The Time Killer

By Waffle

This story starts from Lemmy’s POV. This story is also a sequel to Hospital Horrors. I suggest reading it, otherwise this will make no sense.

Aww man! The worst thing just happened to me today! My ball popped. Seriously, that ball is like my life. It is the only toy I have or had. Although I guess I am kinda lucky to even have that ball in the first place, because none of my siblings have any toys or anything to play with at all! Except for Wendy... Oh I hate her! She gets everything she wants!

Just then I heard my Dad coming through the door.
“Wendy, I got it!” Bowser yelled.

“It is about time!”
Oh great! Bowser had bought Wendy something she didn’t need again! Seriously, guys, this is a daily thing with her.
“Hey Dad,” I started.

“My ball popped. You know my ball? The only thing that I actually have? The ball that I have had for the past nine years I have been living?”

“So... I was wondering... Next time you go to the store, can you get me a new one please?”
“No,” he quickly said.

“NO!!!” he roared.
“Woah! Ok! Ok! Sheesh calm down!”
Just then my only sister, Wendy, came running into the room. “Did you get it?” she asked eagerly.
“Sure did! Here you go.” Bowser then looked through his bag and handed her a bunch of DVDs. “Girly Bob Season 3, Volumes 1-8.”
“What?!” Wendy said, very angry.
“What? What? Isn’t that what you wanted, dear?” Bowser said, very confused.
“No... What I SAID was I wanted Volumes 1-Niiiiine!!! Nine, STUPID!!!” Wendy then got out a baseball bat and kept on hitting my dad over and over again. “You are so stupid! I wish you did die at that hospital!”
“I am sorry, Wendy! I am really sorry!”
Dad didn’t have to apologize! This was nonsense!
“You go BACK to the store and buy me volume Niine!”
“I’m going right now, honey!”
“You’d better! And if you don’t come back with the RIGHT DVD I will KILL YOU! I swear I WILL KILL YOU!!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!”
“Ok ok! Wendy… I love you!”
Just then Dad ran out the door, and then all of a sudden it hit me! The reason why Dad gets her everything is because of her attitude! He likes that kind of attitude! All of my other siblings ask Dad nicely for stuff, but we never get anything. But Wendy acts bratty and she ALWAYS gets what she wants! I then went out the door and ran to my dad.
“Dad! Dad!” I yelled.
He then turned around before he got into his car. “What?”

“While you are at the store you go get me a new ball!”
“Didn’t I already say no, Lemmy?”
“I don’t care what you have to say! I want a new ball! And when I want a new ball you get me a new ball!”
“I said no!”
I then walked up to my Dad, jumped on his car so I could reach his height, and punched him HARD. Right in his lip! Man that felt good! And then I slapped him right across his ugly face!
“Shut up! I want you to get me a new ball NOW!!!”
‘I am so going to get a new ball’ I remember thinking. ‘I wonder what else I will be able to get?’ Then my dad gave me the angriest look I have EVER seen on him.
“What is your problem, fattie?” I yelled. “Now get in the car and drive so you can buy me a new ball!!! And while you are at it, get me an action figure!”

Iggy’s POV
2 months ago I found out that my mom happens to be Candy Kong! The reason me and my other siblings have never seen her before is because she left him 8 years ago. Although the reason why she left is still a mystery to me. All that I know is that a girl named Amber is related to her leaving. And I have no clue who Amber is. The only theory I’ve come up with is that Dad cheated on my mom with a girl named Amber. It’s a decent theory, I think, but I have absolutely no evidence supporting it. I have been thinking about this mystery for a month now and I still haven’t found out anything new. And my dad, Bowser, isn’t really open for interviews so I just have to keep on guessing.

Then my brother Lemmy came in my room. He was bleeding and crying, and a bunch of scars covered his body.
“Lemmy! W-what happened to you?”
“D-D-Dad...” It was so hard to hear him with all his tears.
“Dad did this to you?” I asked in shock. Lemmy nodded.
“Oh, he has taken this TOO far.” I then went to Wendy’s room and grabbed her cell phone
“Ooh are you alling?” Lemmy asked.
“You’ll see...” I said. I waited for a few seconds and then got an answer.
“Hello? Yes... my dad just physically abused my brother...”
A few minutes later police cars were all around my house... So much shouting and cussing happened in that scene. It is just amazing how sick and disgusting the people in this world are. And according to my mom, my dad was once a good father. What happened to this family? What could possibly change someone this dramatically?
“Unbelievable!” my dad said to me after the police finally left. “A 2,000 dollar fine?!”
“You are lucky! If there was one more piece of evidence, even the smallest possible evidence against you, it would be a million times worse!”
“Why did you even call the abuse hotline?”
“Because you were ABUSING your son!”
“Well he was being a stupid brat!!!”

