was once again flung upon the rocks. Ludwig grumbled, "This is the second time!" He was obviously annoyed. "Like you even believe that "Shreok" myth! If we had just stayed home we wouldn't have been captured by merpeople, we wouldn't have been eaten by a giant fish, and we wouldn't be stranded on island DAD-knows where!"

Roy just laughed. "Get used to it Kooky head, we'll be here a while!"

Bowser moaned. "Now kids, I'm sure someone can help us."

Ludwig shouted, "Like the Aquamantarians helped us! That was some help, being fed to a giant fish!!!"

Bowser eyed his son. "Was that sarcasm?"

Ludwig slapped his face. "Duh!" He was annoyed beyond belief.

"Daddy! I'm hungry!" Wendy whined impatiently. Bowser prayed for a native to come soon. And sure enough a Shy Guy came up. Bowser moaned. "I don't speak Shyish!" Bowser and his kids were amazed when the native spoke perfect English. "Welcome to Shy Guy Island!" The guide was a short Shyster wearing a louou necklace.

Ludwig muttered, "Great, you guys gunna feed us to a giant fish too?" He stormed off.

"Excuse my son's rude behavior, we just had a run in with the city of Atlantus gone bad."

The Shyster rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What happened to your boat?" he asked.

"We crashed on the rocks in front of the island."

The Shyster looked thoughtful and then, he had an idea. "We can fix it for you!"

Bowser still wasn't convinced. "How do you think we can trust you? My son did have a point."

The Shyster just shrugged. "That's your choice."

Bowser accepted and they were brought to a campsite. The Shyster showed them their tents and gathered around the fire. "Weeh, hahg ehjn," the Shyster said, obviously the translator.

The chief replied. "Jaheighn acounh!"

The Shyster translated for them. "He says, 'Have a great time, and make yourselves at home.'"

The chief spoke again, "Whanikki jnhn."

The translator gulped. "He says he wants you to help him with a problem, a massive Clubba in the forest. Many have tried... none have come out."

Chapter Twenty-Six: Crubba Trubba

Bowser and his kids walked, shivering, into the dark forest. Ludwig mumbled, "Oh great, they're not feeding us to a fish, they're feeding us to a Clubba!"

Bowser moaned. "Ludwig, would you please be a little positive? I think we can handle a little Clubba."

They walked into a large clearing where they saw a huge castle with long golden towers and large stairs. "We can handle a little Clubba, huh?!" Ludwig replied sarcastically.

They walked up to the massive castle. "How are we going to get in?" Bowser studied the door.

"Hmn, let's see, why don't we go up there and ring the doorbell?" Ludwig said.

Larry grinned. "Leave it to me." He brought out a small lazer and smoke bomb from his pocket. He threw the bomb, blinding the Clubba guards, and then seared through the door. "Welcome!" Larry said. grinning.

The Koopas entered the large palace. "Ambush!" Roy shouted.

They pounced upon the guards. Lemmy tossed a Bob-omb in their direction. "Duck and cover!" a Clubba shouted. It ducked and got out a club. He swung at them, and Bowser ducked and connected his fist with the Clubba's waist. He toppled to the ground and Roy knocked out the rest. They stepped over the unconscious guards.

There was a huge staircase leading to the top of the large palace. Up the stairs they went. "Well I say this is too easy!" Ludwig said suspiciously.

Lemmy smirked. "Come, on bro, light-AAUGH!" Lemmy was hanging from a trapdoor with large thorns on the bottom. "I guess I spoke to soon," Lemmy said.

Larry gasped. "Lemmy! Hang on bro!" Larry pulled his brother out of the pit. "Let's be more careful from now on.

They reached the top to find the largest Clubba ever born. He was four times the size of Tubba Blubba. It let out a fearsome bellow. RAUGGH! Bowser rammed the huge beast head on, hardly doing anything. The creature laughed. "Crubba Trubba crush you!"

Bowser thought. "Hey Crubba Trubba, if you jump off that cliff you'll get a surprise," Bowser said deviously.

