Mario Mysteries #1: The Cloaked Figure

By Marioman989

Mario awoke to a gray morning. Rain quietly fell to the ground. Fog covered the lands throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. But that didn't stop Mario from taking his early, regular morning constitutional. Luigi, however, decided to stay inside and watch a movie while sipping coffee through his stained mug.
Luigi: Ahhhh... I love rainy days. No need to clip the flowers or mow the lawn. This is the life! Hey, what is this? The news is on.
Luigi noticed on the news that the princess had developed a diamond that could cure any sickness. Mario, finished from his walk, burst through the door. He stood there, soaked in rain water,
Mario: LUIGI! I'm back from my walk!
Luigi: Geez, Mario, I almost spilled my coffee! Don't you see I'm trying to relax and not work today?

Mario: I'm sorry... I didn't know you were going to relax on such a beautiful day!
Luigi: Mario... I pity you.
Mario: Well I... I... pity you!
Luigi: Why?
Mario: B.e.c.a... you don't have a job! Yeah!
Luigi: Ha! You don't either!

Mario: I'm a hero! I save people... and fight them.
Luigi: Your brain is jelly. Your lucky the princess is helping us with the cost of this house.
Mario: You know... I...
Mario's ears perked up as he heads a loud knock on the door.
Pennington: Detective... Open up, please!
Luigi: A detective? What is he doing here?
Mario: Darn, I thought it was the pizza man.

Luigi: You ordered pizza?!

Mario: I always order pizza.
Mario answered the door.
Pennington: Why hello there, I....
Mario shut the door.
Mario: It's one of those door-to-door businessmen. He's wearing one of those coats.
Luigi opened the door.
Luigi: I'm sorry, my stupid brother Mario thought you were a door-to-door businessman. But please come in! Don't stand in that rain. Would you like a cup of coffee?
Pennington: Oh no, thank you. I'm just here for a brief minute.
Mario: Luigi, just don't buy anything.
Luigi: Mario, hush and go to your room.
Mario: Our room!
Luigi: It's gonna me my room if you don't go there now!
Mario: Hmph!
Pennington: I just came to say that there has been a dark figure roaming around the Mushroom Kingdom. He has a dark cloak and hovers off the ground. He has beamy red eyes.
Luigi: Good gracious! Is it one of Bowser's?
Pennington: Officials of the MKI say that it's unknown. That makes people worry.
Luigi: Unknown?
Pennington: Or nobody knows where or what it is. It could be its own boss and traveled from another planet. Officials are already questioning Bowser.
Luigi: Hmmmmm... Do we bring Mario into this?
Pennington: Why don't you talk to the princess first? See what she knows?
Luigi: But I have an aerobics lesson at noon. I can't possibly go.
Pennington: What about Mario?
Mario jumped from behind a wall and ran over to Luigi.
Luigi: Oh... my... gosh.
Pennington: Oh, wonderful. He's already dressed the part.
Luigi: That's my suit, Mario.
Mario: But it was the only thing that fit the part.
Pennington: Well then, it's settled! Mario, you are now a temporary detective! I will give you a badge. Now I must warn the others. Good luck out there!
Pennington rushed out the door, leaving behind a badge for Mario.

Luigi: Just don't get too crazy. This is a serious thing.
Mario: Yes sir!

There was another knock on the door.
Luigi: Now what?
Toad: Hello, I came... WOW MARIO! Are you a detective?!
Mario: YEP! Just hired!
Toad: Neat-o! I was wanting to be a detective, but I never fit the part.
Mario: Well you could be my partner.
Toad: REALLY?! Are you serious?!
Mario: Sure! You can take notes on what happens and stuff like that.

Toad: MARIO, YOU'RE THE BEST! I won't let you down.
Luigi: Great then. You two need to head off to the princess! See you soon!
Mario: BYE BYE!
Toad: Oh goody goody goody!
Mario and Toad left the house into the misty world down the long sidewalk to Princess Peach's castle. On the way they stopped at a diner to have some breakfast. Mario told Toad everything that Pennington told him. They finally arrived at the castle.
Princess: Why hello there, Mario and Toad. What brings you here?
Mario took out a pipe and put bubble fluid into it.

Mario: Detective Mario to you.