“Since when does Lemmy ever act bratty?! And you know it doesn’t matter! You don’t HIT your own kids like that!”
“Let me tell you something, Iggy! The “no physical abuse against children” law is nothing but garbage! You kids NEVER get discipline by mere words! Action must take place.”
“What would Lemmy EVER do to deserve such actions?”
“How about let’s start with punching me in the lip and slapping me across the face?! Huh? Huh? You tell me, Iggy? Is that a sign of a good son? Should NO action have been taken there?”
I didn’t believe that at all. “It’s stupid to lie about this, Dad!”

“I know! But I am not lying!”
“Yes you obviously are! Lemmy would never hit anyone! I am his twin brother, I know him better then you ever will!”
“Oh really? Well then how about you go to Lemmy’s room and ASK HIM?!”
“All right, I will!” I then walked to his room and my dad followed. When I got in his room I saw him still bleeding and still crying.
“Daddy killed me, Iggy!” The fear in Lemmy was astonishing.
“What a wuss!” my dad said.
I just turned around and gave him a disgusted look. “You really need to SHUT UP!”

“You NEVER tell me to shut up!”
“Yeah, I usually don’t! But now you really need to shut up!” I then looked back at Lemmy. “Dad didn’t kill ya, bud! You are still alive.”

“I am going to d-die tonight.”
“Lemmy, Dad said you punched him. Isn’t that a lie?”
I saw Lemmy look down at the ground as he nodded very slowly. “No...” More tears fell out of his eyes.
“See?! See?!”
“I see! I see!” I yelled, annoyed. “But that still doesn’t make what you did any better at all!”
“How did you even CALL the abuse hotline? You don’t have a cell phone! Give me whatever phone you used.”

I then handed Wendy’s phone to Dad. Dad then examined it very closely. “I don’t know how you got this...” he said, “but...”
Then he put the phone on the ground and then out of nowhere he got this giant hammer and kept on smashing the phone. I tried very hard not to laugh.
“Hey Wendy!!!” I called. Wendy then came into the room.
“What?! *GASP!!!*” Wendy then saw her dad hitting her cell phone with a hammer. “Daaaaad!!!”

“You!!!” She then a pointed her finger at Dad.

“Who, me? What did I do?”

“You killed my cell phone!!!” Wendy was now the one crying.
“Oh, that was your... I am sorry, dear!”

“Get me a new one!!!”
“I promise, honey! In about 20 minutes I will go to the store again and-”

“NOOOO!!! You must give me it NOW!!!”
“Ok! Ok! I am going now!” Bowser then started running out of the room but then he popped back in for a second. “Oh, and Wendy... I love you!”

“Goooo!!!” Bowser then quickly ran out of his house to buy his bratty daughter another cell phone.
“Lemmy...” I said. “It’s not like I am defending Dad or anything but... you should know that if you hit him like that this WOULD happen. Why did you do that?”
“Because I thought he would get me a new ball!”

I looked at him, confused. “Why did you think-”
“Notice how Wendy is the only one with all the toys, and she has the worst attitude, so I thought maybe… the reason she gets so many toys is because of her attitude.”

“Oh Lemmy...” I was just astonished by what he thought. “You can’t be so stupid like that.”

“But, but... Why else does Dad give her everything?”
“I don’t know. I always thought it was because he always wanted a daughter and not a son. Or maybe Wendy has some blackmail of him doing something really nice. I don’t know, ok?”
It then got silent. “W-what about my ball?” he asked.

“Your ball is gone, and it is never coming back..” I swear, if he cried right now it would just be pathetic.
“He almost KILLED me, Iggy!” he said.
“Don’t you think that is over exaggerating it? He wasn’t trying to kill you!”
“I-I’m… He is going to come in my room tonight and KILL me. I now see how disgusting our dad truly is!”

“He is not going to kill you, Lemmy! If he wanted to kill anyone, wouldn’t it be me? For reporting him to the police?”
“Can you please just stay in my room for tonight?”

