A Bed to Die For

By Teela Yoshi

The test tubes fissured, metal clanking as a home-made clock swung back and forth. Computers buzzed, dust swirling in the shadows of the room. This was Ludwig's laboratory, his playground of intelligence.

In front of, as expected, a computer sat Ludwig with some distinct-looking patterns, Karma standing over him and peering curiously. His arm was covered in a white talc sort of powder, a small, blue light being shone over it as the computer's scanning mechanism was activated. Instantly, the screen's view whirred upwards, the colors flashing, several windows bursting up from the one that actually controlled the scanning device.

The screens, three in total, were each covering an analysis on Ludwig's arm. One of them stated what was scanned, the second was what materials were all listed, and the third window was a biological breakdown of what exactly was on Ludwig's arm.

"That's a lot of bacteria," Karma stated, looking profoundly disgusted at Ludwig's arm, which was lit, along with the two creature's faces, in the eerie, unrealistic-always-blue-seeming light.

Ludwig did not hear the comment as he clicked the third screen, clicking “View” on the small window and then clicking “List materials”. A list of bacteria, skin cell types, and other things appeared. Double clicking the actual word “other”, Ludwig was now looking as a microscopic sort of liquid material. His eyes grew large as he viewed what was before him, as it looked like it was liquid-like, partially solid as it sat on his computer-edited blue skin, the liquid a glowing yellow to contrast the materials.

"That's weird," Karma pointed out obliviously as Ludwig now double clicked the materials. He requested a re-scan of only the “Other” material and then typed in the commands that, put simply, told the computer to break down the materials and find out what, if any, natural resources made such a compound.

The materials were revealed about three minutes later, a complete and compiled list of what materials matched the chemical compounds of other substances on Plit.


As Roy Koopa unsnarled his way through the vents, his mind was now at full speed. Why was he suddenly feeling very uneasy? This feeling, he noted, had been unlocked when he’d learned that Iggy, Lemmy, and Larry had simply up and vanished without a trace. This was not a joke, and these rather rancid and unholy feelings within him left his own piece of mind feeling betrayed in some way, left him feeling eerily alone in a way that wasn't quite understandable because that's the sort of senses these were, not normal in any way save for the fact they were paranormal.

"Dey gotta bes... somewheres... They just vanishes... I's not sees them since... um... Larry gots me in trouble. I's not sees dem anywhar... Not da rest of dem... Iggs and Lem Lem def’nately fishy... Missin’..." With that, Roy wondered. Not only was Larry's room a bit fishy, but also there was the fact that three of them had gone missing. Both things fishy. It didn't, obviously, take a rocket scientist to figure out something was up in Larry's room. It just took a pink-headed punk who liked to crawl through air vents in his free time.


"Synthetic fiber... Aloe Vera to the quadruple exterior dysintary... Cianite plasma? Ok... Never heard of that in our elements... Small flakes of iron... A piece of Lemmy's hair-" Ludwig's eyes grew round and puzzled as he stared. "A piece of Lemmy's hair?!"

"Bingo..." Karma stated, taking a seat beside Ludwig. They were onto something now, for certain.

"Iggy vasn't keeding..." Ludwig's accent became indubitable, perceptibly showing his fear as well as uncomfortability with the subject now.

"What do you mean he wasn't kidding? About what?" Karma asked as Ludwig turned to her, his eyes almost a darker shade now that he wasn't facing the light.

"He said the bed tried to eat him..."

"That sounds silly… Maybe the hair is just there..."

"Karma, my arm was IN ITS FIBERS... You saw it EATING me," Ludwig countered as Karma shrugged.

"Meh... You have a point... So the bed eats things."

"Eet vould affear so zen..." His accent grew even heavier, horribly slurring the comprehension of his speech if an onlooker had never met Ludwig.

The two of them then watched as the compiled information list grew. Without even needing to look at the list, Ludwig and Karma both knew what the mattress was weak against.

Ludwig's throat itself was itchy, his head growing slightly sweaty and even irritated. There was a heating in his stomach, something cooking and ready to boil right up. Say the word, and he would fire.


