The Search for the Wands

By Toadette Koopa


The next morning, the Koopalings woke up to see Iggy holding Rust.

Ludwig: Looks like Iggy turned Rust off.

Wendy: IGGY!

Iggy: No! Rust must've shut down after we went to sleep. I didn't turn him off.

Larry: You liar!

Roy: I always knew that you were up to something!

Morton: How could you?

The Koopalings started to surround Iggy, but Lemmy jumped in front of them.

Lemmy: Don't hurt Iggy! He's telling the truth! Iggy was the first to fall asleep last night, so he didn't turn Rust off!

Wendy: PROVE IT!

Lemmy: All ri-

Lemmy was cut off by a beeping noise and a voice.

Voice: Charging complete. *beep* Turning on. *beep* You have 1 new message from Kamek and Kammy Magikoopa.

Iggy: It's Rust!

Iggy held out Rust and told Rust to play the message.

Message: Hello, Koopalings. It's Kamek. If you are hearing this message, then you have finally received Rust last night. Kammy and I want to know where you are going next. We got some info to tell you. Call us on Rust by pressing his "Give call" button and pressing 1. Bye.

Iggy: Guess we should call them.

Iggy held Rust up and looked at the buttons. He pressed one that read "Give call" like Kamek had said, and then pressed 1. Rust shaped itself like a phone and began to ring.

Answering Machine: You have reached the castle of Bowser, Clawdia, Lemmy, Iggy, Roy, Morton Jr, Bowser Jr, Ludwig, Larry, Wendy, Kamek, Kammy, and on occasion, Susan. We are probably trying to destroy Mario, so please leave a message after the beep. BEEP! Oops.


Iggy: Hi, Kamek, this is Iggy. I'm calling on Rust and stuff. We are probably going to head to, um...

Ludwig: Desert Land.

Iggy: Desert Land. Call back. Bye.

Iggy hung up and Rust reverted to his normal form.

Wendy: So?

Iggy: Answering machine.


The Koopalings packed up and checked out of the hotel. They began to head for Amazee Town for breakfast.


Shadow Mario was looking out the window at mountains in the distance. He sighed and turned to his desk and wroke something down in a small book. The book happened to be full of ideas and had other things in it as though it was his diary- which it was. Shadow Mario turned his head to look out the window again, and  glared at Kastle Koopa, where many of the troops were standing guard outside.

Shadow Mario: I will make them pay. I'll train at magic and make my heart the most powerful heart on Plit. I just need to practice. I've depended on my paintbrushes so long that my heart magic has become weak.

Shadow Mario looked at a picture of Bowser Jr. with many darts in it. He closed his eyes and sighed. He began to focus on the darts. He began to feel something, strange and tingly at first, but then it felt uncomfortable and soon he got dizzy. Shadow Mario opened his eyes to see none of the darts had moved, and then he passed out in the chair he was sitting on.

2 hours later...

Voice: Shadow Mario? Dear? Are you all right?

Shadow Mario opened his eyes to see where the voice was coming from. He looked up to see Shadow Queen looking at him with a worried face.

Shadow Mario: Yeah. What happened?

Shadow Queen: I walked into your room and you were lying in the chair. I thought something happened and I took you in here.

Shadow Mario sat up to see he was in the hospital section of the hideout. He remembered that he was trying to summon magic.

Shadow Mario: Magic! I was using magic!

Shadow Queen: What?

Shadow Mario: I was trying to train my heart magic. Use my heart to use magic.

Shadow Queen: We don't have hearts. We are pure evil.

Shadow Mario: If we don't have hearts, then why are we living?

Shadow Mario looked at Shadow Queen to see her looking at him. Her face turned expressionless and had also become a nice shade of apricot. Her eyes turned blue, and the gem on her dress turned pink.

Shadow Mario: Are you all right? Your face doesn't look pale like it usually does.

Shadow Queen: You're right!

Shadow Mario: I love your cookies... (I hope that makes her happy...)

Shadow Mario looked at his girlfriend, who echoed the same sentence once more before turning back to her usual pale color of evil. Shadow Mario got up and started to walk away.

Shadow Queen: Since you love my cookies, I'll bake you some! :-D

Shadow Mario groaned.

Shadow Mario: The things I do to make you happy...


The Koopalings walk into the Dayzee Diner to find it strangely empty. The waitress and chef were gone along with the customers.

Ludwig: It seems that no one is here yet.

Ludwig walked into the kitchen to see it was a mess. It looked like a souffle had exploded after they'd left the night before.

Iggy: Maybe we can call the cops.

Iggy grabbed Rust, who was floating in the air, and pressed his "Give call" button.


Iggy: Uh oh! Whoever did this is back for another go!

Person: Who's there?

