Super Mario Revelations

By Mario & Luigi

Chapter 2
Greed's Outbreak

After taking the Sacred Star from Triclyde, Mario and his ally Koops went after Wart. They faced Birdo again and after defeating her, Mario interrogated her about getting to Wart's castle. Birdo told him to use the beaker someone left behind. Mario and Koops managed to get to the castle, faced dangerous traps, saved Princess Shokora, and defeated Wart. After this, Mario and Koops took a break from the journey on Sub-con. What will they do next?

Mario and Koops went to the Toad Town inn, took a rest from the battles and injuries from Sub-con, and went back to Mario's Pad. But what they’ve gone through so far is just the beginning...

Mario: Well, we defeated Wart, saved Shokora, and brought Sub-con peace. I wonder-a where we shall go next...

Koops: Man, that was tiring…

Mario: But it's all in a day’s work.

In Dark Land...

Roy: What do you want?

Ludwig: Father needs you.

Roy: Ok.

The two burly Koopalings went to their father to ask what he needed them for.

Roy: What do ya want us to do?

Bowser: I want you and Ludwig to attack to Mushroom Kingdom, and if you see Mario and this Koopa of his, destory them. Roy, you take on Mario. Ludwig, you go after the Koopa. If you two fail me, you'll be grounded for three months.

Roy: *gulp* Yes, King Dad.

Ludwig: I'm on it.

When Ludwig and Roy left, Bowser checked the stats of his remaining allies.

Bowser: Wario, do you have any minions?

Wario: No, I don't have any minions.

Grodus: I will send some of my X-Nauts to protect him.

Bowser: Good. Oh, and send Lord Crumpet with them.

Crump: It's Lord Crump, not Crumpet!

Grodus: Silence!

Bowser: Cut it out! Both of you! Crump, you go with the X-Nauts to protect Wario. And, Grodus? I heard you were working on ome project. What is it?

Grodus: My elite minions are working on someone with the Pieces.

Bowser: Who is it, and what are the Pieces?

Grodus: I'm not sure. My elite agents are still working on it.

Bowser: Leave.

Grodus and Crump: Roger that.

Bowser left the stats room and was thinking about what Grodus was working on.

Bowser: (What does Grodus mean? Who does he mean by that person, and what's with the Pieces? What is that project? When his minions are finished, I will find out, but for now, I must work on my plan.)

Back at Mario's pad...

Mario: I’d better check back on the book.

Mario took out the book, opened it, and flipped it to the map. He was trying to think where they should go next, but then the book lifted away and a bright light, orange this time, shined on a large castle.

Mario: (There is something strange and familiar about that castle... What the.. Sweet mother of... Oh my... That's my castle! But, I knocked it down. Wait, Wario rebuilt the castle with changes in it. How did he do it…?

Mario was thinking harder and harder when he heard a hissing noise.

Mario: Wait, what's that noise? Whatever this is, it's coming from the back

Koops: Mario, what are you doing?

Mario: There is a hissing noise in the back. You stay here, I'll go check it out.

Koops stayed where he was while Mario went to go check out where the source of the hissing was. Koops waited in complete silence except for the hissing.

2 minutes later...

Koops: What is taking Mario so long? He should be back by now. Maybe he's fixing the boiler? Or, the pressure cooker? Anyway, I have to wait.

Koops then noticed that the hissing was getting louder and louder until it sounded like something was about to rupture. Then...

Mario (from the distance): OH SHOOT!

There was a loud BOOOMM! followed by people screaming and unusual laughter.

Mario: Wait, I know who's attacking the town... LUDWIG! Let's-a go, Koops!

Koops: For what?

Mario: Ludwig is attacking the town!

Koops: Who is Ludwig?

Mario: The strongest, meanest, smartest, and biggest of the-a Koopalings! Come on!

Koops: Coming!

Back to Luigi, who was still searching for Mario...

Luigi: Eh, where-a is Mario? Oh, great... He left on another adventure without me... Wait, what is that noise?

