Super Minion Tournament

By Shy Ranger

Week 1: Pre-Game Things

Smithy Junior, Meg Koopa, Blackitu, Blackicloud, and Shy Ranger are sitting at a long table. Each person has a microphone.

Shy Ranger: Hello, fellow tourists. I am the author and host of this tournament.

Smithy Junior, Meg Koopa, Blackitu, and Blackacloud: We are hosts too.

Shy Ranger: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, before we start the tournament we five want to talk to you tourists.

Smithy Junior: Uh, right. Anyway, we would like to tell you where we are.

Blackitu: We are at the once abandoned Mini-Game Stadium from Mario Party 5, the place where they used to have the Mini-Game Decathlon.

Meg Koopa: We remodeled it. It is now a huge stadium. There are many seats on the outside, and a big, blue circle on the inside.

Blackicloud: After you read the first two weeks, you will see something that says “Post Game Things”. If you want to know how to get your ideas for games in tournament read “Post Game Things”.

Shy Ranger: I would also like to dedicate this story to Crazy Packers Fan. He inspired me to write this. So with that out of the way, let the tournament begin.

Week 1: Here Come the Teams

Shy Ranger: I see the teams arriving now.

Blackicloud: At least they are here.

Blackitu: You’ve got that right.

Meg Koopa: Like you know anything.

Smithy Junior: YAAY!

Shy Ranger: Now all eight teams have one team captain and seven teammates. Team captains and teammates each play an important part.

The Smithy Gang
Team Captain: Smithy
Teammates: Mack, Yaridovich, Cloaker, Domino, Clerk, Manager, Director

The Great Goombas
Team Captain: Goomba King
Teammates: Goomba, Paragoomba, Grand Goomba, Kuribo Goomba, Micro Goomba, Spiked Goomba, Gloomba

The Army of Koopas
Team Captain: Kamek
Teammates: Koopa Troopa, KP Koopa, Shady Koopa, Dark Koopa, Koopatrol, Magikoopa, Hammer Brother

The Sub-con Warriors
Team Captain: Wart
Teammates: Fry Guy, Bezzo, Ninji, Mouser, Clawgrip, Birdo, Snifit

The Thousand-Year Door Forces
Team Captain: Grodus
Teammates: Lord Crump, Dark Koopatrol, Doopliss, Dark Lakitu, Elite Wizzerd, Poison Puff, Dark Craw

The Shy Squad
Team Captain: General Guy
Teammates: Shy Guy, Fly Guy, Spear Guy, Stilt Guy, Shy Away, Spy Guy, Pyro Guy

The Powerful Piranhas
Team Captain: Petey Piranha
Teammates: Piranha Plant, Putrid Piranha, Nipper, Piranhacus Giganticus, Muncher, Pale Piranha, Frost Piranha

The Cave Masters
Team Captain: Blargg
Teammates: Mega Mole, Spike Top, Spiny, Swooper, Buzzy Beetle, Buster Beetle, Dry Bones

Shy Ranger: Now that everybody is here. We can start the tournament.

Week 1: The Rules

Shy Ranger:  Ok, here’s how the tournament works. The game is set up in a bracket form. The list below shows which team faces which.

The Great Goombas Vs The Shy Squad
The Smithy Gang Vs The Cave Masters
The Army of Koopas Vs The Sub-con Fighters
The Thousand Year Door Forces Vs The Powerful Piranhas

Smithy Junior: Two teams will go against each other and will have to battle in a game. The winning team will move on to the next round of the tournament. The losing teams will get coins based on how well they do in the tournament. Here is a list showing the prizes.

Losing in the first round: 80 coins
Losing in the second round: 800 coins
Losing in the final round: 8,000 coins

Shy Ranger: The winners of the tournament will receive eight trophies and eight million coins. So let’s begin the tournament with round one and our first battle… The Great Goombas Vs. The Shy Squad.

Week 1: The Big Flag Race

Shy Ranger: This game is a flag hunt. Both teams must go to a Mario Kart 64 course and find the ten flags hidden. The Great Goombas go to Yoshi Valley, and The Shy Squad goes to Bowser’s Castle. Find the ten flags and have all eight members of the team return here and you win. Make sure your team captain has the flags and your entire team returns, so no abandoning.

