Commander Shroob vs. the Koopalings: The Final Battle

By Blade Guy

Prologue: The Truth About General Guy

One day in Shy Guy's Toy Box, General Guy wanted to have a meeting with the Koopalings.

General Guy: I am glad you came, Koopalings. I have something to tell you. I heard you fought with Commander Shroob twice, right?

Lemmy: Well, me and Iggy fought him twice, but the rest of the Koopalings fought him once.

General Guy: Okay, yeah. But I have to tell you something. I also have fought with him.

Koopalings: WHAT!

General Guy: Yes, this is how it went...


General Guy: This is where you stop, Commander Shroob! You will not be getting past me to get to the Star Gate.

Commander Shroob: Nice try, General Guy, but I have an army with me, and you don't.

General Guy: We will see about that. SHY GUYS, ASSEMBLE!

Then General Guy's Shy Guy army came running in.

General Guy: How do you like that?

Commander Shroob: Very well then, our armies will battle. ATTACK!

General Guy: CHARGE!

Then a big battle broke out and all of Commander Shroob’s army got knocked out.

Commander Shroob: NO!

General Guy: It looks like you’re out of Shroobs!

Commander Shroob: This isn't over, General Guy! I will have my revenge!

Then they heard some footsteps.

General Guy: Well, I'll see you later, Commander!

Then General Guy took his airship and flew away.

End Flashback

General Guy: Then the Mario Bros. and the Baby Mario Bros. came in and defeated Commander Shroob. I thought he would be finished for good, but Lemmy and Iggy fought him, then all of you fought him. Now I think he is going to return to finish what he had started.

Ludwig: I was wishing for this to end. It looks like we will have to stop Commander Shroob once more.

Roy: But who knows how mush powerful he's become since our last encounter?

Meanwhile on the moon...

?????: Kamella, my plan is almost complete. All I need is to complete my secret machine before we return to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Kamella: Well, my readings say that General Guy has teamed up with the Koopalings to take you down, Commander Shroob.

Commander Shroob: It doesn't matter, I have become more powerful since our last encounter. You also have, Kamella. Now, we wait until my machine is complete.

Back in Shy Guy’s Toy Box...

General Guy: We must think of a plan to take down Commander Shroob for good.

Iggy: Me and Ludwig can take care of that, we have the brains to think of anything. Right, Ludwig? Ludwig..? Hey, where’d Ludwig go?

The Koopalings and General Guy found Ludwig in a secret part of the toy box, looking at a weird star.

Ludwig: Hey General Guy, what is this star?

General Guy: I really don't know, Ludwig, I found it a couple days ago before I sent you the letter. But I think the Star Spirits know what kind of star that is. Why don't you go ask them?

Lemmy: Good idea, General Guy. Come on, guys, let’s go.

The Koopalings took the weird star and headed toward Shooting Star Summit.

Chapter 1: Hunt for the 6 Ancient Stars

As the Koopalings made their way to Shooting Star Summit, Ludwig was observing the star they got from General Guy.

Ludwig: I just don't know what kind of star this is.

Iggy: Like General Guy said, maybe the Star Spirits will know what kind of star it is.

Wendy: Hey, I think I see shooting stars!

The Koopalings then looked up in the sky to see shooting stars.

Larry: Wow, we’re here!

Morton: Let’s get going so we can ask the Star Spirits what kind of star we have and so shooting stars won't hit.

Lemmy: (whispering to Iggy) Maybe one of those shooting stars should hit him and knock him out so we can leave him and he will have to find us.

Iggy: Yeah, like that’s going to happen.

Ludwig: Lemmy, Iggy! You guys coming?

Lemmy: Coming!

Iggy: Sorry, Ludwig!

When the Koopalings made it to Shooting Star Summit, they found Eldstar lying on the ground.

Koopalings: ELDSTAR!

Eldstar: Koopalings, I must protect Star Haven from you... but I can't go on.

Lemmy: It's okay, we’re here to see what kind of star this is.

Before Lemmy could show Eldstar, a ray almost hit them.

Iggy: What was that?

The shooter turned out to be a Shroid.

Shroid: I have been sent here by Commander Shroob to destroy Star Haven and...

Then the Shroid noticed the weird star.

Shroid: The Ancient Star! Hand it over.

Lemmy: No!

Shroid: If you want it like that, then I will battle you for it.

Lemmy: Fine with me! Come on, guys!


Lemmy: 10/10 HP
Lemmy used ball throw.
Shroid took 2 damage.

Iggy: 10/10 HP
Iggy use wand beam.
Shroid took 2 damage.

Shroid: 4/8 HP
Shroid used arm cannon blast.
Iggy took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 10/10 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Shroid took 3 damage.

Iggy: 7/10 HP
Iggy used spinning tackle.
Shroid took 3 damage. Shroid fainted.


Shroid: Commander Shroob will not be pleased with me.

The Shroid then disappeared through a portal.

Lemmy: Way to go, Iggy! Nice battling!

Iggy: Right back at ya, Lemmy!

Ludwig: If you two are done, we have to get Eldstar to the Star Sanctuary so he can get healed.

Roy: Yeah, so let’s get going, wimps!

Iggy: We just beat a Shroid, we should get a little more respect from you, Roy.

Roy: Don't tell me what to do, Iggy, or I will beat you up!

Iggy: Forget I said all that.

Lemmy: We’d better get going.

The Koopalings finally made it to the Star Sanctuary and healed Eldstar back to health.

Eldstar: Thank you for saving me back at Shooting Star Summit. If there is anything I can do for you…

Larry: Well, we have this weird star we got from General Guy.

Larry handed the star to Eldstar.

Lemmy: The Shroid called it an Ancient Star or something like that.

Eldstar: He was right. It is an Ancient Star.

Wendy: What's an Ancient Star?

Eldstar: An Ancient Star is a mystic star that has strange powers. There is a total of seven, and when they are together, something special will happen.

Ludwig: Really? Like what?

Eldstar: I'm not sure, but maybe one of the other Star Spirits knows.

Eldstar called on the rest of the Star Spirits. Then they all came flying in.

Eldstar: Let me introduce you the other Star Spirits. They are Mamar, Skolar, Muskular, Misstar, Klevar, and Kalmar.

Lemmy: Well, you know who we are.

Misstar: Yes we do. But that is not important.

Ludwig: If that is not important, than can you tell us what happens when all the Ancient Stars are all together?

Muskular: I'm afraid we don't know either.

Kalmar: Plus, we are in deep trouble.

Iggy: What do you mean?

Kalmar: We have been reading the stars, and they say that Commander Shroob is plotting his revenge on you Koopalings.

Eldstar: I also have been reading the stars about General Guy. The stars say that Commander Shroob is plotting revenge on him, too.

Klevar: So really, he is plotting revenge on all of you.

Mamar: But there is a way to stop him.

Wendy: Really? How?

Muskular: You have to collect all of the Ancient Stars if you want to beat Commander Shroob.

Morton: Do you know where they all are?

Skolar: No, but we have a map to lead you to all of them.

Skolar went to get a map, and came back with one and gave it to Lemmy.

Eldstar: That should help you on your journey.

Lemmy: Well, we already have one from Shy Guy’s Toy Box, so that leaves six left.

Eldstar: Right, so it would be best for you Koopalings to get going and find the Ancient Stars.

Ludwig: Thanks for the map. So we'll be on our way out of here.

Eldstar: Good luck to all of you.

Now the Koopalings have another adventure where they have to stop Commander Shroob once more.

Chapter 2: The Star in the Pipe Maze

As the Koopalings made their way from Star Haven, they were looking at the map to see where the second Ancient Star was. The first was in Shy Guy’s Toy Box, if you forgot.

Lemmy: Okay, it looks like the closest Ancient Star from here is... the Pipe Maze.

Wendy: The Pipe Maze? But we could get lost.

Ludwig: Don't worry, Sis, we have a map to help guide us through the Maze and right to the Ancient Star.

Iggy: Come on, I think I see a pipe that leads to the Maze.

They found the pipe and jumped into it, and found a lot of paths to take.

Ludwig: It is okay, we can check the map. What does it say, Lemmy?

Lemmy: It just shows a lot of paths that lead to the Ancient Star.

Ludwig: O_o

Wendy: Weren't you the one who said that the map will lead us to the Ancient Star?

Ludwig: ... My bad.

Iggy: Well, it looks like we will have to take different paths until we find the right one.

Larry: Let’s try the farthest left first.

The Koopalings took Larry's path and ended up in the same spot.

Larry: Well that can't be right. How can we have gone in a circle and end up back at the start?

Lemmy: Well, path one is out. Let’s try the farthest right.

They took Lemmy's path and ended up in the same place.

Lemmy: Okay, that put us back at start, so the last path is out. Anyone want to choose another path?

Nobody wanted to choose another path, so they just took whatever path was left, and they all ended up in the same spot.

Lemmy: This is getting annoying. How are we going to get past this Maze to the Ancient Star?

Lemmy stomped the ground and saw a bit of the ground lift up.

Lemmy: Guys, I think I found one more path. But I need Roy's help.

Roy: How can you have found another path? There is no other path here!

Lemmy: Just get over here and pound the ground that I am standing on.

Roy: Why should I listen to you?

Lemmy: Well I don't know, Roy, if you don't listen to me, you will maybe, oh, I don't know, become a Shroobaling once more!

Roy: I don't want that to happen. All right, I'll pound the floor.

Roy pounded the floor as hard as he could. Then a staircase appeared leading down into the maze.

Roy: Wow, you were right.

Ludwig: Who cares? Lemmy found a secret passage that I didn't know about when I took over the Pipe Maze in Super Mario Bros. 3. There is something mixed up there.

Iggy: Does it really matter?

