The Demon Wars
Book One: The Beginning of War

By The Sage of Light

Chapter One: Crossing Worlds
Date: Saturday, August 24, 2004
Time: 11:50

Yelling was heard from an acre plot of land. There were three children running about. Larry, a child that was larger than most thirteen year old children should be, was taunting his two friends, Bryce and Ethen. He had short, dark blond hair and brown eyes that hid behind simple spectacles, due to a lazy left eye. He had been teased for the most part of his life due to a dark ring around his neck. Bryce had very dark hair and also had brown eyes, while Ethen was several years younger and had red hair and brown eyes.

"Nyah nyah, you can't catch me! Come on, you dawdlers!" Larry yelled.

Bryce and Ethen replied, "Shuddup, genius!"

"You two really hit the nail on the head! Gloat, gloat!"


"Up doesn't have anything to close, dingbats!"

Unbeknownst to Larry, Ethen had climbed up a privit hedge and was waiting for him to pass by. Bryce chased Larry futilely, yet in the wrong direction.

Ethen yelled to get their attention. "Hey, guys! Let's play hide and seek!"

Larry ran at him while talking. "Let's have a decisive rock paper scissors match to see who will be it."

The first round's results lead Larry to be excluded from being it, and after the second, Bryce was it. Bryce skulked loudly. "Crud. This stinks."

Ethen taunted his older cousin relentlessly. "Nanny nanny na-NY!"

While he was taunting, Larry snuck away and hid behind the line of azaleas and privit hedges that was four feet from the dividing line of the next yard.

"Fifty! Ready or not, here I come!" came from behind a magnolia. Bryce started to look for his cousin first, while still keeping an eye out for Larry. Eventually, they were both caught, so they started to talk.

Larry suddenly got nervous. "I think something major is about to happen, and it is not going to be wanted. Maybe America'll have to go to war again. I hate war."

Bryce and Ethen also started to feel nervous. Larry would occasionally get premonitions. As if on cue, a green pipe emerged from the ground. The three bellowed in union, "WHAT THE?!!" About two seconds later, a blue hat appeared, and attached to it was a creature that was not of this world.

Larry managed to weakly say, "A M-magi-k-koopa?!"

The Magikoopa simply replied, "Yes, and I do have a name. It's Kamek, by the way. If we may, shall we go inside? It is certainly hot out here." He acted as if he did this everyday, even in front of the three kids that now thought that they had gone off the deep end.

Ethen, Bryce, and Larry turned to each other and said, "Pinch- OW!"

Larry looked back at Kamek. "I'll see what I can do. It isn't everyday that we have visiters from a world that was thought to be fake."

And with that, Larry turned to his house and went inside. His parents took one look at him, and his mother, Judy, said, "You look like you saw a ghost."

Larry replied, "No, only a visiter from Plit... Can he come in?"

Larry, Larry the second's father, said, "What are you talking about? It's a new costume, isn't it? Bring him in."

The thirteen-year-old went outside. "I got the okay. Come in..."

The three Earthlings and one Plitian went inside, and when Larry's parents saw Kamek, their jaws dropped through the floor. After everyone had gotten over the shock of Kamek suddenly appearing in this dimension, they chatted animatedly.

Kamek rose from his seat. "Now, for the reason I have come to Terra. I need the three children to come with me back to Plit." Larry's parents started to interrupt, but Kamek took out his wand. "Now, if you will be so kind, I should like to explain. Mere days ago, I received a vision. It was of Plit, yet it was not a happy one. The planet had been turned into an inhospitable wasteland: lava flows, desertification, the countries covered in blood. The cause was, or I should say were, demons. Yes, demons, creatures created solely of darkness and hatred. Now, your son and his two friends are three of a group that have an actual chance against Xyrus, the demon leader. Now, before you start yelling, I must say that there are some good demons, created by love and kindness. I shall go now and talk to Ethen and Bryce's grandmother and parents. If you ever wish to come to the Mushroom Castle, just go down the left warp pipe. The right leads to Dark Land, and King Bowser will not like it if you go there before a treaty has been organized, if it will. You will know if it has. Good day."

And with that, Kamek, Bryce and Ethen walked about a quarter of a block to Bryce's home.

"You aren't going to listen to this stark-raving mad lunatic, are you?!" Larry's father questioned in a way that was more like a command.

