The Revenge of the X-Nauts

By Ultimate Yoshi

Today at Mario's house Mario is eating breakfast in bed... well it's not exactly breakfast.

Luigi: MARIO!  I told you not to eat my-


Luigi grabs the pizza out of Mario's hand.

Luigi: This was MY pizza, yours is in the fridge!

Mario: But mine doesn't have meatballs on it!

Luigi takes some of the meatballs off of his pizza.

Luigi: HERE THEN!  Take some of mine!

Mario takes them and eats them.

Luigi: -_-

A noise comes from outside.

????: MAIL CALL!!!

Luigi: Great, more bills.

Luigi goes out and gets the mail, but when he gets back inside Mario is stuffing his face with Luigi's pizza.

Luigi: MARIO!

Mario: WHAT?!

Luigi: Oh never mind!

Luigi looks at all the mail they received.

Luigi: Let's see; bill, bill, Super Smash Bros. Brawl bill, got too many letters bill, mail, Bob-omb-

Mario: Anything else?

Luigi: Hold on, we have one more. It's from Princess Peach!

Mario: Sweet!

Luigi opens it.

Dear Mario and Luigi I am having a p-

Mario: I'll get my things!

Luigi: Wait, I'm not done reading it yet.

Mario: It's just a party where Bowser will come and kidnap the princess, of course.

Luigi: True, that always does happen.

The Mario Bros. head off for the castle.

Meanwhile in the attic...

?????: Ha ha ha!

Larry drops out of the attic door and into Mario's house.

Larry: So they're going to Princess Peach's party, huh?  Well then it's all going according to plan!

Larry runs out the door and towards the castle.

Meanwhile, the Mario Bros. arrive at the castle.

Mario: Huh? Where's all the guests?

Luigi: I dunno, but Princess Peach is waiting for us inside, so let's go.

They go into the empty and dark castle.

Mario: It's kinda dark here.

Luigi: Uh maybe we should go back outside.

Mario: Yeah, let's go.

They turn around when suddenly a figure from outside closes and locks the door.

Mario: HEY!  Let us out!

Luigi: What kind of a party is this?

Mario and Luigi turn around to see nothing but darkness.

Mario: BOWSER!  He must be behind this!

Luigi: Yeah, I guess we came too late!

Mario manages to see a little through the darkness.

Mario: I remember how to get to Princess Peach's room!

Luigi: We need to get to her now!

The Bros. go up the stairs, through a door, and go all the way to Princess Peach's room.

Mario: Peach, are you here?

Luigi: Please say something!

????: Sorry, Idiot Bros, but the princess ain't here anymore!

Mario: Bowser, I know that's you, now give Princess Peach back NOW!!!

????: How dare you co-

A wall explodes and light gets in the castle.

Bowser: Gwa ha ha ha ha!

Bowser flies in through the castle wall riding in his Clown Copter, and sees the Mario Bros.

Bowser: YES!  You idiots fell for the letter!

Mario: Wha- Bowser?!

Luigi: But Bowser is right-

A figure runs by Mario and Luigi. It runs outside and pulls out a communication device.

????: Come in Lord Crump, mission failed!


????: Bowser came at the last second and messed it up!

Lord Crump: Then initiate plan B!

????: Got it, sir!

Bowser: HEY! Who was that, and where's the princess?

Mario: We thought that thing was you!

Bowser: Huh? But then why was he-

The top of the castle explodes!


A giant time bomb is dropped into the castle!

Bomb: 00:30 seconds left before detonation.

Luigi: We gotta run for it!

The Bros. head for the door, but when they open it-

Larry: CHARGE!!!

All the Koopalings including Karma and Ultimate Yoshi come charging in the room!

Mario: HEY, GET OFF!!!

Iggy: We're gonna win for once!

Roy: Dad, hurry and grab the princess while we hold these guys down!


Lemmy: Huh?

Bomb: 00:20 seconds left.

Karma: A BOMB!!!

