Snifit X Season 4: Booster & Snifit Super Snifitdum Saga

By Red Shy Guy

Chapter 5: The Snifit Gang vs. The Cackletta Gang

We see our heroes outside the castle city.

Booster: Okay, we have all our items, gear, etc.

Knife Guy: Now is the time to go to Woohoo Hooniversity.

Grate Guy: Yeah!

Snifit 1: Where is it, by the way?

Booster: I have a map.

Grate Guy: ! Booster, you idiot! That’s a Burger King map!!!

Booster: But look, there’s a Burger King next to Woohoo Hooniversity.

Snifit 2: I didn’t even know that Burger Kings existed on Plit.

Snifit 3: Let’s not dilly dally. Let’s go!

The Snifit team start walking, and sooner or later they find Woohoo Hooniversity and a Burger King.

Booster: While we’re here, let’s eat.

10 minutes later…

Grate Guy: Let’s go inside.

Snifit 1: Woah. Look at the place.

They see the place is all torn down.

????: HELP!

Snifit Group: !

They see a Bean professor.

Bean Professor: Cackletta… is… turning… everyone… into… mo-

The Bean professor turns into a Laser Snifit.

Snifit 3: @#$%&%^$*#*%&?

Laser Snifit: @# #$#^! ##%^#%#^%@$%!

The Snifit group just move on.

Booster: Hey, I guess they won’t hurt us because you’re Snifits.

Snifit 2: YUP! They’re something we 8-bitters made.

They see the door is locked.

Grate Guy: DRAT!

Knife Guy: Well we’d better find away to open it.

Snifit 1: This way.

They see a switch. They hit it and beam of light appears.

Knife Guy: Let’s follow it.

They follow it and see it leads to another room.

Snifit 2: This is going to take long, and it’s boring! Hey, Red Shy Guy!

Red Shy Guy: Yessum?

Snifit 1: Can you take us to an exciting part?!

Red Shy Guy: Oka,y suit your self.

The Snifits all of a sudden see they’re in a lab. They see Viruses in cases.

Grate Guy: ! Hey look, another light switch!

Knife Guy: What we’ve been through up ‘til now is what Mario and Luigi had to go through, but for some reason now we’re in a lab.

Booster hits the switch and the light is reflected again.


Snifit Gang: !


The viruses break out of their cases. They start to get on top of each other and transform.

Grate Guy: This is not good!

When the viruses are done they have become so big that the remaining Virus’s head almost hits the ceiling. The Virus is blackish like and has a crossbone mark on its head. It has sharp teeth and an angry face.

Snifit 1: He’s some sort of Death Virus.

The Death Virus smacks Snifit 1, 2, 3 and Booster away.

Grate Guy: Is there a doctor in the house?


Grate Guy: Let’s go!

Knife Guy: Okey dokey.

Grate Guy 33/33
Knife Guy 32/32
Death Virus 60/60

Death Virus spews out Viruses that attach themselves to the jesters. Death Virus punches them both and they hit a glass case. Death Virus spews out more Viruses, but the brothers dodge this time. Knife Guy throws out lots of knives. Death Virus gets hurt but doesn’t even flinch. Grate Guy uses Echo Finder. Death Virus gets hurt but doesn’t flinch. Death Virus slams the ground, and the brothers trip. Death Virus slams them into the ground. Knife Guy quickly takes out a flame sword and slashes Death Virus, but Death Virus doesn’t even take damage. Grate Guy kicks his ball towards Death Virus, but Death Virus just eats it. Knife Guy throws out Ice Crystals. Death Virus doesn’t flinch, and punches Knife Guy into the wall.

Grate Guy: Bros. Attack him.

They stand on top of each other and Grate Guy makes a new ball appear. They shoot out a huge PSI Blast, but Death Virus doesn’t flinch and punches the two brothers away. Grate Guy uses recover, Knife Guy and Grate Guy +10 HP. Death Virus does a ramming charge but the brothers dodge it and Death Virus hits some chemicals. When they mix, Death Virus starts to scream in pain.

Grate Guy: ! Our moves barely do a thing because there’s too many Viruses, but what we need is things that hurt Viruses.