Blackitu: Sounds easy, right? Well it’s not! There are dangers such as flags in tough places, flag guards, and other challenges.

Goomba King: We shall win.

General Guy: No you won’t. We will win.

Blackicloud: Ready, set, go!

The Great Goombas

Goomba: This is going to be tough.
Gloomba: Nonsense, there are eight routes. So, if we split up we will find the flags in no time.

Goomba King: Good idea. Return here in half an hour.

-Route 1-

Goomba King: Aw, I see a porcupine has the first flag. So I’ll just-

The porcupine stings him.

Goomba King: YEE-OUCH! Stupid porcupine. How am I going to get the flag?

-Route 2-

Goomba: I see a flag on top of that cliff, but how am I supposed to get it?

Goomba tries to climb the cliff, but falls and rolls off the track.

-Route 3-

Paragoomba: I already see a flag on top of that mountain.

Paragoomba grabs the flag.

Paragoomba: All right, let’s see if there is more.

A Spiny appears.

Paragoomba: What’s a Spiny doing here?

Spiny: I have orders to not let you get all the flags.

Spiny kicks Paragoomba off the track. Paragoomba loses his wings because of the Mario rules.

-Route 4-

Grand Goomba: I can’t find any flags.

A big Koopa Troopa appears, and kicks Grand Goomba off the track.

Grand Goomba: Great, just great.

The Shy Squad

The Shy Guys walk up to the Thwomp Quiz Master (Ffom Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door) in the first room in the castle.

General Guy: What is this Thwomp doing here?

Thwomp: Welcome to the 67th Annual Super Quirk Quiz. Today’s prize is… five flags. Do you want five flags?

Spy Guy: Well duh.

Thwomp: I will give you seven questions. Get three wrong, and you will suffer a horrible fate. If you can get five or more right or survive the fate, you will get five flags.

The quiz music from PM2 starts.

Thwomp: Let’s begin with the first question… In Mario Golf Toadstool Tour, what is last course you can unlock?

Shy Guy: Bowser Badlands?

O (Correct)

Thwomp: Darn, you got in right.

Spy Guy: Wow, Shy Guy! You may be a bad minion, but you're pretty smart.

Shy Guy: Yay, I know- Hey! I’m not a bad minion.

Thwomp: Enough chatter. You can talk all you want when you’re suffering the terrible fate I said earlier. Now for Question Two…  Where the Goomba King right now?

Fly Guy: How should I know?

Pyro Guy: Isn’t he on the Great Goombas team?

Stilt Guy: That’s right, and he’s at “Yoshi” something.

Fly Guy: I know, he’s on Yoshi Island!

X (Wrong)

Thwomp: Ha ha ha! You got one wrong. Get two more wrong-

Shy Away: And we will suffer a terrible fate. We know.

Spy Guy: Like we could forget.

Spear Guy: I should have answered that one.

Thwomp: Silence! Time for Question Three… What tournament is this?

Spear Guy: Um, Super… uh, Minion Tournament.


Thwomp: Darn! Question Four… How many questions will there be?

Stilt Guy: Seven!


Thwomp: That was too easy.

Stilt: Yeah, for us.

Thwomp: Question Five… Where is Shy Ranger?

Shy Away: Um, uh, Mini-Game Land.



General Guy: YOU MORON! He is in Mini-Game Stadium.

Shy Away: Close enough-

Thwomp: No! Not close enough! Get one more wrong please. Question Six… Who am I?

Spy Guy: The Thwomp Quiz Master!


Thwomp: Correct! Now for the seventh and final question… This will decide your fate. Who is the greatest guy in the world?

A: Shy Ranger
B: Bowser
C: Thwomp Quiz Master
D: General Guy

General Guy: D of course.


Thwomp: HA HA HA! THAT IS ABSOLUTLY WRONG! The correct answer was… C.

Pyro Guy: Nice going.

Shy Ranger appears.

Shy Ranger: That was the wrong question. Now for the real final question… What number question is this?

Pyro Guy: Se-

General Guy: No, you fool! It’s eight!