Ludwig: Well... no.

Iggy: I thought so. Let’s just get going so we can get the Ancient Star.

The Koopalings walked down the staircase and found a dark passage leading to a big open area.

Morton: Where are we?

Wendy: I don't know, but it might be where the Ancient Star is. What does the map say, Lemmy?

Lemmy: We are in the right spot.

Koopalings: Yes!

Then they heard a rumbling sound.

Lemmy: What is that?

Larry: I don't know, but I don't think that hole was there before we got here!

The Koopalings looked at the spot Larry was looking at and saw a big hole. Then a robotic spider came out of the hole.

Koppalings: WHAT IS THAT?!

Ludwig: That is a Mecha-Pider. Max HP is 40, Attack is 3 and Def is 1. It was built millions of years ago to protect the Ancient Star. It will shoot webs at you, and jabs at you with its sharp legs. But I wonder who built this machine?

Lemmy: Well we’re going to have to beat it if we want the Ancient Star.

Roy: I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to hurt a big robotic spider!


Roy: 10/10 HP
Roy used pound.
Mecha-Pider took 2 damage.

Wendy: 10/10 HP
Wendy used hydro wave.
Mecha-Pider took 2 damage.

Mecha-Pider: 36/40 HP
Mecha-Pider used mecha jab.
Roy took 2 damage.

Roy: 8/10 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Mecha-Pider took 3 damage.

Wendy: 10/10 HP
Wendy used candy ring toss.
Mecha-Pider took 2 damage.

Mecha-Pider: 31/40 HP
Mecha-Pider used web shot.
Wendy took 3 damage and couldn't move.

Roy: 8/10 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Mecha-Pider took 2 damage.

Mecha-Pider: 29/40 HP
Mecha-Pider used mecha jab.
Wendy took 3 damage and regained movement.

Roy: 8/10 HP
Roy used pound.
Mecha-Pider took 3 damage.

Wendy: 4/10 HP
Wendy used water beam.
Mecha-Pider took 3 damage.

Mecha-Pider: 21/40 HP
Mecha-Pider used ruby shot.
Wendy took 5 damage.
Wendy fainted. Ludwig took over.

Roy: 8/10 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Mecha-Pider took 3 damage.

Ludwig: 10/10 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Mecha-Pider took 5 damage.

Mecha-Pider: 13/40HP
Mecha-Pider: ZZZZ... HELP ME... ZZZZ.
Ludwig: Huh?



Larry: Green girl?

Mecha-Pider: LOOK ZZZZ UP.

The Koopalings looked up and saw a strange girl floating down.

?????: What are you doing to my Mecha-Pider?

Lemmy: What do you mean your Mecha-Pider, and who are you?

?????: I am known as... Mimi.

Iggy: I know you! You were once one of Count Bleck's minions in Super Paper Mario!

Mimi: You guessed right, but I am under a new ruler now. I was told by Commander Shroob to make sure you don't get this Ancient Star. So I used my hypnotic spell so I could control him to defeat you because I knew he would just give you the Ancient Star. But since he broke out of the spell, I will have to take care of you myself.

Then Mimi turned her head upside down, lost her eyes, and grew six legs.

Mimi: Let me introduce you to Spider Mimi!

Lemmy: Looks like we’re going to have to beat another spider. Who's with me?

Koopalings: YEAH!

Spider Mimi: You’re never going to get the Ancient Star even if you work as a team!


Ludwig: 10/10 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Spider Mimi took 3 damage.

Larry: 10/10 HP
Larry used Piranha strike.
Spider Mimi took 2 damage.

Spider Mimi: 20/25 HP
Spider Mimi used ruby shot.
Larry took 3 damage.
Larry: Well, I guess that you were the one who used that ruby shot when you where controlling Mecha-Pider.
Spider Mimi: You gussed right.

Ludwig: 10/10 HP
Ludwig used wand beam.
Spider Mimi took 3 damage.

Larry: 7/10 HP
Larry used Piranha strike.
Spider Mimi took 2 damage.

Spider Mimi: 15/25 HP
Spider Mimi used ruby shot.
Ludwig took 2 damage.

Ludwig: 8/10 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Spider Mimi took 4 damage.

Larry: 7/10 HP
Larry used wand beam.
Spider Mimi took 3 damage.

Spider Mimi: 8/25 HP
Spider Mimi: You’re tougher than you look. Well, I can take care of that. Time for my special move!
Spider Mimi used ruby blast.
Ludwig took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 3/10 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Spider Mimi took 5 damage.

Larry: 7/10 HP
Larry used Piranha strike.
Spider Mimi took 3 damage.
Spider Mimi fainted.


After the battle, Mimi turned back to her old self.

Mimi: Drat! I was so close to beating you guys! Commander Shroob will be oh so displeased with me!

Mimi began to glow and then disappeared.

Lemmy: That was strange.

Iggy: Come on, we’d better go see how Mecha-Pider is.

The Koopalings approached Mecha-Pider with caution so they would be ready if Mecha-Pider attacked them.

Mecha-Pider: Thank you for getting rid of that evil little girl.

Morton: But what was she controlling you for, and why were you making all those electrical sounds after every few words?

Mecha-Pider: I will show you in flashback.


Mecha-Pider Voiceover: I knew you guys would be coming because the Star Spirits sent me a message within the stars. But after I got the message, I heard someone in my home. So I went to investigate. Then I spotted Mimi trying to steal the Ancient Star.

Mecha-Pider: You’re not getting away with this, Mimi. Now leave before I hurt you.

Mimi: Well, aren't we being brave today. But I don't want to leave, Commander Shroob wants me to try to hide the Ancient Star somewhere else so the Koopalings won't find it.

Mecha-Pider: Well that won't be happening! MECHA JAB!


Mecha-Pider: Then she hypnotized me so I wouldn't hurt her.

Mimi: Hmmmm... Since I now have under my control, maybe I can have some fun with you.

Mecha-Pider Voiceover: Then she told me to attack you guys so I could defeat you and she would run off with the Ancient Star and hide it somewhere else. I made those electrical sound because I was trying to break the spell.

End Flashback…

Lemmy: So Commander Shroob doesn't want the Ancient Stars for himself, but...

Mecha-Pider: To hide them somewhere else so you can't find them.

Ludwig: But why doesn't he just destroy them?

Mecha-Pider: That is impossible, because even if you destroy an Ancient Star, it will revive itself.

Wendy: I guess that is why these Stars are mystical.

Mecha-Pider: Yes it is, but enough of this talk. You guys have to collect the Ancient Stars so you can defeat Commander Shroob, so here.

Mecha-Pider then gave them the Ancient Star that he was guarding.

Koopalings: We got the second Ancient Star!

Now that the Koopalings have two Ancient Stars, one from Shy Guy's Toy Box and the other given to them by Mecha-Pider for defeating Mimi, the Koopalings exit the Pipe Maze and move on to find the next Ancient Star. But meanwhile on the moon...

Kamella: Kamek, what is the report on those Koopalings.

Kamek: I'm sorry to say, but the Koopalings have two Ancient Stars. One from General Guy because he gave it to them, and one from the Mecha-Pider for beating that Mimi girl we ordered to stop the Koopalings.

Kamella: Commander Shroob, did you hear that?

Commander Shroob: Yes I did, Kamella, but I have a plan. What is the closest place to the Pipe Maze?

Kamella: That would be...

She checked the map of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Kamella: Crystal Palace.

Commander Shroob: Perfect. Magishroobs!

Then 7 Magishroobs appeared.

Magishroob #1: You called, Commander Shroob?

Commander Shroob: Yes, I want you to head to the Crystal Palace and stop those Koopalings from getting the Ancient Star, and once you stop them, I want you to hide the Ancient Star somewhere else so they can't find it.

Magishroob #1: Understood. Come on, Magishroobs, let’s get going to Crystal Palace!

Then all the Magishroobs grabbed their brooms and headed for the Crystal Palace.

Commander Shroob: They will find that Ancient Star and hide it somewhere those Koopalings can't find it.

Meanwhile at the entrance to the Pipe Maze…

Lemmy: I'm glad we are out of there.

Ludwig: We all are, but we have to hurry and find those Ancient Stars. Where do we go next, Lemmy?

Lemmy: The map says... the Crystal Palace.

Koopalings: Awwww.

Lemmy: Yes! The cold.

Roy: Let’s just get going.

The Koopalings then hiked to the Crystal Palace by going into the sewer of the Mushroom Kingdom and heading toward the pipe to Shiver City.

Chapter 3: The Rare Hothead Fever Disease of Shiver City

As the Koopalings made it to Shiver City, they were greeted by the mayor.

Mayor: Welcome to our city. I would like you to come to my house for a second or two.

The Koopalings followed the mayor to his house, but Lemmy was having a hard time catching up with them.

Mayor: You have come at a bad time.

Iggy: Why?

Mayor: Well, there is a very rare disease that is more powerful than any other disease known to man, or in your case, Koopa.

Wendy: What is it called?

Mayor: It is known as hothead fever.

Ludwig: Why do they call it that?

Mayor: They call it that because you run a very high fever, and you will know you have it because you turn a very light blue color and feel very weak.

Roy: But why haven't you got it?

Mayor: Well, I haven't got it because I had it a couple days ago and I can't get the disease anymore until it comes again.

Iggy: Are you done?

Mayor: I'm done.

Ludwig: Well, thanks for that. We'll be careful now.

But before the Koopalings made it out the door, they saw Lemmy lying on the floor with a light blue color on him.

Chapter 4: The Hothead Disease Affects Lemmy


Lemmy: N...N...No.

Iggy: Mayor, we have to get him to the inn of Shiver City!

The Koopalings and the mayor hurried off to the inn while carrying Lemmy.

