Zoshi Adventure 2: The Survivor

By ParaBonz

Note: This was made after the Zoshi Bio. Also, Tenishi is pronounced: Ten-E-She

One day on Yoshi's Island, Zoshi is thinking of stuff...

Zoshi: (I wonder if my parents ever escaped Karminy… Probably not. I wonder if anybody I ever would've liked lived on Xoshi's Island. I wish it hadn't sunk at all. I wonder if there were more survivors beside me. At least one, I hope.) Wha...

Yoshi: I want to know if you'd like to hang out. Do you?

Zoshi: Yeah, sure. It'll keep my mind off things.

Yoshi: Cool! Let's go!


????: … Where am I? So... tired... Woah... I just got my memory back. What's that noise?


Zoshi: Can't touch this! Wo-hoo!!!

Yoshi: I shall not be “It” for long, Zoshi!

Zoshi: Hahahaha! Wheee!!!

Zoshi starts to swing on vines.

Yoshi: Cool! Look at me! I'm Tarzan!

Zoshi: Who's that?

Yoshi: I don't know! Wheeeee!!!


Zoshi: Owww... Pain...

Yoshi: What happened?

Zoshi: Ow... Tree trunk... It came out of nowhere...

Yoshi: Yeah, trees have a tendency to do that.

Zoshi: (squinting) What's that, on the shore?

Yoshi: I don't know. Let's go see.


????: Whatever that noise was, the cause is coming this way. At least they're Yoshis... Uhh... My head...


Zoshi: It looks like some White Yoshi.

Yoshi: Didn't those go extinct at the same time as the others?

Zoshi looks at Yoshi.

Yoshi: Besides you, I mean.

Zoshi: I don't know.

The Yoshis get there. They see that it is indeed a White Yoshi.

Zoshi: ...

Yoshi: Who are you?

????: My name is Tenishi.

Yoshi: Where'd you come from?

Tenishi: Last thing I remember is hatching from my egg in the ocean, eating some fish, and going to sleep. And here I am. I feel really tired.

Zoshi: ... I'll help... you up...

Zoshi grabs Tenishi's hand to help her up.

Tenishi: *blush*

Zoshi: *blush*


Okay! Gosh!

Zoshi: My name is Zoshi.

Yoshi: I'm Yoshi.

Tenishi: Nice to meet you. Where am I... exactly?

Yoshi: Yoshi's Island!

Zoshi: (whispering to Yoshi) Do you think she could be from... uh... Xoshi's Island?

Yoshi: (whispering) I don't know. Could be. I mean she is a White Yoshi, and like the other rare colors, they should be extinct too.

Tenishi: Is there anything to eat?


Karminy: Crud... Another survivor. I should've used a tidal wave, like I did on Earth. What was that place called? I think Atlantis... or something like that. Well I can't let What’s-Her-Name become one of Zoshi's friends. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Zoshi: *whisper, whisper, whisper*

Yoshi: Really?!

Zoshi: Don't tell. Please.

Tenishi: What are you talking about?

Yoshi: Er... Nothing. You want to go visit the Mushroom Kingdom?

Tenishi: Sure!

10 minutes later...

Knock, Knock, Knock. Toad opens the door.

Toad: HELLO!

Tenishi: AHHHHH!!!

Zoshi: I had the same reaction...

Yoshi: No, you di-

Zoshi: SHUT UP!

Toad: Peach, Mario, Luigi!! Yoshi, Zoshi, and...

Tenishi: Tenishi.

Toad: ...Teneshi are here!

Peach: Hi, my name is Princess Toadstool, call me Peach.

Mario: I'm-a Mario!

Luigi: And-a I'm his-a little brother, Luigi!

Yoshi: Peach, can you hang out with Tenishi? You both are girls.

Peach: Sure! (mumbling) Mario, Luigi, and Toad are boring to talk to.

Mario, Luigi, and Toad: What?!

Peach: I said “I like tofu!”

Yoshi: Well, see you guys later!

Yoshi, Zoshi, Toad, Mario, and Luigi leave the castle to go play around.

Toad: Let's play Tag!

Everybody Else: Yeah!


Peach: So where do you come from?

Tenishi: I don't know, I think Xoshi's Island. Yoshi told me about it on the way.

Peach: He did? You know, Zoshi is from there.

Tenishi: That explains it.

Peach: Explains what?

Tenishi: Nothing.

Peach: I won't tell.

Tenishi: Okay...


Toad: You're “It”, Luigi!

Luigi: I'll-a get one of you-a!

Zoshi: Hahaha!!! Wheeeee!!!

Mario: What-a the...

Kammy: Stop right there!

ZAP!!! Kammy traps everybody in energy bubbles!

Zoshi: Let us out!

Karminy: Never!

Karminy flies out from behind Kammy.

Karminy: Kammy! Take Toad, Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi to my Kastle.

Kammy: What about Zo-

Karminy: Drop him into the ocean. I've got to go to Peach's Castle. MWAHAHAHA!!!


Peach: Really?

Tenishi: Yes.

Peach: Maybe I can help you.

Tenishi: You can? Wait... What is that?!



Yoshi: Stupid Kastle. Hey, here comes Karminy.

Mario: She has-a captured Peach and-a Tenishi!

Toad: No!!!

