TMS Gets Smarter

By The Mario Surfer

The Mario Surfer had decided that Mario needed to be smarter, and had thought up an idea on how to make him just that. He would steal Ludwig's Simpleton Ray, reverse its effects, and then shoot Mario with it.

After fiddling with the ray for an hour, he finally finished the reversing.

"What are you doing in my laboratory?" Ludwig demanded, suddenly storming in. He snatched up what he thought was still his simpleton ray, and shot TMS! "Any moment now you will be to stupid to help Mario! Ha ha ha!"

"Quit torturing me with your unnecessary hysteria." TMS demanded.

"What? You're suppose to be so stupid that you cah hardly talk!"

"While you were out bullying others, I reversed your ray’s effects! You have doubled my IQ!"

"NNNOOOO!!!!" Ludwig ran out screaming.

TMS began to assemble another invention. "This part with this part, almost done," he mumbled under his breath. "Finished! My Advanced Peace-Maker Ray will join the Koopas and Marios together!”

Little did TMS know that Larry, who had been standing just outside the laboratory’s door had overheard this and ran off to tell the others.


Wendy was sitting in front of the TV, while her five other brothers were moping. They had to watch Sailor Moon because Wendy had got their first.

"TMS IS CRAZY! HE'S TURNED INTO A MAD GENIUS AND IS GOING TO MAKE US FRIENDS WITH THE MARIOS!" Larry screamed at the top of his lungs as he raced into the room.

"NNNOOOO!" his six siblings moaned. "Not another one of TMS's stupid attempts to make us friends!"

Wendy got up and did some fancy Sailor Moon kicks. "I am the champion of chaos, I triumph over peace-makers. That means TMS!"

"Oh really? Take this!" TMS entered and shot her with his Peace-Maker Ray.

"AAAHHH!" Wendy screamed as she was hit.

"Roy, distract him!" Ludwig shouted.

Roy tried to distract TMS, but he instantly shot Ludwig, knowing what he was doing. Next he shot Morton, because he was the second most dangerous, even though he was weak. Then he shot Roy. As he went to shoot Lemmy, Lemmy pulled off a mask of his face to reveal a mask of Mario's face. TMS hadn’t forseen that trick and let him go.

‘Good thing I had that Mario costume from last Halloween!' Lemmy thought.

TMS blasted Larry and then decided to take Iggy hostage, just in case.

Since Lemmy was very small, he hid under the couch until TMS left with Iggy. Then he pulled off the mask and crawled out. He hopped on his ball and quickly darted to his room. He pressed a button and a wall opened to reveal a secret laboratory.

‘I thought I would need this someday,' he thought. He uncovered his Unpeaceful-Maker Gun. Lemmy went back to the living room to find his siblings awake and peacefully watching Sailor Moon together.

‘Yuck! Lets liven things up!' Lemmy thought. He shot everyone in the room. Suddenly everyone was fighting, and Morton was being annoying yet again with his rambling.

"Now, am I on my own rescuing Iggy?" Lemmy asked.

"YES!" everyone shouted.

‘Back to normal all right!' Lemmy  thought’. He headed out.

"If I were a peace loving genius, where would I go? Mario's pad!' First he pulled out his freeze gun. As he went on, he thought of the moves that TMS might make.

When he reached the pad, he placed his freeze gun in ready position. As he entered, western show down music played. "I am The Koopa Kid!" Lemmy called.

"Meet your doom! For I am The Starian Kid!" TMS snickered in reply. "It's showdown time! You and me, here and now!"

TMS drew his stargun, and Lemmy frew his freeze gun.

"Come on! Show him who's the boss!" Iggy cheered.

TMS was trying to shut Iggy up and narrowly missed being hit. Instead, Lemmy freezed Mario! TMS shot at Lemmy, but hit Luigi, knocking him unconscious! Lemmy quickly shot again, but missed by a mile and hit Toad! TMS shot, but only succeeded in leaving a star shaped hole in the wall. Lemmy shot and accidently hit Iggy.

As TMS tried to unfreeze his hostage, Lemmy finally shot him! He unfroze Iggy, and set TMS in the sun to defrost. Mario and Toad were left frozen. Luigi woke up, touched Toad, and froze, and they have been frozen ever since.

When TMS woke up, the effects of the Genius Ray had worn off. He decided that the Koopas were fine the way they were!

The End

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