Shy Ranger: Correct! You win five flags.

Pyoo Guy: What?!

General Guy: The Quiz Master asked us seven questions, but Shy Ranger asked the eighth. Now, let’s proceed.

Great Goombas, Route 5

Kuribo Goomba: Who knew someone would leave a flag on the track?

Kuribo Goomba grabs a flag. A Spiny appears.

Spiny: Give me your flag.

Spiny rolls at Kuribo Goomba, who hides in his shoe. Spiny ricochets off the shoe and falls off the track. Kuribo Goomba grabs the flag Spiny dropped.

-Route 6-

Spiked Goomba is walking on the route, and notices two Paratroopas.

Paratroopas: Beat us to get two flags.

Spiked Goomba just stands there while the Paratroopas hits his spike.

Paratroopa 1: I give up.

Paratroopa 2: Me too. Here are your flags.

Spiked Goomba: Well, that was easy.

-Route 7-

Gloomba: What kind of person would put two flags on the mountain?

Gloomba painstakingly climbs the mountain, and grabs the flags. A Spiny appears.

Spiny: Give me those flags.

Spiny kicks Gloomba off the mountain back onto the route STILL WITH BOTH FLAGS.

Gloomba: Thanks.

Spiny: Darn. He was supposed to fall off the track.

-Route 8-

Microgoomba: I can’t believe there aren’t any flags.

Microgoomba gives up and leaves, not noticing the two flags a few feet in front of him.

-At the Start-

Goomba King: So did everyone get a flag?

Kuribo’s Goomba: I found two flags.

Spiked Goomba: Me too!

Gloomba: Me three!

Micro Goomba: I couldn’t find any.

Goomba King: Hey, where are Goomba, Paragoomba, and Grand Goomba?

Gloomba: Great, we’re missing four flags and three teammates.

-The Shy Squad-

The Shy Squad continues through the castle until they find the last five flags in the section with the castle towers.

Shy Away: We win!

A cage falls on the flags.

Fly Guy: What’s going on?

Valentina and Dodo (from Super Mario RPG) appear.

General Guy: What are you two doing here?

Velentina: We were paid by Shy Ranger because we promised to guard the flags-

Spear Guy: And he asked you guys… why?

Valentina: Shut up!

Dodo: Beat us and we’ll give you the flags.

Spear Guy: Fine by us.

Spear Guy throws his spear at them, and they fall fast out of the sky. Then he throws another spear at Dodo. Dodo gets knocked out, and then Valentina hits Spear Guy with crystals. Spy Guy starts throwing hammers, and Pyyo Guy burns Valentina to a crisp.

Valentina: I’m not finished yet.

Pyro Guy: Neither are we.

Fly Guy: That’s right, we’ll not stop until we win.

Spy Guy: He’s right!

Pryo Guy: Yeah!

Pyro Guy and Spy Guy continue to fight.

Pyro Guy and Spy Guy: (to their teammates) Why won’t you guys help us?

Shy Away, Fly Guy, and Stilt Guy: We are… uh… backup.

Spear Guy: My head hurts.

Shy Guy: I’m a thinker, not a fighter.

General Guy: I’m trying to open this cage.

General Guy tries throwing bombs at the cage, but nothing is working.

General Guy: Darn it.

Valentina: Hey, stop trying to open the cage.

Valentina runs toward General Guy. Just then, all the other Shy Guys start to beat her up. She eventually gets knocked out, and Fly Guy and Shy Away toss her into the lava.

Pyro Guy: Finally.

Dodo then wakes up.

Dodo: What did I miss?

The Shy Guys beat him up and toss him into the lava, but the cage is still there.

Shy Away: I have a relative who worked for them. He made a three0headed Piranha Plant to fight Mario, then gave him fertilizer.


Shy Away: Nothing really.

Shy Guy: What’s wrong with this cage?

Valentina comes out of the lava all black and burnt.


Fly Guy: Boy is she persistent.

The Great Goombas, Route 2

Goomba King: This is where Goomba went.

Gloomba: Where did he go?

Goomba (from off the track): HELP ME, I’M STUCK!