Ludwig's explosion caused a ground shake that reached Luigi. Luigi also noticed an explosion in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi: Mamamia... Mario's in the Mushroom Kingdom! I need to help him!

Luigi spring jumped into the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario.

Meanwhile, Mario and Koops were running into Toad Town Square, where they found Ludwig using a magic wand to wreak havoc in the MK. But, they also found...

Mario: ROY!

Roy: Oh, so is dis Mario and da Koopa of his?

Koops: My name is Koops!

Ludwig: You take on Mario, Roy.

Roy: Ok. I'm ready to win dis fight, Mario!

Ludwig: I will go after Koops.

Koops: Uh oh...

Mario: You aren't so tough, Roy!

Roy: Ya got lucky da last time we fought. Dis time, I will win dis fight!

Mario: We'll see!

Roy charged at Mario, but Mario moved away and Roy hit the glass window of a shop. Roy tried to recover but Mario grabbed him and punched him in the nose, which have Roy a nose bleed. Roy jumped on Mario and punched his stomach over and over again. But then, Mario grabbed Roy's neck and started choking him. Then, he threw Roy to the ground and stomped his head. Roy recovered and charged at Mario, but Mario jumped, grabbed his hammer, and slammed Roy to the ground. Mario then started flinging fireballs at Roy, burning him. Roy charged again, but Mario stopped the burly Koopaling's charge with his hand and they became locked in a stalemate.


Roy: RRRRGGGGHH... You... can't... be... stronger... than... me! NOW DIE!

Roy jumped, causing Mario to fall down. Roy then jumped on Mario and they both grabbed each other's throats. They were both running out of air, then when both are about to lose air completely, Mario lit his hands with a red flame, which burned Roy and he let go of Mario's throat. He was screaming in pain because of the burns.

Mario: What's the matter? Screaming like a little girl?


Mario: Fireball!

Fling! Bam!

Roy: ARGH! It burns! ROY SPECIAL!


Mario: Not so fast!


Roy: AAHHHHHRRRGGGHHH! I... am... not... losin'... to you!

Mario: Come and get it, wimp!


Mario saw a Toad guard holding a club. Mario then grabned the club.

Guard: Hey! I need that club!

Mario: I'm gonna borrow-a it.

Roy charged again while Mario lit the club with a red flame and waited until Roy got to the right distance. When Roy was really close to Mario, Mario swung the club and hit Roy in the head.

Mario: How did you like that?


Mario: You want-a some more?



Mario then saw Roy holding a Lethal Bob-omb in his hand.

Roy: You... will... die... right... NOW!

Roy tossed the Bob-omb but Mario grabbed it without it exploding.

Roy: HUH?!

Mario: You may be strong, but you are fat and stupid.

Mario moves up to Roy and stuffed the Lethal Bob-omb into his mouth. Then there was a muffled explosion and smoke was coming out of Roy's mouth.

Mario: I told you.

Meanwhile, Koops was holding a fight with Ludwig elsewhere.

Koops: Oh no...


Koops: Dizzy Shell!


Ludwig: WOAHhohoho... The pretty stars... Lightning!


Koops: AHHHAGIDIBLAGIDIBLAGIDIBLAGIDIAGGG! Here's what I have learned from Merlon: SHELL SLAM!



Koops: Power Shell!

Ludwig: Paralyzer!


Koops: ACK! I can't move!

Ludwig: Say goodbye, Koops.

Koops closed his eyes, knowing this was the end of his life. Ludwig was forming an energy ball that would destroy Koops. But suddenly...



Koops opened his eyes again and found out he wasn't dead. He also saw that Ludwig was down. Koops then noticed he could move again because the spell was no longer in effect.

???: It's-a me!

Koops saw a person wearing green overalls, a green cap with an "L" on it, a blue shirt, white gloves, and brown shoes. He, like Mario, had a stache, only a bit different. It was Luigi.

Koops: Who are you?