Princess: Oh wow, that sounds fun.
Toad: A dark figure was lurking around the kingdom yesterday. We want you to tell us what you know about it.
Mario: Where were you on the night of the 14th?!
Princess: It's the 13th.
Mario: That's what I said.
Princess: No it's not.
Mario: Don't question me, silly human! I do not lie.
Princess: Whatever.
Toad: Just tell us what you did today.
Princess: Well I woke up and had a hot cup of tea with Toadsworth. Then I went to put the dishes away... but accidently dropped one and it shattered on the ground.
Toad: Yes yes, go on...
Princess: Then Toadsworth took his pills... well I first had to get a refill from the pharmacy. Then I came home and heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw a black figure with beamy red eyes.
Mario: Hmm... Nothing out of the ordinary.
Toad: Don't you think the black figure part is out of the ordinary?
Mario: You're right! What happened next?
Princess: Well he went into the kitchen and grabbed a carton of milk. He drank from it and then left.
Mario: So our figure is not lactos intollerant!
Toad: Ahhh, yes, you're so right!
Mario: Thank you... Any other sightings?
Princess: Well just before you came I saw him outside that window playing with a butterfly... He turned around and stared at me... Then he vanished.
Mario: AHA! We must go inspect the exact spot where he stood. Out that window!

Princess: Uh... Wrong window. It was the one over there.
Mario: That's where I was pointing... Right, Toad?
Toad: Uhh... hmm... what? Yes, Mario, you're always right!
Princess: Whatever.
Mario left the castle and headed out back. On the way he saw Toadette with a large box.

Mario: Freeze, Toadette! What is in that box?
Toadette: Just a cake for the princess. It's her anniversary for when she became princess.
Mario: Open it.
Toadette: No, it's a suprise!
Toad: Just open it.
Toadette: Anything for you, Toad... you're just so cute.
She opened the box and Mario noticed the cake. It looked delicious with sprinkles on top and buttercream iceing!
Mario: I must take a bite!
Toadette: Are you nuts?! I don't want Italian fingers on my cake!
Mario grabbed the cake and took a bite.

Toadette: Grr... I'm glad you agree.
Mario: But I must take it from you. Protocals, you see.
Toadette: YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU LIVED! Zess T. will be so mad... Oh dear.
Toadette ran away and Mario started eating the cake.

Toad: She's creepy.
Mario: *munch* Yep... *munch*
Toad: Here is the spot. Anything?

Mario: Hmmmm... AHA!
Mario: This blade of grass is bent.
Toad: They're all bent.
Mario: But no, this one is bent more than the others! Plus it has odd, white hairs on it.
Toad: Well they said the figure hovers so he couldn't stand on the grass... nor have white hair.
Mario plucked the piece of grass and a secrete entrance appeared in front of them.

Mario: That is probably how he vanished...
Toad: Like the princess said. Excellent!
Mario: Now we go down.
Toad: Ummm... Don't you think it's a little dark? Aren't you scared?
Mario: No, because you're going first.
Toad: Oh, that's nice.
Toad and Mario started walking down the stairs when the doors behind them closed.
Toad: Oh, that's just great.
Mario: Hmm... Doors that close themselves... Keep going!
When they got to the bottom, they saw a labrotory filled with potions and gadgets.
Mario: Seems like something E. Gadd would make.
Toad: Do you think this has something to do with the figure?

Mario: Well he disappeared in this spot, so it must.
Mario noticed a shadow moving in the corner.
Mario: YOU! HALT!
It jumped and ran back up the stairs and outside.
Toad: We'll never catch up.
Mario: You're right. He's probably already out and about. Call Pennington and get his men over here. Have them inspect the area.
Toad: Yes detective!
That night Mario returned to his house and saw Luigi asleep on the couch. He gently walked into his room. When he arrived, he turned on the light and saw a black figure in the middle of the room.
???: Vanish and never return *hack* and- *COUGH* Oh forget it.
It disappeared.
Mario: Hmmmm....
The next morning was a bright one. Mario went on his run, Luigi was mowing the lawn and everything was nice.
Mario: Hmm... Time to pick up Toad.
Mario ran to up to Toad's house. He knocked on the door.
Mario: Toad, are you in there?!
He looked at the next house over and saw the door open. Out came Toad!
Mario: Toad, I didn't know you moved over a house!
Toad: I didn't!
Mario: What?!
The door opened and an old Koopa came out.
Krooper: WHAT WHAT WHAT?! What do you children want?! Why do you wake old people?!
Mario: Oh, I'm sorry.
Mario ran away and met Toad.
Mario: I may have a conclusion. I saw it yesterday.
Toad: Wow.
Mario: Yes... but it was different.
Toad: How?

Mario: Just follow me.
They arrived back at Peach's castle.
Princess: Now what?
Mario: What was Toadsworth doing after you had tea?
Princess: Well I saw him go outside with some kind of net and then the monster came. And he comes home every night really tired for some reason!
Toad: No... It can't be...
Mario: The monster ate Toadsworth!
Toad: Oh, I thought you were going to say the monster is Toadsworth...