Roy, watching through the vents like some sort of deranged and crazy spy, was growing cramped as he then pushed the vent open, allowing himself to crawl out and climb down from a few feet in the stone wall. It was dreadfully cold in here...

"I's know somthin’ up here’s. I's suspicious, too. Show yoself not seen thing that took my brothas. Yo come fight someone’s tough 'stead of kidnappin’ dem little guys..." he threatened to air, watching. Turning towards the door of the closet, Roy felt the lump growing in his throat.


"Alrighty then... I'll go in there, and torch it..." Ludwig declared, instantly getting up.

"No, your brothers may be in there." Karma grabbed his arm, making him rethink his move.

"Fine, we'll go in there, you lay on the bed, and then it'll move and I'll torch it!"

"Why can't YOU lay on the bed?! Why do I gotta be bait?" Karma scowled as Ludwig stifled back a giggle.

"Because I'm chubby and can't move around that fast on my back and such... And if I lay on my stomach, it'll stifle the fire. You have to lay on it. Then when it starts, I'll set it on fire."

"... Fine... Because I ain't chicken..." Karma sighed, following resentfully out of the room.


Roy now opened the closet door, quickly snapping his fist at nothing as he snarled.

"I'S KNA SOMEDIN’ IN HERES, SA COME OUT..." he yelled, grouchily swerving around. Looking now at the bed, he decided something perhaps might be inhabiting the space below it. The gym sock was not there, surprisingly, though Roy didn't notice. He then crept over to the bed, his breaths getting caught in his chest as he leaned over, allowing his shell to press against the bed as he got down upon his hands and knees. His heart was jack hammering against his lungs, or so it felt, now.

Rather instantly, the Koopa boy found himself being pulled inwards as he began bellowing out just about every curse word he could manage to sputter out. The door burst open, Ludwig, followed by Karma, beheld in Roy's eyes. He reached out as quickly, Ludwig leaping towards Roy.

Roy was being sucked in furiously as Karma and Ludwig attempted to pull him free. They managed to pull him back some, but the bed kept at it. "OVER ROY'S HEAD!" Karma screamed as Ludwig felt his throat expand, felt the contractions of his stomach and esophagus as the flames were expelled almost right before Karma could even finish her sentence.

Screaming even more than he had originally, Roy thrashed now, pushing Karma back, but only caused Ludwig to expel more embers. The flames did indeed go over Roy's head, lighting the bed ablaze and burning the stone walls around them.

Ludwig pushed forth more flames, his stomach jerking and his own eyes watering now. He would definitely have a sore throat in the morning, and would probably have stomach problems all night long, but for the moment, embers and complete flames consumed the bed almost before they even touched it. Roy was let free instantly, toppling forwards as both had with Karma watching.

A few moments later, the bed actually stood up. The mattress towered over them as a few figures clawed forth, mattress fluff and flames giving way to two rainbow heads and one mohawk. Iggy, Lemmy, and Larry yelled, leaping forward, their bodies torched only slightly as they were quick to break free. Ludwig stopped as he watched them jump through, yelping and scrambling over one another.

"STUPID SERTA MATTRESSS!!!" Iggy hissed as they turned, watching as the mattress continued to burn to ash. They stood there for a few more moments, listening to the fibers and materials burning, the crackling sound being born as its substances folded against one another, fluff giving birth to ash. Eventually, the whole thing burned to simple ash, the bed frame being left scorched.

"Wow..." Ludwig croaked, burping up a single ring of smoke. "Heavy..."

"Aye, that was strange," Iggy whimpered, hugging Lemmy as the two twins looked worriedly to one another.

"Are you-"

"All right?"


"I'm fine," noth Lemmy and Iggy said to one another as they began laughing at one another's blackened faces.

"Thank you guys..." Larry said, hugging the nearest person to him- Roy. Amazingly, Roy returned the hug.

