Paper Luigi: The Marvelous Compass

By Blue Virus

Chapter 4: Jazzafrazz Razzamatazz, or...
Paper Luigi: The Marvelous Musical!

In the last chapter of Paper Luigi...
Luigi: I know that voice...
Jerry: Who is this freak?
Rawk Hawk: YES!
King K: Yo, G-dog, you be trippin' all over this joint, a'ight?
Bathroom: OCCUPIED!
Millenium Star: Ha ha ha!
And now, for this chapter!


Jerry: Who's this guy?

Luigi: This is my new partner, Torque!

Torque waves.

Jerry: He looks kinda...

Blooey: Useless.

Torque: No I'm not! I can throw wrenches!

Jerry: ... And?

Torque: Well, um... I can throw wrenches!

Jerry: Let's face it, Luigi. He's useless.

Luigi: Well, he's not leaving, that's for sure!

Jerry: But why?

Luigi: He's essential to the party.

Blooey: And how is he essential to the party?

Luigi: Well, I haven't figured that out yet. But I know he will be!

Jerry: No he won't.

Meanwhile, with Mario and the gang...

Flavio: It's a boom bassa boom... HOLIDAAAAAY!

Mario: Will somebody please shut him up?

Flavio:You can't *hic* you can't *hic* you can't control Flavio! *hic*

Mario: Oh, he's drunk, ain't he?

Bean: Yeah, he's pretty much always drunk.

Flavio: Flavio *hic* hates you.

Back with Luigi...

Luigi: Why don't we get going? I mean, we've still got four more Shards to go!

Jerry: Yeah!

Blooey: Agreed!

Torque: Indeed!

Jerry, Blooey, and Luigi look at Torque.

Torque: ... What?

Luigi: Nobody told you to talk.

Torque: Okay... then...

Luigi and company head back to the dock, where Captain Kooplet is waiting.

Kooplet: Ay, what took ya?

Luigi: Long story.

Kooplet: Whatever. All aboard!

Luigi and company board the boat. Kooplet blows a whistle and they set off back to the Waffle Kingdom.

Meanwhile, with the Mario crew...

Flavio: *hic* D'ya *hic* d'ya *hic* d'ya got any twenties?

Mario: There is no twenty card in Go Fish, Flavio.

Flavio: You're *hic* cheating, aren't *hic* you?

Mario: No, there really isn't a card with a twenty on it.

Flavio: Then explain *hic* this!

Flavio holds up an ace.

Mario: ... That's an ace, Flavio. That's only worth one.

Flavio: Twenty, one, what's the *hic* difference?

Mario: Nineteen.

Flavio: Quit *hic* contradictin' me, *hic* 'Stache boy!

Back at the Waffle Kingdom...

Crepe: So glad to have you all back in one piece!

Luigi: What, were you expecting something else?

Crepe: Well, I thought you may have died.

Luigi: Just 'cause the author was on hiatus doesn't mean we're dead!

Jerry: Yeah!

Crepe: Okay, okay, enough blathering like idiots. Let's look for the next Shard.

Luigi takes out the compass and looks at the map. A secluded island to the south has a star over it.

Crepe: Jazzafrazz Island, I presume.

Blooey: Hey, how do you know about all these things, like what the name of a place is, or what we need to do?

Crepe: If I told you, that would be making a plothole.

Blooey: Oh. Okay.

Crepe: Well, you'll need to take Kooplet's boat again, I'm afraid.

Luigi: Why? We have Mobee, right?

Crepe: Well, the thing is...

Kooplet: We made him into tuna salad!

Luigi: ... YOU MONSTERS!

Crepe: What can we say?


???: Not quite!

All: Eh?

A floating sandwich appears from the sky.

Sandwich: It is I, Mobee!

Luigi: How? Why?

Mobee: I'm an immortal tuna!

Luigi: That still doesn't explain why you're floating in midair. And talking.

Mobee: Psychokinetic power. I'm not talking, I'm telepathically communicating with everybody in the immediate vicinity. And have you ever heard of telekinesis? Neat stuff.

Luigi: This is going too far! First it was a giant, walking statue. Then it was a two-headed snake. Now a psychic, immortal tuna fish sandwich? I can't believe this!

Jerry: Neither can I.

Torque: Nor can I.

Blooey: Mm. Tuna.

Kooplet: Are ya gonna stand around all day and talk to a sammich or come with me to Jazzafrazz Island?