Luigi: Wha? I'm-a Luigi! Mario's bro.

Koops: Thanks!

Luigi: Where is Mario?

Koops: He's handling Roy.

Mario: I took care of him.

Luigi: Hey, Mario, can I help you?

Mario: Now, normally I would let you stay behind, but ok.

Luigi: YES!

Koops: Calm down, Luigi!

Luigi: Sorry, I get too excited sometimes.

Mario: C'mon, let's pay my old rival a visit.

Luigi: Why?

Mario: He kidnapped a princess and stole a Sacred Star.

Koops: Ok, let's go.

So, Mario, Koops, and the newly added Luigi started their journey to Wario's castle, not aware that they were being watched by Iggy and an X-Naut...

X-Naut: This is X-Naut One here, do you read me, dude? Mario, Mr. Lean N' Green, and this Koopa with a bandage on his nose are advancing to Wario's castle.

Iggy: King Dad, the Mario Bros. and the Koopa are moving on to Wario's castle.

Bowser: Better make contact with Wario.

At Wario's castle, Wario was working out in his workout room (he works out in his free time) when his phone started ringing. Wario put the weight he was holding down and picked up the phone.

Wario: Hello, this is Wario speaking, who is this?

Bowser: You know who I am.

Wario: Bowser?

Bowser: I got a report from Iggy- my fourth-oldest- and one of Grodus's X-Nauts. They said that Mario, Luigi, and this Koopa- Ludwig told me his name, I think it was Koops- are advancing towards your castle. If they get to your castle, they WILL take your princess and your Sacred Star.

Wario: They wouldn't stand up to the great Wario!

Bowser: Good, now I want the X-Nauts Grodus sent to you and your brother, Waluigi, to keep guard of the Sacred Star and the princess. My brother is dead, and you don't want to end up like him, do you?

Wario: No.

Bowser: Good, now leave.

Wario: Roger.

When Wario hung up the phone, he went to the extraction room, where Daisy was inside a machine.

Wario: Hehehehe, Bowser would give me tons of money for this!

Daisy: (muffled) Let me go, NOW!

Wario: No way, jose! I need to extract your energy! If Mario comes here n' tries to fight me, I swear to DAD I will take him down.

Daisy: Rrrrr...

Back to our heroes...

Koops: Where is Wario's castle?

Mario: It's where my old castle used to be, and that is somewhere outside the MK.

Luigi: No fair! I wanted to see your castle! But nooo, you left me behind to stop that fathead!

Mario: Luigi!

Koops: Let's move on.

Mario and Co. moved on to Tree Zone, a place filled with trees and with a pathway leading to Wario's castle. It seemed to be a peaceful place, but the X-Nauts were hiding somewhere in the forest...

X-Naut #1: Hey Joe, did you see the X-Naut Trilogy last night?

X-Naut #2: Yeah, it was awesome!

X-Naut #3: Quiet, guys!

X-Naut #1: WHAT?!

X-Naut #3: Mario is coming!

Luigi: Did you hear something-a?

Mario: Yeah, it sounds like somebody.

X-Naut #1: We got you cornered!

X-Naut #3: You are not supposed to jump out yet!

X-Naut #2: Now we jump out!

Luigi: What the? Who are they?

Mario: X-Nauts.

Luigi: Ahhh!



X-Naut #3: You are such a buffoon.

X-Naut #2: He could be a distraction sometimes.

X-Naut #3: Let's attack them!

The other two X-Nauts popped out of the bushes and tried to attack Mario, Luigi, and Koops. Mario, however, slammed the second X-Naut down with his hammer. Koops then used his shell to send the third X-Naut right into a tree.

Mario: Well, they're down and out.

Luigi: We need to hurry up and get to Wario's castle before it's too late.

Mario and Co. were about to move on when a Toad popped out of a bush, looking like he was trying to tell them something very important.

Mario: What is it?

Toad: There is an X-Naut post up ahead. Be careful. If you want to get to Wario's castle, you need to get through the post.