Grate Guy 23/33
Knife Guy 16/32
Death Virus 38/60

Death Virus starts slamming the ground, creating shockwaves. Grate Guy slams his head on the ground and acts like a spring and jumps up high, as Knife Guy dodges also. Death Virus flings glass at the brothers and they’re hit. Death Virus successfully rams them, but into more glass cases that contain chemicals. They mix and create a gas. Death Virus screams in pain. Grate Guy kicks his ball and hits him. Knife Guy starts slashing Death Virus. Death Virus punches a huge hole in the wall and the gas goes through there. The jesters see that Death Virus has shrunk a bit. Death Virus starts jumping around and bouncing off the walls. Grate Guy focuses and uses Mega Recover. They recover all their HP. Death Virus immediately bites Knife Guy. Knife Guy gets KO’d immediately. Grate Guy kicks his ball towards him and dodges. He bites Grate Guy, but being part toy, he loses only half of his HP. Death Virus tries to bite him again but Grate Guy dodges this time and Death Virus hits a medicine cabinet. Death Virus takes major damage and shrinks even more. Grate Guy kicks the ball really hard but Death Virus dodges it. But the ball wasn’t aiming for him; the ball bounces off the wall and hits medicine cabinets, again causing some weird chemical reactions. Death Virus starts to glow as some of the gas hits him while the rest escapes through the hole Death Virus made. Grate Guy use PSI Hit. Death Virus gets hit by it. Death Virus spews some Viruses at Grate Guy. Grate Guy starts to roll around, and he hits a cabinet and some weird liquid falls on him, destroying the Viruses. Grate Guy doesn’t see Death Virus anymore. Then Grate Guy gets punched out of nowhere. Grate Guy falls down. Death Virus is about to finish him but Grate Guy’s ball flattens him out of nowhere.

Battle Over. Snifit team +70 EXP. Level up. New moves.

Grate Guy: *huff, puff* Ugh.

30 minutes later…

Grate Guy: ? Where are we?

Laser Snifit: @#%#&@%#&#^!

Snifit 1: ! We have to hit the rest of the switches!

Laser Snifit: @# @# @#$ $%^and @# @#$ @#$%!

Snifit 2: Thanks.

The Snifit gang go to the hole in the wall. They are walking by and see some weird Viruses in chambers.

Snifit 3: ! Look, switches!

They see four switches.

Booster: I’ll hit it.

Booster hits it and nothing happens.

Grate Guy: Maybe if we all hit it at the same time it will make the light reflect.

Grate Guy, Knife Guy, Booster, and Snifit 3 hit the buttons at the same time. The light is suddenly reflected. 4 grappling hands grab them out of nowhere.

Snifit 1: Ooooooooooooooooooooh boy.

Snifit 2: ! Look, a passageway!

They go towards that passage, and when they enter the next room they see a 25M lookalike.

Snifit 1: ?! DUCK!

The Snifits duck a steel barrel. They look up and see a steel gorilla that resembles DK.

Snifit 2: PANIC!

The Steel Kong throws more barrels that the Snifits dodge. They look up and see their friends in steel barrels too. The Snifits start dodging the barrels as they make their way up. The Steel Kong gets angry and gets in front of them.

Snifit 1: Let’s go!

Snifit 2: Here we go!

Snifit 1 39/39
Snifit 2 37/37
Steel Kong 40/40

Steel Kong slams the floor and creates a shockwave. The shockwave hits the Snifits and they get sent flying and hit a wall. Steel Kong prepares for a powerful swing. The Snifits dodge it but are hit by a shockwave creating by this punch hitting the floor. They trip and Steel Kong’s other hand punches Snifit 1 away. Snifit 2 uses Drain. The drain hits Steel Kong and he gets hurt. Angrier, he punches Snifit 2 away. Steel Kong starts throwing TNT barrels. The Snifits manage to dodge the TNT barrels but Steel Kong slaps them away. Snifit 1 sees Steel Kong running after them and uses Gunk Shot, and Steel Kong trips.

Snifit 2: Bros. Attacks!