"Really?" the idiotic Clubba replied. Bowser and his kids watched in amazment as he jumped off. "Hey, what supri- AAAAH!"

The Koopas returned to the Shy Guys. The chief was pleased. "Hanuku, sumari!" The translator turned to them and said. "He says he is very happy and will build you a boat home!" Bowser grinned. He was one step closer to the Shreok eggs.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fate's Victim

"Mario! Mario!" a faint voice called the plumber.

There was a very bright light shining in his eyes, and he was floating. "Huh, who said that?" Mario asked.

A Star Spirit apeared, a very different one from those he had seen before. It had a lavender cape which blew in the morning breeze, and shining garments of silver armor. "I am Mesaquador," it said, its voice a little clearer now.

Mario yawned and mumbled, "Why have you brought me here?"

The Star Spirit conjured a glowing ball of magic and brought it to his attention. "I am here to tell your fate, the fate of Plit."

Mario frowned. "I don't buy that fortune-telling stuff."

The Star Spirit did not look surprised. "This is no dollar store trick, Mario, trust me."

Mesaquador showed him the crystal orb in which he gazed. "There is a sacred bird, from the dawn of time. It lays its eggs every 10,000 years. Now the bird has awakened and is to lay her eggs. But a horrible evil Koopa named Slime-"

Mario looked as if he had been hit by a bulldozer. "I know him! He fooled me into thinking he was a good guy!"

Mesaquador grimmaced. "Yes, he plans to steal the eggs.There is no telling what he could do with them. The eggs give magical powers to a mortal being. He plans to destroy Plit and then the rest of the galaxy!"

Then Mesquador sighed. "Mario, you're dead."

Mario gasped, "Huh?!"

She sighed. "Yes, you drowned in the Vista Sea."

"I must save Peach! What do I do?"

"Grab your brother!" she answered, pointing to the ground, "And embrace for impact."

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Treachery

Yoshi stood panting, next to a fallen Buzzar. "How much time until this Koopa comes to steal the eggs?"

Rapheal looked up to the portal and said, "Not too much time!" Peach gasped. A loud roar was heard from the portal. Fire started spewing out. "Get down!" Rapheal shouted. A gargantuan fireball struck the tree.

Yoshi could see the Mario Brothers floating on a log in the sea. "Raphael! The Marios are here!" Yoshi said. "We'll need rope!" The three gathered rope to save the Mario Bros.

"Settle down, people!" the Mayor said.

One Yoster replied, "How can we, our village is burning!"

Another said. "What's going on?!"

The Mayor was starting to sweat hevily. "I don't know, I-I- Ahhh! We're all going to die!" Peach ran into the village. The Mayor was surprised. "Princess Toadstool?!"

She sighed. "Please, just Peach. Anyway we're all going to be fine! The Mario Brothers are here!"

Some gasped. "Mario and Luigi!"

"Let me view Slimer49'r's tapes."

The servent bowed before Lord Alkeron. "Yes sir!"

A screen played. Slimer49'r was almost at Yoshi's Island. "Heh, heh I'm going to be rich with these eggs that I'm not giving to Lord Alergy!" he could be heard saying. "Hah! What a crockpot!" The transmission finished.

Lord Alkeron felt about to blow. "Get me Slimer49'r's head on a platter!"

The Marios were safely on land. "Where is Peach?" Mario asked.

Yoshi got him some more water. "She's fine," Yoshi said.

"AHHH!" A scream was heard as a building burned down. All of a sudden they heard a loud motor.

Slimer49'r was there at last. He shoved two Yoshis forward. "Show us up the Barrel Volcano or you'll taste Bullet Bill." He grinned. "This will be fun!"

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Terrible Threesome

Slimer49'r turned and saw a boat approaching from the west and a helicopter appearing from the north. The helicopter stopped and a holographic image of his boss, Lord Alkeron, appeared, followed by Koopa soldiers. "Under seige of Lord Alkeron, surrender!" one Koopa said.

Slimer49'r tried to look innocent. "What did I do? Other than fry you, sucker!" Slimer shot a lazer gun at the Koopa, missing by a hair. The Koopa grimmaced and spoke into his communicator. "Guys, we need backup!"