Luigi: Ok.

Mario started walking and Luigi and Koops followed suit.

Mario: Y'know, X-Nauts talk strange.

Luigi: Why?

Mario: They sometimes say "dude" or some other nonsense. They sometimes talk about a movie of them called "The X-Naut Trilogy". I noticed Francis, the geek of the Bitlands, has that movie.

Koops: The X-Naut Trilogy?

Mario: Yes. But now, Grodus, the leader of the X-Nauts, is returning for world conquest, this time working for Bowser and trying to unlock this... this item called "The Halo of Dreams". This artifact is the supply for the dreams, and if Bowser gets control of it, then you might as well stay awake through the night. You know why? It's because when Bowser is the ruler of dreams, he can takeover the Mushroom Kingdom with a plague of nightmares. That is why we need to collect the Sacred Stars and the Princesses of Heart. We already saved Shokora and got the Red Star. I also defeated Wart with the help of... Wait... What is that?

Mario saw a high-tech base with the X-Naut symbol on it. Some X-Nauts erre standing guard around the entrance to the base.

Mario: Watch out. We need to knock one of the X-Nauts out. That would keep them busy.

Koops: How?

Mario: They would go to the medical room. That should keep them off-track. Now, you two, stay behind the bush. (forming a fireball in his hand) I need to find which X-Naut would be the best to knock out.

Mario was trying to find which X-Naut should be burnt. There were 7 X-Nauts at the entrance, and Mario decided it would be best to burn the X-Naut in the center. So, Mario flung the fireball at the center X-Naut and it burned him good. While that X-Naut was burning and screaming in pain, the other 6 X-Nauts took him to the medical room.

Mario: Coast is clear. Come out.

Mario and Co. started running to the entrance, knowing they needed to make it quick before the X-Nauts got back. The doors slid open and the trio went inside. They thought they were safe, but...

???: Hey, who goes there?

Mario, hearing that voice, turned to see 3 Elite X-Nauts, the crème de la crème of the X-Nauts and the most dangerous of them all besides Grodus and Lord Crump.

Elite X-Naut #1: You must be Mario, Koops, and Mr. Greenie, who Iggy was talkin' about!


Elite X-Naut #2: WHATEVER! Bowser and Grodus told us to take you down if we see you three!

Elite X-Naut #3: Bring it on!

Mario: C'mon!

The first of the Elite X-Nauts took out a potion and tossed it to the third Elite X-Naut, who drank it and became larger. The second charged and rammed into Mario. The third charged, then jumped, crushing not only Mario but Luigi and Koops as well. Mario grabbed his hammer, lit it with fire, jumped, and slammed the first Elite X-Naut, which caused more damage than normal due to the fire. Luigi did the same to the second X-Naut, only with electricity instead of fire. Koops used Ice Shell on all of the X-Nauts. The first tried to ram into Luigi, but Luigi spun in circles, reflecting the attack. Mario grabbed the first Elite X-Naut, then he threw him at the third Elite X-Naut, causing the first one to pass out.
The second charged at Mario, but Mario stopped his charge, threw him into the air, and hit him with the hammer like a golf ball, slamming him into the third. The second passed out as well. The third then shrunk back to normal size. Koops went into his shell and whirled around the X-Naut, making him dizzy. Finally, Koops slammed into the third, making him pass out too.

Luigi: Mamamia! We had a lot of trouble!

Intercom: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! All X-Nauts, eliminate the intruders!

Mario and Co. started battling X-Nauts all over the base, tiring out after each battle. When the trio were close to passing out, Luigi took out some Super Shroom Shakes and healed himself, Mario, and Koops. After these tiring battles, Mario and Co. had to solve puzzles just like Mario had to solve puzzles back at the trail to Star Sanctum. Then, they finally reached Lord Crump.

Lord Crump: BUH! BUH! BUH HUH HUH! So you finally made it!

Mario: Fess up, Crump! The X-Nauts, why are they here?