Ludwig: We must escape!

Everyone charges for the door, but they all get stuck together in the doorway!

Morton: We're gonna have our games ended, reach the end, the opposite of the beginning, we're gonna-

Bomb: 5-4-3-2-1-0!


Nothing happens.

Bomb: Make sure to get your copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl! We now continue with our normal detonation.

Everyone: NOOOOOOOO!!!

The bomb explodes, blowing billions of pieces of the castle everywhere! Mario crashlands near the castle almost completely knocked out from the landing. He tries to focus.

Mario: What... is that...?

Mario looks as a giant ship soars above the castle. Giant claws extend from the ship going in all directions and picking up stuff.

Mario: What's going... on?

One of the claws reaches down for Mario, Mario tries to crawl away but he is too weak and the claw grabs him and pulls him aboard the ship.

Mario: Luigi... help...

As he sees three shadowy figures come and pick him up, Mario starts to close his eyes.

Mario: No... I must... escape...

Mario closes his eyes all the way, but manages to stay awake. The three figures throw Mario into a small room with a few other things.

???1: Whew! We did it! Do we have everyone?

???2: Yes, but they're still awake so we're putting them under.

???3: Good, so can we get a coffee break or something?

???1: I dunno, remember the last time we did that?

???2: Yeah, but Slash was on guard last time. He's taking a nap now so it's safe.

The figures walk away.

Mario: Slash?  Who is... Slash?  I must... find a... way t-

Mario then passes out completely.

Mario is still passed out but is starting to awaken.

Mario: Uuuhh...

Mario's eyes open slowly.

Mario: Ugh, where am I?

Mario looks around to see he is floating in pitch-black darkness.

Mario: WOAH! Where am I?

A small voice is heard.

Mario: Hey, who's out there?

The voice starts to get louder.

Mario: I'm over here, help me!

The voice grows louder and louder, until Mario can hear it.

Voice: X blasts to make shadow.

Mario: What?

Voice: X blasts to make shadow.

More of the same voices start saying the same thing.

Mario: What does this mean? WHERE AM I?!

The voices get louder and louder.

Mario: STOP! GO AWAY!!!

One voice seems to be right in front of Mario.

Mario: GET AWAY!!!

Mario: Punches the spot where the voice is coming from.

Voice: OWWW!!!

All the voices stop.

Mario: What happened?

Mario suddenly opens his eyes again, and sees that he is now inside a jail cell.

?????: Ha ha ha ha!

Mario looks up to see Luigi with a bruised cheek.

Mario: LUIGI! You’re ok!

Luigi: Not really.

Mario: How did that happen?

Mario points to Luigi's cheek.

Luigi: You hit me! I was trying to wake you up, and you hit me!

Mario: Oh, sorry. I was having a bad dream, I guess.

?????: A BAD DREAM!?! Well for a dream it sure sounded real!

Mario looks to see a dark blue Shy Guy.

Mario: And who are you?

?????: Who am I? I am the best bounty hunter in this whole universe!

Luigi: He says his name is Louie, and that he works for a team of bounty hunters called The M-hunters.

Mario: But where are we?

Luigi: I don't have even a clue.

Mario then remembers what happened.

Mario: Luigi, do you remember what happened?

Luigi: I remember it all.

Mario: Where's Bowser and the Koopalings?

Luigi shrugs.

Luigi: I don't know that either, all I know is I woke up here with you and Louie here.

Mario: Louie, do you know where we are?

Louie: Thought you'd never ask.

Luigi: Then tell us!

Louie: Ok ok, all right, you two are on the X-ship, number 341. It's a ship that was created by X-Nauts-

Mario and Luigi: WHAT?! THE X-NAUTS?!

Louie: Yeah, they're a bunch of-

Mario: No no no, we know who they are, but we thought they were good guys.

Louie: Good guys? Ha, they were never good guys! They have always been scheming to rule the universe, and all that.