Iggy: So innkeeper, can you do anything for my brother?

Inn Keeper (really a Toad): Well, I can do what I can. Let him rest for a while and come back later.

Mayor: Okay, we will, but may I speak with the rest of you outside?

The Koopalings, except Lemmy, followed the Mayor outside.

Mayor: I hear you are looking for the Ancient Stars.

Morton: We are.

Mayor: Well, you can't do this without items. Follow me.

The Mayor took the Koopalings to a shop and entered it.

Mayor: This is what we call the shop. It will provide you with items to help you on your journey. Also, whenever you are hurt and can't go on, come back to the inn and restore yourself. But you can't go to the inn in this city because of your sick friend. Now before you leave, buy something right now.

Ludwig approached the counter.

Shopkeeper: Hello, welcome to the Shiver City shop. What my I get for you?

Ludwig: Yes, I would like five Mushrooms and four Super Mushrooms.

Shopkeeper: That will be 60 gold coins.

Ludwig gave the shopkeeper 60 gold coins.

Shopkeeper: Thanks, and have a nice day.

Ludwig: You too.

Mayor: That is how you shop at a shop. Now you’d better get started to find the Ancient Stars.

Wendy: Thanks, we are going to the Crystal Palace to find our next Ancient Star.

Mayor: Well then, I wish you luck on your journey.

The Koopalings headed out to the Crystal Palace without Lemmy.

Chapter 5: The Two Lemmys

As the Koopalings were heading toward the Crystal Palace, Iggy couldn't stop wondering if Lemmy would be all right or if he would be sick forever.

Ludwig: What's wrong, Iggy?

Iggy: I'm just worried about Lemmy.

Wendy: Don't worry, I'm sure he will be fine. Now come on, we have to get to the Ancient Star before any of Commander Shroob’s minions come.

Iggy: All right.

Roy: I think I see the entrance to Crystal Palace.

All the Koopalings saw where Roy was pointing, and saw the entrance to Crystal Palace.

Morton: Let’s get going.

As the Koopalings entered the Crystal Palace, the door to Crystal Palace shut. Meanwhile, someone who wanted the Ancient Star was watching them.

?????: Now it is time to put my plan into action.

As the Koopalings entered the Crystal Palace, they saw a lot of Duplighosts that ran away from them.

Roy: What's with those guys?

Ludwig: Maybe they think we’re too powerful for them.

Iggy: Let’s keep going.

Then the Koopalings ran into a big room and heard a voice.

Voice: Welcome to the room of mazes. If you want to get to the Ancient Star, you have to go through a maze to get to the other side of the room and reach the door.

Ludwig: Great, just what we need, another maze.

As the Koopalings entered the maze, they were almost hit by spikes, almost fell down pits, almost hit by fire, and had to avoid a lot of very sharp objects. Then they finally made it to the door. Then they heard the weird voice again.

Voice: You have made it through the maze, you my go get your prize.

Koopalings: YES!

The Koopalings raced to the door and saw Lemmy getting the Ancient Star.

Koopalings: LEMMY!

Lemmy: Oh, hey guys. What took you so long?

Iggy: How did you get here before us?

Lemmy: Well, I know a lot of secret passages in this place, so I used them to get to the Ancient Star.

Larry: Can we use them to get out of here?

Lemmy: No, you can only use them if you want to get in. They will shut when you use them once.

Roy: Well, it looks like we’re going to have to take the long way out.

Ludwig: But before we go, I thought you had the hothead disease Lemmy?

Wendy: Yeah.

Lemmy: Well, all I had to do was eat a couple of ice berries, and then I was cured.

Ludwig: I guess that makes sense.

Iggy: Let’s just get out of here.

After a long path of ice and cold, the Koopalings were almost at the entrance when...

Lemmy: ATTACK!

Koopalings: What?

Before the Koopalings could act, the Duplighosts that were inside the Crystal Palace beat up the Koopalings. After a few beatings, the Koopalings were knocked out.

Lemmy: Perfect.

Then Lemmy grabbed a device out of his shell and called someone.

Lemmy: Commander Shroob, I would like to inform you that my plans are a success and I have the Ancient Star with me.

Commander Shroob: Good, now take it somewhere the Koopalings will never find it.

Lemmy: Understood.

Lemmy hung up, then a Duplighost piped up.

Duplighost: Uh, sir, what's that shadowy figure on that hill over there?

Lemmy looked and saw the shadowy figure.


The Duplighosts started attacking the shadowy figure until it started throwing wand beams at them, knocking them all out.


The shadowy figure jumped off the hill and landed right next to Lemmy. Then the Koopalings woke up.

Iggy: What's going on?

Larry: I'm not sure, but...

Ludwig: What, Larry?

Larry: There are... There are...

Larry was pointing at the shadowy figure, who turned out to be...

Koopalings except Lemmy: TWO LEMMY'S!

Lemmy #1: That’s right, he's the fake Lemmy, I'm the real Lemmy.

Lemmy #2: No, I'm the real Lemmy, he's the fake Lemmy.

Iggy: Even I can't tell which is different from the other. This is a nightmare!

Larry: Then they will have to battle it out to see which one is the real Lemmy.

Lemmys: Let’s do this!


Lemmy #1: 10/10 HP
Lemmy #1 used ball throw.
Lemmy #2 took 3 damage.

Lemmy #2: 7/10 HP
Lemmy #2 used ice breath.
Lemmy #1 took 2 damage.

Lemmy #1: 8/10 HP
Lemmy #1 used wand beam.
Lemmy #2 took 4 damage.

Lemmy #2: 3/10 HP
Lemmy #2 used wand beam.
Lemmy #1 took 4 damage.

Lemmy #1: 4/10 HP
Lemmy #1 used wand beam.
Lemmy #2 took 4 damage.
Lemmy #2 fainted.


Lemmy #2: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was so close to beating you.

Then Lemmy #2 fell on the ground and dropped the Ancient Star and transformed into Doopliss.

Chapter 6: The Battle with Magic Shrooboliss

Iggy: You mean the Lemmy we were with the whole time was Doopliss?

Lemmy: Correct, Iggy. Doopliss turned into me because he saw that I wasn't with you guys. So he found the shortcuts to the Ancient Star and turned into me so you guys would think that I was cured. Then you guys would let your guard down so all those Duplighosts could attack you. But what he didn't know was that I am a strong fighter and I could knock out those Duplighosts.

Larry: But why would Doopliss get you sick?

Lemmy: Because Larry, I know all of the secret passages in this place. So he thought if he turned into me, he would get to the Ancient Star before you guys.

Doopliss: This would've worked if I had hidden all those ice berries. But it doesn't matter, because I can finish you guys off as a family.

But before Doopliss could do anything, everyone saw what looked like Magikoopas.

Doopliss: Who are all of you?

?????: We are the seven Magishroobs!

Lemmy: I thought they looked familier.

Iggy: You saw these guys before?

Lemmy: Yeah, halfway here, I saw up in the sky those same Magishroobs. I think they are some freakish form of a Shroob and a Magikoopa put together.

Magishroob #1: Doopliss, we were sent here by Commander Shroob to help you beat these rotten Koopalings.

Doopliss: What is your idea?

Magishroob #3: We were thinking we could fuse together to create a better form of all of us together. We were given the idea by Kamella.

Ludwig: I forgot she was with Commander Shroob on this. Because I was wondering how Commander Shroob would get those Magikoopas.

Doopliss: I like that idea. Now let’s do it.

Magishroobs: LET’S!

The Magishroobs used their magic wands to create a vortex that Doopliss and the Magishroobs jumped in. They came out as Magic Shroobliss.

Koopalings: WOAH!

Magic Shroobliss: You should be scared! I will beat you and get the Ancient Star!

Lemmy: We'll see about that!

Larry: Yeah! I'm ready to beat a magic freak sheet!


Iggy: 10/10 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 10/10 HP
Lemmy used ball throw.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Magic Shroobliss: 39/45 HP
Magic Shroobliss used flying headbonk.
Iggy took 4 damage.

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy used spinning tackle.
Magic Shroobliss took 2 damage and got dizzy.
Iggy: WOW! I didn't know I could make enemies dizzy.

Lemmy: 10/10 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Magic Shroobliss: 34/45 HP
Magic Shroobliss used flying headbonk.
Lemmy took no damage due to the dizziness.

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 10/10 HP
Lemmy used wand beam.
Magic Shroobliss took 4 damage.

Magic Shroobliss: 27/45 HP
Magic Shroobliss snapped out of his dizziness and used flying headbonk.
Lemmy took 4 damage.

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 6/10 HP
Lemmy used ball toss.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Magic Shroobliss: 21/45 HP
Magic Shroobliss: All right, time to dish out the big guns. TAKE THIS!
Magic Shroobliss used magic wand blast.
Lemmy took 5 damage.

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy: Lemmy, take this Mushroom.
Lemmy ate the Mushroom and regained 5 HP
Lemmy: Thanks, Iggy.

Lemmy: 6/10 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Magic Shroobliss took 4 damage and froze.
Lemmy: Who knew I could freeze enemies with my ice breath?

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy used spinning tackle.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 6/10 HP
Lemmy used ball toss.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Magic Shroobliss thawed out and took 2 damage.
Magic Shroobliss: 9/45 HP
Magic Shroobliss: OH NO! I'm almost down, I’d better get into action.
Magic Shroobliss used magic wand blast.
Lemmy took 5 damage.

Iggy: 6/10 HP
Iggy used spinning tackle.
Magic Shroobliss took 3 damage.

Lemmy: 1/10 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Magic Shroobliss took 7 damage.
Lemmy: How did I do that?
Magic Shroobliss fainted.



Then there was a big flash of light and the Magishroobs and Doopliss were back to their old selves.