Luigi: I'll go with the latter.

Luigi and friends board the boat and go sailing.

Let's check in with Mario, shall we?

Bobbery: Young man...  as my... dying wish... I ask for... a bottle of... Chuckola Cola...

Bobbery passes out.

Mario: Nooo! Bobbery's dead!

Goombella: C'mon, back to camp!

Back at camp...

Mario: Flavio! Gimme the Chuckola Cola!

Flavio: Too late, me boy! *hic, hic, hic*

Mario: Why?

Flavio: Me dun *hic* go an drinks it! *hic*

Mario: Oh, @#$%.

Back with Luigi...

Kooplet: Here we are, boys! Jazzafrazz Island!

The area surrounding them is a vast field of flowers, with a happy-faced sun in the background. Crazee Dayzees are dancing in the flowers, singing their merry songs.

Blooey: I hate this place!

Jerry: Shut it!

Luigi: Yeah, let's find that Shard!

???: Not so fast, green!

Luigi: Oh, god, not you again.

Popple: Yes, it is I, Popple, the-

Luigi: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get it.

Popple: What, are ya tired of me?

Luigi: As a matter of fact, we are. Stop trying to steal our Shards!

Popple: Oh, my dear, dear boy. I'm not trying to steal the Compass now!

Luigi: Really?

Popple: Oh, no! I'm trying to steal YOUR LIFE!


Luigi: What are you, stupid?

Popple: No, why?

Jerry: You don't seem to have your little Rookie with you!

Popple: Oh, don't I?

Suddenly, Atomic Boo materializes beside Popple.

Atomic Boo: Boo!

Luigi wets himself.

Luigi: Waah! Not again!

Popple: Think you can take this guy?

Jerry: Yeah we do! We're the best! Right, Luigi?

Luigi is in the fetal position, rocking back and forth, sucking his thumb.

Jerry: What the-?

Blooey: Long story.

Flashback to Luigi's Mansion...

Luigi: Mario? MARIO! Mario! Mariooooo! MARIO?

Luigi stubs his toe on a mop. The mop falls over and a switch is revealed.

Luigi: Ooh, button! Pushy pushy!

Luigi pushes the button and millions of Boos are released. King Boo comes out last and floats right up to Luigi.

King Boo: Oh, Luiiiiiigiiii...

Luigi: Y-yeah?



Back to reality...

Luigi: Ehh... eeehh... AAAH!

Blooey: Yeah, he's afraid of ghosts. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a heart attack.

Jerry: Well, we'll take care of you freaks later. C'mon, Luigi.

Luigi: Eeeeeeeh...

Jerry, Torque, and Blooey drag Luigi to the nearest inn. Luigi sleeps for hours on end before he finally wakes up.

Luigi: Eh... Blooey? Jerry? Torque?

Jerry: You were asleep forever!

Torque: Yeah!

Luigi: Sorry, guys. Luigi's Mansion scarred me for life.

Blooey: I wouldn't blame you. The game was horrible!

Then why did I buy it, hm?

Luigi: Because you like me?

Yep. Carry on!

Jerry: I hate breaking the fourth wall.

Meanwhile, with the Mario Gang...

Curse Chest: YOU FOOLS! You actually thought I was going to let you go without a curse? MUAHAHAHA!

Mario: Just get it over with so I can get the next Crystal Star.

Curse Chest: Fi-ine! Take your new paper boat power thing.

Mario: Thanks!

Back with Luigi...

Luigi: Man, this island is great! There's nothing scary here!

Luigi looks down.

Luigi: Except for that smiling flower. That's just creepy.

???: Hi! Can I help you?

Luigi looks back up. He sees a green Crazee Dayzee.

Luigi: Yes, you can. Have you seen a Platinum Shard around here?

Crazee Dayzee: Yep! It's the prize for the play competition!

Luigi: Play... competition?

Crazee Dayzee: Yep! Every year on Jazzafrazz Island, we have a play competition. Whoever makes the better play wins the grand prize! This year, the prize is a Platinum Shard thing!

Luigi: Excuse me, sir...

Luigi turns to his partners.

Luigi: Did you hear that? The prize for that play competition is the next piece of the Compass!

Jerry: Well, gee, we didn't see that coming.

Luigi: Have you been reading the script?

Jerry: Why, yes... yes I have.

Luigi: I really hate when you do that.

Jerry: Too bad!