Spiked Goomba: Where’s Lakitu when you need him?

Lakitu appears.

Lakitu: I’m not allowed to help you when need me.

Microgoomba: Guys, lets make a chain to get Goomba.

The once Paragoomba and Grand Goomba appear off the track.

Grand Goomba: Hello.

Paragoomba (Sort of): Hi.

The five Goombas on the track make a chain. Spiny hits Goomba King (on the track at the end of the chain) and the five Goombas fall off the track.

Goomba King: YEE-OUCH!

Great Goombas: HELP US!

The Shy Squad

Valentina: Time for round two.

Valentina freezes Bowser’s Castle with ice so powerful, it freezes the lava. Because Dodo is in the lava, he gets frozen and is defeated.

Shy Guy: Oh great.

The Shy Squad continues to fight, but Valentina uses Crystal and knocks them all out.

Valentina: Ha ha ha! I win, losers!

Voice: *evil laughter*

Bowser appears on top of Valentina. Bowser’s theme from Mario Party 6 starts.

Bowser: You have frozen up my great castle- Turn off that music!

The theme stops.

Bowser: Time to meet your fate.

Bowser sends Valentina flying out of the castle. Bowser disappears, and the cage over the flags dematerializes. The Shy Squad wakes up and grabs the flags.

General Guy: Let’s return to Mini-Game Stadium.

Mini-Game Stadium

General Guy: We have all ten flags.

General Guy shows him the ten flags.

Shy Ranger: IT’S OVER! With a close victory, The Shy Squad win.

Shy Guy: WE WIN.

Smithy Junior: The Shy Squad win. The Great Goomba get 80 coins for losing in the first round, 10 coins for each person. Next week we will put two more teams against each other. See you all next week!

Yoshi Valley, Off Track


At Mini-Game Stadium

Shy Ranger: Blackicloud?

Blackicloud: Yes?

Shy Ranger: Go save those Goombas.

Blackicloud: All right.

Ten minutes later...

Blackicloud: Mission accomplished.

In the special bleachers for the teams, The Smithy Gang is talking.

Mack: Smithy, do you think you win the tournament?

Smithy: Of course, no one will stop us. Right, guys?

Smithy’s other teammates: THAT’S CORRECT, SMITHY!

Mack: (mumbling) I’m not so sure about this.

Week 2: Minion Kart Double Dash

Shy Ranger: Welcome to the second week of SUPER MINION TOURNAMENT.

The audience starts to clap, whistle, stomp their feet, and cheer very loudly.

Blackitu: BE QUIET!

The audience stops.

Blackitu: Thank you. Now for all of you who skipped the first event instead of reading it, go back and read it. Ha ha ha ha!

Shy Ranger: Good one, Blackitu. Today’s game is The Smithy Gang Vs. The Cave Masters

Smithy: (to Mack) Now I can prove to you that we will win.

Blargg: Nice try, but we are going to win.

Shy Ranger: Now, who here has read Crazy Packers Fan’s Fun Fiction The Mushroom Games?

Smithy Junior: I have, me and Blakitu always talk about it.

Meg Koopa: Really.

Blackitu: NO, BUURN!

Blackitu high-fives Smithy Junior.

Shy Ranger: Well done, fellows. Today’s event is similar to the Mario Kart event in The Mushroom Games. However, this event has differences.

Yaridovich: Yeah, yeah, yeah, just skip to the event.

Shy Ranger: Today’s event is based on Mario Kart Double Dash. There are three sections.

First: Build a Kart
Second: Race the Karts
Third: Battle the Karts

Shy Ranger: In “Build a Kart,” you build a go-kart for two from the pieces at the stadium. Warp pipes will appear in a moment. Use these to travel Plit in search of items, kart parts, and enemies you can use as items for your go-kart. You will have a time limit of three hours. Ready, set, go!

The Smithy Gang

Smithy: All right, team, if we want to build the best kart, we need a plan. Who is great at building… me, Clerk, Manager, and Director.

Yaridovich, Domino, Mack, and Cloaker: What do we do?

Smithy: You guys get us some good items and enemies. We mechanics will be Squad A, and you guys will be Squad B.