Magishroob #1: Drat, we were so close to beating you. Commander Shroob will not like this.

Magishroob #5: Maybe we should get out of here before we get another beating.

Magishroob #2: Good idea.

The Magishroobs grabbed their broomsticks and flew back to Commander Shroob. Then Doopliss woke up.

Doopliss: Oh no. I’d better get back to Creepy Steeple with my new Duplighosts. COME ON, GUYS!

Doopliss and the Duplighosts ran off without the Ancient Star. Then the Koopalings started to glow.

Larry: What happening?

Ludwig: I think we grew a level.

Lemmy: That’s cool and all, but how was my ice breath so powerful when I was almost done for?

Ludwig: Well, there are two things that could have caused it. It could be that you are in the cold and your ice breath's power rose, or it could have been your own power rising because you were in peril.

Lemmy: That works.

Iggy: That’s cool, but shouldn't we get the Ancient Star?

Ludwig: Yeah, let’s get out of here too, it's getting too cold.

The Koopalings went up to the Ancient Star and added it to their collection.

Koopalings: We got the third Ancient Star!

Without Lemmy, the Koopalings got tricked by Doopliss so he could get the Star and contact Commander Shroob. But Doopliss got what he deserved after he found out that Lemmy had been cured. Things didn't go well when the Magishroobs came and fused with Doopliss to become Magic Shroobliss. But in the end, the Koopalings got the Ancient Star and headed toward the Mushroom Kingdom to find out where the next Ancient Star would be. Meanwhile on the moon...

Commander Shroob: I can't believe that Doopliss got outsmarted by Lemmy! And you call yourselves Magicshroobs after that last battle!

Magishroob #1: We promise it won't happen again, Commander Shroob.

Commander Shroob: All right. But before I send you on your next mission... Kamella! What would be the most likely place for the Koopalings to go next?

Kamella: Piranha Plant Island.

Commander Shroob: Perfect! I want you to stop those Koopalings at Piranha Plant Island.

Magishroob #1: Understood! Let’s go, guys.

Then the Magishroobs were off in a flash.

Commander Shroob: Hmmm.

Kamella: Something wrong, Commander Shroob?

Commander Shroob: Well, I had a thought. What if the Magishroobs can't stop the Kooplings?

Kamella: I'm sure they can. They are more powerful than you think. If you recall, I made them because if I wasn't here, where would you get the Magikoopas?

Commander Shroob: You’re right, but just in case, I want you to bring him in.

Kamella: Are you sure about that?

Commander Shroob: Yes I am. Now let me see him.

Kamella: Understood. Kamek! Get me him.

Kamek: Yes Kamella.

Kamek rushed off and came back with a magician.

?????: You called?

Commander Shroob: Yes, I want you to help my Magishroobs defeat those Koopalings. You can find my Magishroobs and the Koopalings on Piranha Plant Island.

?????: I will help your Magishroobs. I'll give you a full report when I get back. So ciao for now!

Then he disappeared.

Commander Shroob: They will not fail this time.

Meanwhile at the Mushroom Kingdom inn...

Larry: That was a really tough battle we had back at Crystal Palace.

Iggy: Yeah, it was, but me and Lemmy took care of him. Right Lemmy?

Lemmy: We did great out there, Iggy.

Roy: I have to say, you two really aren't that weak after all.

Iggy: That sounds really weird coming from you, Roy.

Roy: Don't let it get to you, or I will beat up.

Ludwig: Harsh. So where does the map say to go next, Lemmy?

Lemmy: Let me see... Piranha Plant Island.

Larry: SWEET!

Wendy: Why sweet?

Larry: Because that place is owned be me. So we can get there for free.

Morton: Cool.

Lemmy: Then let’s get going.

The Koopalings ran toward the harbor to catch a boat to Piranha Plant Island. Then they ran into Sailor Koopa.

Sailor Koopa (SK): Hello Koopalings, how may I help you today?

Larry: Can you take us to Piranha Plant Island?

SK: Sure I can, hop on my boat.

The Koopalings boarded the boat.

Lemmy: We’re ready.

SK: I'm coming, I'm coming.

Then SK started the boat, and they were off. But little did they know they were being followed.

Magishroob #1: Come on, guys, I see them. We have to prevent them from getting to the island!

Meanwhile on the boat...

Lemmy: Thanks for giving us a ride to the island, SK.

SK: Don't mention it. I love the sound of the sea when I am in my boat.

Then they all heard an explosion.

SK: What was that?

Roy: I don't know, but we have a problem.

Roy pointed toward the sky to see the seven Magishroobs firing at them with their own magic wands.

Magishroob #1: Keep firing!

Magishroob #7: How about we combine our attacks? It might also destroy them.

Magishroob #4: Good idea, let’s do it.

The Magishroobs charged up and fired at the boat, sending the Koopalings and SK flying toward shark-infested water.


Then out of nowhere, boxes appeared around them, and they all disappeared.

Magishroob #1: Well, they’re Sushi the Shark's food now. But just to be sure, let’s go find the Ancient Star.

Magishroobs: YEAH!

Then they flew of to Piranha Plant Island.

Chapter 7: Dimentio, the Master Magician

As the Koopalings awoke one by one, they were wondering where they landed and how they got saved.

Lemmy: This place sure is tropical-looking.

Once all the Koopalings and SK woke up, they were attacked by Ptooies.

Ptooie #1: We don't like trespassers on our land!

Ptooie #2: We are going to take you to the boss and see what he thinks.

The Ptooies started to drag the Koopalings to their king, who turned out to be none other than Petey Piranha.

Larry: Hey guys, look who you are dragging. It's me, Larry Koopa.


Ptooie #1: Oh my gosh! We are so sorry, Larry. We didn't realize it was you and your family and some sailor.

Larry: His name is Sailor Koopa, SK for short.

Ptooie #2: Petey would want to see you guys.

The Ptooies took the Koopalings to Petey, who was very glad to see them.

Petey: Koopalings! I'm so glad to see you guys.

Larry: It is nice to see you too, but do you know anything about the Ancient Star?

Petey: Ancient Star? Yeah, I think there’s one in the depths of the jungle.

Larry: Cool, thanks Petey.

Petey: Wait! Before you go, I must warn you about the monsters that thrive in the jungle. So be careful.

Larry: Okay, thanks again.

SK: Wait!

Lemmy: What now?

SK: I just wanted to tell you that I am staying with this big Piranha Plant for the rest of my life.

Larry: His name is Petey, and okay. So see you later.

But little did they know, they were being followed again.

Magishroob #5: I can't believe they are still alive!

Magishroob #6: How can this have happened?

?????: If you must know, I was the one who saved them.

Magishroobs: Who said that?

Then the same magician that Commander Shroob had sent to help the Magishroobs appeared.

Magishroob #3: Who are you?

?????: I am the master of magic, the ruler of dimensions, I am Dimentio!

Magishroob #2: Well Dimentio, who sent you to get rid of the Koopalings?

Dimentio: I was sent by none other than your own leader, Commander Shroob.

Magishroobs: WHAT?

Magishroob #1: Why would our leader send you to take care of the Koopalings when he sent us?

Dimentio: He sent me to... get rid of you!

Magishroobs: WHAT?!

Dimentio: I know we just met, but I have a job to do. So ciao!

Dimentio snapped his fingers and boxes appeared around the Magishroobs.

Magishroob #1: What... What are you doing?

Dimentio: Making sure that Commander Shroob doesn't find any trace of your disappearance.

Then with a snap of Dimentio's fingers, the boxes exploded with the Magishroobs inside them. Then the boxes and the Magishroobs disappeared.

Dimentio: That leaves me to get the Ancient Stars.

Then he disappeared. Meanwhile with the Koopalings...

Lemmy: Okay, we take a right turn at the Koopa berry tree.

The Koopalings looked ahead to only see that all the trees in the woods were Koopa berry trees.

Roy: There's nothing but Koopa berry trees!

Lemmy: I can see that. But did you see that sign up ahead?

The Koopalings ran toward the sign and Ludwig read what it said.

Ludwig: Your path will be revealed once you find the tree with the enemy inside it.

Larry: What does that mean?

Iggy: It means let’s look for a tree with the enemy inside it.

Larry: Oh, then let’s get looking.

The Koopalings started to look for an enemy, but found nothing, until...

Wendy: Hey guys, I think I found something.

Wendy knocked on the tree and two things fell out of the tree.

Larry: What are those things?

Ludwig: Those are Shroobies. They are a mix between a Fuzzy and a Shroob. Max HP is 8, Attack is 3, and Def is 0. They will suck your HP like a normal Fuzzy, but have Shroob rays that can stun you. So let’s be careful.

Lemmy: Then let’s start battling!


Larry: 15/15 HP
Larry: Let’s see how you deal with my new move!
Larry used Piranha bite.
Shrooby #1 took 5 damage.

Lemmy: 15/15 HP
Lemmy: Take this!
Lemmy used ice ball.
Shrooby #2 took 5 damage.

Shrooby #1: 3/8 HP
Shrooby #1 used suck.
Larry took 2 damage and Shrooby #1 regained 2 HP.

Shrooby #2: 3/8 HP
Shrooby #2 used suck.
Lemmy took 3 damage and Shrooby #2 regained 3 HP.

Larry: 13/15 HP
Larry used Piranha bite.
Shrooby #1 took 5 damage.
Shrooby #1 fainted.

Lemmy: 12/15 HP
Lemmy used ice ball.
Shrooby #2 took 5 damage.

Shrooby #2: 1/8 HP
Shrooby #2 used Shroob ray.
Larry took 3 damage and was stunned.

Lemmy: 12/15 HP
Lemmy used ice ball.
Shrooby #2 took 5 damage.
Shrooby #2 fainted.


