A New Force

By Larry


It is a nice summer day (I know it’s sappy but deal with it). Larry is taking a walk when a rumbling noise is heard. Larry looks at the castle to see a giant, black, shell-shaped ship abducting his family! The ship flies away and Larry runs home to call for help.

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

Larry dials a number on his phone and the scene switches to his co-interviewers all together taking a walk. (What is with people taking walks around here?) Bon Bonne’s phone rings and he answers it.)

Bon Bonne: Hellooooooooooooooo?

Larry: Guys! I need you to come over!

Bon Bonne: For a sleepover?

Larry: NO! My family has been kidnapped!

Bon Bonne: We’ll be there right away!

Ten hours later...

Bon Bonne, Kleptor, and Shadow Hammer Bros. come in.

Larry: What took you so long?!

Kleptor: We stopped at McDonalds

Larry: O   O
              []       It took you that long?

Kleptor: Yes

Larry: *sigh* Luckily I saw which direction the ship was heading! It went south!

Shadow Hammer Bros.: Let’s go!

They head south.

Larry: What’s this?

Larry picks up a newspaper that’s on the ground.

Larry: It says: The seven Shadow Stars have been stolen! They were taken by a giant, black, shell-shaped ship! *drops paper* A giant, black, shell-shaped ship is what stole my family! If we can get the seven Shadow Stars maybe we can rescue my family!

Bon Bonne: Or we can eat bacon!

Larry: NO!

Bon Bonne: Fine!

A wise old Koopa walks toward them.

Old Koopa: Hello!

Larry: Hey, do you know anything about the seven Shadow Stars?

Old Koopa: Well a green woman with a black gem in her head and a short, green fellow with headgear passed by holding a black star. They went the way you are already going.

Larry: Thanks!

They run the way they were going but stop when they arrive at Beanbean Town.

Shadow Hammer Bros: Wow!

Kleptor: Woah!

Bon Bonne: Fabooooooo!

Everyone looks at Bon Bonne.

Bon Bonne: What?

The town has been completely destroyed except for the castle.

Chapter Two: The fight with Cackletta

Kleptor: Let’s go into the castle!

They go to the circus. Just kidding, they go to the castle.

???: Who dares does the disturbing of us?

Larry: I’d recognize that voice anywhere! It’s Fawful!

Fawful: Yes, it is being the me! Fawful! Eya ha ha ha ha!

???: Fawful, have you destroyed the intruders?

Fawful: Not the yet, Cackletta!

Shadow Hammer Bros: Cackletta?!

Cackletta appears with a black gem in her head.

Larry: (to his friends) Those are the two people the old Koopa was talking about!

Cackletta: My master wants you dead!

Larry: Master?

Cackletta shoots lightning at our heroes but they dodge it and punch Cackletta and Fawful inside the castle and pursue them.

Fawful: Take this, fink-rats!

Fawful shoots energy balls at our heroes but they dodge them and the balls hit a secret door which blows up, revealing a black star and a spirit version of Morton in.a glass case)

Spirit Morton: Larry! I’m so glad, happy, pleased, relieved, and joyful to see you!

Cackletta: SHUT UP!

Spirit Morton: Okay.

Fawful and Bon Bonne engage in combat.

Fawful: Bring it on, you big baby!


Bon Bonne shoots missiles at Fawful and they all hit him.

Fawful: Ow!

Fawful faints and Kleptor and Cackletta engage in combat.

Kleptor: This should be easy!

Cackletta: Eya ha ha ha ha ha!

Cackletta shoots him with lightning.

Kleptor: BLAGIGAGAGAGAGAD! End Transmission!

Voice: Error, must find signal… signal found!

The “screen” turns on and Kleptor has defeated Cackletta

Kleptor: Wow, that sure was action packed!

Larry obtains the Shadow Star.

Spirit Morton: Wow, that was cool, awesome, and sweet!

Larry: What does this button do?

Larry pushes the button and Morton’s spirit goes back to his body.

Larry: Now that that’s over with, let’s-

Just then the Shadow Star starts speaking.

Shadow Star: The second Shadow Star lies in Sarasaland.

Larry: Let’s go then!

They head toward Sarasaland.

Chapter Three: Tatanga’s Shadow Star

Bon Bonne: Are we there yet?

Larry: No.

Bon Bonne: Are we there yet?

Larry: No.

Bon Bonne: Are we there yet?

Larry: No.

Bon Bonne: Are we there yet?

Larry: I SAID NO!

Kleptor: Are we there yet?

Larry: Yes!

They see Tatanga with a black gem in his head and behind him is a glass case with Wendy’s spirit inside and a Shadow Star.

Spirit Wendy: HELP ME!

Tatanga: Silence!