Crump: How should I know? Grodus tells me nothin'!

Mario: Fine. Then we'll need to settle this the hard way.

Crump: Fine by me! X-Nauts! Come to me!

X-Nauts: Reporting for duty, dude!


X-Nauts: Sir, yes sir! Let's get 'em!

Mario noticed the X-Nauts gathering and starting to form into a huge ball of X-Nauts. They started rolling after Mario and Co. Mario was running fast to get away from the X-Naut ball. Koops dodged out of the way, but the ball was making another pass. Like before, Koops got out the way. As for Luigi...


Luigi: ACK! Ohhhhhh... Mamamia... The pretty stars...

Crump: You're going down! X-Charge!


Crump: Put me down!

Mario: Have a ball!

Mario started spinning around with Crump and threw him at the ball of X-Nauts, knocking them down. SLAM!



Luigi: Mario, do the Bounce Bros! Koops, find a way to stun the X-Nauts!

Koops: Ok.

Mario: Let's-a go!

Luigi first jumped on Mario. When he did, he jumped high into the air due to him being the highest jumper in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario jumped as well. Before they made impact on Crump, Koops froze the X-Nauts with his shell to prevent them from shielding Crump. Then, the Bros. slammed hard on Crump. Crump charged at Luigi and hit him. Mario threw a fireball into the air and slammed it with hammer, which turned into a fire wave that burned Crump. The X-Nauts thawed from the ice due to the fire wave. Then they started jumping on the trio. However, Mario and Co. managed to get out.

Mario: They are so-a crazy.

Luigi: Yeah...

Koops: Let's just leave before they notice us leaving.

The trio escaped from the X-Naut horde and left the base. As for the X-Nauts and Lord Crump...

Crump: BUhhhh? STOPP!

The X-Nauts stopped jumping and formed a circle around Crump.

Crump: Again?! How do people escape when we do this? Wait... They left the base! Neither Grodus nor Bowser is going to be happy with this...

Back to the trio...

Koops: Man! That was crazy!

Mario: But we managed-a to get out.

Luigi: Where should we go next?

Mario: We need to go through the Pumpkin Zone. It's a spooky zone.

Luigi: Does it have Boos?

Mario: Yep, and undead Goombas. Plus, it has X-Nauts hiding too.

Koops: Uh oh...

Mario: I know it sounds scary to you two, but we need to get going.

???: Let go of me before my sister gets here!

X-Naut: Take her to Wario's castle.

Mario: ? ...! That must be one of Amy's sisters... We need to get going.

The trio moved on to the Pumpkin Zone, unaware that Iggy and a X-Naut were watching them...

Iggy: King Dad, they are in the Pumpkin Zone.

Bowser (over the radio): Warn me if they are close to Wario.

X-Naut: Roger.

Mario, Luigi, and Koops were walking through the forest of spookiness and X-Nauts. Many dangers awaited them...

Luigi: M-M-Mario?

Mario: What is it?

Luigi: I'm scared...

Mario: Stay calm.

Just then, a Boo jumped from a grave and scared Luigi.



Mario: Their weakness is light.

Mario pulled a flashlight out and pointed it at the Boo.


The Boo disappeared.

Koops: That should take care of them.

Mario: There's more where-a he came from.

Koops: Look!

Koops was pointing at a rather old and gloomy house in the forest. This could mean just one thing: it was a haunted mansion. Luigi had been inside a mansion before to save Mario from King Boo and to help a professor named Elvin Gadd, known as E. Gadd, to capture the portrait ghosts inside the mansion.

Luigi: *gulp*

Mario: Stop being such a wuss!

Koops: Come on, Luigi!

Luigi: Ok...

The three went to the entrance of the mansion. Knowing that dangers lay ahead of them, they were preparing themselves because they were scheduling an appointment with danger...

Mario: Guess what I got for you.

Luigi: Is it a Poltergust 3000?

Mario pulled out a vacuum similar to the Poltergust 3000, but with some modifications.