Meanwhile Bowser was slowly approaching the island. "Those eggs are mine!" Once he hopped off he and his kids saw the Koopa and the helicopter. He approached and asked, "What are you to doing?"

Lord Alkeron appeared. Both he and Slimer replied, "I'm here to get the Shreok eggs!"

Bowser growled. "What! Those eggs belong to me!" Bowser called for his Koopa Jet. More helicopters appeared.

Bowser leaped into action as Lord Alkeron jumped down. Bowser rammed Slimer49'r. Slimner did a spinning kick and connected with Bowser's ribs. "Ooh!" he moaned in pain and belched flames.

Lord Alkeron reflected the fire with his sword and sent it twords Slimer49'r. "AAh!" he shouted. Slimer49'r spoke, "This ends now!" He threw a granade. The helicopter and jet detonated, leaving both occupants unconscious.

The portal was getting bigger. Slimer49'r turned to his captives. "Lead me up the Volcano! I need those eggs." The Yoshi's led him up the Volcano.

Chapter Thirty: Meeting of Five

"Eldstar, what can we do about this?" Mesquador asked. "The Koopa Slimer49'r has almost reached his prize!"

Eldstar cleared his throat. "Mario has succeeded in the past, and besides I do not meddle with the Overlanders."

Twink piped up. "But what if Mario dosen't secceed? Millions of people could die or become enslaved by Slimer49'r!"

The Star Spirits had called a gathering in Star Haven. Eldstar was the only original Star Spirit remaining. Skolar, Mamar, Misstar, Muskular, and Kalmar had been replaced by Twink, Malor, Mesquador, Mantar, Salvar, and Satar, respectively.

Malor agreed. "Eldstar, there are millions of peoples' lives in the balance!"

They looked down and saw the Shreok rising. "The Shreok can do what Mario doesn't," Eldstar calmly said.

Back on Yoshi's Island, the giant Shreok emmerged from the portal. Slimer49'r turned to face it. It communicated telipathically. Slimer49'r! I do not mean trouble, just back away from the eggs.

Slimer49'r cackled, "You didn't come for trouble? Than you came to the wrong Koopa!" Slimer shot a small electricity disk, frying the bird. Angered to no limit, the Shreok shot a blast of fire in Slimer49'r's derection. "Aah! You stupid bird, you're going to pay for that!"

Slimer49'r shot an electrified gun at the Sheok, making it fall to the floor unconscious. "Heh, I guess I showed him.

Back up in Star Haven, the Star Spirits did not like this. Eldstar sighed. "I guess the only thing is to send him this. Twink, would you bring this to Mario?"

Twink smiled. "Sure thing!"

Twink flew down to Plit and found the Marios, and gave them the gift. Mario gasped, "Look at this sword!"

Twink grinned. "That's the Star Sword! You'll need it if Slimer49'r gets the eggs!" He flew off.

Mario grimmaced. "Let's go kick some butt!"

Chapter Thirty-One: Zalor, God of Destruction

In his headquarters, Lord Alkeron, was engaged in a strange ritual around the fires of Olau. He was attempting to raise Zalor from the dead. "Owhani, Ohiew, Alaima!" He called to one of his servants, "Get me herbs."

"Yes sir!" called a servant.

Lord Alkeron waited a while, knowing his bumbling idiot servant would take a while. When he finally came back, Alkeron was annoyed. "Get me a lemonade while you're at it." The Koopa went back to the kitchen. He came out eventually and handed the herbs and the lemonade to Lord Alkeron. "Back to work," Lord Alkeron told the Koopa. He danced around and sprinkled herbs into the fire. He tossed a dead lizard head in, and a tail of a zebra. The fire glowed green and he chanted.

"Ohwani Ohiew Alamia!" he shouted and a dark cloud arose from the fire. "My master!" Lord Alkeron bowed.

"Thank you, Alkeron. Take note that I, Zalor, God of Destruction, has risen!"

Read on!

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