Mario: So they tricked us.

Louie: How did they trick you?

Mario explains the whole story to Louie.

Louie: Wow, you really got tricked, big time!

Mario: ...

Luigi: Wait Louie, why are we here, though?

Louie: Not even I know that.

Mario: Why are you here?

Louie: As you two are aware, I work for The M-Hunters. I got a mission from my leader to go destroy this ship!

Mario: But why?

Louie: This ship has important cargo on it. This cargo will help the X-Nauts in various ways, so it is my duty to destroy it!

Mario: Why do you want to destroy it?

Louie: It is said if we destroy this cargo, the X-Nauts’ biggest plan will fail! Oh, and I'll get loads of cash!

Luigi: So why are you here in this dungeon?

Louie: When I secretly got on board this ship, I unfortunately landed my ship near the laser cannons, so my ship was blown to bits and I was captured.

Mario: Ouch.

Luigi: Is there a way out of here?

Louie: HA! If there is, why would I be sitting here?

Luigi: Oh.

Mario: There has to-

A big speaker turns on.

Speaker: ATTENTION! Prisoner 372 has escaped!

Louie jumps up from his seat.

Louie: RUN, MAN, RUN!!!

Mario: What are you doing?!

Louie: I'm cheering that guy on to victory!

Three X-Nauts run by the cell.

??????: GIVE HER BACK!!!

A bomb explodes!

Mario: What’s going on over there?!

Louie: Come look!

Mario and Luigi look through the bars of the cell.

X-Naut: Calm down, buddy, I don't want to hurt you!


A bomb explodes near the X-Naut!

X-Naut: AGH!

The X-Naut runs away, and ten more come.

Louie: This guy might be able to escape!

Luigi: I can't see him.


The X-Nauts are blown away by another bomb.

Mario: Karma?! That must be Ludwig!

Louie: Never heard of ‘em.

Someone in another cell starts to speak.

??????: You’re disturbing my sleep, see? Rookie, get him!

??????2: I'm not your rookie, see? You’re mine, see?


X-Naut: We need Slash, this guy’s gone mad!

Mario remembers the X-Nauts talking about Slash before.

Mario: Who is Slash?

Louie: Oh, Slash. I hate him!

Luigi: Who is he?

Louie: A giant, super-powered Koopa with fangs, spikes on his shell, claws, and even red and blue hair! He's the newest member on the X-Naut team.

Mario: Reminds me of Bowser.

Suddenly an automatic door opens, and Slash comes in.

Slash: Let’s see this maniac, I'm gonna pound him into next century!

Ludwig: So you’re Slash. Give Karma back, NOW!

Slash: Sorry, hairbrain, she's already done with her operation!


Slash: Like I'm telling you!

Ludwig throws three bombs at Slash, but they don't even hurt him!

Slash: You’re asking for it, man! Just get back in that cell and I'll let this slide!

Ludwig: NEVER!!!

Ludwig throws more bombs at Slash!


Elite X-Nauts: YES SIR!

Ten Elite X-Nauts grab Ludwig and put him under. They then take him through the mechanical door.

Slash: I don't want any more to break free, you hear me?

X-Nauts: Understood, sir.

Slash: Good!

Slash walks away.

Mario: Wow, I wonder what the Yux tank is.

Louie: I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it.

Luigi: I guess we'll be trapped here forever.

Luigi and Mario sit down on a small bench in their room, feeling hopeless.

Louie: Stuck? Guys, we’re anything but stuck!

Luigi: How? We’re in a cell, we have no weapons, we can't even beat that Slash guy, and if we did escape, where would we go? We’re on a ship in the sky!

Louie: Wrong! We do have a few weapons.

Mario: What?!

Louie holds out 5 bombs.

Louie: That Ludwig guy dropped these.

Luigi: Ok, we can get out of the cell, but we still can't beat Slash.

Louie: So we'll have to trick him!

Mario: How?

Louie: These bombs could take out three of those guards.