"I's was wondrin’ why yous wasn't poppin’ up when I wanted ta beat yo's..." Roy laughed as they looked to the ashes, which, in total, were quite a lot for a big rectangle of fluff...

"Now what?" Karma asked hesitantly.

"I wanna know what caused that," Ludwig practically demanded to himself as he thought. "It was a Serta mattress. I'm going to complain to Serta... I demand to know what happened...

"Ludwig, can't we just drop it and order me another mattress?" Larry complained as Ludwig shook his head.

"No, I have a feeling... a very bad feeling... that this has perhaps happened elsewhere, perhaps all over... I'm gonna research this..."


Sure enough, Ludwig researched that night. He and Karma, as well as Iggy and Lemmy, looked up articles of Serta mattress cases, as they called them. There were newspaper articles of children going missing a lot more lately. Perhaps some of them really were missing, but to Ludwig, even if they didn't mention mattresses, in his mind the word was written all over. He couldn't shake the feeling something wasn't right with the company itself. They decided, just in case, they would take a visit to the factory the next day...


The only thing King Bowser and Clawdia were informed about was the fact Lemmy, Iggy, and Larry were found. When asked where, they were told the basement. When asked why, they were told because they got lost. It wasn't yet Roy's room, so therefore, it was indeed the most otherworldly part of the castle, always meaning to be cleaned, but no one really felt like dealing with what was truly down there. There was an elevator, a quite prehistoric one, that led to the floor below the basement; that was the dungeon. Even the basement was too much for the prisoners...

Larry and Roy had decided to at least come with Ludwig and company. So in total, there was Ludwig, Karma, Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, and Roy. Or in code, Kooky, Yoshibutt, Hip, Hop, Cheatsy, and Bully. Yoshibutt would have liked "KK" better, but that was ruled out by group vote. Ludwig was the only one who voted for Karma's request, sadly.

No weapons were taken, only the gang, six (technically five, minus Karma) oopalings out of eight. Wendy and Morton were not informed, being as no one really ared to involve them anyways.

*Small tune is heard playing* To the Serta factory they went, to meet their oom- er- Mattress Maker! ;)


It was off the edge of Dark Land, basically. The group had indeed found a Serta attress truck, and would have gotten in, but were too afraid they'd get eaten, even if Ludwig's fire could save them. They had no choice but to attempt to jump on after the door was closed, and that would have worked, but there were six of them and not all would fit. Minus a few road skids, they were all right.

Cheatsy, however, managed to pull off the stunt of the hour. He placed a tracker on the truck, and with that, they managed to follow the road warps the truck managed, and what stops it made. They would go back and destroy the mattresses later, but for now, they simply had to stop the production first.

A good half a day later, they managed to arrive at the factory a good few hours before dinner time. Going into the factory was easy, as they watched the truck go around the side. There weren't even any barbed wire.

"Why would they need security; after all, they're JUST a mattress company!" Karma stated, her sarcasm a little too obvious.

"Uh-huh, and I am ze chocolate var..." Ludwig stated, his eyes swishing around in a rather nervous manner. They marched with a hesitant skip in their step, going to the front door of the factory. In they went.


The factory certainly smelled funny, as it had a complete and awful smell of roasting plastic accompanied by the scent of aftershave, which was odd to find in a mattress company. It was the smell of evil, indeed! The aroma of aftershave drove fear into their very hearts.

Also, it was quite cold here. Karma, with her huge Yoshibutt nose, managed to catch a whiff of what smelled like some paranormal scent, with the way it filled her nostrils, cold and looming, allowing no reprise and practically making her gag. She did manage a coughing fit for a moment there, the other Koopalings looking strictly to her now, telling her to keep it down.

There were many strange machines, each with even more strange labels such as "Super Tooth mattress" and "Tougher rock bed". Yet there were still no actual mattressess in sight. Walking down the middle line im between all the machines, the group managed to look to the screen Larry was holding.

"Maybe we should go where the truck went," Lemmy claimed as Iggy nodded.