Mario: This is the Poltergust 4000. It's more powerful than the Poltergust 3000. You can suck in more ghosts at one time with this.

Luigi: Really? Cool!

Mario: Shhh! Ghosts may hear you!

Koops: Oh no...

Mario: What is it?

Koops: Turn around...

Mario turned to the see a rather huge Dark Boo in front of them.

Huge Dark Boo: I am Dark Atomic Boo!

Mario: He's stronger than Atomic Boo, because Dark Boos are stronger than regular Boos.


DAB started shooting Dark Boos at Mario and Co. in a machine gun-like style. While Koops and Luigi avoided all of the Dark Boos, Mario was hit a couple of times. Mario pulled out the flashlight to weaken the DAB. Koops went into his shell and hit DAB hard with Shell Slam. DAB summoned Dark Boos to confuse Mario and Co, but Luigi used the Poltergust 4000 to suck them all in. DAB became angry and started rolling on the ground to flatten Mario and the others. Mario threw a Flashbang Grenade and looked away. The grenade exploded and stunned DAB with a flash of light.

Mario: Luigi! Now is your chance!

Luigi: Ok!



DAB got sucked into the Poltergust 4000, and the trio advanced throughout the mansion, facing Boos, traps, and puzzles. After that, the three ended up in a graveyard, fighting Boos, undead Goombas, and X-Nauts. Inside the Pumpkin Zone the trio had to fight Crump AGAIN. Then they advanced towards the Mario Zone, where Mario, along with his two allies,  reached the top and used the cannon to go the Turtle Zone, where they fought octapuses and X-Nauts. Finally, they reached Wario's castle. Before they got there, however, the X-Naut and Iggy were watching them.

X-Naut: Oh no, they are close to reaching the castle.

Iggy: Kind Dad, we need more X-Nauts to protect Wario.

Bowser: Gotta send Wario an Email.

Meanwhile, Wario was thinking about how rich he would be after the master plan was completed, when there was a beeping noise from Wario's computer. That showed him there was a new message. Wario started reading the new Email. It said:


The Mario Bros. and Koops are moving in on to your castle and you need your X-Nauts to protect you, otherwise you will end up like Wart. Call Waluigi in and tell him to guard the Sacred Star. You will guard the princess. The X-Nauts will guard you.


Wario: They think they can stand up to the great, all-powerful, evil, and almighty Wario? I don't think so! WAHAHAHAHA! Setting up these traps may stop them!

Back with Mario and Co...

Mario: Mamamia...

Luigi: Is this what your castle looks like?

Mario: Almost, with a few-a differences.

Koops: C'mon! Let's go inside!

When they entered, they ended up in the main room.

Luigi: Man, Wario's rich!

Mario: Rich, but greedy and evil. And arrogant too.

Luigi: Let's-a go!


Koops: Who's there?

Mario: Look!

Mario saw a person tied to a chair. She had a golden dress like Amy’s. The designs were also the same except they were green instead of blue. In addition, she had brown hair and blue eyes and looked younger than Amy. Mario went to her and untied her.

???: Thanks for saving me. What is your name?

Mario: Mario Mario.

???: You... You must be that Mario person that my sister, Amy, was talking about. You must be the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario: I know. And, you didn't say your name.

???: It's Alison.

Koops: My name is Koops.

Luigi: I'm-a Luigi.

Alison: Thank you, all of you, for saving me. I need to get back to Amy.

Alison grabbed her wand and disappears with her magic.

Mario: We need-a to move on.

X-Naut: Now!

20 X-Nauts popped out of nowhere and started attacking our heroes, but Koops froze half of the X-Nauts, Mario burned 3 more, and Luigi electrocuted 5. 2 X-Nauts remained. The first charged at Luigi and hit him. The second was knocked away by Mario.

Last X-Naut: You win! Be merciful!

Mario grabs the X-Naut took him to the next room, which turned out to be the music room.

Mario: (What should I interrogate him with? That piano should do it.