Mario: Or that. We need to capture this thing. Oh, and Princess? Happy anniversary!
Princess: What? It's not my anniversary.
Mario: WHAT?!
Mario: We need to find her.
Mario ran outside and saw Pennington.
Pennington: MARIO! I must talk to you.
Mario: What is it? I'm in a hurry!
Pennington: Yes, that lab. We found cake batter in the potion bottles.
Mario: Of course!
Pennington: That's not all. There is a hypnotic potion in there too...
Mario: Then we've solved it! Now to capture it.
Toad: But how?
Mario: A stakeout. Tonight we wait for the monster. When we see him, we attack!
Pennington: Perfect! I'll gather some men and-
Mario: No, we do this alone. We can't alarm him.
Pennington: You're right.
Mario: Tonight at 8:00 PM we stand out here and wait. Toad, you'll stand to the oppisite side of me so if he runs the other way, you'll be there.
Pennington: What about me?
Mario: You'll be there as a backup.
Pennington: Perfect then. See you here tonight.
Toad: How do you know he'll show here?
Mario: Well if it's who I think it's not, then I'm right.
Toad: What? That doesn't make sense!
Mario: Don't ask questions... just believe me!
That night they arrived at 7:55 PM. They hid in the bushes and behind trees around the castle.)
Mario: Four minutes.
Toad: I'm nervous.
Mario: I'll jump out and run toward him. He'll probably run, so Toad, you be ready.
Pennington: One minute!
Mario: Ok, get-a ready!
They heard a noise coming from up the sidewalk. The dark figure approached the castle. Mario made an owl noise and Toad knew it was time. Mario jumped out!
Mario: Stop in the name of the princess... and law!
???: EEP!
Mario: TOAD!

Toad jumped out but missed.

Mario: Drats! Pennington!
Pennington was too busy looking at a butterfly to notice.
Toad: We're gonna lose him!
Mario: Not on my watch.
Mario took the pipe out of his pocket and threw it at the figure's head. It stopped and fell to the ground.
Mario: YES!
They walked up next to the figure.
Toad: Who is it?
Mario: Why it's....
They unmasked the monster.
Toad: Toadsworth!!!
Mario: WRONG!
Pennington: What?
Mario: It's Pennington... AKA Toadette!
Mario ripped off the mask and costume of Pennington.

Mario: Ok, first Toadette, dressed as Pennington, hired me because I'm the dumbest person around. I thought about that when he or she came to my house. Nobody else could be hired 'cause I was on the job.
Toad: Ah... So only one detective can work on a case.
Toadsworth: My head hurts.
Mario: Yes, Toadette made a cake with hypnotic potions, so then she could hypnotize Toadsworth into doing what she wanted.
Toad: Why weren't you affected when you ate the cake?
Mario: Because Toadette never gave me a command. If she said something to me, I would have obeyed. But if that happened, you probably would have become suspicious.
Toad: But why Toadette?
Toadette: Well I heard that the princess was keeping a diamond in her room. I told Toadsworth to get it, but he got milk instead. I would have used the diamond to cure my father's sickness. He suffers from a neurological problem.
Mario: Aww, soo sad. The case is closed!
Princess: BRAVO! Now who wants some cake? I found it on the table.
Mario: Oh Princess, you are so nice. You should gain anger one day.
Princess: YES I WILL OBEY!
Toadette: Oops. Forgot about that one...
Mario: Mamamia! We forgot.
Toad: What?
Princess: Shush, you animal! I will eat your soul.
Mario: Princess, be nice!
Princess: I WILL OBEY!
Mario: Where is the real Pennington?
Toadette: I locked him in the lab.
Toad: Hmmm...
Toad went to whisper something in Peach's ear.
Toad: And you have seven seconds.
Princess: I WILL OBEY!
The princess ran faster than a dog and brought back Pennington in less than seven seconds.
Mario: Ahh, very good, Toad.

Pennington: Wow, thanks, Princess. Well how is our hero? Did it again, Mario!

Mario: Aww, it was nothing. I mean, nothing without Toad.
Pennington: Yes, the fungus has my gratitude. Anyway Mario, you have earned a permanent position as a detective. We could use another.
Toad: Well Mario, looks like we are permanent partners!
Mario: Yes... Now where is that delicious cake?
Toadette: Really, do you like it? It's my dad's special recipe!
Mario returned home and saw Luigi in the kitchen making pasta.
Luigi: Hi Mario. I heard you solved the mystery.
Mario: Yeah, and I'm hungry.
Luigi: Right on time. The pasta is done.
Luigi served Mario and himself a serving of pasta. Luigi ate a bite first.
Mario: You know, you really should put more pepper on this.
Mario: MAMAMIA!!!

The End

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