The Wrath of Giga Bowser

By Luigi Mario

Chapter 3: Master Hand and Crazy Hand

Mario and Luigi were up all night on the computers. They wanted to figure out what did G.I.G.A. meant.

Luigi: Seriously, what did Giga Bowser mean by G.I.G.A?

Mario: I’m wondering about why he’s destroying towns and eating people.

Luigi: He’s destroying towns because he’s evil. I don’t know about eating people.

Mario: How does he get stronger every time he eats a person?

Luigi: Maybe he’s eating people to get stronger.

Mario: But what is he planning?

Luigi: Time to test our awesome ninja skills!

Mario and Luigi dressed in black and went to Final Destination. Mario and Luigi were listening to Giga Bowser while hanging on the ledge.

Giga Bowser: With this amazing power, I’ll revive Master Hand and Crazy Hand!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Luigi: You won’t get away with- umm…

Giga Bowser turned around. He didn’t see Mario and Luigi because they were at the bottom of the platform.


Master Hand and Crazy Hand somehow appeared.

Luigi: How’d they just appear like that?

Mario: I don’t know, but we’re good at ninja skills.

Master Hand: Who’s there?!

Mario and Luigi were quiet. But Crazy Hand found them and grabbed them.

Luigi: Let go of us!

Master Hand: We wouldn’t want that. You’ll ruin our plans!

Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Giga Bowser laughed.

Mario: This does not look good…

Mario and Luigi were tied to a ledge of the platform.

Back at the supply house in the morning, everyone was surprised.

Ludwig: Where are Luigi and Mario?!

Everyone was worried.

Peach: Maybe Giga Bowser kidnapped them!

Fox: We’ve got to find them and beat Giga Bowser!

Falco: I wonder why Mario and Luigi went outside or something.

Young Link: What do you mean?

Lemmy: I know. We’d have to here them fighting if they were in here or outside.

Falco: What I don’t know is why Mario and Luigi went somewhere without telling us.

Daisy: They probably didn’t want us to get involved in whatever they’re doing.

Ludwig: To Final Destination!

Ludwig ran out of the supply house.

Roy: He doesn’t know where he’s going, right?

Morton: Yep.

Ludwig ran back in.

Ludwig: We’re going to Final Destination… as soon I figure out where that is.

Lemmy: Just follow us.

Junior: I thought you were smart.

They went to Final Destination.

Crazy Hand: There they are! Get them!

There was a fight. Peach and Daisy tried to get to Mario and Luigi but Master Hand stopped them. Morton threw a shell he got somewhere at Giga Bowser.

Morton: Take that!

Giga Bowser: This is what you get!

Giga Bowser put Morton in his mouth… then swallowed.

Junior, Ludwig, and Lemmy: NOOO!!!

Giga Bowser: He feels like a spoiled cake…

Master Hand: Let me see this guy.

Master Hand grabbed Falco.

Falco: HELP!!!

Mario and Luigi: Is Falco going to share the same fate as Morton…?

Fox: Falco!

Peach: Rescue him!

Daisy hit Master Hand with an umbrella. That didn’t have an effect. Fox blasted his laser but Crazy Hand blocked it. Young Link slashed him but then was tossed back.

Master and Crazy Hand: Hahahahahahahaha!!!

Giga Bowser: Let’s finish ‘em off.

Giga Bowser grabbed Peach and Daisy.

Peach and Daisy: AHHHHHH!!!

Everyone except Mario, Luigi, and the Villains: NO!!!

Mario: Peach…

Luigi: Daisy…

Giga Bowser was about to eat them.

Luigi: No… I won’t let him!

Mario and Luigi broke out of the ropes and pressed a button. Master Hand and Crazy Hand exploded.

Mario: You didn’t see that coming, huh? That night, we came with explosives. When you guys were laughing, we put them on Master and Crazy Hand.

Luigi: Surprised?

Giga Bowser: No. I saw them. So, when you guys were sleeping, I replaced them with robots. I sucked all the power out of the real ones. So they’re just robots.

Luigi: You lucky jerk!

Everyone stared at him.

Luigi: I mean… How dare you?

Mario grabbed Peach and Daisy. Falco was on the floor hurt. But then Giga Bowser ate him.

Fox: You little…

Fox focused his entire laser power and used it on Giga Bowser.

Giga Bowser: That… hurt.

Ludwig: Let’s go back. We’ve lost two people.

Junior: Retreat!!!

The heroes went back to the supply house. That night, Mario and Luigi were awake again. Peach and Daisy were too.

Peach: Why did you go and face them alone?

Mario: It’s too dangerous for you guys.

Daisy: What were you two thinking?

Luigi: We wanted to figure about the secret of G.I.G.A…

Peach: We would’ve helped you guys.

Mario: Even if it’s dangerous?

Daisy: Yes.

They all went to sleep.

Meanwhile, Giga Bowser still had plans.

Giga Bowser: The next day, I’m going to make them again, this time with more power. I might even make the Metal Clones, but…

Giga Bowser spit out Falco and turned him into an evil Falco.

Falco: What should I do, Master?

Giga Bowser: I have a plan but it’s for tomorrow.

Falco: Yes, Master…

Giga Bowser and Falco: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough*.

Chapter 4: The Copy with Metal

The next day, Falco was spying on the heroes. He talked to Giga Bowser through a walky-talky.

Falco: Falco to Master-

Giga Bowser: Call me Giga Bowser.