Luigi: So?

Louie: So we could use their suits!

Mario: Ok, but we still can't get out of here.

Louie: I think there’s a hangar here somewhere, there are some ships we could use.

Luigi: Ok, but how do we find it?

Louie: We'll just ask someone.

Mario: Ok, I hope this works.

Louie throws a bomb at the bars. When they break three X-Nauts charge into the cell!

Louie: Here, have some bombs!

Louie throws the bombs at the X-Nauts, knocking them out.

Luigi: So far so good.

They take the suits from them and put them on.

Mario: Ugh, could these be any smaller?

Three more X-Nauts come in the cell.

X-Naut: What’s going on?

Mario: These guys were trying to escape their cell, but we knocked ‘em out!

X-Naut: Whew, I thought they escaped.

The three X-Nauts leave.

Luigi: I guess we’d better get out of here, before they wake up and say what happened.

Louie: Right!

Mario, Luigi, and Louie walk away.


Lord Crump: How much longer?

X-Naut PhD: Please have patience, Lord Crump, the potion is almost done!

Lord Crump: Buh! You said that the last three times!

X-Naut PhD: Those were inaccurate, but this is real!

Lord Crump: Do we have any experiments going on?

X-Naut PhD: Two, sir; one was for a strange girl that seemed to be a cross between a Yoshi and a Koopa, the other one was for a boy Koopa with a crazy hairstyle.

Lord Crump: Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! So are the experiments done yet?

X-Naut PhD The girl's is complete, but the boy's is still going.

Lord Crump: How far is the boy's progress?

X-Naut PhD: 78 percent complete, sir. We plan for it to be done in half an hour.

Lord Crump: Good, now get back to making that potion!

X-Naut PhD: Got it, sir. X!

The X-Naut PhD walks away.


Mario: Who should we ask?

Louie: The first guy we see.

They keep walking down a long hallway.

Luigi: I don't see anyone.

Louie: Weird, this place is always filled with X-Nauts... or so I hear.

An X-Naut PhD runs by.

X-Naut PhD: Watch it!

Louie: WAIT!

The X-Naut PhD runs back.

X-Naut PhD: WHAT?!

Louie: Do you know where the hangar is?

X-Naut PhD: I thought all X-Nauts were supposed to know it.

Louie: Uh, yeah, we just forgot.

The X-Naut PhD clicks something on his goggles.

X-Naut PhD: Ok, it’s in the fifth room down this hall, on the left.

Louie: Thanks.

The X-Naut PhD starts running again, and goes into a room.

Mario: Let's-a go!

Luigi: Yeah!

The three of them run down the hall, but the X-Naut PhD watches them run.

X-Naut PhD: So we've got the ones who knocked them out. I gotta tell Lord Crump.

Mario, Luigi, and Louie make it to the hangar.

Mario: WOW!

Luigi: WOAH!

Louie: Cool.

The hangar is filled with ships of all different shapes and sizes.

Mario: Which should we choose?

Louie: This one is the only one we can use.

Louie points to a big shop with tons of weapons on it.

Louie: It’s the worst one, but if it’s this good, I'd like to see the best.

Luigi: Let’s just get out of here.

Mario: I agree.

Louie: Yes, let’s go.

They each get into the ship.

Mario: Who should drive?

Louie: I will, since I'm the only one who's flown a ship like this before.

Luigi: Sounds good to me!

They take off. After getting out of the ship, they see they are flying out in space.


Lord Crump: Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! That’s right, Mario, you fly off into the universe.

X-Naut PhD: Sir, shouldn't we send someone after them?

Lord Crump: Don't worry, I already took care of that!

Lord Crump pushes a button on his communication device.

Lord Crump: Kristi, are you ready?

Kristi: I'm ready, Crump!

Lord Crump: Good, and you, Slash?

Slash: Let’s blow ‘em out of the sky!

Lord Crump: Buh! Good, then GET THEM!!!

Read on!

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