They stack up on each other and a bolt strikes them. They release huge amounts of electricity at Steel Kong. Steel Kong absorbs some of it and uppercuts Snifit 2 to the ceiling. Snifit 1 shoots many bullets at Steel Kong but he is unaffected. Steel Kong smashes Snifit 1 into the floor. Snifit 2 quickly grabs a TNT barrel but Steel Kong catches it. Snifit 1 sees this and blasts the barrel while it’s in its hand. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Steel Kong gets hurt a lot but so does Snifit 1. Snifit 1 is defeated. Snifit 2 starts launching TNT barrels, but Steel Kong just jumps over them easily and creates another shockwave that Snifit 2 dodges easily. The shockwave launches many barrels up high. Steel Kong quickly summons a steel barrel cannon, and hits Snifit 2. Snifit 2 falls down, barely moving. Steel Kong approaches Snifit 2 but all of a sudden a TNT barrel explodes behind him, hurting him. All of a sudden Booster, in a barrel, smashes into Steel Kong destroying it.

Battle Over. +50 EXP.

The Booster barrel keeps rolling up on ahead. He goes down a chute and keeps rolling, finally hitting a switch, and the sun door finally opens.

Grate Guy: ! Let’s go!

The Snifits free the others and follow Booster. The Snifit gang prepare to enter…

Cackletta: Done yet?

Fawful: Yes, Your Cacklettaness. The princess bots are ready for your command!

Cackletta: This pleases me!

Fawful: Shall we get started? Soon the world will be ours, and this plan is the mustard of doom!

Cackletta: Shut up about your food metaphors! START!

Peach Bots: HO! HO! HO! HO!

The Beanstar’s eyes start to open.

Fawful: I have chortles!

The Beanstar suddenly turns red and smashes the place and then breaks the floor.


Fawful: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fawful doesn’t know.


Booster: GOOD EVENING, @#$%!

Cackletta: ! Who are you?

Booster: BOOSTER @#$% MARIO @#$%!!!

Snifit 2: Your last name is Mario?

Booster: Well I’m a relative of Wario, and Wario is a cousin of Mario, so I’m guessing my last name is Mario.




Everyone: IT’S ON!!!

Snifit 1 39/39
Snifit 2 37/37
Snifit 3 37/37
Grate Guy 43/43
Knife Guy 41/41
Booster 45/45
Cackletta 300/300
Fawful 100/100

Snifit Team: 0_0 OH MY DAD!!!


Cackletta clones herself.

Fawful: Let’s again too make things fair. COME!!!

????: MUH! MUH! MUH!

Midbus appears.

Snifit Team: ! WHAT THE?!

Midbus runs them over. Cackletta shoots lightning at them but the Snifits dodge it. Fawful’s headgear spews powerballs everywhere, but the Snifits are still able to dodge them. Grate Guy uses Echofinder and hits Fawful. Knife Guy starts spinning around and tossing knives everywhere, and one hits the true Cackletta. Booster grabs a bunch of bombs and flings them at Midbus. Midbus tries to dodge some of them but is hit. The Snifits stack on top of each other and uses Electro Shock. Fawful is hit. Cackletta starts to make holes appear in the ground but the Snifits dodge. Midbus bounces around and starts creating shockwaves but once again the Snifit gang dodge it. Cackletta makes lightning zap them and the Snifit gang get hit. Midbus turns into a ball and rolls towards them, but Booster throws a Bob-omb and Midbus is stopped. Grate Guy and Knife Guy get on top of each other and use Meteor Storm/Knife Rain combo. The Cackletta gang is hit. Fawful’s headgear shoots a massive powerball. Grate Guy and Knife Guy dodge it but the others get hit. Cackletta clones herself again. Booster takes out a beetle and consumes it. Midbus punches Booster in the stomach and Booster burps out some nasty gasses that knock out Midbus. Fawful takes out a gun and starts shooting fireballs, but Knife Guy puts his knife in the way and they catch fire. Knife Guy starts slashing Fawful. Cackletta hits Knife Guy with lightning.

Snifit 1 18/39
Snifit 2 16/37
Snifit 3 16/37
Grate Guy 33/43
Knife Guy 26/41
Booster 20/45
Cackletta 275/300
Fawful 45/100
Midbus 70/120 Knocked out

Snifit 1 pulls out a Froggie Drink, Snifit team +15 HP. Cackletta shoots out more lightning. Knife Guy uses his knives to absorb it, then the Snifits absorb it and shoot out a Lightning Orb, and the right Cackletta is hit. Fawful takes out another gun and shoots out ice bombs. The Snifits get flash frozen. Booster takes out another beetle and consumes it. Fawful takes out a Super Scope and starts shooting Grate Guy. Knife Guy rushes to slash Fawful, but Cackletta makes a hole appear and Knife Guy falls. Booster gets on his train and rushes towards Fawful. Cackletta makes another hole but Booster jumps and lands on Cackletta, then releases a giant fart.