Lemmy: You were awesome in that battle, Larry!

Larry: Thanks Lemmy, you weren't too bad yourself.

Roy: If you two would shut up, we could be closer to the Ancient Star.

Lemmy: All right. Now, since we found our enemy in this tree, we take a right at this tree.

The Koopalings took a right and it took them to a big circle area where they could see the Ancient Star on a stone figure of Petey Piranha.

Larry: Let’s get this Star and get back the Mushroom Kingdom to find out where the next one is.

Before the Koopalings could grab the Ancient Star, a box appeared around it and the Star disappeared.

Lemmy: Hey, where did it go?

?????: Are you looking for this?

The Koopalings could see a floating figure holding the Ancient Star.

Morton: Who are you, and why do you want the Ancient Star? Are you working for Commander Shroob, or are you working for yourself, which is odd really when you...

Then the floating figure shot a ball of magic at Morton, who was knocked out.

?????: That will teach him to shut his big trap.

Iggy: Who are you?

?????: I am known as Dimentio, master magician.

Lemmy: Well, what do you want with the Ancient Star?

Dimentio: I was told by Commander Shroob to take this Ancient Star and hide it somewhere you can't find it, but before I go, we shall have a battle like two warriors fighting for a prize of gold.

Ludwig: Very well, bring it on.

Dimentio: You have made a wise decision to stay and fight.


Ludwig: 15/15 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Dimentio took 5 damage.

Roy: 15/15 HP
Roy used mega pound.
Dimentio took 6 damage.

Dimentio: 29/40 HP
Dimentio: Your powers are like the Mario Bros’ jump attacks. Try this on for size!
Dimentio used magic shrink.
Ludwig and Roy were shrunk and their power was lowered.

Ludwig: 15/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Dimentio took 1 damage.

Roy: 15/15 HP
Roy used pound.
Dimentio took 2 damage.

Dimentio: 26/40 HP
Dimentio: Your powers are weak compared to mine.
Dimentio used exploding boxes.
Ludwig and Roy took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 10/15 HP
Ludwig used wand beam.
Dimentio took 2 damage.

Roy: 10/15 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Dimentio took 3 damage.

Dimentio: 21/40 HP
Dimentio used magic ball.
Roy took 6 damage.

Ludwig: 10/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Dimentio took 1 damage.

Roy: 4/15 HP
Roy used pound.
Dimentio took 2 damage.

Dimentio: 19/40 HP
Dimentio: Let’s see if you can take on my illusion!
Dimentio used multiply.
Dimentio multiplied into 3 Dimentios.
Ludwig and Roy grew back to their normal size.

Ludwig: 10/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Ludwig attacked a fake Dimentio. Dimentio took no damage.

Roy: 4/15 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Roy attacked a fake Dimentio. Dimentio took no damage.

Dimentio: 19/40 HP
Dimentio: You might be back to your normal sizes, but can you still take me on?
Dimentio used exploding boxes.
Ludwig and Roy took 5 damage.
Roy fainted. Iggy took over.

Ludwig: 5/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Dimentio took 5 damage.


Dimentio: Thank you, Commander.

And with that, he disappeared.

Commander Shroob: Well, it looks like I will have to let this Ancient Star slide.

Kamella: What? Are you sure, Commander?

Commander Shroob: Who else can I send out? I'm left with no one else.

Kamella: I will do this job for you!

Commander Shroob: Are you sure, Kamella?

Kamella: Of course! How else will you hide the Ancient Star?

Commander Shroob: Very well, Kamella, I can't stop you from going. You will take this job.

Kamella: Thank you. I will do my best.

Commander Shroob: Good luck, Kamella.

Kamella then disappeared.

Commander Shroob: The Koopalings have dealt with Kamella once, but this time, she will win…

Meanwhile on Piranha Plant Island...

Lemmy: Well, we got the Ancient Star, but how are we going to get off the island?

Ludwig: Yeah, the ship got destroyed by those stupid Magishroobs.

Larry: I think I know a way. Follow me.

The Koopalings followed Larry, who took them to Petey.

Larry: Um, Petey, we need your help.

Petey: Sure, what do you need?

Larry: Well, you see, when we were coming to Piranha Plant Island, our ship got wrecked, so we can't get off the island.

Petey: I can help you with that.

Petey took them to a Piranha Plant pipe.

Ludwig: Why did you bring us here?

Petey: Because, this is a secret pipe I use to get to the Mushroom Kingdom and back.

Iggy: Cool, but where will it take us?

Petey: It will take you right to the inn.

Larry: Thanks for all the help, Petey. We'll come visit sometimes.

And with that, the Koopalings jumped into the pipe and appeared right in front of the inn.

Chapter 8: Showdown with Kamella the Magikoopa

Lemmy: Okay, according to the map, the next Ancient Star is in Koopa Canyon.

Roy: Isn't that where all the Koopas of the Mushroom Kingdom go on vacation?

Lemmy: Yeah.

Ludwig: SWEET! We're going on vacation!

Iggy: Wow, I never thought Ludwig would say the word vacation, because all he cares about is working on inventions and potions in his lab.

Ludwig: Who cares what I say? Let’s just go get the Ancient Star, then we can stay there.

The Koopalings rushed off to Koopa Canyon, but Kamella had overheard them.

Kamella: Well well, Koopa Canyon, huh? Now I know where they are going. Come on, Kamek!

Kamek: Coming, my Queen.

Kamella: I know you’re trying, but we need to get to the Ancient Star first before the Koopalings!

Kamek: All right, my Queen.

Kamella: Good, now follow me!

With Kamella and Kamek hot on the Koopalings trail, who knows who will get the next Ancient Star?

Lemmy: Okay, we’re almost there. Once we’re there we can ask someone if they know anything about the Ancient Star.

Roy: Who cares? I just want to pound some creatures.

Iggy: Is that all you care about, Roy?

Roy: No, I like pounding you, too.

Iggy: Yikes, sorry I asked.

Wendy: We’re here!

The Koopalings looked ahead to see that they had made it. Then as they entered the canyon, someone greeted them.

?????: Hello, welcome to Koopa Canyon. Do you have a reservation?

Lemmy: No, but we are on the hunt for Ancient Stars, and the map led us here.

?????: Well, before you leave, I must give you info on it, so come on over to my place so we can talk and have a snack.

They went to the strange guy's house, where he served them Koopa cookies and Honey Syrup.

Strange Guy: Well, before I tell you the info, what are you names?

Lemmy: Well, my name is Lemmy, and these are my brothers and sister, Larry, Iggy, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, and Morton. What’s your name?

Strange Guy: I am known as Count Bleck in these parts.

Iggy: What?! Then that means you took us to your house so you could take the Ancient Star for yourself!

Count Bleck: If you have played Super Paper Mario and you still think I am evil, you are sadly mistaken.

Ludwig: Really?

Count Bleck: Yes, I've given up my evil ways. So now, I am the owner of Koopa Canyon.

Larry: Enough of this talk! Can you just tell us if you know where the Ancient Star is?

Count Bleck: The Ancient Star is hidden somewhere in this canyon. I will show you where.

The Koopalings followed Count Bleck to the entrance of Koopa Canyon, where Count Bleck pushed a secret button and a doorway appeared.

Count Bleck: This is the entrance to a secret spa. I hid the Ancient Star here because no one knows about this spa but me. This is where I go to calm my nerves. So this should take you to the Star.

Lemmy: Okay, thanks for the info, we will see you later.

Count Bleck: Good luck.

After the Koopalings left Count Bleck, Count Bleck left the entrance to the spa wide open. Then Kamella and Kamek appeared.

Kamek: What an idiot! He left the door wide open for us.

Kamella: Let’s hurry! But before we go, I want you to teleport right in front of the Koopalings so you can stall them and I can get the Ancient Star and hide it.

Kamek: Right.

Kamek teleported away.

Larry: Wow, this place is amazing.

Wendy: Yeah, but don't forget that we’re not on vacation, we're looking for the Ancient Star.

?????: Not if I have anything to say about it!

Then Kamek appeared right in front of the Koopalings.

Lemmy: Hey, I remember you, your Kamella's trusted minion, Kamek!

Kamek: Well, yes and no. If you can't remember, I am the very same Kamek that got fired by your dad, King Bowser!

Ludwig: What?! You’re that very same Kamek?

Kamek: Yes! Now it is time to do what Kamella told me to do.

Iggy: I'm ready for a battle, are you, guys?

Koopalings: Yeah!

Kamek: Than let’s do this!


Iggy: 15/15 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Kamek took 4 damage.

Morton: 15/15 HP
Morton used hyper voice.
Kamek took 5 damage.

Kamek: 21/30 HP
Kamek: You are more powerful than when we last saw each other in Spellcasting Galaxy! But so am I. Take this!
Kamek used magic fireball.
Iggy took 4 damage.

Iggy: 11/15 HP
Iggy used giant stomp.
Kamek took 7 damage.

Morton: 15/15 HP
Morton used wand beam.
Kamek took 4 damage.

Kamek: 10/30 HP
Kamek: You are more powerful than I thought. Well how about a little more magic?
Kamek used his magic to summon every Koopaling to the battlefield.
Lemmy: Hey, this is cheating!
Kamek: Who cares? ‘Cause I don't!
Kamek used super magic beam.
All the Koopalings took 15 damage.
The Koopalings fainted.


Kamek: Yes! I won! But since I won, I am going to destroy you for good. Taste my magic!

But before Kamek could do anything, a box appeared around him.

Kamek: Hey, wh-wh-what’s going on?

Then the box exploded and Kamek just lay motionless on the ground.

Larry: That was freaky.

Lemmy: We have to hurry, or Kamella might get the Ancient Star before us.