The Cave Masters

Blargg: Gentlemen… behold!

He shows a pile of bad kart parts.

Dry Bones: Uh… What is it?

Blargg: I don’t know!

Spiny: I think it’s a kart.

Spike Top: Well I think it’s a piece of junk.

Buzzy Beetle: It’s an okay kart.

Buster Beetle: Yeah… It’s… it’s all right.

Mega Mole: There’s only one way we can win… spying.

Swooper: Good idea! Whoever wants to spy, come with me while you guys fix this kart.

Mega Mole and Dry Bones follow Swooper. Spike Top goes outside. The rest of the Cave Masters work on the kart.

The Smithy Gang, Squad B

Mack: We better split up and go through four different pipes.

Cloaker: Hey... These pipes aren’t labeled.

The four go through pipes, except for Cloaker, who goes outside. Swooper and Dry Bones follow Yaridovich, and Mega Mole follows Domino.

Outside Mini-Game Stadium

Spike Top: Look at all of the cars parked. I can totally steal- What the?!

Bandits, Sackits, Croco, and Popple appear. The Bandits, Sackits, and Croco start stealing cars. Cloaker appears.

Cloacker: Hey, what are you morons doing here?

Bandits: Ste- Uh, I mean, borrowing these cars.

Cloaker: But I thought of it first.


Spike Top: Maybe I shouldn’t try to steal them like Cloaker- Hey, what’s that!

Spike Top sees a vender.

Vender: Kart parts, get your kart parts. Good for if you want to build a kart and win the Super Minion Tournament.

Spike Top gets random kart parts. Meanwhile, Popple is trying to lift the car, but Cloaker stops him.


Popple: FORGET IT!

Cloaker is thrown back to the Smithy Gang, Squad A.

Smithy: Did you get anything?

Cloaker: Nope.

Smithy: WHY NOT?

Cloaker: Never steal from a thief.

Cloaker passes out.

Desert Land

Yaridovich exits the pipes.

Yaridovich: Ooo! A whirlwind- but how can I get it? HEY WHIRLWIND!

Whirlwind: What?

Yaridovich: I’ll pay you coins if you don’t mind being used as one of our items for our kart race.

Whirlwind: Um, all right, whatever.

Yaridovich: Cool, what’s your name?

Wirlwind: It’s Twisty.

Yaridovich: All right, Twisty-

Twisty: IT‘S TERRY!

Yaridovich: … All right.

Swooper exits the pipe. Swooper notice that a whirlwind is following Yaridovich.

Swooper: Well, if he can get a whirlwind, I can get one too. WHIRLWIND!

Wirlwind: Yes?

Swooper: Come with me or I’ll destroy you!

The whirlwind blows him out through the pipes.

Wirlwind: Now, if you excuse me, I must stop Mario from saving the Desert King.

Swooper: Huh?

Dry Bones: Nice going, moron. I’m going to go spy on someone else.

Wario Stadium

Mack: Hey, are those the Koopalings?

Mack sees the Koopalings on a side of the stadium.

Ludwig: According to my calculations, this will be the best go-kart ever!

Iggy: Why make me do all of the work?

Morton: Because you’re small and you’re little and you’re a paperweight and you’re useless and you’re pointless and you’re…

Wendy: We have these monster wheels, V-888 engine-

Mack appears.

Mack: Can I have that engine?

Wendy: NO!

Mack: Thanks.

Wendy: Okay, a V-88 engine and a cockpit with eight seats in it. This is like driving an eighteen wheeler. Why so big?

Ludwig: We’ll crunch everyone else with it. Got the automatic weapons, Roy?

Roy: Yep, twenty Lightning Bolts, twenty-two Spiny Shells, thirty-four Mushrooms, fifty-six Stars-

Mack steals five Lightning Bolts, Spiny Shells, Mushrooms, and Stars.

Mack: Better make that fifteen Lightning Bolts, seventeen Spiny Shells, twenty-nine Mushrooms, and fifty-one Stars.

Dry Bones: If he can steal, so can I.

Dry Bones notices the Mario Morons.

Daisy: Our super, ultimate kart can’t lose.

