Super Koopaling Galaxy

By Ultimate Yoshi

After warping, the Koopalings look around to see where they have just arrived. They are standing on a giant planet, the biggest one they’ve been on since they got into outer space. They walk for at least 5 minutes until they finally come across a huge mansion, one even bigger then Luigi's.

Lemmy: Maybe someone lives in there. Think we should check it out?

Ludwig: It might be a trap, though. Let's look for a C-star instead.

Larry: What would we use it for? This is the only thing in this galaxy, and we need to find another Star to get out of here. I bet we can find one in there.

And with that Larry runs up to the door. The others follow, a few trying to stop him from touching the doorbell, and a few trying to get inside the mansion. Larry pokes the doorbell and the door opens. The others just now make it to the door. Larry runs in and goes through a door to try to find a Star.

Roy: Great, now we’ve got to find and rescue another person. Boy, it just can't get any better then this.

They each run in and try to find Larry, with no luck.

Wendy: Maybe we should split up.

Ludwig: I was just about to say the same thing. We will each take a different door. Larry's bound to be in one of them.

They each take a door, but behind them each door locks from the inside. Morton is inside a large library, Wendy is at an indoor swimming pool, Iggy and Lemmy are at a racing course, Roy is in a gym, and Ludwig is in the science laboratory.

Morton looks around when suddenly a Boo with claws on its fins and red eyes appears.

Boo: If you want to escape the library of doom you must keep your mouth shut for five minutes.

Normally anyone could do this without difficulty, but for Morton it is very hard. After at least 20 tries, Morton is finally able to get set free. The Boo opens the door and Morton runs out.

Morton: Larry wasn't in there, he must be in a different room. While I wait for the others I'll talk, blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Wendy sees a Boo just like the one Morton saw, but it is a different one.

Boo: If you want to get out of here alive you must pass my test of swimming five laps in the pool before one minute is up, now... GO!

Wendy finishes in 45 seconds and marches out the door.

Wendy: No, not you…

Morton: Yes, me. Come here so we can talk blah blah blah blah blah.

Iggy and Lemmy have to race two Boos and beat them in a three-legged race.  The Boos have an easy time of it because they have no feet, but Lemmy and Iggy just warp to finish before them. They walk out but then want to go back through the door because they find themselves alone with Morton and Wendy.

Roy finds Larry, who is being chased around the gym by a Boo.


Larry: HELP ME!

Roy: Hey, you want to fight? Come fight me!

The Boo stops chasing Larry and comes over to Roy.

Boo: Let's see what yo-

But before he can finish talking, Roy punches him down. Roy walks out with Larry.

Wendy: You found him!

Roy: Yeah. I can't believe you just ran away like that.

Larry: Sorry, I just wanted to find a Star. I thought one was in there.

Ludwig has to make a potion that can unlock a door because his Boo is out sick. It was the challenge anyway.

They all find each other again, but Boos suddenly come through every wall and surround them.

Larry: Boos! Oh no!

The Boos are about to strike when they hear a voice.

???????: STOP!!!

The Boos stop in midair and each back away from the Koopalings.

Ludwig: What’s going on?

Suddenly a white Yoshi wearing red shoes appears.

??????: Hmm...

The Yoshi walks around Ludwig.

??????: All right, you’re not an enemy. I'll let you and your siblings go.

Ludwig: Thanks, but who are you?

??????: I am Ultimate Yoshi.

Larry: Wait. If you’re Ultimate Yoshi then who is typing this story?

Ultimate Yoshi: I had to hire a Goomba to do it for this part, the rest was me.

Lemmy: Oh. Hey, are you the leader of these Boos?

Ultimate Yoshi: Actually, I am. I am a cross between a Boo and a Yoshi, so I can walk through walls and stuff like that. I can also see into one’s soul to see who and what they are.

Iggy: Wow.

Ultimate Yoshi: Yes, and I believe you need to find King Squig and rescue your parents. Am I correct?

Roy: Yes! We don't know where he is, but when we find him we are going to pound him!

Ultimate Yoshi: You mean you each think you can defeat King Squig?!

Ultimate Yoshi falls on his back laughing. The boos in the room also start laughing.

Ludwig: What’s so funny?

Ultimate Yoshi: Oh, it's just that you think you can defeat King Squig.

Ludwig: Are you saying we can't beat him?

Ultimate Yoshi: Yes. Unless I come along you will never win.

Larry: You mean you'll come with us to help?

Ultimate Yoshi: Yes, I'll help you.

This makes the Boos stop laughing.

Boo: But boss, what about us? Can we come?

Ultimate Yoshi: No. I want you all to stay here. I am going with them alone.

Iggy: Do you know where he is?

Ultimate Yoshi: Isn't it obvious that he is at his fortress? Luckily I know where it is. Come on, let's go. We can use this Star to get there.

Ultimate Yoshi holds up a Star.

Everyone: Let's go!

And with that they each disappear. Then the shadow appears again.

????????: My time to strike is near, but now that he is involved, I can have even more fun. Once my power is completed I will destroy each of them. Then the universe will be destroyed as well!

Once again the shadow has appeared. Who can it be? Is it King Squig or is it an even tougher enemy? Will the Koopalings be able to defeat it? Will they beat King Squig? Find out next time.

Read on!

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