"Father!" Larry yelled. For practically the first time in his life, Larry had called his dad Father. "You don't expect me to just sit on my rear and not help Plit, do you?! I am going, and if I have to harm you, Father, so be it!"

His father backed away, and his mother started crying. "No, Bubbie-"

Larry interrupted. "One, do not call me that; two, I'm gonna go; an' three, you di'n see 'im come up outta da groun'! If I don' go, I'll kill m'self outta d'spai' an' regr't!" Larry's accent lost the intelligent half and reverted back to southern as he got angry.

After that, the three started to apologize and say goodbye. They walked out to the frontyard to see Kamek, Bryce, and Ethen returning.

Kamek called out to them as they neared. "Success. Has everyone said their farewells?" They nodded. "Now, for your weapons, Bryce, Ethen, and Larry. I have them here."

The aged sorcerer started chanting in a different language, and three shapes appeared in front of the children, all of them white silhouettes of swords, varying for the wielder: a three-foot steel sword for Larry and Bryce, and a two and a half-foot sword for Ethen. They all were in sheaths and sword belts, which they put on after the light vanished. Kamek also handed them each a dagger with a moonstone pommel stone. Luckily, the three had practiced with heavy sticks as swords, and were novices at swordplay. They unsheathed the swords and looked at them glimmer in the noontide sun. The humans gasped at the beauty of the swords, though they were plain and without pommel stones.

Two warp pipes appeared, and Kamek started to walk away. Larry stopped him, and turned to his parents.
"What are you going to tell the school. I hardly think that they will believe that we went on a quest to destroy a huge threat to a parallel world that was once connected to our own," he explained.

Kamek walked over to  him and replied, "I can see you love to learn, and this will be a learning experience. The school believes that you are on government business, which, technically, you are. You will also help me make King Koopa sign a peace treaty with the other countries of Plit, namely, the Mushroom Kingdom."

Ethen and Bryce looked at each other, and shouted, "WHAT?! Impossible!"

Larry looked at them and stated, "Improbable, not impossible."

The three started to bicker, and Kamek, Larry the first, and Judy smiled. They were definitely the material to fight demons, at least in their eyes. Soon they stopped, and Larry hugged his parents for what could be the last time, and the four started to walk to the warp pipes. When they got there, the humans started to get nervous. Kamek sensed this and asked, "What is the matter?"

"Well..." Bryce fidgeted.

"We don't exactly..." Ethen tried.

"Augh!" Larry rolled his eyes at his friends. "We don't have warp pipes, and we are nervous about that."

Kamek smiled at them. "It isn't that bad. The first times, you will be disoriented and wish to vomit, but after a couple of times, you get used to it. Now, let us go!"

Kamek jumped into the right pipe, and the three looked at each other nervously. Ethen was the first to step forward. The two elders did not want to be shown up by a younger kid, so they went at a quicker rate. Bryce was the first to jump, followed by Ethen. Larry turned back to his parents and waved at them for the last time for over a year before taking the jump to Dark Land.

And so, the three were off to fight on another world.

Chapter One: King Bowser

"Ugh, Kamek, you weren't kidding... ohh..." Larry managed. The three children were sitting near a river of lava in a cave made of surprisingly cool obsidian. They were surprised that they were not losing the contents of their stomachs.

"Of course, young Larry; I went through the same as you are experiencing. Now, I see that you are overweight, so I will help you. I will also get rid of that ring around your neck." Once more, he chanted in an incomprehensible language, and Larry looked like and felt like a deflating balloon. When he stopped, Larry looked totally different. He was not beautiful, by far, but did not look ugly either. He weighed about one
hundred pounds and could jump approximately four feet without squatting.

Larry looked at himself. "Wow, I feel light as a feather! Of course, in Earthen terms, I feel lighter than a feather, because Plit is slightly smaller. Are you okay, Kamek?"

The mage was breathing heavy, and did not look entirely unhealthy, but looked weak. "Yes, Larry, I am, it just takes a lot of my power. I will be okay in a minute." After a while, Kamek stood up and pointed behind the Earthlings. "There is Castle Koopa. I know that it is on the horizon and that we are currently in a cave, but we may make it before nightfall."

