Rivals to the Rescue

By zz1666

Mario and Bowser begin their journey through the valley to Wart's Castle.

"Wonder when something is going to happen," says Mario.

"My guess would be right when I finish this sentence," says Bowser.

Just then, a figure jumps from a tree and lands in front of Mario and Bowser. "What did I tell you?" says Bowser.

"Well, who do we have to defeat this time?" asked Mario.

"Your worst nightmare," says the figure, who is moving into the light. When the figure enters the light, the figure's body becomes pink.

"It's Birdo," says Bowser.

"Yup," replies the figure. "And I can't let you two get any further. You'll ruin Sir Wart's plans." The Birdo shoots a fireball at the two of them, but they both dodge it.

"That fire is pathetic," says Bowser. "Get a load of this!" Bowser breathes fire on the fireball shot from Birdo, and it becomes one giant flame being pushed toward Birdo.

"Not bad, but check this one out," says Birdo. Birdo shoots an egg through the flames, and the burning egg hits Mario.

"Ouch!" shouts Mario.

"Now that's a good move," says Birdo.

"For a pink dino," says Bowser.  Bowser jumps up, and when he lands, the vibrations cause Birdo to loose balance and fall. "Bodyslam!" shouts Bowser.

"No, anything but that!" cries Birdo, who is trying to crawl away. However, Birdo doesn't crawl away fast enough, and she gets squashed by Bowser, who crashlands on her.

"Ouch, that's got to hurt," says Mario.

Bowser gets up, and Birdo is as flat as a pancake. "Now don't think that's all," says Bowser. Bowser breathes fire on Birdo, setting the miniature Birdo ablaze.

"Eek!" screams Birdo. Birdo runs away, still burning and miniature.

"That was awesome!" exclaims Mario. "How come you never fight that well when fighting me?"

"Good question," says Bowser. "I honestly don't have a clue."

"Well, the important thing is that we got past Birdo, so now let's continue on," says Mario.

Mario and Bowser continue on. They come to a lake with a bridge across it. They get on the bridge.

"Trapped," says a voice.

Mario and Bowser turn to see a flame coming toward them. "It's Fryguy!" shouts Mario.

"Darn right," says the voice.

"So I take it we have to get past you in order to continue on," says Bowser.

"Hey, you're getting good at this," says Fryguy.

Bowser runs to tackle Fryguy, but gets burnt. "Ouch!" shouted Bowser.

"Idiot," says Mario. "You can't tackle fire."

"I'm too hot to touch!" says Fryguy.

Bowser meanwhile, is still burning. "Need water!" shouted Bowser. Bowser jumps into the lake, and he makes such a big splash that large waves crash onto Fryguy.

"The water, it burns!" shouts Fryguy. Fryguy disintegrates. After a few minutes, Bowser climbs out of the lake.

"Great idea," says Mario. "You killed Fryguy."

"I did?" says Bowser. "I mean, yeah, that's right, I did kill him! I had it planned out all along!"

"Of course," replies Mario.

"So how many of Wart's goons are left?" asked Bowser.

"I think there's two: Clawgrip and Triclyde," says Mario.

Just then a claw comes out from the water and pinches Bowser. "Ouch!" shouts Bowser. Bowser jumps up and sees a crab-like figure climbing out of the water.

"It's Clawgrip," says Mario.

"Ahoy lads," says Clawgrip. "Fryguy was supposed to distract you so I could come up from behind. I guess he didn't do his job."

"So uh, how are we going to beat him?" asks Bowser.

"Um, I'm actually not sure," says Mario.

"You can't because it be impossible!" says Clawgrip.

"Yeah right," says Bowser. "As usual I'll come up with something."

"You know, you ought to get yourself some goons," says Mario. "Because it's annoying as ever."

"I'll make a note of that," says Bowser. Bowser pulls out a notebook and a pen and begins writing. While he's writing, Clawgrip pinches him again, causing him to drop his notebook and pen into the water. "Cut that out!" Bowser shouts in pain.

"I'll save you!" shouts Mario. Mario runs in and jumps on Clawgrip, making him dizzy. "Push him into the water," says Mario.

Bowser knocks a dizzy Clawgrip into the water. He's too dizzy to swim, and gets pushed away downstream. "Well, that worked," says Bowser. "Let's continue on."

Bowser and Mario cross the bridge and continue on to Wart's Castle. After they come out of the valley, they see Wart's Castle on the horizon. "There it is," says Mario.

Mario and Bowser walk up to the castle. While they are approaching the entrance, they see something dangling in a hole. Mario and Bowser walk over to it. "It's Triclyde," says Mario.

"Let us out!" shouts Triclyde.

"What happened?" asks Bowser.

"We got stuck in this hole," says Triclyde. "We thought that we could fit through it."

"Haha, stinks for you," says Bowser.

"Let us out so we can kill you!" shouts Trycylde.

"Yeah right," replies Mario. "Come on, let's leave this helpless serpent here."

"One second," says Bowser. Bowser kicks dirt onto Triclyde, covering him with dirt and filling up the little moving space he had left. "Add injury to insult, I always say," says Bowser.