Luigi: Whatever. Listen, guys. We have to create the best play ever! We need a script-

Blooey: I'll do that!

Luigi: -costumes-

Jerry: Leave that to me!

Luigi: -props-

Torque: Got it!

Luigi: -and actors.

The party is silent.

Jerry: Where do we get actors?

Luigi: I don't know.

Crazee Dayzee: I do!

Luigi: Really?

Crazee Dayzee: Yep! I'm the head of the theater! I can hook you guys up with all sorts of great actors!

Luigi: Sweet! Thanks... uh, what's your name?

Crazee Dayzee: Hayzee... Hayzee Dayzee!

Luigi: Yeah! Thanks, Hayzee!

Hayzee joined your party!

Luigi: What? I didn't-

I said... Hayzee joined your party!

Luigi: Well, jeez! You don't have to yell!

I wasn't yelling! I was speaking in italics!

Luigi: So? What's the difference?

While Luigi is babbling to the author, Jerry, Blooey, Hayzee and Torque are getting the play ready.

While we're at it, let's see what Mario's doing!

Cortez: ph33r m3!

Mario: Eh?

Cortez: ph33r my l33t 4ct10n sk1llz0rz! 1 w1ll 0wnz0rz u!!1!!11! T3hr3 1s n0 3sc4p3!

Mario's brain implodes from the ch4tsp33k. I mean chatspeak.

Cortez: s33? 1 pwnz0rz j00!

Ugh. Let's get back to what Luigi's doing.

Blooey: Luigi? How do you spell “floccinaucinihilipilification”?

Luigi: Why do you need to know?

Blooey: It's part of the script!

Luigi: Ugh...

Jerry: Luigi! LUIGI!

Luigi: What?

Jerry: What looks better on me; pink, or black with skulls on it?

Luigi: I don't know! Just... go with the pink one!

Torque: LUIGI!

Luigi: WHAT?

Torque: Can I use the bathroom?


Hayzee: Hey, Luigi!

Luigi: ... WHAT?

Hayzee: I've got your lead actor right here!

Luigi: Oh, good! Wait...  is that... WARIO?

Wario: Yep! I'm playin' the part of... YOU!

Luigi: WHAT?

Blooey: Yeah! This chapter is a sort of recap, so we figured we'd make a play about the story so far!


Blooey: Since when were we uncreative?

Meanwhile, on the Pudding Continent...

Bill Cosby: Oh, boy! I think I wet myself!

Back with Luigi...

Luigi: It was just once!

Blooey: Yeah...  right.

Luigi: I digress. Why is Wario playing my part?

Hayzee: Let's see... Mario's too busy, Waluigi's too scared, Sorry-O doesn't exist, and... well, Doopliss won't bother to copy you.

Luigi: ARE YOU KIDDING? Doopliss would've been perfect!

Hayzee: Sorry. But we did get some popular characters to play the roles of your partners!

Bombette: I'm playing Jerry!

Gooper Blooper: I'm Blooey!

Spike Top: I'm Torque!

Amazee Dayzee: And I'm Hayzee!

Luigi: No. No no no no.

Hayzee: Oh, that's not all! I hired some others to play bosses you've met!

Kent C. Koopa: I'm Rumblebumpa!

Fawful: Popple is me!

Petey Piranha, Triclyde, and Mouser: We're Popple's rookies!

Double Dragon: I'm Hizza!

Buzzy Beetles: We're the Buzzy Beetle racers!

Hayzee: Like them?

Luigi: Whatever. Blooey, you done with the script?

Blooey: Yep! Read it!

Luigi starts to read it. He's halfway through the script before he looks up at Blooey.

Luigi: Blooey?

Blooey: Yeah?


Blooey: Teenagers love rap!

Luigi: Oh, whatever. Let's just go with what we have.

On the day... of the play!

Amazee Dayzee: Welcome, one and all to the 69th annual Jazzafrazz Play-Off! The first competitor in the Play-Off is a group of five from the Waffle Kingdom. Give it up for Blooey, Jerry, Torque, Hayzee, and Melissa!

Luigi (Wario): IT'S LUIGI!

Amazee Dayzee: Yeah. Whatever. And now, their play... Rappin' Up The Journey!

Blooey (Gooper Blooper) starts making boombox noises.

Yo, yo check it out
Luigi's in the house
I'll tell ya 'bout my journey
and... uh, mouse?

Jerry (Bombette): You stink at rapping.

Luigi: Shut up!