Mario moved X-Naut towards the piano.

Mario: Who else does Wario have with him?

X-Naut: Hands off, scumbag!

Mario, hearing this, slammed the X-Naut with the piano lid 4 times.

X-Naut: Nobody! Wario's got nobody else with him!

Mario slammed the X-Naut 3 more times. Just before he could slam him one more time...

X-Naut: Waluigi! Wario has Waluigi protecting the Sacred Star!


X-Naut: ...

Mario: Your final command performance.

Luigi: I didn't know you could interrogate a foe.

Koops: Let's go.

Mario: Stop! Listen!

X-Naut: Is it finished?

X-Naut #2: Is what finished?

X-Naut #3: The project, Wes! Do not be dense.

X-Naut #2: Almost. They are still working on it.

X-Naut #4: The subject had thePpieces. Our higher-ranked dudes are still researching the subject.

X-Naut #1: What kinds of abilities do the Pieces give the subject?

X-Naut #4: How should I know? I don't know what the abilities are.

X-Naut #3: This is true. They tell us nothing.

X-Naut #1: Eh, I knew there was more than just supplies and tools in the last delivery.

Mario: ?

Luigi: ...

Mario snuck up from behind and prepares to attack by surprise.

Mario: Firebrand!


X-Naut #1: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

X-Naut #2: It's Mario!

Luigi: Thunderhand!




X-Naut #4: Ahh!

On to the next room...

Mario: Careful! Anvils are DANGEROUS. You could get seriously hurt, or worse, get killed instantly.

Mario timed his moves right and got across quickly. Koops watched his timing and that of when the anvils fell, and got to the other side. As for Luigi, he was doing well for the first 5 anvils. On the sixth, however, the chain holding the last anvil was about to fall and Luigi was going to be trapped. Luigi was sweating and shaking in fear.

Mario: Luigi, come on!

Koops: You can do it!

Luigi: AhhhHH! AHHHHH!

At the last second, Mario grabbed Luigi just as the anvil snapped and started falling.


Luigi: Thanks, Mario!

Koops: You really help your brother.

Mario: I wasn't there for him when he turned into Mr. L.

Luigi: C'mon.

Anvils weren’t the only traps Mario and Co. had to face, they also had to avoid security lasers and poison gas holes. But after going through tons of rooms and fighting X-Nauts, they reached Waluigi's room.

Waluigi: Wahahaha! My brother is going to pay good when I defeat Mario! Wahaha-

Luigi: Now!


Waluigi: WAAHAHAHhahaha... How did you...

Mario: I am shutting you and Wario down. Fire Spiral!

Jump! Whoosh... Fwooooomm... FWWWOOOOOOOOM SLLLLAM!

Waluigi: AAACCCKKKK! Shadow Form!

Luigi: Waluigi is hiding inside his shadow, but where?

Waluigi: Shadow Boxing!



Koops: NNNNooooooo!

Waluigi: Shadow Bob-omb!

Mario: Please, that attack-a is just as old as the hills. Fire Wave!


Waluigi: Whhhhaaaaaa?



Luigi: Thunderhand!




Waluigi: Wha?

Mario: Catch!


Waluigi: Aggghh!


Luigi: Ahhhhhhhh!

Koops: Woah!


Koops: Dizzy Shell!

Whoosh! POW!

Waluigi: Wahhhhhhh...

Luigi: Had enough?






Waluigi: WahahahaaaaahhhhhhhhhHHHHHGGGRRRRGHHH!

Just then, the Red Sacred Star started glowing.

Mario: What's happening?

The Sacred Star was giving Mario a new move, "Fire Star".

Waluigi: Ah!

Mario: Goodbye. FIRE STAR!


Waluigi: ...

Mario: So much for Waluigi, now for Wario.

Luigi: Wow. What was that?

Mario: A new move, Fire Star.

Koops: Waluigi's down.

Mario: Wario's next.

Mario took the Orange Sacred Star from Waluigi's pocket.