Larry shoots a fireball at Tatanga’s ship but he jumps out in the nick of time.

Tatanga: You made me angry! You don’t like me when I’m angry!

Tatanga grows bigger and muscular).

Shadow Hammer Bros: Oh great! An Incredible Hulk impression! I will fight him!

Tatanga: Bring it!

Shadow Hammer Bros. throws a hammer at Tatanga but it bounces off of him.

Tatanga: That almost tickled! Let me show you true strength!

Tatanga shoots lasers out of his eyes and they hit Shadow Hammer Bros’s face.)

Shadow Hammer Bros: OW! Get a load of this! Shadow Hammer!

Shadow Hammer Bros’s shadow hammer turns Tatanga into dust.

Spirit Wendy: My hero! I love you!

Shadow Hammer Bros: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Shadow Hammer Bros. pushes a button and Wendy’s spirit goes back to her body.



Shadow Hammer Bros. grabs the Shadow Star.

Shadow Star: The next Shadow Star is in Smithy’s Factory!

Our heroes head for Smithy’s Factory.

Chapter Four: Smithy’s Factory.

The Axem Rangers surprise Larry and Co.

Axem Black: Surprise!


Bon Bonne beats the stuffing out of the Axem Rangers and they continue on their adventure).

Kleptor: Have you noticed that voice?

Larry: No.

Kleptor: Oh. Hey, we made it Scraaaaaaaaaaaw!

Larry: O.o

They keep walking until Smithy and Yaridovich appear. Both of them have black gems in their heads. (See a pattern?)

Yaridovich: Mwahahahhahahahhaha! You can’t beat me! Or my clones!

Just then two other Yaridoviches appear.

Yaridovich 2: I like chocolate milk!

Yaridovich 3 blows up for no reason and Yaridovich 2 runs away.

Larry: O.o

Kleptor picks Yaridovich up and drops him in a lava pool.

Yaridovich: Ahhhhhhhh! I’m melting!

Smithy: You may have defeated Yaridovich, but lets see what’s behind door number 1!

Smithy puts in earplugs and opens one of the two doors, and Numa Numa Man is behind it.


Numa Numa Man: Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu-

Larry: Aaaaaaaaah! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Larry throws Numa Numa Man out the window.

Numa Numa Man: Ma-ia-hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Bon Bonne: Whew! I’ll fight Smithy!

Smithy: This is gonna be fun!

Smithy’s head changes to its tank form and shoots a cannon at Bon Bonne, but Bon Bonne eats it like an apple.

Bon Bonne: MMMMMMMMMM! Apple!

Larry: Bon Bonne, that’s not an apple! Bad Bon Bonne, bad!

Larry sprays Bon Bonne.

Bon Bonne: *whimpers like a dog* It’s time to get serious- YAAAAAAAAA!

Bon Bonne throws the half eaten cannonball at Smithy’s cannon and it blows up along with the rest of him.

Kleptor: You did it! Let’s see what’s behind door number two!

Kleptor opens the door and Iggy’s spirit and the third Shadow star are there.

Iggy: Thanks guys, I was getting a cramp in here!

Kleptor presses the button and Iggy’s spirit returns to his body and he grabs the Shadow Star.

Shadow Star: The fourth Shadow Star is in Sub-con.

Larry: Let’s head to Wart’s castle!

Chapter Five: Uncle Wart’s Demise

Larry: Hey, there is something in that tree!

Birdo jumps from the tree.

Birdo: This is as far as you go!

Larry: Shut up!

Larry fries Birdo and continues.

Birdo: I’ll remember this!

Kleptor: Hey look! A cave!

They go into the cave.

Bon Bonne: Echo!

Echo: Echo!

Bon Bonne: I’m an idiot!

Echo: You’re an idiot!

Bon Bonne: O.o

They come across a giant, white door.

Shadow Hammer Bros: Must open door!

He opens it and they all get sucked into Sub-con.

Bon Bonne: Let’s go again!

Larry: NO!

Shy Guy: Hey! You can’t be here!

(Bon Bonne squashes the Shyguy)

Bon Bonne: Where is Wart’s castle?

Kleptor: Look! There it is!

Wart’s castle is about five feet from them and a giant neon sign that says "Wart’s castle" is on it.

Kleptor: It was hard to find because it totally blends in!

They enter the castle and Wart, Clawgrip, Mouser and Triclyde are in the room. They each have a black gems in their head.

Larry: Hi, Uncle Wart!

Wart: My master told me about you. I’m sorry, but I need to kill you!

Larry: Why?

Wart: It’s in my line of duty!

Larry: HAHAHAHHA! You said duty!

Wart: -_-

Kleptor: I’ll fight Mouser!

Kleptor starts pecking at Mouser’s head but gets hit by Mouser’s Rob-omb.