The Koopalings ran as fast as they could to get to the Star before Kamella, but they were too late.

Kamella: YES! I got the Ancient Star. Now it is time to find a new hiding place for this Ancient Star.

But when she turned around, she was shocked to see the Koopalings standing right behind her.

Ludwig: Hand over the Ancient Star, NOW!

Kamella: You want it, then you will have to battle me for it!

Iggy: Then let’s get started.

Lemmy: But we can't, Kamek's spell drained all of our HP. We’re just lucky to be standing.

Kamella: Oh well, then it looks like I will have to finish you for good.

But before she could do anything, they heard a voice.

?????: Koopalings, can you hear me?

Morton: Who's there?

Then Eldstar appeared.

Eldstar: You must not let Kamella get away with the Ancient Star. Take some of my power.

The Koopalings started to glow, and they were restored.

Eldstar: You are now able to battle Kamella/. Good luck.

Kamella: Now are you ready, you little brats?

Lemmy: Yes we are!

Kamella: Good, but before we do…

Kamella opened her wand and put the Ancient Star right at the tip of her wand.

Kamella: YES! Now let’s see you beat me with the Ancient Star powering up my wand.

Iggy: Ludwig, can you find any info on her?

Ludwig: Yeah, I was studying her the last time we visited the inn. But anyway, that of course is Kamella, Queen of the Magikoopas. Her max HP is 50, Attack is 5, and Def is 0. Her attacks are very powerful, she will send fireballs and green shells at us. But when she has half of her HP left, her power will rise to 8. So we have to defeat her quickly.


Wendy: 15/15 HP
Wendy used super hydro wave.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 15/15 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Kamella: 40/50 HP
Kamella used magic fireball.
Wendy took 5 damage.

Wendy: 10/15 HP
Wendy used wand beam.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 15/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Kamella took 4 damage.

Kamella: 31/50 HP
Kamella used magic shell blast.
Ludwig took 5 damage.

Wendy: 10/15 HP
Wendy used hydro wave.
Kamella took 4 damage.

Ludwig: 10/15 HP
Ludwig used wand beam.
Kamella took 4 damage.

Kamella: 23/50 HP
Kamella: You think you can beat me? Well try this on for size.
Kamella used super magic beam.
Wendy took 15 damage.
Wendy fainted. Larry took over.

Larry: 15/15 HP
Larry used Piranha bite.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 10/15 HP
Ludwig used fireball.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Kamella: 13/50 HP
Kamella used magic fire ball.
Ludwig took 8 damage.

Larry: 15/15 HP
Larry used wand beam.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Ludwig: 2/15 HP
Ludwig used shell tackle.
Kamella took 5 damage.

Kamella: 3/50 HP
Kamella: Taste this!
Kamella used magic shell blast.
Ludwig took 8 damage.
Ludwig fainted.
Lemmy took over.

Larry: 15/15 HP
Larry used Piranha strike.
Kamella took 5 damage.
Kamella fainted.


Kamella: NO! I lost to a bunch of brats.

Roy: Yeah you did, now hand over the Ancient Star.

Kamella: Fine.

Kamella took her wand, opened it, and took out the Ancient Star.

Kamella: We will meet again.

Then Kamella disappeared, leaving a note behind.

Lemmy: Hey, what’s that note?

They ran up to the note and Lemmy read it out loud.

Lemmy: Koopalings, I know you still have 2 more Ancient Stars left to find, but I must tell you something about Commander Shroob. You see, like I said before, Commander Shroob doesn't want them for himself, but he wants the Ancient Stars hidden somewhere else because the creator of the Ancient Stars gave each Ancient Star a special power. They are the power of fighting, grass, ice, fire, size, noise, and water. So Commander Shroob doesn't want you to get them because they are your powers. So find them as fast as you can. Oh, and one more thing, General Guy has sent someone undercover to help you. This person is very sneaky.  From: Mecha-Pider

Ludwig: So the Ancient Stars hold our power in them?

Iggy: I guess so, but enough talk, you saw what Mecha-Pider wrote. We have to hurry.

The Koopalings then grabbed the Ancient Star for themselves.

Koopalings: We got the fifth Ancient Star!

As the Koopalings entered Koopa Canyon, they met up with Count Bleck, a former villaan, who helped the Koopalings find the Ancient Star. But as the Koopalings entered the Ancient Star’s location, they ran into Kamek, minion to Kamella and former minion to Bowser. The Koopalings lost to Kamek, but before Kamek could finish them off, a box appeared around him and he exploded. Then the Koopalings fought against Kamella with the help of Eldstar. After the battle with Kamella, the Koopalings discovered that the Ancient Stars gave them more of their own power, thanks to a note from Mecha-Pider. Now with 2 more Ancient Stars left to go, the Koopalings’ journey is almost coming to a close. Find out what happens next in chapter 9. Meanwhile on the moon...

Kamella: Commander Shroob, I am sorry to report, but I have lost to the Koopalings.

Commander Shroob: You have tried your best, Kamella, but I think it’s time we sent out our monster, Yoob.

Kamella: Understood. I will send him down to the Mushroom Kingdom quickly.

Commander Shroob: But before you do that, I must know what place should the Koopalings go next?

Kamella: They should be heading toward Foggy Forest.

Commander Shroob: Send Yoob there.

Kamella: Yes, Commander Shroob.

Commander Shroob: You do that, while I take care of my own business.

Commander Shroob and Kamella walked out of the room. Meanwhile with the Koopalings...

Lemmy: Well, that makes five Ancient Stars, and our next place is Foggy Forest.

Iggy: I hope we don't get lost in there.

Lemmy: Don't worry, I have the map.

Wendy: Before we go, can we rest up at the inn.

Larry: Yeah, we should.

The Koopalings rested at the inn for a while and then they were off to get the Ancient Star.

Chapter 9: The Return of Mimi and Doopliss

As the Koopalings entered Foggy Forest, they were choosing the correct paths thanks to Lemmy reading the map correctly.

Lemmy: Okay, all we have to do is take a left here and we're at Boo's Mansion.

They took the left path and they were right in front of a big mansion.

Lemmy: This is the place, let’s go ask for directions.

The Koopalings approached the door. Then Lemmy rang the doorbell, and a Boo appeared at the door.

Boo: Welcome to Boo's Mansion, and I know you are here to see our king.

Roy: How did you know?

Boo: Anyone who comes here always wants to see our king. Please come inside.

The Koopalings walked inside and saw Boos everywhere they looked.

Boo: You can find our king on the third floor, you may take the elevator.

Ludwig: Thank for the help.

The Koopalings entered the elevator and went up to the third floor to see King Boo and Bow.

King Boo: Welcome to my mansion.

Larry: Yeah, hi to you too. But we’re in kind of a hurry, you see...

Bow: We know why you're here, you are looking for the Ancient Star, are you not?

Lemmy: Yeah, we are.

King Boo: Well, we took it from that thief Tubba Blubba.

Bow: Yeah, he stole it from us. You can find your Star in that treasure chest over there.

Bow pointed the way toward it.

Wendy: Thanks. Come on, guys, we don't even have to fight anybody to get the Star.

The Koopalings approached the chest, but when they opened it, nothing was in it. Then a cage fell on them.

Lemmy: What the- Hey, is this some kind of trick?

King Boo: You might say that.

Bow: Mimimimimimimi! Yes, we are only getting started.

Then Bow and King Boo transformed into Mimi and Doopliss.


Mimi: Yes, it is us. I can't believe you fell for my Bow act. Although, nobody can tell the difference.

Doopliss: Yeah Slicks, nobody can tell it is us when we are in a different form because we are pros. Now we will be taking our Ancient Stars back.

Morton: I bet Commander Shroob put them up to this.

Doopliss: No, he didn't. We quit and then we teamed up so we can take back the Ancient Stars and use them for ourselves, Slicks.

Mimi: And don't worry about the real King Boo and Bow, they are locked up somewhere. Now give us your Stars.

But before they could do anything, they got hit by a blue fireball.

Wendy: Wow, I didn't know you could blow blue fire, Ludwig.

Ludwig: But that wasn't me.

Iggy: Then who was it?

Morton: Maybe it was that floating red diamond crown.

The Koopalings looked where Morton was pointing and saw the crown. Then King Boo appeared right under the crown with Bow next to him.

King Boo: How dare you lock me and my daughter up?! I am a king among all Boos! Come, my Boos, get them out of my mansion!

Then Boos started to come through the walls and floor, and surrounded Mimi and Doopliss.

King Boo: ATTACK!

Boos: Heeeee heeeeee!

The Boos started to attack Mimi and Doopliss. Then they finally grabbed them and threw them out a window.

King Boo: That will be all, Boos.

The Boos disappeared. Then Bow lifted the cage and the Koopalings were free.

Ludwig: Thank you so much for saving us.

Bow: It was nothin, you should be thanking my dad.

Lemmy: Thank you so much, King Boo. But I just need to know one thing, do you have the Ancient Star for us?

King Boo: Sadly, no. You see, I had to send it to Tubba Blubba so those two body-stealers would think that it was still here. So you are going to have to ask Tubba Blubba for the Star.

Larry: All right, but thanks again for saving us.

King Boo: I can show you a secret passage to Tubba Blubba's castle.

King Boo pulled opened a picture frame and a passage was behind it.

Bow: You can go through here and you will appear in his room. Good luck, and don't give up.

Koopalings: Thanks.

And with that, the Koopalings were walking to Tubba Blubba's castle.

Chapter 10: Yoob within the Castle

When the Koopalings finally made it to Tubba Blubba's Castle, they saw the place in ruins.

Lemmy: Look at this place.

Iggy: I know, this place looks horrible.

Ludwig: Then we’d better find the Ancient Star and get out of here.

