The Hatching of the Shreok 2
The Return of the Destroyer

By Slimer49'r

Chapter Thirty Five: Palace of the Darned


I looked on, into the snow. The shadow just stood there. A red light gleamed from the distance, and then it disappeared. I walked forward, following the shadow as it moved across the snowy plains. I didn't follow too fast because I did not want it to notice me. It was moving fast now, trying to avoid detection. I ventured as far as I dared, and saw a creature in a brown robe. It went up to the Shiver mountains and took out two objects that I made out to be a hat and a scarf. There were several snowmen in front of the mountain, and he put a scarf on the one that didn't have one, and a hat on the snowman that didn't have one.

The ground rumbled, and the snowmen jumped out of the way. Then, in the ice, a door appeared. The creature went inside. I waited, then followed him inside. I walked carefully and then gasped. I saw a Frost Piranja! But... it wasn't alive. The creature's root had been severed, and it was dead. Had that creature killed it? As I thought about that, I walked on. The ceiling was lined with stalagtites, and the walls glistened. Yes, this place was just as it was the last time I was here. As I rounded a corner, a very large White Clubba jumped out at me. Fwoosh! The steel club came down upon me, but I blocked it with my hammer.

I parried the blow, and knocked the creature to the ground, unconscious. I walked up the steps, and saw the brown-robed creature running across the mountain side. Then he came to the steps that led to the Crystal Palace. I ran up behind him, but not too close behind. Then a Gulpit and two Duplighosts came from behind me. The Gulpit then tried to spit a rock at me, but I smacked it into a Duplighost with my mallot. One Duplighost took my form, and shot a blast of fire at me. I jumped over and retaliated with a hammer whack. The Duplighost was knocked into the Gulpit and they both fell off the mountain.

I ran up more and more steps. Finally I got to the entrance of the Crystal Palace just to see the robed figure going in the door. I ran up, and followed him in. "Okay, who are you?!" I shouted. It wasn't there. All of a sudden two Swoopulas flew down and bit me, draining me of my energy. I fell to the ground, where I stayed. I couldn't move. I heard a person laugh, and then out of the darkness the figure revealed itself. It was a male Penguin, probably in his late 60's. He was wearing a long brown robe, and wore a gem around his neck. He had thinning gray hair, and a devilish smile.

"Ah, Mario, I see you have found me. Tell me, are you comfortable? No? Didn't think so." He grinned, and circled around me, like a shark circling its prey.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? How come I can't move?" I bombarded him with questions.

"In that order, My name is Zacheriah, I was a priest at the Shiver City church a long time ago, I have been watching you for quite a while, and, I have the Swoopulas in this palace's fangs dipped in a special poison that paralyzes their pray. Does that answer your questions?"

I gasped. "You're the preist from the story!" I sat there, in amazement.

"Yes. You see, I always admired the Crystal King, but I thought him too soft.

"He was always protecting his people, and puting himself at risk, it sickened me." He spat the words out. "He could have been a great and powerful ruler, and conquered many kingdoms. But he was too soft. I warned him that his kindness would be his downfall, but he didn't listen. After he buried himself, he left a bit of his power to protect his people. After that, I gave up being a priest, and went into suclusion. I searched for jobs, and a place to stay. I killed any pathetic fool who got in my way. You see, I lived off war, and carnage. After the Crystal King died, the city bored me.

"Soon after, King Bowser brought the Crystal King back to life and made up a fake lie about an evil man named Mario who wanted to steal the Star Spirits for his own greedy needs. Of course, the king bought it. So, you tried to convince him that you were not evil, but the king did not believe you. The Crystal King was killed again on that day, for a pointless reason. Now, I have been coming back to the Crystal Palace for quite a while. I have been trying to get him back to life, and be evil, but it has not worked so far. But I believe today, I will restore him!"

He laughed evilly and pulled several concoctions out of his robes and started throwing them in the air. "Arise, oh great and powerful Crystal King, rise!!!"

In the center of the palace a vortex formed, swirling around and around. Pink, blue, green, and other colors rotated within it. The ground shook and snow fell from the roof. Out of the vortex, two red eyes appeared, followed by a blue-robed hand. The creature staggered out of the vortex. The priest grinned evilly and cackled.

"Now, Crystal King, destroy him!!!"

The king whirled on the priest and said, "You dare tell ME what to do?" The king shot a blast of ice at the priest, freezing him. "I am the Crystal King! And I shall do as I please!!!"

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Gloomba King


I opened my eyes and saw I was staring face down at a bunch of leaves. I looked up and saw Yoshi, Mario, Peach, Daisy, and a huge ugly hideous face. "Ahh!" I jumped back, and looked at the creature. It was huge, blue, and wearing a crown. I thought for a second, and then said, "Hey, I think I know you! Aren't you the Goomba King?" I had only heard about the Goomba King in Mario's story, but I didn't remember him being blue. "Do you have a cold?" I asked.

The creature snarled and breathed heavily over me. "I'm not the Goomba King, I'm the Gloomba King. I'm the Goomba King's brother's, uncle's, cousin's, wife's, mother's, friend's, plumber!!!" He panted, and then turned away.