Dry Bones steals the kart. Dry Bones and Mack exit using the pipe.

Daisy: Now what?

Peach: We could make a cardboard car.

Mack: Something’s odd about these pipes.

Valley of Bowser

Domino: Creeeeeeeeepy! Now, maybe some Mechakoopas could help.

Mechakoopas appear.

Domino: Come with me.

Mechakoopas: Why?

Domino: To win a race.

Mechakoopa: Fine.

Domino and the Mechakoopas leave.

Mega Mole: Well, I better get some it- What? It’s Mario, better avoid him. What’s he doing here?

Mario: (thinking out loud) Must save Princess and Dinosuar Land.

Mega Mole runs into some Monty Moles.

Monty Moles: We saw you come from that warp pipe. Please, we will give you anything if we can come with you.

Mega Mole: I see you have Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, Feathers, and blocks. Bring them and let me use them, and you, as items in a kart race.

Monty Moles: Deal!

All the moles leaves.

Inside Mini-Game Stadium, The Smithy Gang

All of the Squad B members return to Squad A.

Smithy: ALL TROOPS REPORT! What do you have?

Yaridovich: I have this whirlwind named Terry.

Whirlwind: It’s Twisty.

Yaridovich: Whatever.

Manager: Okay, what about you, Domino?

Domino: I have some Mechakoopas.

Clerk: Very good. Mack, what about you?

Mack: I have four Lightning Bolts, Spiny Shells, Mushrooms, and Stars.

Director: Well, Cloaker wasn’t evil enough to steal from a thief. Anyway, since you’re all done, you can help us finish the kart.

Inside Mini Game Stadium, The Cave Masters

Blargg: 'Bout time you guys showed. What do you have?

Swooper: Nothing.

Dry Bones: A kart we can break and use the parts.

Spike Top: Some random kart parts.

Mega Moles: Monty Moles to use as items, Mushrooms, Feathers, Fire Flowers, and blocks.


Buzzy Beetle: These items will be helpful.

Buster Beetle: Now, help us build this kart.

One hour later...

Shy Ranger: TIME UP!

Blackitu: If three hours wasn't long enough, too bad.

Smithy Junior: Now, let’s see those karts.

The Smithy Gang has a tall kart that looks exactly like Smithy with two seats on the top.

Smithy: Behold, The Smithy II.

Meg Koopa: Interesting design.

Smithy Junior: IT STINKS!

Shy Ranger: Okay, next is… The Cave Masters.

The Cave Masters have a brown Monster Truck.

Blargg: I call it… The Withstander.

Blackacloud: Horrible paint job.

Blakitu: IT’S AWESOME!

Shy Ranger" Okay, we have an item count. So, no one can cheat. After the race portion, you get back the items you used for the battle portion.

Smithy Gang: Whirlwind, Lightning Bolts, Spiny Shells, Mushrooms, Stars, Mechakoopas
Cave Masters: Monty Moles, Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, Feathers, Blocks

Shy Ranger: Now, each Team Captain will drive the kart, but must choose a teammate to use the items. Smithy, who do you choose?

Smithy: Uh… well… Domino, because he’s great at shooting magic spells.

Shy Ranger: Okay, and Blargg?

Blargg: Ummmmm hmmmm… Dry Bones, he always throws bones.

Shy Ranger: All right, the teams are set, so let’s begin.

Domino: Woohoo!

Dry Bones: All right!

The Race

Shy Ranger: We will have a three lap race, followed by a balloon battle. Whoever wins both is the winner. If both teams win one, a quick tiebreaker will determine the winner. Let’s begin with the race.

Blackitu: Today’s track… Mushroom City, a course that requires avoiding more than just items. BOTH TEAMS ENTER THE RED PIPE!

Smithy Junior: We won’t be there, but Blackacloud will use the camera.

Both duos take their Karts to the Mushroom City starting line.

Smithy: Ready, Domino?

Domino: As I’ll ever be.

Blargg: Ha, save your breath, Smithy.

Dry Bones: Yeah, you two can’t stop us.

Blackacloud: On your mark… Get set… GO GO GO!

The karts zoom off. Since Smithy’s Kart is made of light materials, it moves faster.