My name is Blooey
It ain't not Louie
I'm wit' Luigi
and I'm his very best friend!

Luigi: No, you're not!

Blooey: Quiet!

Luigi and Blooey:
We was in a big volcano
and it was getting kinda hot
when this statue came to life
and we kicked the snot!
Out of it!

Rumblebumpa (Kent C. Koopa): RAAR! I am Rumblebumpa, giant statue!

Luigi and Blooey:
We beat him up real good
and we got the first Shard
then we headed to the next place
where the journey would get hard!

Fawful (Popple):
I am Popple!
The Shadow Thief!
I've been beaten a lot
And I got no relief!
With my new rookie,
We'll beat them good
'Cause my friend Mouser's
In the hood!


Luigi: This rap makes no sense at all.

Blooey: It's hard being a writer!

On the stage...

Have some bombs!
That's all I can say,
But I'll beat Luigi
Any day!

Luigi and Blooey:
We got the first Shard
And we headed to the city
Then we swam through the sea
To get to Isle Plumpbelly!


Luigi: We'll never win with this rap!

Blooey: Oh, yeah we will. Just you wait.


My name is Jerry!
I look like a cherry!
My father's name is Barry
And I love to-


Luigi looks on the stage and sees Popple and Atomic Boo.

Popple: All right, you dumb flowers! I want that trophy, see?

Hayzee: You can't have it!

Popple: Oh, yeah? Show 'em the ropes, Atomic Boo!

Atomic Boo floats up to the stage.

Atomic Boo: HELLO!


Luigi: 20/20
Attack: Boomerang
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!

Jerry: Why'd that hit twice?

Luigi: It's a boomerang!

Hayzee: 15/15
Attack: Petal Breeze
Atomic Boo takes 4 damage!

Atomic Boo: 56/70
Attack: Lickzorz
Luigi is poisoned!
Luigi takes 1 damage!

Luigi: 19/20 (POISONED)
Attack: Boomerang
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!
Luigi is poisoned for 1 damage!

Hayzee: 15/15
Attack: Sleepy Song
Hayzee sings a beautiful rendition of the Super Mario Bros. Overworld!
Atomic Boo takes 4 damage!
Atomic Boo fell asleep!

Atomic Boo: 42/70 (SLEEP)
Atomic Boo is asleep.

Luigi: 18/20 (POISONED)
Tactic: Switch
Luigi switches Hayzee with Torque!
Luigi is poisoned for 1 damage!

Torque: 20/20
Attack: Wrench It
Torque throws a wrench!
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!

Atomic Boo: 37/70 (SLEEP)
Atomic Boo is asleep.
Atomic Boo wakes up!

Luigi: 17/20 (POISONED)
Attack: Boomerang
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!
Atomic Boo takes 5 damage!
Luigi is relieved of the poison!

Torque: 20/20
Attack: Plothole
A nuclear bomb appears!
Atomic Boo takes 50000000sd0svdaddv damage!
Atomic Boo is defeated!


Luigi: ... How did you do that?

Torque: It's a Buzzy Beetle thang.

Luigi: Whatever. Let's just continue the play.

Hayzee: Nah, I don't think you need to finish it.

Hayzee holds up a trophy with the Platinum Shard on it.

Hayzee: This is for you, for saving us!

Luigi: Sweet.

Luigi got the Platinum Shard! Only three more to go!

Hayzee: And, I'll power up your partners because I can!

Torque learned Fixinate!

Torque: Awesome!

Hayzee learned Annoying Dance!

Hayzee dances. A Goomba in the vicinity dies.

Hayzee: Whee!

Meanwhile, with Mario...

Cortez: j00 d1d g00d. i g1ve j00 cr1st4l st4rr n0w.

Mario got the Sapphire Crystal Star!

Mario: Thank you very much!

Cortez: n0w i us3 mi g0dm0dd1ng p0w3rz t0 s3nd u h0me.

Cortez creates a plothole, which Mario falls in.

Cortez: s33 j00 n3xt t1m3!

As Chapter 4 comes to an end, Luigi and Mario got what they wanted, Cortez let Mario use his ship, Torque found out he had l33t godmodding skillz, and Hayzee killed a Goomba. What will happen next? Didn't Mario forget to get the first Crystal Star? Will Luigi get the next Shard? Will Hayzee kill more innocent passers-by? Find out next time!

To Be Continued In
Chapter 5: I Scream, You Scream!

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