The Wrath of Giga Bowser

By Luigi Mario

Part 2: The War in the War Zone

“Heroes will fall, darkness will spread, and a war of chaos is going to begin.”

You’ve been waiting, and it’s here. Wrath of Giga Bowser Part 2 is thirty-six chapters long. Let’s see the remaining people.

Heroes:             Enemies:
Mario                 Giga Bowser
Luigi                  Master Hand
Peach                Crazy Hand

That’s it? Let’s see how far we’ve gone.

Wrath of Giga Bowser Part 1: Evil within G.I.G.A
Giga Bowser came back because the Bowser Trophy got struck by lightning. He worked to get Master Hand and Crazy Hand back. The heroes tried to stop him, but they were few of them because Giga Bowser killed most of them at the beginning. There were many sacrifices: Fox, Falco, and everyone else who died. When Giga Bowser revived Master Hand and Crazy Hand, he worked to get the Metal Bros. Once he got them, evil’s real domination for evil started.

Giga Bowser said “G.I.G.A” several times. Mario and Luigi tried to figure it out. They kept battling, but with all the Toads defeated and all the villages destroyed, they went to the Koopa Klan. There were many survivors and they found some supplies. Luigi searched for G.I.G.A on computer. He finally found some information about G.I.G.A. It was made by ten elements and was created by Dr. Marco, Toad from the Mushroom Kingdom. Giga Bowser was originally a helpless Koopa named Giga. Master Hand and Crazy Hand made him evil with G.I.G.A a long time ago, and he went on to kill Dr. Marco, who was about to stop it but died before he had a chance.

Luigi came up with a plan about attacks and defending. Later, the Mario Bros. and Ludwig annihilated the Metal Bros. but the others lost to Giga Bowser, Master Hand, and Crazy Hand. The heroes have no place to go, but what about other areas?

Okay… only one story so far. All right, we’re starting now!

Prologue: World Domination
PHASE 1: Wars of the Paper Plit
Chapter 1: The Book of Paper Plit
Chapter 2: War of Paper Mushroom Kingdom
Chapter 3: War of Paper Deserts
Chapter 4: The War in the Paper Field
Chapter 5: War in Paper Goomba Village
Chapter 6: War in Paper Koopa Village
Chapter 7: War in the Paper Storm
Chapter 8: War in the Paper Rogueport
Chapter 9: Good/Bad Conflict
Chapter 10: Haunted Island
PHASE 2: Wars in the Shadows
Chapter 11: Wars of Isle Delfino
Chapter 12: Wars in the Shadow Isle Delfino
Chapter 13: Boss Frenzy 1
Chapter 14: Wars in Ice Land
Chapter 15: Wars in the Shadow Ice Land
Chapter 16: Boss Frenzy 2
Chapter 17: Wars in DK Jungle
Chapter 18: Lost in DK Island
Chapter 19: Shadow Fights in the Jungle
Chapter 20: Boss Frenzy 3
Chapter 21: Wars in Dinosaur Land
Chapter 22: Wars in the Shadow Dinosaur Land
Chapter 23: Wars of the Mushroom World
FINAL PHASE: The Wars in other Worlds
Chapter 24: Wars in Hyrule
Chapter 25: Wars in Dreamland
Chapter 26: Wars in the Metroid World
Chapter 27: Wars in the Underworld
Chapter 28: Racing in the F-Zero Grand Prix
Chapter 29: Wars of the Pokemon World
Chapter 30: Clash at the Twilight Realm
Chapter 31: Wars in the Lylat Systen
Chapter 32: Return of the Aparoids
Chapter 33: Wars in Altea
Chapter 34: Battles in the Game and Watch
Chapter 35: Wars in Earth Bound and Icicle Mountain
Chapter 36: The War for the Fate of Plit
Epilogue: The Battle Continues

Prologue: World Domination

It was raining at night. Mario and Luigi had almost given up hope. They believed that Plit wasn’t the same anymore, but what about the other lands? Giga Bowser hadn’t destroyed the other lands yet. Even though they tried hard enough, they might not win. The others believed that they would win.