Cackletta gets knocked out from Booster’s awful smell. Fawful is poisoned but he takes out a Fresh Herb and eats it. Grate Guy ball-kicks Fawful. Booster starts munching Fawful. Midbus wakes back up and punches Booster behind his back. Grate Guy uses Echo Finder on Midbus. Midbus grabs both Booster and Grate Guy and slams them into the ground repeatedly. Knife Guy falls back down and stabs Midbus, but Fawful shoots Knife Guy. Booster let’s out another belch. Midbus gets dizzy from the smell but Fawful gives him a Refreshing Herb. Grate Guy uses PSI Slap. Midbus and Fawful get hit a psychic slap. Fawful takes out a gun and it hits Grate Guy, Knife Guy, and Booster, and they’re in boxes.

Fawful: Prepare to be blown to smithereens by Fawful!

Midbus: ! Lord Fawful, how long are the Snifits supposed to be frozen?

Fawful: Only a while since we can… easily… attack… them!

Midbus and Fawful: 0_0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOH DEAR!!!


The Cackletta gang get hit by an immense Hyper Beam from Mega Snifit. Fawful gets knocked out and Midbus and Cackletta take massive damage. The Snifits revert to normal. Cackletta makes a huger hole and the Snifits disappear and fall back down, hurt.

Snifit 1 18/39
Snifit 2 16/37
Snifit 3 16/37
Grate Guy 20/43
Knife Guy 36/41
Booster 14/45
Cackletta 190/300
Midbus 15/120

Cackletta uses recover, Midbus +30 HP. Cackletta sends out bats but Booster sends out beetles and the beetles cancel out the bats. Midbus slide-punches Booster in his face. Grate Guy ball-kicks Midbus. Cackletta shoots lightning but Knife Guy puts his knives in the way. Midbus rolls up but the Snifits use bolt and Midbus gets shocked. Knife Guy slashes at Midbus repeatedly. Cackletta makes more holes appear but the Snifit gang dodge them. Midbus goes around the room and pulls out wire cords and spins around, electrifying the Snifit group. Cackletta makes clones of herself again. Grate Guy tosses his ball. Midbus jumps up to dodge it but Knife Guy kicks it back and Midbus lands and trips on the ball and the wire cord falls on him, electrifying him badly. The Snifits use POWER Bill! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Midbus is sent flying and hits the actual Cackletta. Cackletta gets really angry and opens her cape, and tornadoes, lightning, holes, bats, and Bob-ombs appear out of it and start hitting the Snifit gang.


Midbus goes for the kill, when…


Midbus: Huh?!

Midbus’s sliding punch makes him fall into a hole. He falls back down, defeated. The Snifit gang eat some Nuts, +20 HP. Cackletta uses PK Thunder, hiting all of them.

Cackletta: You jesters aren’t the only ones who know this kind of stuff.

Cackletta uses Water Blast. The explosion is able to knock out Snifit 1 and 2. Grate Guy and Knife Guy stack up on each other and prepare for an attack. Snifit 3 gives Grate Guy and Knife Guy a Super Mushroom, Grate Guy and Knife Guy +35 HP. Cackletta makes a hole and Snifit 3 falls down there as the hole disappears.

Grate Guy and Knife Guy: PK STARSTOOOOOOOOOORM!!!

Cackletta is pelted with stars and gets buried in them. Booster eats a bean burrito and ten beetles. Suddenly the stars are sent flying and the jesters are hit. Booster jumps on Cackletta and does an Atomic Fart. Cackletta shrieks but does a THUNDER ATTACK! The thunder is headed for Booster but Snifit 3 takes the hit and faints.

Grate Guy 30/43
Knife Guy 28/41
Booster 12/45
Cackletta 100/300

Booster eats their last Super Mushroom, +35 HP. Cackletta uses PK Thunder. Knife Guy pulls up his knives but the PK Thunder is stronger. He is zapped but some of the PK Thunder bounces back and hits Cackletta. Grate Guy uses Echo Finder. Cackletta defies the Echo Finder and uses Water Blast. The trio is hit. Booster takes out a remote and pushes it, but nothing happens. Cackletta opens up her cape but Booster quickly tosses a bomb and Cackletta closes her cape. She then disappears. Grate Guy tries to sense her but all of a sudden she reappears and hits the two jesters. Knife Guy starts spinning around at rapid speed while shooting out knives, and Grate Guy concentrates hard. Cackletta concentrates as well. Booster looks around and gets an idea. Booster goes to a closet and takes out the potions there. He looks at them, then drinks them.