Falco: All right. I know some info. They know you’re going to revive Giga Bowser again so they’re planning to ruin it tonight.

Giga Bowser: So they’re expecting it? Too bad, I have another plan.

Falco: Wait…

Mario: Luigi, Fox, Young Link, Ludwig, and I will attack from the left while the rest will attack from the right.

Falco: They’re going to attack from the left and right.

Giga Bowser: Okay… now… attack!

Falco revealed himself.

Fox: Falco!

Falco: Quiet, you.

Falco attacked all of them. His fighting skills had improved and he was better than all of them.

Peach: Why… why are you attacking us?

Falco: Giga Bowser told me to. He’s my master.

Falco kept fighting.

Fox: Snap out of it!

Young Link: That won’t work.

Ludwig: Falco, remember us? You’re friends.

Falco: I don’t have friends.

Falco kept fighting.

Lemmy: He’s pretty good.

Junior: Giga Bowser must have controlled him somehow.

Falco kept attacking. He hurt everyone except Mario and Luigi.

Daisy: We can’t stop him.

Luigi: I’m sorry, pal, but I’m not going to let these guys end up like the good side of you.

Mario: We’re sorry.

Luigi hit Falco in the back, then Mario kicked him into the air.

Mario: Time for our new killer move.

Luigi: The Ultimate Fire Blast!!!

Mario and Luigi charged up a gigantic fireball. When Falco was about to hit the ground, they fired both of the fireball at him.

Falco: AHHHHHH!!!

Falco hit the ground. He became good again.

Falco: Mario… Luigi…

Mario, Luigi, and Fox got close to him.

Falco: My soul and power will return to Giga Bowser. Don’t give up, Fox…

Falco disappeared.

Fox: No…

Luigi: Lives have been taken, villages have been destroyed, and now our friends die…

Mario: He’s going to pay…

Luigi: We’re going to attack. Tonight!

They got ready to attack. Meanwhile, Pichu was sneaking behind Giga Bowser. Giga Bowser saw Pichu and ate him.

Giga Bowser: I almost forgot about him.

That night, they were ready to attack.

Luigi: Everyone ready?

Everyone except Luigi: Yep.

Luigi: Let’s go.

They snuck into Final Destination. Giga Bowser wasn’t doing anything.

Mario: Why isn’t he reviving Master Hand and Crazy Hand?

Giga Bowser heard them.

Giga Bowser: Because I knew you were coming.

Fox: Attack!!!

They started to attack Giga Bowser. Giga Bowser used his fire breath to weaken most of them. Roy and Young Link used their swords to attack. The rest kept using all they had.

Peach: I don’t think we can handle him like this.

Daisy: We need more power.

Mario: Luigi, time to attack too.

Luigi charged his Green Missile, and Mario used Super Jump Punch on Giga Bowser. Giga Bowser was sent into the air and Luigi used his Green Missile on Giga Bowser.

Giga Bowser: Ouch!

Giga Bowser hit the ground. Mario and Luigi went near Giga Bowser.

Mario: Is he dead?

Luigi: Hard to tell.

Giga Bowser woke up and grabbed Mario and Luigi.

Mario: Let go!

Ludwig: Save them!

Lemmy: And fast!

They tried to save the Marios but it was too late. Giga Bowser copied all their life, power, and ability data. He then created blobs of metal that turned into the Metal Bros.

Metal Mario: Destroy…

Metal Luigi: Heroes.

They Metal Bros went after the heroes. A huge fight started.

Junior: All their strengths are like Mario and Luigi!

Giga Bowser laughed.

Mario: You’ll never get away with this!

Giga Bowser: But I will!

Giga Bowser continued to laugh. Mario and Luigi got free from Giga Bowser’s hand.

Giga Bowser: Huh?

Mario and Luigi started to fight the Metal Bros.

Metal Mario: Most destroy….

Metal Luigi: Mario Bros.

There was more fighting.

Luigi: These guys are really good.

Mario: Just like us.

Young Link: You can take him!

Roy: Maybe…

Young Link: What do you mean?

Roy: This is a fair battle, so anyone can win.

Junior: He’s right.

Ludwig: Go Mario and Luigi.

They kept fighting, but Metal Mario and Metal Luigi knew every move they used.

Metal Mario: Time for our special attack.

Metal Luigi: The Ultimate Fire Blast.

They used it on Luigi when Mario couldn’t get up.

Luigi: Ouch… That…

Luigi fainted.

Mario: Luigi!

Mario started to shoot fireballs at the Metal Bros but it didn’t hurt them that much.

Metal Mario: Let’s finish him off.

Metal Luigi: Yeah.

They ganged up on Mario and defeated him.

Mario: I can’t…

Peach: Let’s go back!

The heroes went back to the supply house with Mario and Luigi.

Giga Bowser: Good job, Metal Bros.

Metal Mario: Thank you…

Metal Luigi: Master.

All of them laughed.

Back at the supply house at night, Mario and Luigi were still awake.

Luigi: I can’t believe we lost.

Mario: It’s worse than losing to a Goomba.

There was a short pause.

Mario and Luigi: Yeah right.

Luigi: Giga… Codename G.I.G.A… I wonder what it means.

Mario: Must be the power of Giga Bowser and the rest of them, but still… all of it doesn’t seem right.

Luigi: Let’s go to sleep now. We need to rest.

They slept.

Read on!

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