Luigi: We've all-a been captured, they'll-a take over the-a Kingdom!

Kammy: Nice job, Karminy.

Karminy: Did you get rid of Zoshi?

Kammy: He is swimming with the fishes. Hehehehehehehehe...


Zoshi: Stupid bubble.

Zoshi is floating in the middle of the ocean while trapped in a bubble.

Zoshi: Hey! A Cheep Cheep.

Zoshi starts making fun of the Cheep Cheep. The Cheep Cheep attacks and pops the bubble.

Zoshi: Now to swim to Karminy's Kastle.


Kammy: What do we do now?

Karminy: We team up with Bowser, and takeover Plit!

Peach: Let us out!

Karminy: SHUT UP!!!


Zoshi: Stupid cliff.

Zoshi climbs up a cliff. He gets to the top and goes through the forest he went through last time he came.

Zoshi: Where is everybody?

Kamith Koopa: I am a Koopa spirit, summoned by Karminy to stop you. Go no further!

Zoshi: 50 HP
Kamith: 55 HP

Zoshi: Rapid Kick!

Kamith: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Argh!!! Take this! Spiritual Smash!

Bam! Zoshi gets blown right into a tree!

Zoshi: Uh...

Zoshi: 40 HP
Kamith: 45 HP

Kamith: DIE!!!


Yoshi: How will we get out of here?

Mario: I-a don't-a know.

Tenishi: *sob*

Toad: Hey, Tenishi, why are you crying?

Peach: It's a long story.

Luigi: What's-a wrong?

Peach: Well...


Zoshi: (panting heavily) Next time... don't... challenge... me... or you'll... end up like... you are... now...

Kamith: …

Zoshi: There's the Kastle.

Zoshi runs to the Kastle at full speed. CRASH!!! Zoshi breaks down the door of Karminy's Kastle.

Zoshi: KARMINY!!! I'M HERE!!!

Karminy: WHAT?!

Kammy: How did you escape?

Zoshi: You should know by now that I don't give up!

Karminy: Well, you shall suffer!

ZAP! Karminy and Kammy start shooting lightning bolts at Zoshi.

Zoshi: Mario, get ready to get out.

POP-BOOM!!! Zoshi threw an Egg Bomb at the bubble.

Mario: Yes-a! I'm free!

Zoshi: Get Peach and Luigi out!

Mario: Okay-a.

Karminy: Stop Mario, I'll get Zoshi!

Zoshi: Mario! Hurry!

Peach: I'm free!

Mario: Help-a me! Get-a Toad, I'll get-a Luigi!

Zoshi: That leaves me with Tenishi to save. Woah!

Karminy: I promise, I won't miss again!

Zoshi: Take this!

Zoshi throws an Egg Bomb at Karminy. BOOM!!! Karminy is black and charred.

Zoshi: Hee-Yah!

POP! Tenishi is free! Kammy slams into a wall.

Kammy: Ow...

Karminy: ARGH!!! This is the end, Zoshi, your friends will... DIE!!!

Karminy shoots a huge beam of magic energy. The beam is so big it blows the roof off the Kastle! It heads towards Zoshi and his friends, who, coincidentally, are standing in a straight line towards Karminy.

Mario: MAMAMIA!!!

He jumps out of the way.

Luigi: AHHHHHH!!

He jumps too.

Peach: Woah!

She jumps like the others.

Toad: Holy...

He jumps before finishing

Zoshi: Tenishi! Watch out!!!

Tenishi turns around, and she isn't going to have enough time to get out of the way. Everything is in slow motion.


Zoshi jumps in the way. BAM!!! Zoshi gets hit!



Zoshi: Tenishi... It was... the only way... to save.. you...

Tenishi: No... Don't die...

Zoshi: I... love... you...

Zoshi shuts his eyes. Tenishi starts crying.

Karminy: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I finally got rid of him!

Mario: SHUT UP!

Mario burns her and she passes out. They carry Zoshi to Peach's Castle.

Yoshi: (whispering) Zoshi told me that he liked Tenishi.

Peach: (whispering) And Tenishi told me that she liked Zoshi.

Tenishi: *sob*


Klevar: Come on, Eldstar, bring him back to life. You saw that, he sacrificed his life for his true love.

Eldstar: What do you think, Skolar?

Skolar: I agree with Klevar.

The 4 Other Stars: Yay!!!

Eldstar: Okay. I'll bring him back to life.

The 6 Other Stars: Yay!!!


Peach: It's okay, Tenishi, you'll find someone else.

Tenishi: … Wha...

Peach: Oh my gosh! MARIO, LUIGI, TOAD, YOSHI!!! Come here quick!!!

Mario: What?!

Peach: Look!

Zoshi has started breathing!

Zoshi: .............................................................

Yoshi: I saw him blink!

Zoshi: Hi... guys... I'm okay...

Tenishi: *gasp*

Tenishi begins crying with joy.

Tenishi: Zoshi... I... love... you too...

They hug each other.

The End

Audience: Awwwww...


Audience: Booooo!!!

SHUT UP!!! I can erase your lines right now if I want to!

Audience: Booo... We'll shut up.

Much better.

The End


What are you laughing at?!


I get it, you’re trying to stop me from finishing, aren't you?

Audience: YES!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Well, it won't work, so... HA, yourself!

The End (I Hope)

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