The Koopalings started to investigate the castle when they heard a loud bang and saw Tubba Blubba crashing through the wall.

Tubba Blubba: Koopalings, get out of here.

Roy: Why?

Tubba Blubba: Because Yoob is here.

Lemmy: Yoob? What’s a Yoob?

Tubba Blubba: Yoob is a freakish form of a Yoshi and a Shroob, but it is enlarged to the size of me.

Iggy: That sounds scary.

Tubba Blubba: Yes it is, but-

Then they all heard a roar.

Tubba Blubba: Quick, Yoob is coming! You can find the Ancient Star in my room.

Ludwig: How do we get there?

Tubba Blubba: You take a left at the kitchen, go up the stairs, cross a bridge that is over the entrance, go up more stairs, cross another bridge, go up more stairs, cross over yet another bridge, and go through the door you see after the last bridge. That is the entrance to my room.

Lemmy: Thanks.

Before the Koopalings could move, they saw Yoob right in the hole in the wall Tubba Blubba made.


Tubba Blubba: HURRY! I'll try to hold him off.

The Koopalings ran for their lives while Tubba Blubba held off Yoob. The Koopalings did as Tubba Blubba said to do to get to his room. When they finally made it to the door, they were ambushed by Shrubbas.

Lemmy: What are those things?

Ludwig: Those are Shrubbas. They are a combination of a Clubba and Shroob. Max HP is 9, Attack is 4, and Def is 0. They will hit you with their clubs to hurt us. Their clubs can sometimes stun us.

Larry: Then let’s get started.


Larry: 15/15 HP
Larry used wand beam.
Shrubba #1 took 5 damage.

Morton: 15/15 HP
Morton used hyper voice.
Shrubba #2 took 4 damage.

Shrubba #1: 4/9 HP
Shrubba #1 used club.
Morton took 4 damage and was stunned.

Shrubba #2: 5/9 HP
Shrubba #2 used club.
Larry took 4 damage and was stunned.

Shrubba #1: 4/9 HP
Shrubba #1 used club.
Morton took 4 damage and wasn't stunned.

Shrubba #2: 5/9 HP
Shrubba #2 used club.
Larry took 4 damage and wasn't stunned.

Larry: 7/15 HP
Larry used Piranha strike.
Shrubba #1 took 5 damage.
Shrubba #1 fainted.

Morton: 7/15 HP
Morton used wand beam.
Shrubba #2 took 5 damage.
Shrubba #2 fainted.


After the battle, the Koopalings started to glow.

Lemmy: Hey, we grew another level.

Roy: All right! Now I'm more powerful than ever.

Larry: We’d better hurry, I don't think Tubba Blubba can hold off Yoob much longer.

Iggy: Larry's right, let’s go!

The Koopalings entered Tubba Blubba's room and found a treasure chest. They opened it and found the Ancient Star.

Lemmy: We found it!

But before they could take it, a long tongue came out and grabbed the Ancient Star. The Koopalings looked behind themselves and saw Yoob. They also saw Tubba Blubba being dragged. Then Yoob ate the Ancient Star and grew twice as large as before.

Morton: YIKES!


Lemmy: Well guys, if we want the Ancient Star, we have to battle Yoob for it.

Roy: Then let’s get started!



Roy: 20/20 HP
Roy: Get a taste of my new move!
Roy used ultra punch.
Yoob took 7 damage.

Lemmy: 20/20 HP
Lemmy: Get a load of this!
Lemmy used ice beam.
Yoob took 6 damage.

Yoob: 42/55 HP
Yoob used tongue slap.
Roy took 6 damage.

Roy: 14/20 HP
Roy used wand beam.
Yoob took 6 damage.

Lemmy: 20/20 HP
Lemmy used wand beam.
Yoob took 5 damage.

Yoob: 31/55 HP
Yoob used crunch.
Lemmy took 6 damage.

Roy: 14/20 HP
Roy used punch.
Yoob took 4 damage.

Lemmy: 14/20 HP
Lemmy used ball toss.
Yoob took 4 damage.

Yoob: 23/55 HP
Yoob used eat.
Roy took 6 damage.

Roy: 8/14 HP
Roy used mega punch.
Yoob took 6 damage.

Lemmy: 14/20 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Yoob took 6 damage.

Yoob: 11/55 HP
Yoob used crunch.
Lemmy took 6 damage.

Roy: 8/20 HP
Roy used ultra punch.
Yoob took 7 damage.

Lemmy: 8/20 HP
Lemmy used ice beam.
Yoob took 6 damage.
Yoob fainted.



Yoob started to glow, then spit out the Ancient Star and shrunk back to his normal size and fainted. Then Tubba Blubba woke up.

Tubba Blubba: Sorry, but he grabbed both my hands and tied them up with his tongue. How did you guys handle him?

Then he saw Yoob on the ground.

Tubba Blubba: I guess you handled him pretty well.

Lemmy: Yeah, it really wasn't that hard.

Roy: Yeah, I pounded him good!

Tubba Blubba then grabbed the Ancient Star.

Tubba Blubba: Take this Star and stop Commander Shroob once and for all. I'm counting on you.

The Koopalings took the Ancient Star and added it to their collection.

Koopalings: We got the sixth Ancient Star!

The Koopalings entered Foggy Forest and hoped that they would find the Ancient Star at Boo's Mansion. But it turned out that when they got there, they found out that King Boo and Bow were really Doopliss and Mimi. The Koopalings thought they were doomed until the real King Boo and Bow came along. The Koopalings asked King Boo if he had the Ancient Star, but sadly, he didn't. He had sent the star to Tubba Blubba for protection. So King Boo showed the Koopalings a seceret passage to Tubba Blubba's castle, but when they got there, the castle was in ruins because of Yoob. Tubba Blubba battled Yoob to give the Koopalings time to get the Ancient Star. When they reached the Ancient Star, they were ambushed by Yoob, who had beaten Tubba Blubba. Then Yobb ate the Star and grew twice his size. The Koopalings battled Yoob and won the Ancient Star back. What will happen next in chapter 11? Find out. Meanwhile on the moon...

Commander Shroob: I am getting mad right now! The Koopalings have almost all the Ancient Stars, and there is only one left out there. Their collection is almost complete. By the way, what is the location of the last Ancient Star, Kamella?

Kamella: The star is on Isle Delfino.

Commander Shroob: Really... Send out the Spider Piranha, Kamella! I think it's about time we let him go out and play with our enemies.

Kamella: Very well. I shall send him right away.

Commander Shroob: You do that, and I will put the finishing touches on my secret machine.

They both left the room...

?????: The Spider Piranha, that sounds challenging.

Then Dimentio appeared.

Dimentio: Let’s just hope that the Koopalings can take it. If not, my plan is ruined.

Then he disappeared. Meanwhile with the Koopalings...

Lemmy: Well, that is six Ancient Stars down and one more to go.

Larry: Where is the next one, anyway?

Lemmy: The map say that it is somewhere on Isle Delfino.

Wendy: Yeah! The water, I love the water.

Ludwig: Like we don't know that already.

Lemmy: We’d better get going if we want the Ancient Star.

Iggy: Yeah, let’s get going.

The Koopalings then went back to Castle Koopa and got Bowser's best airship, the Doomship, and they headed toward Isle Delfino.

Chapter 11: Dimentio's Tale

As the Koopalings grew closer to Isle Delfino, they had a little web problem.

Lemmy: Okay, this is very strange. Why would a spider web be in the middle of the ocean? What is it even connected to?

Ludwig: Well, if you look to your left, you can see a small island with a tree that has a spider web on it. So does that answer you question?

Lemmy: Yeah, it does.

Roy: I think it is time to put this ship into action, and by that I mean turn this engine to full power.

Roy pulled the lever and the Doomship escaped from the web, but the Doomship was going so fast that the Koopalings crashed into the east bell tower of Delfino Plaza.

Iggy: Is everyone okay?

Lemmy: Yeah, but look at the Doomship, it's ruined. Dad is going to kill us.

Larry: Not if we can find a mechanic.

Then they see a Pianta.

Wendy: Sir, do you happen to know a good mechanic that can fix our ship?

Pianta: Yeah, I can fix it. I'll take it to my shop.

The Pianta was somehow strong enough to carry the Doomship to his shop. The Koopalings looked around the island to try to find someone that could help them find the Ancient Star. Meanwhile Kamella arrived on the island.

Kamella: Pianta's! You are under a new ruler, someone who can turn this city into a new town. Let me introduce you to Spider Piranha!

Kamella waved her wand and the Spider Piranha appeared right in the center of the town. Then the Spider Piranha started to shoot its web, and covered the island with it.

Lemmy: This is terrible.

Larry: Yeah, how are we going to find the Ancient Star with all this web?

Then the Spider Piranha noticed the Koopalings and started to shoot sticky webs at them.

Wendy: RUN!

The Koopalings started to run as fast as they could, then Spider Piranha started chasing them until...

?????: Back off!

The Spider Piranha and the Koopalings stopped in their tracks to see that Dimentio had appeared.

Koopalings: YOU!

Dimentio: I'm not here to fight you, I'm here to help you.

Koopalings: Huh?

Dimentio: Meet me at the top of the Shine Gate, we'll talk there. I am going to stall this beast.

Lemmy: We should go.

The Koopalings started to run to the Shine Gate with Dimentio stalling Spider Piranha.

Dimentio: All right, you big, ugly thing, I know Commander Shroob sent you here to steal the Ancient Star, but I thought ahead of the Commander, and look what I found.

Dimentio showed him the Ancient Star.

Dimentio: So too bad for you.

Then he disappeared to the top of the Shine Gate, where he met with the Koopalings.

Dimentio: All right, I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but I think you must know that I have been helping you.