"Ya's, mebbe somedin' dere." Roy was, naturally, scared out of his mind. However, he didn't dare show that. The smell of aftershave certainly had Roy feeling a little fuzzy, and as they turned around, they were happy to be leaving the main building. Going around the side of the building was a relief, but they still were cautious as they peered around the corner.

"Larry, is that thing a camera?" Ludwig asked suddenly as Larry nodded.

"Take as many pictures of this place as you can," Ludwig forewarned as Larry nodded once more.

"I've been doing that," he finally admitted as Iggy and Lemmy crept closer to the side of the buidling, peering over. It went a long ways down, but there was nothing here. They began to walk down that way, a long and winding alleyway it would have been if there was another building alongside it.

As they neared the end of the right side of the factory, they peered behind it. The truck was indeed there, as the Koopalings (and aftershave smelling Karma) recoiled back.

"What's the plan?" Larry turned to Ludwig, who looked surprised.

"I think one of us should go see the truck," Lemmy insisted as Ludwig nodded.

"I do like that sound of that... but I prefer it be me, being as I am the only fire starter here..." Ludwig admitted, shrugging as the rest of them only nodded.

Ludwig reluctantly walked out from the safety of the wall, heading for the truck. It was a good few feet away, but to Ludwig, it seemed like miles and miles.  Some point in between there, he actually began to bolt to the truck. He felt the fire welling up into his throat, felt his esophogus expanding again. He had not awakened with a sore throat, and now he was beginning to worry himself with that fact that perhaps his flame abilities were weakened and out of power due to being used prior to this moment. Ludwig trudged on, finally reaching the truck and instantly unlocking the back door to it, allowing the door to slide upwards. Inside, there were indeed mattresses.

Ludwig just stood there for a moment, eyeing them. In his mind's eye, none if this added up, however. The devious smell of aftershave, the fact the story may end with another kaboom, and plasmatius essence were not, however, in his head but rather in the mind of someone else much more humorous with such things. Ludwig was thinking, aside from the irrelivent sentences in this paragraph, that the fact the mattresses were only here didn't seem right.

What made matters worse was that there were six mattressess total. Each had a name, now, as Ludwig looked closer, careful to hold the flames down. Tags were on the mattresses; they read the following:

Larry's 2nd Serta Mattress
Ludwig's Mattress
Karma's Mattress
Iggy's Mattress
Lemmy's Mattress
Roy's Mattress

Ludwig motioned the others to come and take a peek, Larry snapping pictures instantly as he got there. This was, in some sense, some sort of crazy vacation. They did have the free beds here, perfect for a "seemingly" perfect night of sleep. It was a twisted joke, and perhaps only a crazy man who uses the concept of aftershave as a humor tool over and over again would find it funny.

"Dis is way too weird..." Roy's voice had dropped in its powerful tone to one of complete nuetrality, almost one of denial and petrification.


"Telling me," Iggy finished Lemmy's beginning statement as Larry now peered into the truck a little more. His finger was pressing a button on the original presumed "tracker screen" like a madman a trigger to a gun.

"I'm lighting them on fire." Ludwig then immediately did as he claimed and spewed up flames. They then ran back around the corner to the side of the building and waited for the truck to blow up. When it finally did, leaving more than just a spring shower of debris, they went back to the scorched ground.

No one said much else, though they were all walking a bit closer together now. Larry actually stood right next to Roy, who didn't seem to pay it much mind. When Iggy finally took Lemmy's hand, that was the deciding factor to truly tell if all or any of them were afraid. This seemed more than a terror in their minds, and time was moving slowly.

They passed where the truck had been, heading towards a rather large loading door. Roy and Ludwig tore into it, the door itself sliding upwards. Larry continuously snapped shots, now deciding to put the machine on back up memory status, just in case something should happen to the machine itself. Inside was a rather spacious and open room filled with mattresses to the very ceiling, which, put bleakly, was towering and a ways from sight. Left and right, mattressess piled in stalks towards the ceiling, which wasn't actually visible to the Koopalings, being as it was so dark in here that they couldn't tell much other than the fact there were beds. That was also enough to get Ludwig to instantly start spewing fire, the other Koopalings backing up hesitantly. Out of the shadows, something flickered.