Bowser and Mario open the front gates and are in the main hallway of Wart's Castle. "That's his door all the way at the end," says Mario.

"Time to get back the Koopalings and the princess," says Bowser.

Bowser and Mario begin walking down the hallway.

With Wart...

"I hear them," says Wart. "Time to get this bad boy ready."

Wart begins pointing his laser beam right at the door. The door slowly begins to come open. Right when it opens wide enough for a person to fit through, Wart presses a button, and the laser fires. However, he sees that the figure being hit is not Bowser, but Mario.

"What is this?!" yells Bowser.

"No, not Mario!" shouts Wart.

"King Dad!" exclaims all the Koopalings.

"What happened to you guys?" asks Bowser.

"Wart used that laser beam to turn us into frogs," says Lemmy.

"So you were going to turn me into a frog as well?" Bowser asks angrily.

"Yes," replies Wart.

"So if it turns Koopas into frogs, what does it turn humans into?" asked Bowser.

"I don't know," says Wart.

"Mario!" yells Peach. Peach had broken the tape on her mouth.

"There's Peach," says Bowser. "What have you done with her? You know that's my job."

"Not for long," says Wart.

Just then, a boom is heard, and smoke fills around Mario. After a few seconds, the smoke clears, and when Mario emerges, he is a giant grasshopper. "What happened?!" shouts Mario.

"That's it!" shouted Bowser. "You've gone too far, Wart."

"Let's take this loser down," says Mario.

"Not quite," says Wart.

Wart presses the button on his laser again. However, nothing happens.

"What's wrong with this piece of garbage?" says Wart.

Wart begins rapidly pressing the button, but the laser explodes from the rapid pressing.

"Ugh, I guess I'll have to beat you guys the old-fashioned way," says Wart, as he climbs down from his throne.

"Attack!" yells Bowser. Bowser breathes fire, but Wart shoots bubbles, and the two cancel each other out. "Hmm," Bowser thinks. Bowser jumps up and lands on the ground, causing the ground to shake. However, Wart does not budge. "And I thought I was fat," says Bowser.

"Can't beat me," says Wart. "It's impossible!"

"Mario, I can't defeat him by myself," says Bowser. "Do something... super."

"Hey, that's the same line you used in Superstar Saga," says Mario.

"Well regardless, I need you to come up with a plan," says Bowser.

Mario begins looking around the room, when he notices an object up behind Wart's throne. "I’ve got an idea," says Mario.

"Great, what is it?" asks Bowser.

"You'll see," says Mario. "All I need you to do is distract Wart."

"Easy enough," says Bowser. "Hey Wart, would it kill you to eat your veggies?"

"Shut up," says Wart. "I'm pure muscle."

"More like pure fat," says Bowser. "What do you weigh? Ten tons?"

"Nuh-uh," says Wart. "I weigh twelve tons."

While Bowser and Wart are bickering, Mario slowly slips away. He walks low and against the wall.

"I bet you couldn't beat me in a race," says Bowser.

"Once I kill you I'll show you fast," says Wart.

Mario reaches Wart's throne and jumps behind it, where he sees the object that he first saw. "Bingo," says Mario. Mario picks up the object. The object is a Hammer Bro Suit, and it turns Mario into Hammer Mario. Mario jumps up on the throne. "Time to put your charades to rest," says Mario.

"It's Hammer Mario!" shouts Bowser.

"Pft, those hammers won't hurt a bit," says Wart.

Mario ferociously hurls a hammer at Wart, and it plunks him right in the chest. "Ouch!" shouts Wart. Wart begins to stumble backwards.

"Get him, Bowser," says Mario.

Bowser runs up and breathes fire on Wart while he's falling. "Hot!" yells Wart. Wart, who's now burning, falls back and knocks over a shelf filled with thousands of books, and the shelf falls on Wart, cutting off his air.

"Just a few more," says Mario. Mario whips a few more hammers that hit Wart in his last visible areas, which are his legs. After a few throws, Mario stops. "You think that took care of him?" asks Mario, looking down at the flaming bookshelf.

"I don't know," replies Bowser. "Let's have ourselves a look."

Bowser quickly moves the burning shelf and what they see underneath is Wart, completely burnt, and motionless.

"Let's see if he's breathing," says Mario. Mario and Bowser move in and get a close look at Wart.

"He's dead," says Bowser.

"He doesn't have a pulse either," says Mario, whose hand is on Wart's wrist.

Mario and Bowser look at each other.

"Yes!" exclaims Bowser, who is bursting into a celebratory dance. "I finally killed that rotten brother of mine! Yes! I don't have to put up with him anymore!"

Bowser begins to dance (horribly) before Mario stops him. "First of all, you're the worst dancer I've seen," says Mario. "Secondly, and more important, I'm still a grasshopper."

Mario's Hammer Suit vanishes and he's now Grasshopper Mario.

"Plus, we still have the Koopalings as frogs," says Mario.

"Well, let's just go rescue Peach first," says Bowser. "It'll be quick."

Mario and Bowser walk over to Peach and untie the rope holding her and pull the rest of the tape off her mouth. "Mario!" Peach cheers. "You came to save me!"