Lemmy: What?

Dimentio: Yes, remember when the Magishroobs destroyed your ship and you were about to land in a shark home?

Larry: Yeah.

Dimentio: Well, I transported you to Piranha Plant Island, and I also got rid of the Magishroobs. I sent them to the Underworld, known as the Underwhere.

Ludwig: Okay, but why did you battle us?

Dimentio: I had to because I wanted Commander Shroob to know that I was still on his side so he didn't think that I gave you the Ancient Star.

Lemmy: Then you must have been the one who helped us when we were about to get blasted by Kamek, is that right?

Dimentio: You are right.

Iggy: So that mean you are the one who General Guy sent undercover to help us, am I right?

Dimentio: Yes it is. You see, this is how it happened. I was once a servant of Count Bleck, and I betrayed him using this thing called a Chaos Heart, and I also used Luigi to transform into Super Dimentio. I was beaten by Mario and sent to the Underwhere. Then my soul found my old body and I was revived, so I was able to go back to a town called Flipside. When I got back, I went to a wizard called Merlon to help me become a better person. He told me to go to the Mushroom Kingdom and said that my question would be answered when I get there. I had run into General Guy when I got to the kingdom. He told me about Commander Shroob and you guys. Then he told me about the Ancient Star he found. After that, I came up with a plan. Finally the plan was set and we would pretend that I was part of Commander Shroob's army. And that is the whole story.

Wendy: Wow, and that is all true?

Dimentio: Yup. I also came here early to get this for you guys.

Dimentio showed them the last Ancient Star.

Dimentio: You guys can have it.

Lemmy: Really?

Dimentio: Yes.

Morton: Thanks, we should let you join our team.

Dimentio: Really? Is that okay?

Larry: Of course you can.

Dimentio: Thank you so much.

And with that, Dimentio joined the Koopalings, plus they got the Ancient Star.

Koopalings: We got the seventh Ancient Star!

After the Koopalings escaped from a spider web made by the Spider Piranha, the Koopalings crashed into a bell tower in Delfino Plaza. Then the Koopalings had to repair the ship to get off the island and avoid getting busted by Bowser. Kamella sent down the Spider Piranha to takeover the town. Then Dimentio appeared to help the Koopalings. Dimentio told the Koopalings a tale, and that he had been helping them the whole time they were on their adventure. With the last Ancient Star in hand and Dimentio joining their party, the Koopalings were ready to face Commander Shroob once and for all. But they remembered one thing…

Wendy: But what about the Piantas?

Lemmy: Yeah, we just can't leave them like this.

Dimentio: Don't worry, I will take care of that.

Dimentio rose high up into the sky and cast a magic spell that destroyed the Spider Piranha and its webs. The Piantas were now free once again.

Dimentio: Only a master magician can do that.

The Koopalings and Dimentio got down off the Shine Gate and headed toward the mechanic to get their new Doomship. Then the Koopalings flew toward the Mushroom Kingdom to tell General Guy the good news. Meanwhile on the moon...

Commander Shroob: I can't believe that the Koopalings got the Ancient Star! They didn't even beat the Spider Piranha!

Kamella: Well, what really happened was Dimentio's doing.

Commander Shroob: What?!

Kamella: Yeah, he was undercover. He was really working for General Guy.

Commander Shroob: It doesn't matter, my secret machine is ready, and we are all ready to go to earth.

Kamella: I shall be waiting at the ship dock for you, sir.

Commander Shroob: Don't bother, my Shroobs got the machine loaded onto my ship. So let’s get going.

Commander Shroob boarded his ship while all the other Shroobs boarded their ships. Once everything was ready, the ships blasted off into space toward the Mushroom Kingdom, where the final battle would take place.

Chapter 12: The Final Battle

After the Koopalings dropped off the Doomship at Castle Koopa, the Koopalings and Dimentio headed toward the Mushroom Kingdom to get General Guy. But when they got there, all they saw was Shy Guys and Shroobs everywhere, fighting each other.

Dimentio: We’re too late, the war as already begun.

Lemmy: We have to find General Guy.

They all agreed, and found General Guy with Commander Shroob.

General Guy: Koopalings, and Dimentio! I guess you told them already, Dimentio?

Dimentio: Yeah. But we have no time to lose! We have all the Ancient Stars, and we are ready to fight!

Commander Shroob: Really? Well, then the final showdown is about to begin.

Then the fight stopped and every Shroob and Shy Guy, including General Guy, had their eyes on the Koopalings, Dimentio, and Commander Shroob.

Commander Shroob: Do you think you can beat me once more, you brats? You might have beaten all my other bosses, but you are no match for me! Time to activate the machine!

Commander Shroob told two Shroobs to bring the machine out for him to use.

Dimentio: What is that supposed to be?

Commander Shroob: This, my little betrayer, is the Super Machine! Once I turn it on, you will never be able to stop me! Now watch!

Commander Shroob turned on the machine and stepped inside it. Then the machine grew bigger, and after it stopped growing, Commander Shroob stepped out of the machine and was transformed.

Commander Shroob: Let me introduce you to Super Shroob!

His new form was just like Super Dimentio, only with a Shroob head.

Super Shroob: It is over!

Then the Koopalings started to glow.

Super Shroob: What the?

Then the Ancient Stars appeared and started to move around the Koopalings. Then each Koopaling became gold-colored.

Lemmy: All right! Now we have the power to take you down!

Super Shroob: We will see about that!


Lemmy: 20/20 HP
Lemmy used ice beam.
Super Shroob took 6 damage.

Iggy: 20/20 HP
Iggy used giant stomp.
Super Shroob took 6 damage.

Super Shroob: 58/70 HP
Super Shroob: Behold my power!
Super Shroob used giant hand smack.
Iggy took 5 damage.

Lemmy: 20/20 HP
Lemmy used wand beam.
Super Shroob took 6 damage.

Iggy: 15/20 HP
Iggy used spinning tackle.
Super Shroob took 7 damage.

Super Shroob: 45/70 HP
Super Shroob: Take this!
Super Shroob used laser eyes.
Lemmy took 6 damage.

Lemmy: 14/20 HP
Lemmy used ball throw.
Super Shroob took 5 damage.

Iggy: 15/20 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Super Shroob took 5 damage.

Super Shroob: 35/70 HP
Super Shroob used super jump.
Iggy took 6 damage.

Lemmy: 14/20 HP
Lemmy used ice breath.
Super Shroob took 6 damage.

Iggy: 9/20 HP
Iggy used giant stomp.
Super Shroob took 5 damage.

Super Shroob: 24/70 HP
Super Shroob used laser eyes.
Lemmy took 5 damage.

Lemmy: 9/20 HP
Lemmy used wand beam.
Super Shoob took 6 damage.

Iggy: 9/20 HP
Iggy used wand beam.
Super Shroob took 7 damage.

Super Shroob: 11/70 HP
Super Shroob: OH NO! I'm almost down. Time to use my special move!
Super Shroob used super shroob ray.
Lemmy and Iggy took 8 damage.

Lemmy: 1/20 HP
Lemmy: Iggy, we have to do something, or we are done for.
Iggy: I know, but what can we do?
Super Shroob: There is nothing you can do! I have won, and you have lost! Now taste your defeat!
Then out of nowhere, the Ancient Stars started to glow again. After the glowing, Lemmy and Iggy used a Koopa Bros. attack.
Lemmy and Iggy used ice tornado.
Super Shroob took 21 damage.
Super Shroob fainted.



Then Super Shroob exploded and turned back to Commander Shroob, who was knocked out.

General Guy: It is finally over. We have won and the Shroobs have lost! Let’s go celebrate.

Dimentio: Before we do, I have to do something.

Dimentio snapped his fingers and all the Shroobs and Commander Shroob were gone.

Lemmy: Where did you teleport them?

Dimentio: I teleported them to Planet Shroob. When they all wake up, they will forget about everything. Now we can celebrate!

Then everyone cheered and they all went to Shy Guy's Toy Box for the party. Everyone was having a blast since they no longer had to worry about Commander Shroob anymore. After the party, everyone went home and had a good night’s sleep.


Now that the war was over, everyone went back to their regular lives. But this is what happened to the Koopalings, General Guy, Dimentio, Kamella, Kamek, Commander Shroob, Mimi, Doopliss, Petey Piranha, King Boo, Bow, Tubba Blubba, Yoob, the Magishroobs, and even the Star Spirits…

Morton started talking a lot again since he didn't talk much during the adventure.

Wendy started relaxing again without worrying about Commander Shroob.

Roy started pounding his younger siblings more than usual.

Larry visited Petey Piranha more often.

Iggy trained really hard so that one day he will beat Roy.

Lemmy learned some hard new tricks on his favorite ball.

Ludwig was working on a quiet potion to give to Morton now that he’d started talking again.

General Guy worked on training his Shy Guys to become braver and tougher.

Dimentio now lives at Castle Koopa.

Kamella went back to Spell Casting Galaxy.

Kamek wanted to go back to Bowser, Bowser accepted his offer.

Commander Shroob woke up and had no idea who he was.

Mimi owns her own ruby mine.

Doopliss went back to Creepy Steeple to train his new Duplighosts.

Petey Piranha still rules over the Piranha Plants.

King Boo sent out invitations to people to come to his mansion.

Bow enjoys the guests that come to the mansion.

Tubba Blubba gets visited by Bow often.

Yoob was sent back to Planet Shroob.

The Magishroobs were never heard from again because they live in the Underwhere.

And the Star Spirits still guard the skies and grant wishes as we speak.

No one in the Mushroom Kingdom ever had to deal with the Shroobs again. So everyone is still living a good life. The Ancient Stars were given to General Guy for protection, so no one will never have to deal with anyone stealing them.

The End

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