"Good eventime. How may might I help thee you?" The voice, aside from the strange word placement and grammer errors, was chilling as well as visible. The words literally left the mouth it came from in short puffs that looked like breaths furling out in some sort of wintery season. The voice, low in tune symbolizing it was male, was honestly icy.

"W-Who's da person in charge here?" Roy never bothered asking who's here, because the question always seemed to be answered with vengence. Instead, a more  formal question always escaped his mind in a situation like this.

"Why I myself am are is in charge the boss here." The words were small, icy clouds, and even still, they'd look like mere clouds if not for the airy status they seemed to contain.

Ludwig coughed up a small flicker of a flame, though sounded like a hacking cat, that perhaps intentionally landed near the figure who spoke.

His hair was a smoothed back sort of crazy green grass color, his skin a light pale tone. His outfit was a red cloak and he was quite short. The goggles the figure wore didn't even closely fit his mouth, which was actually a zipper-looking sort of contraction. His eyes were slightly visible being as the goggles were askew, revealing not quite eyes but rather holes that were blackened and hollow. Perhaps they weren't even holes being as they had a textured, almost thread-like quality to them, as though he were a stuffed animal. Upon his feet were triangular-looking slippers, his robe much larger than he obviously, being as the robe billowed over the small feet. If he was truly as large as his robe made him out to be, then his arms would have been visible. He definitely had a plushie-like quality to him.

"Watch look it out, young man. You may burn torch my matressess."

"And they may eat me," Ludwig finished, his voice getting prissy sounding and almost squalish. Karma stood behind him, her look of curiousity blooming.

"Eat consume you? How might may they the mattressess do that those actions?"

"Who're you?" Lemmy piqued, his eyes glaring. Was it this man responsible for his fright, the reason he was horribly uncomfortable inside his bed, which he should have been sleeping on and not in?

"Why I myself am is Mr. Words, of mattresses."

"Well, Mr. Words... Your mattress ATE my brothers. I completely torched the bed, however, I came here to stage the complaint and to see if this is NORMAL behavior for a bed?"

"Oh my, oh me, that sounds riddlish weird. Beds eat people eat your brothers?"

"Yes... Three of them." Ludwig was sounding father-like now, his voice authoritive and confirming.

"That is dangerous not good. I wonder think what went wrong was is a problem dilemma. This is awful wrong." Mr. Words took a step closer to Ludwig, his glassy-looking goggles shining oddly in the strange dark amidst the small embers that were still dying on the ground like half-squashed ants.

"Stay back there, Mr. Words. I varn you zat if you come closer, I vill have to torch you as vell as zees mattressess." Ludwig's German side began to pop in, his words slurred and taking a few more moments to escape from his lips. He was getting a bit TERRIFIED now. His mind began to sputter up useless junk, such as the pythagorean theorem's edge angles, the quality of coagulated liquids, and he even began to conjugate any verbs he said. Then, just as rapidly, his mind shouted out what the word "terrified" meant to him:

Estimated (and)
Dealing (with this situation)

In more than one sense, he ended up adding more than actually using the real letters, as well as the fact it probably only made sense to him. It was Ludwig's way of saying he needed to do something, hed needed to focus, and he needed to stop his mind from spinning everywhere.

"Oh dear boy, I myself shall not hurt you your state of being."

"That's a twisted way of saying I'm not gonna kill ya," Karma remarked, an almost hiccup-sounding giggle emerging from her.

"You girl are is too smart funny."

"It's as though 'e is saying zat... vell, two zifferent things at one."

"A little-"

"Awkward..." Lemmy finished this time for Iggy.

"I am is not awkward weird. You have business with me my mattresses?" Mr. Words asked as Ludwig scowled.

"I do velieve I've spoken. It's quite ridiculous zat my brothers... were... eaten by the mattress. Who knows what would have happened to them after, if ever, we gave up searching!" Ludwig crossed his arms, staring at Mr. Words in the most bleak of manners.