"So did I," says Bowser.

"Bowser?" says Peach. "You came too? Does that mean you love me?"

"Uh, no, I came for my Koopalings," says Bowser.

"Well, it's good to see that you're all right," says Mario.

"I am," says Peach. "He was just a lone, weathered fool who was looking for attention. Now, what happened to you?"

"Wart's laser that turns Koopas into frogs turned me into a grasshopper," says Mario.

"That's terrible!" says Peach.

"Well, now we’ve got to unlock the Koopalings from those stupid cages," says Bowser.

Mario, Bowser, and Peach walk over to the cages the Koopalings are trapped in. They begin to open the cages and the frog Koopalings come out. "King Dad, you came to save us!" exclaims Morton.

"I knew you would!" cheers Wendy.

"Yeah, but why is Mario with you?" asks Larry.

"Let me at him, I'll kill him!" yells Roy, rearing to fight.

"We teamed up," says Bowser. "He helped me get here and rescue you guys."

"And Bowser here helped me save Peach," says Mario.

"Well, at least we're safe," says Larry.

"Hey, what happened to Wart?" asks Lemmy.

"He's dead," says Bowser.

"Dead?" says Iggy.

"Dead," replies Mario.

All the Koopalings remain silent for a few seconds.

"Yeah!" all of them shout. They all burst into a celebratory dance. "Wart's dead!" they all scream.

Their (equally as bad) dancing is broken by Mario. "First of all, you guys are just as bad dancers as Bowser," says Mario. "I see you get it from him. Secondly, and more important, I'm still a grasshopper, and you guys are still frogs."

"How are we going to fix this?" Ludwig asks.

"Well, someone must have built that laser," says Bowser. "I'm sure whoever built it must know something that can reverse its effects."

"Well who do you think built it?" asked Mario.

"Well, I saw some Shy-Guy scientists in and out of this room," says Peach. "They probably built it."

"Come on, Mario, let's go find those scientists," says Bowser.

"Coming," says Mario.

Mario turns to Peach. "You can just wait here, it shouldn't take long," says Mario.

Bowser turns to the Koopalings. "Wait here, you'll soon be back to the way you were," says Bowser.

"Well can we at least keep Roy as a frog?" says Iggy. "He won't be able to beat me up as bad if I'm a Koopa and he's a frog."

"No, you all are going to become Koopas again," says Bowser. "Now let's roll."

Mario and Bowser leave the room, and go down the main hallway. They see a door marked "Sub-con Lab".

"That must be it," says Mario.

"They should be in there," says Bowser. "Let's enter."

Mario and Bowser push through the doors and enter the room. There are two Shy Guy scientists sitting in the middle of the room at a table. "So did you hear, Wart actually succeeded," says the first one.

"He did?" says the second one. "That's a sign of the apocalypse. Wart never succeeds."

The two begin to burst into laughter until they see Mario and Bowser looking at them. "Ah, who goes there?" asks the first one.

"You know who we are," says Bowser. "Don't play dumb."

"Well, we know who you two are," says the second one. "What my colleague should have says would be what do you two want."

"We know you built the laser that turns Koopas into frogs," says Bowser.

"And humans into grasshoppers," says Mario.

"So we want to know how to reverse its effects," says Bowser.

"No idea," says the first one.

Bowser charges at the first Shy Guy Scientist, grabs him by his collar, and picks him up. "Listen, I know there's something," says Bowser. "I'm not as dumb as I look. Tell us how to reverse it or you're dead."

"Ah!" shouts the Shy Guy Scientist being held hostage. "Fine! There is something! Just put me down so I can tell you!"

Bowser viciously drops the Shy Guy Scientist.

"Deep in Sub-con, there's this item called the Ultimate Vegetable," says the first Shy Guy Scientist.

"It's the most pure vegetable in Sub-con," says the second Shy Guy Scientist.

"If you can get it, we can extract nutrients from it and create a formula that will reverse all effects of the laser," explains the first Shy Guy Scientist. "But you two will have to go get it for us."

"Fine," says Mario. "But how will we know where to get to it?"

"Take this map," says the second Shy Guy Scientist.

The Shy Guy Scientist hands Mario a map.

"Now you go on and get that vegetable," says the first Shy Guy Scientist. "We'll be waiting right here for the two of you."

Mario and Bowser exit the room. "Now let's go tell Peach and the Koopalings the news," says Mario.

Mario and Bowser return to the room where Peach and the Koopalings are waiting. "What's the news?" asks Peach.

"To reverse its effects we must retrieve the Ultimate Vegetable for the scientists, so they can extract its nutrients and make a formula that will reverse its effects," explains Bowser.

"So, Bowser and I are going to fetch it," says Mario.

"What about me?" asked Peach.

"And us?" say the Koopalings simultaneously.

"You guys can just wait here," says Bowser.

"Yeah, Sub-con is a dangerous place," says Mario. "You guys shall be safe here."

"All right," says Peach.

"Good luck," says Larry.

"Yeah, we're counting on you two," says Lemmy.

"We won't let you down," says Bowser.

"Well, time to go," says Mario.

Mario and Bowser exit the room.

Read on!

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