Luigi: What's with the ladder?

Mario: It must lead to the top of Wario's castle. Let's go up. And, be quiet, ok? You don't Wario noticing us, do you?

Luigi: No.

Mario and Co. started climbing up the ladder. As they got higher, the air got colder until they reached the top. It was dark outside because of the clouds. Lightning was striking as well. That made Wario's castle look evil. Mario also saw a glass window in the floor.

Mario: Let's take a look.

Through the glass, Daisy was seen inside a machine and Wario was seen laughing evilly.

Wario: When I extract all your power, Bowser will give me tons of cash! I will rule the world with Bowser! WAHAHAHAHA-


Mario: Laugh at this, fathead!


Wario: ORRGH!

Mario: You know that greed-a never pays, don’t you?

Wario: You think you can stop the great Wario?

Mario: YEAH!

Wario: Donut!

Wario chomped down on one of the delectable baked goods.

Wario: I am FAT WARIO! Mwahaha!

Mario: Flaming Fist!





Wario: Super Wario Drop!

Mario: Get tough! Fireball!

Fling! BAM!




Wario: BlagidiBlagidiAGGGGGG!

Koops: Dizzy Shell!


Wario: Arrrrggggghhhhh... Super Wario Chomp!



Wario: Wario Roll!

Koops: Shell Shield!

Whoosh! Thud. CRACK!

Mario: Ice Flower! I am ICE MARIO!


Wario: AAAARGGGGHHHHH! Brrrrrr... Cold...

Koops: Ice Shell!

Whhhoooooossshhhhhh...SLAM CHINK!



Mario, Luigi, and Koops: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!



Mario: You're not so great anymore, are you?



Luigi: Fire Flower! I am Fire Luigi! Multi-Fireball!



Luigi: Super Fireball!


Luigi: Wahhhhhh!


Mario: Ice Spiral!

Jump! Whhhhooooooosssssshhhhhhhh... SSSLLLLLLLAAAMMMM! Chink!


Mario: Giant Fireball!



Mario grabbed Wario's battered form and moved him near the window. Knowing that Shokora knew Wario was a villain, Mario decided to do something before he tossed Wario out of the window.

Mario: Any last words, Wario?

Wario: I will never die, and Bowser will never rest until you're dead!

Mario: ...

Mario moved closer to the window and slammed Wario against it, then tosses him out, with Wario's screams fading. Then, Mario heard a thud.

Mario: Now to free Daisy.

Mario moved to the machine and smashed both the controls and the glass with his hammer.

Dasiy: Thanks, Mario. Thanks, Luigi… And who are you?

Koops: Me?

Daisy: Yes, you.

Koops: I'm Koops.

Daisy: Thank you. All of you.

Mario: We'll take you home.

Later, Mario and Co. escorted Daisy to Sarasaland and the trio went back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi: We defeated the X-Nauts and Wario too.

Mario: Yeah, but the question is, why are the X-Nauts at Wario's castle?

Koops: Beats me.

Luigi: Even Crump doesn't know.

Mario: Or, maybe Crump is lying... I mean, he's the second-in-command of the X-Nauts. Why would he lie about something like that?

Luigi: Dunno.

Mario: This adventure is getting better and better...

At Dark Land...


Iggy: Calm down, King Dad! Gimme one more chance!

Bowser: All right, all right. You will defeat Mario and his allies, and if you fail me... well, don't fail me!

Iggy: Yes, King Dad.

Bowser: Good, now leave.

Iggy left the throne room.

Bowser: I can't believe Mario is taking the Sacred Stars and Princesses of Heart, but no matter! Soon, I will gain the power of dreams, and when I do, nothing shall stand in my way! Gwahahahaha!

Chapter 2 is finished. Will Bowser's plan be completed, or will it fail? What or who is the subject of the project that the X-Nauts are working on? Will Mario save the rest of Amy's sisters? What will become of The Halo of Dreams? Find out in Chapter 3.

Read on!

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