"Well then, sir boy, we have not have had problems issues with our mattresses." His sentence made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

"Vhat?" Ludwig asked as Larry stepped up behind him, impatient now.

"Listen sir, Mr. Worlds or whatever...  We just came here to complain and maybe get some answers as to why my bed was talking to me as well as... absorbing me. I came here to tell you that your beds are deranged, a little like you, and have something highly wrong with them."

"Does smaller blue head mean understand like this?" Mr. Words waved a hand, lights instantly flickering to life. Behind him stood about eight or nine mattresses, literally standing up, bending forward as though to collapse on Mr. Words.

"... What?" Karma's eyes widened as she backed up, now standing aside Larry. Ludwig grit his teeth, sighing and letting his lungs then refill.

"Just to vet you know... I varned you," Ludwig stated, his eyes narrowing now, his esophogus expanding, smoke billowing out of his nostrils. "Ze rest of you, get Mr. Vords zere while I take care of 'es... friends."

Not taking another moment, Ludwig let an entire full blown ball of fire escape his mouth, singing his hair only slightly, though it was really unnoticable being as it more or less just burned to ash instantly.

Larry was seemingly the only brave one here; as he jumped forward Ludwig let out the fireball. The fireball made contact with the mattress directly behind Mr. Words, Larry actually jumping forward and attempting to claw at Mr. Words. His scrunched up fists and claws made contact with Mr. Words's robe, where his stomach should have been, and sank in slightly, being recoiled. It was as though he were some sort of plushie or stuffed animal.

Iggy and Lemmy pulled out small smoke bombs, which were more of a trickster's eqipment, but they threw them at the mattresses. Ludwig let off a few more fireballs, Karma grabbing his arms and actually steering him towards them. Roy ran up, right next to Larry, and began to beat the stuffing, a bit too literally as fluff began falling from the spots Roy and Larry were hitting, out of Mr. Words. Iggy and Lemmy threw more smoke bombs directly into Ludwig's fire, which made many small fire shots that directly hit the mattresses. It was much more effectively this way, as the strange smell of burning fluff and fiber materials filled the nostrils of the Koopalings and Karma.

The "battle" didn't last too long, and ended with Larry and Roy still beating up Mr. Words's strange, plushie-like body. As the mattresses burned, Ludwig continuously burping up smoke, they all bent down to look at Mr. Words. Upon closer examination, they found he had tiny, glass-like beads for eyes underneath the strange goggles, and that his robes were practically sewed on. Karma allowed one of her small, but incredibly sharp, claws to cut the seams. He was indeed inhabited by fluff, and as she the hybrid completely hacked away at the seams, they found no organs or anything. Mr. Words was indeed like a plushie, though the fluff seemed more like mattress stuffing. As they reached his head, his hair felt like real hair, but under that was springs. A plushie made of mattress materials?

While they were all examining Mr. Words, Larry turned around and gasped.

"Y-you guys?" They all turned and looked to what Larry was pointing at. The rest of the mattressess in the room were beginning to move around, some of them wriggling to block the door, stacking up like strange domino pilings.

"If you run really-"


"They can't get you," Iggy started, Lemmy cut in, and Iggy finished quickly as Larry instantly bolted, Roy running even quicker than the small, mohawked figure and picking him up roughly. Iggy and Lemmy followed close behind as Karma looked to Ludwig.

"I HAVE TO BURN THEM!" Ludwig yelled, none of the other Koopalings bothering to turn back. Ludwig hesitated, looking at the machine Larry had dropped. As he looked back down, Mr. Words was gone, completely no evidence left. Had Larry gotten a picture of Mr. Words's fluff and stuffing? Even his spring-filled head? Ludwig secretly hoped so, but now he debated faster than he really could even think or process his decision. Yes, he'd burn them all right, but after he got out. He dashed past Karma, the entrance already being concealed by two mattresses. Would Ludwig's chubby self be able to jump that high? Snapping the button Larry had, Ludwig took pictures of the moving and strange mattresses.