"So basically, what you're saying is that you have no relation to him, whatsoever?" I asked.

"Yeah, but that's not the point. I am going to kill you. It's what I was created to do. Behold!" I looked to my side and saw a giant guilotine.

"Oh come on, now. That's so old-fashioned."

"The Gloomba King likes to be old-fashioned. The Gloomba King does what he pleases."

I laughed. "The Gloomba King likes to hear himself talk."

A vein bulged in the Gloomba King's forehead. "WHAT?!"

"You heard me. You like to hear yourself blow steam."

The Gloomba King's face suddenly turned from blue to bright red. The Gloombas were muttering. "The king got dissed, old-school style," one Gloomba said. Yoshi saw what I was trying to do, and joined in.

"Hey, Gloomba King!"

"WHAT?!" he bellowed, enraged. Yoshi threw an egg at his face and the yolk covered him. "I will not have this! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS IN MY OWN PALACE!"

Peach grinned. "Palace? What palace? You call this trashhole a palace?"

Mario motioned with his hands and said, "Hey, look at me! I'm the Gloomba King, and also a big fatso!!!" The Gloomba King growled. "If I sat on a couch, I would break it cuz I'm sooooo fat!" Mario stuck out his tongue at the king. The Gloombas all started laughing and pointing at the king.

"THAT'S IT!!! I'VE HAD IT!!!" The Gloomba King bellowed. "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO TOUGH AND 'COOL'?!"

I hopped out of the nest we were in, and faced the king. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." I charged a lightning orb in my hand, and waited. Yoshi pulled out a bunch of Neon Eggs from out of his saddle. Peach took out her frying pan, and Daisy put on her punching gloves. The Gloomba King charged towards us. I shot a blast of electricity at his feet, and he stumbled back. Yoshi threw a Neon Egg which blinded him, and Peach whacked him with her frying pan. The Gloomba King fell down, unconscious.

"Anyone else want to mess with us?" I asked. The Gloombas ran away screaming. We walked out of the cave.

"Okay," Daisy said, "The Portal from the Sub-concious World to the Concious World is just up ahead."

We walked toward it, but a creature dropped from the sky. It was huge, and mechanic. "Hehehe. Handle you Bowyer will," it said. It uncurled itself to reveal what resembled a giant crossbow. Mario had apparantly never told me about this one.

"That's Bowyer! One of Smithy's gang members from when the real me was fighting them."

Bowyer shot an arrow at me and I dodged it. It laughed insanely. "Has sent me to kill you, Smithy has."

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Great Cackletta


I gasped as the creature plowed into me, knocking the wind out of me. Slimer tried to attack it from behind, but it shot black holes at him. He was hit, and weighted down. Mewtwo90 used a psychic attack, but it disappeared. Thousands of bats flew in through the windows, screeching. I sliced at them with my fans, and Slimer bashed at them with his newly acquired Megaton Hammer.


Elsewhere: HYRULE

"Ganon, I shall destroy you with my Megaton Ham- mer?" Link looked and saw that his hammer was gone.


Slimer smacked one into the ground and growled. "Bow! Try to create a tornado!" I spun around with my fans and the bats smacked into each other, several dropping to the ground. The creature reapeared as three.

"EYA-HA-HA!!! Which one am I?" It and its clones attacked us. Slimer took out a Bill Blaster and shot at the one in the center, and the others dissapeared. The creature, enraged, raised a claw to the air. After a second a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and shocked me. I screamed, clutching myself and writhing on the ground.

"BOW!" Slimer ran up to the creature and bashed it in the head with his Bill Blaster. It spit a gooey substance across the room, and he dodged it. He and Mewtwo90 stared at it for a second. It started to dissolve the wall, and soon, it disapeared.

Rematerializing on its arm. I slashed at it with my fans, but it used the wall to block it. "Great, another morpher." I sweeped a gust of wind out from under it, and then brought the flat of my fan down on its face. It shot a blast of polygons, which exploded and knocked a ton of bricks on top of me, crushing me.

The creature approached, grinning evily. As it approached, I held my fan, hidden behind my back. "So, what's your name, girly?" It  touched my chin, and I slapped it and threw my fan at the creature's tail. "ARGH!" The creature fell to the ground.

I panted heavily and turned to Slimer. "That's the most sensitive part of a Koopa." I took my fan and slapped the creature across the face, one more time for good measure.

Slimer walked over to his brother. "Will he be okay?" he asked.


"Are you sure?"


"Well, okay."

I noticed a small Bob-omb walking towards us. "Well, hey there, fella," I said. The Bobb-omb responded by snarling, and blowing up in our face. We couldn't move, but I was still half-conscious. The creature got up, laughing, and released a powerful vacuum from its mouth, and then sucked us in.

We were falling through a greenish place that defied the laws of nature, since we had just been eaten. I moved towards Slimer and Mewtwo90 and hugged them close. "HOLD ON!" I said as we hit ground hard, and were knocked out.

Read on!

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