The Chronicles of Kangly

By Yoshidude

Part 1: The Beginning

John and Hannah gazed into the vast ocean.

"How colorful and majestic it  is,” thought Hannah. ”When our little Yoshi is born, I wonder what she will  think of it..."

"She? ” replied John. ”HE is going to be called Jang, and be a great leader!"

”We'll just have to see... I'm sure our child will be very special... ”

6 months later....

"Here he is... I hope you find him a blessing, ” said Hannah as she showed  the Light Leader their new son, Jang."

"Every Yoshi that gets born is a blessing from heaven, ” replied the Light  Leader. ”But this one... this one is special."

Hannah beamed.

"He is more than special,” replied the Light Leader. ”He is the one chosen  to be our leader."

John stood shocked. "Y-y-you’re our leader... You always have been..."

"I know,” answered the Light Leader, ”but a new evil has begun to show her  face... Only the Rainbow Ruler can defeat this threat. I don't know when,  but probably less then 1,000 years from now, out planet, and every other,  will be at the verge of being destroyed… We need your help."

Hannah sat down, her tail gently swaying. "How could we put our son through all that?"

"No need to worry,” said the Light Leader, ”for it is foretold that a hero of  red will help the Rainbow Ruler... Just wait..."

John pondered what the Light Leader had said. "I want to do the right thing,  but I can't bear the thought of putting our son in danger."

"While it is tough,” replied Hannah, ”the Light Leader knows best. Holding  back Jang would surely be a disaster... We must do it."

With a heavy heart, John and Hannah brought their little Yoshi to the  Light Leader.

"We will do it... We will."

"Your son is a baby now, but already is prepared for what lies ahead... once  you are ready to accept what must be done. Since you have agreed, I will  now use on him the Rainbow Stone.. If he can eat it, then he is indeed the  chosen one and will rule."

Jang stuck out his giant tongue, and with a lot of effort swallowed the  stone.

The hero has been revealed... but we must go back in time to fully understand the significance of this.

The galaxy known as Plit- where Mario, Samus, and Donkey Kong, among others, live- consists of many planets. The Mushroom Planet is where it starts off, but every planet revolves around one planet, just like Earth around the Sun. It is known as the Paper Planet. As the name suggests, everyone and everything is made of paper. Every creature on every planet in Plit have mirror images of themselves on Rakenty, the Paper Planet. Unfortunately, the Paper Planet is constantly at war with all the other planets. To find out the reason for this, we have to go even farther back. Now you're probably saying, "It's called The Chronicles of Kangly, who is Kangly anyway?" In simple terms:

Name: Kangly, or the Legend of Light
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Type of Creature: Unknown

Now you're probably asking, "Why did you give that info when almost everything is unknown?!" To be honest, not much is known. But what IS known, is that it is the most powerful being ever, and watches over Plit with loving care. Everything involves him, so there's no surprise that everything this leads up to is because of him. So, let's start at the VERY beginning, as is written in the ancient book.

As Kangly represents light, there is a powerful foe that represents darkness, so there was a great battle, as you will soon see.

The dark one had no name, at least it wasn't known. When it first revealed itself, the Legend of Light sealed it into the Great Dungeon. It released Seng, who battled agaisnt him. Seng had four arms, the top two were known as the Master Hand and the Monster Hand. Kangly attacked the fighter, Monster Hand, and after a great battle, he wounded it, it becoming the Crazy Hand. The Master Hand created three strong foes. Kangly defeated one, and hurled it into Seng. Before she was defeated she put into another foe her final energy. It was the only thing Kangly could not handle. He sent it away rapidly, to land on Rakenty, where it became known as Cloud Strife. Peace was now known.

You're now probably yelling at me, saying, "I love Cloud! He isn't evil, HOW DARE YOU?!" Now I'm not saying he was, only the energy inside, which caused destruction for only a short time. It wouldn't be awakened for thousands of years. This energy is what caused the Paper Planet and all the others to be at war.

The remaining foe was turned into the Rainbow Stone by Kangly, and its energy, turned good and silenced by Kangly, hurled to Yoshi's Island, landing in a tree, where a Yoshi ate it. When Seng once again appeared, the energy would awaken, and the Chosen Yoshi, the descendent of the one who had eaten it long ago, would be revealed. It would be proven if he could eat the Rainbow Stone. The time has come...

Part 2: Truth is Revealed

The galaxy known as Plit... is actually a single planet. Separated from Earth long ago, it went into another
dimension that was broken apart by Seng. In the middle of the planet-turned galaxy is the Paper Planet;
everything that happens there affects their counterparts throughout the galaxy. The Star of Strenka,
rotating around it, powered the whole galaxy. Cloud’s presence there prevents the Legend of Light from
going to it. This is what the main problem was. If Kangly could go into the Star, Plit would become one planet
again, and peace would be forever restored... Would this ever happen?

Jang glanced across the Island toward one of Dinosaur Island's neighbor islands, Gartid. This small,
crevice-filled place was full of lots of unknown treasures. Jang wanted desperately to explore, but this had
never been possible. Since it had been revealed that he was to save the world, his parents had not wanted
anything to happen to him. They kept him in their hut almost all day, and he was constantly miserable. Today,
though, his parents were away for the day, and he was going to finally discover more than the inside of his
dresser. Jang swam across to Gartid Island, looking everywhere to see if anybody saw him.

"Why am I so worried?” he wondered. “It's not uncommon to visit Gartid Island, and my overprotective
parents are gone."

When Jang reached the island, he crept slowly toward a large cave. He silently headed inside, and soon
stopped being so nervous, as nothing was really happening.

He soon became bored and stopped to sit down. He thought he heard a sound, but when he turned around,
nothing was there. He relaxed once again, thinking how dumb his parents were, keeping him cooped up all
the time when there was nothing to fear.

Jang heard the sound again, and turned around to see a great monster. It resembled a giant squid, only it
had many more arms. Jang screamed and ran out. Hearing the noise, a local elder rushed inside to see what
was going on.

"In there!” shouted Jang. “A giant monster!"

The elder peered inside, but didn't see anything.

"There's nothing in there,” he replied.

"In front of me!” screamed Jang. Jang ran away as fast as he could.

"What are you running from?” laughed a neighbor. “Nothing is chasing you!"

That evening when his parents came home, he admitted what he saw. Finally, his parents looked at Jang and
started to speak.

"We didn't want to tell you this yet,” replied Hannah, “but I guess you should know."

"That creature, a Scaglerb, was defeated 14 years ago by a group of warriors,” said John.

"Then why did I see him, and nobody else did?"

"Because you're in the past,” sighed his mother.


"While you grow up, you will always see things as they were when you were born,” explained John. “When
you saw us leave to go to our neighbor’s hut, it was yellow. It hasn't been yellow for seven years. Your
mom's long, black hair appears short and choppy, as it was 13 years ago."

"Why am I like this? What do I benefit from this?"

"Because when you finally battle against Seng, you must see her as she was when you were born. Her
present form would be too much for you,” answered John.

"Yes,” replied Hannah, “and that is also why we protected you. When you were born, a lot of monsters
roamed the island. The Wekaginb Warriors defeated them in a long battle, but they are still very real to you."

"I'm sorry,” said Jang. “I should have listened... I won't make that mistake again."

To Be Continued...

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