Karma dashed way ahead of Ludwig, easily leaping over the mattresses. Ludwig began to pick up speed, his hair flapping wildly as he ran. For a chubby guy, Ludwig was incredibly light-footed. It didn't seem enough however, as he completely leapt, and managed to get one foot caught upon the mattress. It stuck to his foot like he had been covered in insti-glue and thrown at the bed.

"GAH!" Ludwig yelped, Karma turning back and grabbing his arm. Instantly the other Koopalings rushed back to help pull Ludwig free, Ludwig nearly dropping the tracker/camera machine. Larry took it from him as Ludwig was pulled back, his legs now being covered as another mattress piled on the one he was stuck in. Roy now grabbed Ludwig by his arms, accompanied by Iggy and Lemmy, and pulled him roughly as though he himself were some sort of plushie... and he was pulled free. Larry was now taking even more photos than he had to begin with, each being backed up on a save disk equipped inside the machine.

Ludwig was, again, the only one who paused. He took a deep breath, sending showers of flames on the building, as well as the mattressess. The mattresses caught fire, the brick building not, but it was inside that counted the most. All of them would burn, as they concealed their own exit, too.

The group ran, without looking back, without pausing another second. Through warp pipes, and even some underbrush within the warp pipe, they wouldn't slow down. It felt the entire way they were being sucked back, most of them unable to shake the feeling they were surrounded by mattresses. No sane Koopa would have feared their beds; these guys, and girl, now had a reason...


The pictures had all turned out well, and if the press needed evidence, they had the pictures. At first the critics even asked "How do we know this wasn't staged?" Larry replied:

"Would I go to a factory for my own waste of time? Would anyone just go to a factory and try to frame a bed company? NO! It'd be a WASTE OF TIME... But this was serious, this was TRUTH..."

Even Bowser and Clawdia were hasty to question if this had been some sort of joke. Ludwig had simply stated: "Vould I joke, of all people?"

It was simply a matter of trust. The strange "Mr. Words" in the picture was put on a wanted poster, as Ludwig could not state the man's wherabouts. The pictures were put in newpapers, the Serta mattress company was shut down, and anyone who had one was ordered to cut it open if anyone had indeed gone missing not long after a purchase, and then torch the vile creation.

The Koopalings who'd been involved as well as Karma wouldn't sleep in a real bed for several months, and their current beds, even if they weren't Serta, were scorched in fear. Nobody even laughed at Roy for not wanting a new bed...


The tracking machine had indeed been told to shut down, and paying it no mind, Larry tossed it into his closet. It beeped in protest, but by then Larry was already going to his sleeping bag. It had Piranha Plant patterns on it, to his liking of course. He fell asleep almost instantly, as this was only a day after the incidents had happened, and the case had not yet been proven to be truth yet.

The tracking machine, glowing in Larry's closet, had exited out of photographing mode, but a screen that popped up asking "Do you want to exit out of tracking mode?" glowed in its lifeless gray sort of way.

Behind the screen, however, the small, red dot stood lingering inside what appeared to be blueprints to Kastle Koopa, right above the dungeon, halting in the basement. Larry had the tracking devices loaded on his hand, and perhaps had forgotten them, but he had punched Mr. Words pretty hard...

"Do you want to shut down tracking mode?" The screen flashed a few more times, the red dot behind it unmoving and poised. Larry had punched Mr. Words, who had vanished...

Larry slept soundly, his sleeping bag now the comfiest thing he had ever slept in. Some freak incident had indeed taught him how to have a great night of sleep- without mattressess, sheets, and bed frames.

Because in the end, it was just like the beginning. The mattresses went: ABBBBOOOOOOOMMM!!!

The mattresses maybe, in a sense, but not Mr. Words. At least the Koopalings were now able to say "Goodnight" and actually wake up to each other in the morning. For the time being at least. Or maybe the thing in the basement was Roy creeping in the air vents.

Sleep tight, Koopalings...

The End

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