Giga Bowser: It’s been weeks since I’ve been staying here in this weak land. I’m getting bored.

Master Hand: What about other lands? Let’s go take them over.

Crazy Hand: I was going to say that.

Giga Bowser: All right, it’s settled. We’re going to take over other lands.

Crazy Hand: What’s up next?

Master Hand: I believe that there is a book that contains a paper version of this land. Maybe we can rule that.

Giga Bowser: Let’s go then!

Crazy Hand: Where is it, though?

Master Hand: They kept it in the Smash League place for some reason. Let’s go.

PHASE 1: Wars of Paper Plit
Chapter 1: The Book of Paper Plit

The next day Mario and the gang woke up.

Lemmy: What a horrible day. If you look at the sky you’ll think it’s going to rain again.

Ludwig: You shouldn’t say things like that.

Lemmy: Why?

A thunderbolt was heard. A storm started.

Everyone except Lemmy: THAT’S WHY!!!

Mario: I wonder what the villains are doing.

Suddenly, Giga Bowser was flying in the sky.

Luigi: I didn’t know he could fly.

Roy: Master Hand and Crazy Hand are holding him.

Luigi: Oh.

Mario: HEY!!!

Giga Bowser saw them.

Giga Bowser: What?!

Mario: Where are you going?

Crazy Hand: To the Smash League-

Master Hand: Shut up!

Crazy Hand: Fine.

The bad guys left.

Ludwig: So they’re going to the Smash League.

Lemmy: I wonder why.

Mario: It doesn’t matter. We have to stop them.

And so, the heroes traveled to the Smash League. They saw some flames starting.

Luigi: They’re trying to burn up the place. We’ve got to stop them now.

Peach: Let’s go.

They went inside and saw the bad guys looking around.

Crazy Hand: Why did we burn up the place again?

Master Hand: Because we wanted to.

Giga Bowser: That wasn’t a good reason. But we’re evil, who cares!

Master Hand: The Book of Paper Plit has to be somewhere.

Daisy: Book of Paper Plit?

Luigi and Ludwig: It’s a book that has a paper version of the Mushroom World. We can go in there… JINX! You owe me a soda!

Luigi: No soda for you.

Mario: Quiet Luigi. Hey wait… Where’s Lemmy?

Lemmy was nowhere to be seen. But then they saw Lemmy with a giant wooden board, and he was about to smack Crazy Hand with it.

Roy: What are you doing?!

Lemmy swung the board but Crazy Hand grabbed it and tossed Lemmy into the good guys.

Ludwig: You see what happens when you don’t listen?

Lemmy: You guys didn’t tell me anything.

Ludwig: So?

Master Hand: I guess we have visitors thanks to someone…

Crazy Hand: Sorry…

Giga Bowser: Master Hand and Crazy Hand! Go look for the book. I’m going to take these guys on!

Master Hand and Crazy Hand left the room.

Giga Bowser: If I’m lucky, you guys will be stuck in this stupid place and be burned to death!

Daisy: This place isn’t stupid!

Peach: We’ll take you on!

Luigi punched Giga Bowser and went for a Green Missile, but missed and landed on a flaming table.

Luigi: OW!!! It burns!

Giga Bowser got a big stool and slammed Lemmy and Ludwig through a table. Lemmy, Ludwig, and Luigi were doing stop, drop, and roll at this time. Peach and Daisy slapped Giga Bowser but then Giga Bowser grabbed them and slammed them into Luigi.


Giga Bowser: I hate you the most!

Luigi: No!!!

Giga Bowser threw Roy into a pole and then Mario got the pole and kept hitting Giga Bowser. But then Giga Bowser kicked Mario and then grabbed and bit him.

Mario: OW!

Giga Bowser threw him to Crazy Hand and Master Hand, who had just arrived.

Master Hand: We got it!

Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Giga Bowser went inside the book into the paper world.

Roy: He forgot about me!

Luigi: He would’ve slammed youm but they got the book, so…

Mario: So let’s go in! First… let’s bring the book outside!

They went outside and then went inside the book.

Read on!

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