Kleptor: Curse you, Rob!


Rob-omb blows up in Mouser’s hand.

Mouser: OW! I give!

Mouser runs away.


Bon Bonne shoots missiles at Clawgrip and he becomes roasted.

Bon Bonne: MMMMMMMMMM! Crab!


Bon Bonne eats Clawgrip.


Shadow Hammer Bros. pushes Triclyde out the window.


Wart: Enough!

Wart shoots bubbles at Larry but Larry dodges them Matrix-style.

Larry: Fireball!

Larry’s fireball hits Wart in the black gem and he dissolves. Larry opens a door and Roy’s spirit and the fourth Shadow star are in there.

Spirit Roy: Finally!

Larry presses the button and Roy’s spirit goes back to his body and the Shadow Star speaks.

Shadow Star: The fifth Shadow Star is in King Boo’s Mansion.

Larry: *gulp*

Chapter Six: BOO! I bet that scared you!

Larry: I’m scared!

Our heroes are walking through Boo Forest.

Kleptor: I think we are lost. I’ll ask for directions

Larry: There’s no one here!

Kleptor: I can speak crow!

Kleptor starts speaking crow to a, you guessed it, crow.

Kleptor: He says to turn left.

The team somehow makes it to the mansion.

Bon Bonne: Let’s knock!

Bon Bonne knocks on the door but he’s so strong it falls down.

Bon Bonne: Oops!

Boo: Who’s there?

Larry: Us!

Boo: Go away!

Larry: NO!

Boo: Fine then! King Boo!

King Boo appears and has a black gem in his head.

King Boo: Biggity Biggity Boo!

Larry: AAAAAH!

Shadow Hammer Bros: I’ll handle this!

Shadow Hammer Bros. sucks up King Boo into the vacuum.



E. Gadd comes in, takes his vacuum back, and leaves.

Larry: Where’s the Shadow Star?

???: In here!

Larry opens the door the voice is coming from, and the Shadow Star and Lemmy’s spirit are in there.

Lemmy: Thanks, I was getting really scared!

Larry presses the button and Lemmy’s spirit goes back to his body.

Shadow Star: The Sixth Shadow Star is on the moon.

Larry: Wow, this chapter is really short, so let’s go to the moon!

Chapter Seven: Grodus’s Seath

Larry: How in the world are we supposed to get to the moon?

Bon Bonne: I know!

Bon Bonne turns into a rocket and our heroes head toward the moon and land in front of the X-Naut base. Bon Bonne transforms back to his normal form.

Elite X-Naut: You can’t be here!



The Elite X-Naut runs away screaming like a little girl.

Bon Bonne: I’ll break down the door!

Bon Bonne does so.

X-Naut: Go away!

Bon Bonne crushes the X-Naut and then Lord Crump appears.

Lord Crump: Buh Buh!

Larry: O.o

Kleptor pecks at Lord Crump and runs off to get Grodus.



Kleptor: Quit it, you two!

Grodus: Fireball!

Grodus roasts Kleptor with a fireball.

Kleptor: Why you!

The following scene is too violent even for adults.

Kleptor: That will teach you! Hey look, it's Ludwig and the Shadow Star!

Ludwig: Help me out of here!

Larry pushes the button and Ludwig’s spirit returns to his body.

Shadow Star: The last Shadow Star is in the black, shell-shaped ship. We will take you there.

The six Shadow Stars take Larry and Co. to the ship.

Chapter Eight: The Last Fight

Larry: That was fun!

They see a giant, black door and enter it to see the Koopalings and Bowser in glass cases.

???: Who are you?

A black-shelled Koopa the size of Bowser appears. He has a foot-long tail, blood red eyes, a black mohawk, shiny silver teeth, and a black gem in his head.

Zarax: My name is Zarax. I kidnapped your family because once every 700 years the planets align and when a green gem called the Phoenix is under the moonlight the holder gets ultimate power. But I need seven bodies of royal people without their spirits to be destroyed for it to work.

Larry: What is with the black gems?

Zarax: They allow me to control people.

Larry: Why did you steal the seven Shadow Stars?

Zarax: I need at least one with me for the ritual to work, but the Shadow Star I have won't release Bowser’s spirit so it’s all ruined, but I’ll keep them as a collection!

Larry shoots a fireball at Zarax but nothing happens.

Zarax: Hahahaha! That won’t hurt me!

Bon Bonne takes the Phoenix, the last Shadow Star, and the glass cases, and turns into a rocket, and Larry and Co. get in it and leave a bomb.


The ship blows up but our heroes escape in time.


When they return Larry releases his family and the Shadow Stars. He thanks his friends and got 1,000,000,000 for saving his family. But in the deep void of space, Zarax drifts… and is still alive.

The End

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