“I stay in your room every night... I don’t HAVE a room! We share a room, ok, Lemmy? It has been that way for nine years!” Man, did Dad hit his brain or something? I was really feeling sorry for him.

“Ok Lemmy, I am going to go and have a snack, ok? Do you want anything to eat?” He shook his head. I then walked to the kitchen, which is next to our front door, and I saw my dad come in.
“Wendy, I got you a new cell phone!”

There was no response. “Wend-”
“I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!!! Just wait a few seconds!!! .... MORON!!!”
I then opened the refrigerator and saw there was hardly anything to eat. “Dad?”


“What are we going to have for breakfast tomorrow?”

“I don’t know! Whatever you want that is in the fridge.”

“There is NOTHING in the fridge!” I showed him.
“Oh, well I will buy you all something at McDonalds.”

“How much money do you have in your checking and savings account?”

“Why are you so worried about me financially?”

“Just answer the question. Please.”

“Ugh... I sorta have nothing in my checking and savings account. The last of my money from that went into this new cell phone for Wendy.”

“Dad, why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”

“We are BROKE now, and do you know why we are broke? Because you are wasting all of your money buying stuff Wendy won’t even use!”
“She is going to use this cell phone though! Watch this... Hey Wendy!” he called. “You still haven’t picked up your cell phone!”
“I AM WATCHING GIRLY BOB!!! SHUT UP AND BE PATIENT!!! And the cell phone you bought me is probably stupid anyway!” Wendy yelled from her room.
“Wendy isn’t going to use that! Who would call her?”

“No, Wendy, the cell phone isn’t stupid! I got it EXACTLY the way you said you wanted it!” Dad said, ignoring my comment.

“We’ll see about that!”

Wendy then marched to where Dad was. “Gimme the cell phone!” She then got her hand out and Dad gave her the phone. She then examined her new phone.

“What? Yes it is! You wanted a new blue blueberry high depth cell phone made by Version Wires Group with Internet and Wifi connection and and unlimited limits!”
“Yes, but this is AQUA!!! Not blue, you idiot!” Wendy then got a hammer out of nowhere and smashed that poor little cell phone to death.
“Now go to the store and GET ME A NEW ONE!!!”
“B-but Wendy, dear, the store is closed and doesn’t open until 6:30 AM.”
“Well! Lucky for you I don’t wake up until 8:00 AM. And if my cell phone isn’t there by then you are going to get it!” Wendy then stuck up her bossy little nose and walked away.

I turned to Dad. “What blackmail does she have on you?” There was no response to that so I left as well.
It was very hard for me to sleep that night. Not because I had a lot on my mind, but because Lemmy had nightlights on ALL OVER our room. He thought that Dad still hated him and that he was going to come back in the room and kill him. It was impossible to get any sleep, and I need my 8 hours!

Then at about midnight I heard some faint but disturbing humming noise. I had this strange thought that maybe, not Bowser, but something else was coming to kill Lemmy. Was it a spirit? I had to wake up Lemmy just in case.
“Lemmy,” I said, shaking his body. “Wake up!” He didn’t move at all...
“W-wake up, Lemmy!” I yelled. He still didn’t move.
“Wake up!” Nothing.
… ˜He is just a very heavy sleeper,” I thought to myself, crying. Had Lemmy really died? H-had some spirit come and quietly killed him? He warned me that he was going to die tonight, and I did NOTHING.


Then his eyes slowly opened up. “Y-yeah?” he said in the quietest whisper ever.
“Oh, thank goodness! Lemmy, I thought you were dea-”
“Aaaaaah!” A scream then interrupted me.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know...” I said. “It came from Ludwig’s room. Come on!”
I then grabbed Lemmy as we ran inside Ludwig’s to see what was going on. And then we saw it...
Ludwig had a giant blade right through his throat...
“What is all the yelling about?!” Wendy then came in. “I NEED my beauty sleep!”
“Ludwig is DEAD, Wendy! Someone MURDERED him! Don’t you think that is a little more important than your beauty sleep?” I said angrily.
“Ugh, Iggy...” Lemmy interrupted me.
“What?!” I asked.
“L-look,” he said, shaking and pointing at Ludwig’s wall.
8 more brats to go was written with Ludwig’s blood.

“Someone is trying to kill all of us!” I thought. “But... who?”

To Be Continued...

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