So many stars fall down that Woohoo Hooniversity is almost destroyed. Grate Guy and Knife Guy are defeated. Cackletta doesn’t see Booster.

Cackletta: AHAHAHAHA!!! Looks like I crushed the-


Cackletta gets hit by Booster’s train.

Cackletta: WHAT?!

Booster: Those potions may have lowered my HP but they gave me a bit of invincibility, and my train has jetpack powers! E. Gadd gave it to me.

Cackletta shoots lightning but Booster is still invincible. He rams her over. Cackletta uses PK Fire. Booster just laughs but it hits his train. His train falls and explodes on Cackletta. Booster jumps and Cackletta uses PK Thunder. Booster is zapped. Booster eats a can of beans, +5 HP. Booster starts to glow. Cackletta makes 10 clones.

Cackletta: I’ve had mercy on you, fat one! NOW YOU DIE!!!

Cackletta makes holes appear along with lightning that strikes the place. Booster can’t dodge everything so he gets zapped horribly. Booster can barely stand up and sees the holes coming for him, but he remembers something.

Booster 1/45
Cackletta 30/300

Cackletta: THE TIME HAS COME!!!

Cackletta makes a huge lightning bolt that hits where Booster is standing. A huge cloud appears.

Cackletta: AHAHAHAHA!!! I HAVE WON!!!  …?! NO! HOW IN THE-

Booster punches the right Cackletta. Booster shows a… BK Whopper? But wait, Booster seems to have a different costume. He has armor around him, his helmet has more spikes, his fists have armor with spikes attached to him, AND he has a cape.

Booster: This delicious burger gave me the power! I am also BOOSTER MAN!

Booster Man starts to fly up and slam down onto Cackletta. Booster grabs her and sends her up. Booster makes an electric tornado and hits Cackletta with all his might, then he dunks her. Cackletta falls down and makes a crater, then Booster Man lands on her. Booster grabs her but Booster shines a bright light and he returns back to normal. Cackletta grabs him and starts to electrify him horribly.

Cackletta: I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE!!!

Booster: !  Here I go!


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! A huge fart explosion defeats Cackletta.

Battle Over. Snifit Tam +999 EXP. Level UP X3. New Moves. X2

Cackletta: *huff… puff… hack…* How… did… I… lose?

Fawful: Cackletta! I will save you.

Fawful’s headgear sucks up Cackletta.

Midbus: *huff* Masters, what now?

Cackletta: Attack… the… fat… one… for… me… one… last… time.

Fawful: As you wish.

Prince Peasley comes out ands blast Midbus and Fawful very very far away due to them having been beaten very badly.

Peasley: It seems Fawful used Valentina’s voice. Hmmmmm. Quick, you must recover the Beanstar.

Booster: Sure, manlady.

Peasley: How-

Snifit 1: Let’s go.

They head downstairs.

Snifit Team: ! ITS DARK!!!

The Snifits are in a dark room but they can sense the stairs going down. The Snifits continue to go down.


Grate Guy: Mecha-Chomp!

The Snifits quickly run in another direction, slipping on some ice. They see it starts to get brighter and more light appears. Then they see something.

Blue Virus: Let’s rough them up.

Booster quickly summons his train. Everyone gets on and they run over the Viruses. The train has a light that helps guide the Snifits down.

Yo Bro: Eat my yoyo.

The Yo Bro flings his yoyo but Booster catches it with his teeth and flings the Yo Bro across the room.

Booster: ! BRAKE!!!

Booster notices there’s no brake button but rather a stop button on his train. He pushes it but the train is still on ice and it can’t stop, so they crash into a door. They look up and see two familiar faces.

Popple: The Beanstar, ey? Think of the money we can make if we sell it back to those lousy beans.

Croco: We were lucky that we came here

The Snifits arrive.

Popple: ! IT’S THOSE GUYS!!!

Croco: I’ll take care of them.