Morton quickly made a couple piles of dirt to blind the person for an easy attack, and jumped out the door.


Morton looked at the person to see it was the waitress. She was hiding behind a chair shaking like a lost dog in the rain.

Morton: You?! Sorry for scaring you!

Ludwig came out with Roy and Lemmy behind him.

Ludwig: The waitress? What are you doing here? What happened to this place?

Waitress: First of all, I WORK HERE! And second of all, the place always had that mess in the kitchen.

Ludwig: Where's the chef?

Waitress: He should be coming soon. By the way, my name is Dayzee.

Larry came out of the kitchen.

Larry: How original.

Wendy (from the kitchen): Can you cook?

Dayzee: No. Just have a seat, and I'll get you something to drink.

The Koopalings sat down and Dayzee went into the kitchen. She came back out with some drinks.

Dayzee: Here you go. If you need a refill, just give a shout. I'll be in the kitchen cleaning up the souffle that I was trying to make last night.

Dayzee left and the Koopalings waited for the chef to come in.


At Kastle Koopa, Kamek and Kammy were standing outside with the army.

Kamek: Fight these!

Kamek created models of Shadow Mario and the army. These figures were called Fakers and couldfight on their own based on a level from 1 to 11. The Koopas fought without a problem, and retreated after all the enemies were knocked out.

Kammy: Good! Kamek, make the Fakers stronger!

Kamek whipped up another army, but stronger. The Koopas fought the dummies, and then again they retreated. Kamek repeated the process until the Koopas were defeated.

Kamek: What level were those Fakers?

Kammy: Level 6.

Kamek: Stupid weak army...

Kammy: Let's keep training!

Random Koopa: But I'm tired!

Kamek: All right, I'll just go back in time and keep the castle from being looted!

Random Koopa: You can do that?

Kamek slapped his face and walked back to the castle.

Kammy: -_- Stupid, dumb army of weaklings...

Kammy followed Kamek and the army continued to stand guard.


Back at Shadow Mario's Hideout, Shadow Mario heard a knock at his door. He opened it to see Bowser.

Bowser: Uh... um... un... ut... uy...

Shadow Mario: GET ON WITH IT!!!

Bowser: Yes, Mr. Shadow Mr. Mario Mr. Sir Mr! When do I get that free cookie?

After Bowser finished, he held up an old garbage can lid and started to shake.

Shadow Mario: When Shadow Queen finishes mixing the poison... I mean cookie dough, you'll get it.

Bowser: O...k... You're not gonna kill me, right?

Shadow Mario: (sarcastically) Sure! I won't kill you!

Bowser: YAY! Oh yeah, Shadow Queen says that she was able to get half the army awake.

Shadow Mario: Good. Bring me Mario.

Bowser: I don't know if he was revived, though.

Shadow Mario: If he's awake, BRING HIM TO ME!

Shadow Mario pulled out a laser sword and held it up. Bowser gulped and ran away.

Shadow Mario: Now that everyone is gone...

Shadow Mario sat down in front of the TV and turned it on.

TV: Welcome to the Barney and Friends Super Special! Let's sing a song about love!

Shadow Mario: I love you! You love me!


At Dayzee Diner, the chef still hadn't come in. Dayzee decided to ask one of the Koopalings to cook. She asked Ludwig, and Ludwig went into the kitchen.

Dayzee: I'll take the orders. You cook them and put them on this table here. I'll pick them up and give them to your siblings.

Ludwig: Ok. My dear siblings should know what I can cook. If I don't make an order, I can't cook it.

Dayzee: Thanks! I'll be back in a jiffy!

Dayzee left and Ludwig looked at the door.

Ludwig: Jiffy?


Kamek was sitting on the floor with Kammy next to him.

Kamek: What should we do, Kammy? Our army was knocked out by Level 6 Fakers! That's pretty bad. The army we're facing has to be about level 11!

Kammy: Create powerful potions for them to drink to make them smarter and stronger.

Kamek: Wow. Good idea.

Kammy found the magic spellbook, which was under a couple floor tiles in the potions room. She opened to the section on potions and flipped to a page that said "Power Potions" in big letters. Kammy read the page and nodned. She waved her arms in the air and zapped a piece of the floor. There was a great flash, and then Kammy was lying on the ground. A couple large bottles of a purple liquid were next to her.

Kamek: Kammy! Are you okay?

Kamek rushed over to Kammy and she sat up.

Kammy: Yeah. That spell took a lot of magic.

Kamek: At least it worked.

Kamek helped Kammy up and they grab the bottles of potion and walked outside to the army.


It was after breakfast, and the chef still hadn't come in yet. The Koopalings gave Dayzee 50 coins for being so nice to them.