Smithy’s kart hit’s a wall, and Blargg’s kart passes.

Blargg: Ha ha ha!

Blargg runs into a car and Smithy passes. The karts stay in these positions until Smithy’s kart falls in the construction pit. Lakitu picks them up, and they continue.

Blackacloud: Lap 2, Blargg’s in the lead.

Domino: Nice going.

Smithy: Be quiet and use those Spiny Shells and Mushrooms.

Domino uses all the Mushrooms and a Spiny Shell.

Smithy: See ya, chumps.

Blargg: Dry Bones, use a Fire Flower.

The Fire Flower sends Smithy’s kart flying.

Blargg: Ha ha ha!

Domino: Smithy, we’ll never catch up.

Smithy: Oh, yes we will, FIRE ALL SPINY SHELLS!

The four Spiny Shells all hit Blargg.

Blackacloud: Final lap, Blargg’s still winning, but it‘s really close.

Blargg: Bah, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. DRY BONES!

Dry Bones: Yes sir!

Dry Bones uses the Feathers to leap over the cars.

Smithy: Domino, use our Stars.

Domino: Right away.

Smithy uses all the Stars to catch up. They’re neck-and-neck, close to the finish line.


Smithy: Well, if I were you, I’d look out in front of me.

Blargg: Wha- OH NO!

Blargg’s Kart hit’s a Bob-omb car, and Smithy passes the finish line.


The duos warp back to Mini-Game Stadium.

Smithy Gang: 1
Cave Masters: 0

Shy Ranger: Nice going, let's go to the next round.

The Battle

Shy Ranger: It’s a basic Balloon Battle. The first to get hit three times loses.

Meg Koopa: Today’s course… GameCube, the perfect course for just shooting items.

Blackacloud: Let’s go through the yellow warp pipe.

The duos warp to a giant Nintendo GameCube.

Blackacloud: Ready… BAAAAAATLE!

Smithy: You won’t beat us.

Blargg: Ha, you used almost all your items.

Smithy: Yes, but we still have… LIGHTNING BOLTS!

Domino fires all five Lightning Bolt, but Dry Bones blocks with the five ? Blocks.

Dry Bones: Our turn… FIRE FLOWERS!

Smithy uses the whirlwind to block, but one of the Fire Flower still hits Smithy’s kart three times.

Blackacloud: With a quick victory… BLARGG AND DRY BONES WIN!

The two teams return to Mini Game Stadium.

Smithy Gang: 1
Cave Masters: 1

Shy Ranger: Both teams have won 1 point, which means it's time for the-


Shy Ranger: It seems both teams have five minions they didn’t use. The Smithy Gang has Mechakoopas, and The Cave Masters have Monty Moles. These minions will battle, whichever team survives wins. Ready, go.

The Mechakoopas and Monty Moles start fighting.



Three of the Mechakoopas go down, and two Monty Moles fall.

Mechakoopa 1: Ready?

Mechakoopa 2: Oh yeah!

Mechakoopas 1 and 2: TEAMWORK!

The two Mechakoopas knock out all three Monty Moles.

Shy Ranger: It’s over, SMITHY’S GANG!

Blargg: No fair, what did that have to do with karts?

Shy Ranger: It shows how well you picked your items.

Smithy Junior: Smithy’s Gang moves on. The Cave Masters get 80 coins.

Blackitu: Here are the battles for the next two weeks.

The Army of Koopas Vs The Sub-con Fighters
The Thousand-Year Door Froces Vs The Powerful Piranhas

Meg Koopa: See you all next time.

Week 2: Post-Game Things

Shy Ranger: Hello again, tourists. Phew, these two weeks sure were exciting. I’m the only one left. Everyone else is gone. So, here’s how to get your game ideas on the tournament. Send a feedback form, and where you would put comments, put your idea.

1. Must be Mario game-related.
2. Put the world(s) and objective.
3. No small minigames, just games that would take a whole episode.
4. You can have small minigames, but have a bunch.

Shy Ranger: Be original, don’t just say “A Mario Party”, think of something good. I do have some ideas, but wouldn’t you want yours instead?

To Be Continued...

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