Croco throws 5 bombs. 4 of those bombs hits Grate Guy, Knife, Snifit 1, and Snifit 2. The other one Booster simply eats.

Popple: So it’s a battle, see?

Snifit 3: Bring it, masked Bean!

Popple: The name’s, Popple see?

Croco: Charge!

Snifit 3: Its showtime.

Booster: Here I go.

Booster 55/55
Snifit 3 44/44
Popple 100/100
Croco 200/200

Popple throws a bomb but Booster counters by throwing a bomb too. Croco slams into Booster. Snifit 3 uses Bolt and it hits Croco. Popple hides in the shadows. Booster gets attacked out of nowhere.

Popple: They don’t call me the shadow thief for nothing.

Booster uses Spritz Bomb. Popple manages to dodge it but Croco doesn’t. Popple searches through his bag and gets out a Fire Flower. The Fire Flower spews fire on Booster and Snifit 3. Croco looks through his bag and throws a Scutlet at them.

Snifit 3: What the @#$%?!

Booster eats a burrito and Booster starts to glow. Snifit 3 uses Gunk Shot everywhere. Popple jumps up in the air but Snifit 1 uses Lightning Orb. Popple gets shocked. Croco runs over there but slips because of the gunk. Booster grabs both of them and farts. Popple and Croco hit the walls. Snifit 3 sucks up all the gunk he spewed.

Booster: Bros. Attacks.

Booster summons his train. Snifit 3 ‘s mouth combines with the cannon and the camnon gets bigger. Snifit 3 prepares for a hyper beam. Popple throws a bomb but Booster simply eats it. Croco runs over there but the train hits him. Snifit 3 unleashes the beam. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!1 Popple and Croco take major damage.

Popple: Let’s show you our Bros. Attacks.

Popple gets on Croco. Croco runs toward them quickly. Booster throws a bomb but they suddenly disappear. Booster gets hit and his bombs are stolen. Snifit 3 quickly uses Bolt but they disappear again and hit Snifit 3, robbing him of a Mushroom.

Popple: We’ll be taking that, see.

Booster 26/55
Snifit 3 26/44
Popple 55/100
Croco 147/200

Booster gets an idea. Snifit 3 uses Mega Drain. It hits Croco and Croco takes severe damage.

Croco: The fire!!! It burns!!!

Booster rams Croco. Popple punches Booster in the gut. Popple takes out a hammer and slams Booster. Popple gets hit by a bolt of lightning. Booster punches Popple in his face and his face is sent flying.

Snifit 3, Booster, and Croco: 0_0

Popple: SHUT UP! Hey body, I’m over here.

Booster grabs Popple’s head and starts munching on it. Croco throws a bomb at Booster.

Popple: Thanks *cough* I guess.

Snifit 3 uses Drain. Popple dodges it but Croco gets hit. Booster consumes a beetle. Popple goes into his bag and gets out a POW Block. He hits it and Snifit 3, Booster, and Croco are hit. Snifit 3 eats a Mushroom, +15 HP. Booster starts to fall in defeat. Croco runs toward Booster but Snifit 3 uses Mega Drain again. Croco hits the wall all hurt.

Popple: This is not good. Now’s the time to recover.

Popple eats the Mushroom, +15 HP.

Croco: How come you get it?!

Popple: I’m the master thief.

Croco: I can run faster than you!

Popple: Well at least I didn’t help that mustachioed plumber.

Croco: Well at least my last partner didn’t knock me into a wall and make me get amnesia before a Toad called me Rookie!


Croco: ! OKAY, THAT’S IT!!!

Popple and Croco strangle each other. Booster has become Booster Man and charged up his fart while they were arguing. Booster farts on them. Booster uppercuts Croco. Booster starts munching on Popple, then he punches him into a wall. Croco falls back down but before he can hit the wall, Booster rams him into Popple. Snifit 3 sees this and unleashes an Elec Beam. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Popple and Croco fall down defeated.

Battle Over. Snifit Team +300 EXP. Level Up.

The Beanstar gets angry and prepares to leave. The Snifit team grabs on to it along with the thieves. The Beanstar flies up into the air.


The Snifits let go.

Knife Guy: CAN’T HOLD ON!!!

Knife Guy falls down.

Grate Guy: Must keep holding on.

Suddenly the lower part of his body falls down and the spring inside Grate Guy pulls him down.

Grate Guy: @#$%^and*$^%#^@%@%$#%^@#$%!!!