Suddenly, a new voice, deeper than Larry's, echoed in the cave. "Ah, Kamek, you have returned, and I see you have brought the three others." It was Ludwig von Koopa standing at the cave entrance. Kamek just smiled and nodded.

Larry looked at the Koopaling for a second before speaking. "Hello, Prince von Koopa-"

Ludwig cut him off mid sentance. "Just Ludwig, please, and what might your names be? Did Kamek tell you about us?"

"Hello, Pr- er, Ludwig, I am Bryce, and this little munchkin is Ethen, my cousin," Bryce answered the first query.

Ethen looked at him and said, "Don't call me munchkin!" This received laughter from Kamek and Bryce, while Larry adjusted his specticals with a smirk and Ludwig grinned.

Larry introduced himself finally. "I am Larry Cribb, and Kamek told us all about you," he said, turning around and giving the other three a wink. It would be too difficult to tell him that they knew of him through videogames.

Kamek looked at the other four in turn, and said, "I believe it to be time to take our leave of this place and head for Castle Koopa."

"I agree," Iggy said, revealing himself and Lemmy in the mouth of the cave.

"We have gotten the others-" Lemmy began

"To beleive you, including Junior," Iggy finished.

"Now, the final hurdle is Father. We must make him listen to reason, and sign the treaty with the Mushroom Kingdom. It will surely be difficult to do, but it is for the best." Ludwig finished the rest of the comments that needed to be said.

Kamek started out of the obsidian cave and lead the group to the castle. They arrived shortly before evening fell upon Dark Land. They entered, and the breath of the Earthlings was taken away. The beauty of
the interior was so much greator than the exterior. Gems of all shapes and sizes glittered, as did the precious metals. They went directly through red double doors to see Bowser sitting on a throne with the
other Koopalings and a fairly large supply of guards. When Bowser started to speak, it was so calm that the seven newcomers felt scared.

"So, you have returned at last, have you? It was true, then, that you have become traitors to the Koopa Monarchy. Guards, take them away, and let them rot in the dungeon," he ordered.

The seven knew it would be pointless to argue, and their swords, daggers, and wands were taken away before they were lead to the dungeon. They were thrown bodily into two differant cells, Kamek and the Earthlings in one, with the three Koopalings in the adjacent one.

After the guards left, Larry puched the wall hard, revealing bloody knuckles and fingers. "The foo' di'n listen to our case!" His southern accent was once more returning. It took all of his power to not start weeping out of pure, unadulterated anger. After he had cooled down some, his normal accent returned, and he could think clearly. No one had spoken during that interval. He started to pace with his bloodied right hand on his chin. "There must be some way out of here!" As he paced, he noted that there was a small vent on the ceiling of the cell he was in, and another vent ouside of the cells. He then noticed the keys. The others had fallen into a slight stupor, nearly asleep, when he yelled out, "Eureka! That's it!"

Kamek, who had fallen slightly asleep, had a snot bubble that burst suddenly as he awoke. "What is all the yelling about?"

Larry pointed at the vent and said, "That is our way out of here!"

The others took one look at the vent in the ceiling, and Bryce said, "We can't fit up there!"

"WE can't, but someone else in this cell can!" He proclaimed, turning his sights on Ethen.

"Me?" he asked.

Larry sarcastically replied, "No, the steel bar behind you. Yes, you. You can climb on my shoulders, remove the vent, climb into the ventilation system, climb out of the vent right there, get the keys, and use the trial and error system to get us out!"

Ethen sighed. "Okay, I'll give it a shot. But I can't reach the ceiling from on your shoulders! It's about three feet out of reach!"

"That's why we'll both jump when I count to three. The movement when I propell you upward, coupled with your jumping will increase your velocity enough to make you move high enough to get the vent. I'll catch
you, and you be sure not to let go of the vent. If it hits the floor, the guards will come running and will probably kill us," he told the younger kid.

"Okay, Smarty. I'll do it," he answered, not entirely happy about what could happen if those vents fell.

The plan went into action, and it was completed without a hitch. The part that nearest resembled failure was when Ethen nearly dropped the second vent. Soon, they were all free, and they snuck out of there. Ludwig informed them that their weapons would likely be in the armory. They followed Ludwig and managed not to see any guards. It was not long before had got their weapons back, along with a shield for each
of them. When they exited the armory, they heard a voice.


To Be Continued...

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