Dayzee: Thank you! I wish I could go with the eight of you, but I have to work here.

Ludwig: It's all right. I'm glad that no one complained about breakfast.

The Koopalings said their goodbyes and walked away.

Iggy: Should we call Kamek and Kammy again? Something might've happened.

Larry: We could.

Rust: Let's concentrate on getting to Desert Land.

Koopalings: OK!

Iggy: But just in case...

Iggy grabbed Rust and pressed the "Give call" button, and left a message for Kamek and Kammy.


Shadow Mario was still watching TV when Bowser walked in with Mario next to him. They saw Shadow Mario singing and stared at him until he realized that Bowser and Mario were there.

Bowser and Mario: Disturbing...


Bowser: I did. You never answered, so I walked in.

Shadow Mario: That will be all, Bowser.

Bowser left and Mario stepped in. Shadow Mario closed the door.

Shadow Mario: Do you know why I let you join?

Mario: You hate Bowser?

Shadow Mario: Yes, but I-

Mario: Cause your Email address is 8ARN3Y4l1f3? That stands for Barney For Life, ya know.

Shadow Mario pointed at the picture of Bowser Jr. with the darts from earlier.

Shadow Mario: Try to move the darts, without touching them. Use your heart's magic.

Mario: Ok!

Mario closed his eyes, and stood there. He opens them up and his eyes were yellow instead of their usual blue. The darts began to move, and flew out of the wall. The darts drew together and shot towards the wall and created a big hole in it where the picture was supposed to be. Shadow Mario glared at Mario, whose eyes had become blue again.

Mario: Wow.

Shadow Mario: (Monty Burns voice) Excellent.

Shadow Mario pulled out his magic paintbrush and painted all over Mario. Mario melted into paint the same color as Shadow Mario. Shadow Mario absorbed Mario and grew stronger.

Shadow Mario: Let's see if this works! I have Mario's strong magic, I should be able to destroy something that's worthless.

Shadow Queen walked in with a plate of cookies and set them down. She walked over to Shadow Mario and hugged him. She turned around and walked out the door.

Shadow Mario: That was strange... I could use the cookies!

Shadow Mario taped a picture of a cookie on the wall and closed his eyes. He concentrated and began to feel tingly inside. He opened his eyes and felt so tingly, that he began to lose the feeling in his body. The cookies slowly floated in the air, and he pointed at the picture. The cookies shot at the picture, but fell short. Shadow Mario lost all feeling in his body, and fainted. The paint that was Mario came out of him and Mario reformed. The paint melted off, and he passed out too.


The Koopalings and Rust were 4 miles away from Desert Land. The ground started to shake, and a group of big, red Pokeys came out.

Pokey: We're the Pokeinators!

Ludwig: Isn't that a group of Pokemon lovers?

Pokey: Naw. Prepare for destruction!

Other Pokey: You'll never get into Desert Land. King or not!

Pokey #3: Unless you're invincible.

Pokey #4: That will never happen!

The Pokeinators surrounded the Koopalings and Rust. The Koopalings were trapped and the Pokeinators' spikes grew a foot longer than they were originally.


The Pokeinators' spikes started to shrink.

Ludwig: Wendy! Throw a tantrum!

Wendy: Ok!

Wendy started to throw a tantrum and the Pokeinators' spiked fell out and the Pokeys sank back into the sand.

Pokey #1: You haven't seen the last of the Pokeinators!!!

Pokey #1 disappeared and the Koopalings walked into Desert Land.

Morton: All right. Let's find the heart of Desert Land!

Ludwig: We can use Rust to find the heart of Desert Land.

Iggy: Rust, can you find the heart of Desert Land?

Rust: Sure! *beep* searching *beep* searching *beep* Location found. The heart of Desert Land is in Dry, Dry Desert.

Wendy: Of course, it always has to be near dangerous things.

Roy: What are you talking about?

Wendy: Don't you know about the monster plant that lives there? He uses quicksand to drag you down into his mouth. They canceled races there after Lakitu couldn't get Koopa and Paratroopa out of it.

Bowser Jr: *gulp* Do we have to go there?

Morton: Yeah! We have to save ourselves and our clan!

Larry: We should make a battlecry...

Wendy: Why?

Bowser: Jr: That rhymed!

Larry: It'll make us sound cool! We should make a name like the Koopanators!

Ludwig: That makes me think of those Pokeys. Let's just go to Dry, Dry Desert.

The Koopalings walked away to Dry, Dry Desert, but who knows what might stop them.

Will the Koopalings make it to Dry, Dry Desert? Will the Pokeys show up again? Will Shadow Mario become powerful? Will Kamek and Kammy's potion work? Find out next chapter, coming to a Lemmy's Land near you!

To Be Continued...

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