Popple: Arms too weak. Can’t hold on.

Popple lets go and falls.

Croco: Now I possess the Bean-

The Beanstar breaks into four pieces and Croco lets go.

Croco: -star.

Croco falls down too.

Subchapter: Learning New Moves

Grate Guy: Ow! ? Where am I?

Oho Jee: Oho Oasis.

Grate Guy: ! Hey, have you seen three masked idiots, a fat ugly guy, and someone who looks like me?

Oho Jee: Yeah. The three masked guys are just chatting with us. The fat guy is eating coconuts, and your brother went into the blizzard temple.

Grate Guy: Blizzard temple?

Oho Jee: Yeah, we just built it yesterday and found a strange orb. A Blue Oho Jee touched it and become a White Oho Jee. We also have a PSI/PK temple. An Oho Jee build it and placed a mysterious orb inside.

Grate Guy: Thanks.

Oho Jee: No prob.

Grate Guy goes towards the PSI/PK temple.

Grate Guy: ! The orb!

Grate Guy looks around.

Grate Guy: Touch.

Grate Guy touches it and his hands glow with purple energy.

Grate Guy: OW! @#$%!!!

Grate Guy leaves but all of a sudden someone appears in front of him.

Grate Guy: 0_0 Am I dreaming?! Am I really seeing him?

????: Yup, it’s me: Lucas.

Grate Guy: What are you doing here?!

Lucas: I’m trying to relax with my buddy Ness. I’m still trying to get over the death of my mom.

Grate Guy: I’m sorry to hear about that.

Lucas: ! I sense PK/PSI powers in you. Hey, I can teach you PSI.

Grate Guy: Sure.

Back at the same time entered the temple…

Knife Guy: Boy this temple is cold.

Knife Guy sees the blizzard orb. He looks around.

Knife Guy: Touch.

He touches it and his hand gets frozen.

Knife Guy: OH @#$%!!!

Knife Guy leaves the temple and sees someone.

Knife Guy: 0_0 OMD, IT’S NESS!!!

Ness: Hi.

Knife Guy: What are you doing here?!

Ness: Well I am of Nintendo, so I can visit any world I want as long as I don’t interfere or mess up something. I’m also here with my buddy Lucas. ! I sense powerful use of ice in you, and some PK/PSI. I can teach you useful ice moves.

Knife Guy: Sure.

Back at the same time when the jesters went into the temples…

Snifit 1: So how do you get out of this place?

B. Oho Jee (B for blue and soon R for red): You need to cross through the ocean floor.

Snifit 2: Thanks.

B. Oho Jee: Hey, you guys can use electric attacks, right?

Snifit 3: Yeah.

B. Oho Jee: For ten Beanbean coins each, I can teach you guys cool electric attacks.

Snifits: We’ll take it.

Meanwhile, at the same time, with Booster…

R. Oho Jee: You have a powerful stomach.

Booster: Comes from the family.

R. Oho Jee: Hey Booster, if you pay me 30 Beanbean coins I can do something to power your stomach.

Booster: Sure.

R. Oho Jee: Now open your mouth.

Booster does and the R. Oho Jee jumps inside. Booster starts to feel weird. He screams and fire comes out. The R. Oho Jee jumps out.

R. Oho Jee: You’ve learned Fire Belch and Fire Fart.

Booster: Amazing!

R. Oho Jee: Done doing business with you.

Soon everyone makes it to the center of the island.

Grate Guy: EXCELLENT! Now we all know cool moves to prepare ourselves for our next adventure.

Knife Guy: Yeah. But first we have to get out of here.

Snifit 3: There’s a warp pipe west from here.

Knife Guy: Let’s go.

They go down the warp pipe.

Chapter 5: The Idiots Under the Sea.

Snifit 1: Hey look, we’re underwater!

Snifit 2: How are we breathing?

Grate Guy: How did Mario?

Snifit 3: Good point.

Knife Guy: Let’s go!

They began to swim and encounter some enemies but defeat them. Soon they come across some Jelectros.

Snifit 1: They won’t hurt us. Watch.

Snifit 1 approaches one but he gets zapped by one of them.

Booster: That shock should’ve killed him!

Snifit 1: Oho Jee helped me.

Knife Guy: How do we move on?


The Jelectros flee.

Grate Guy: When’d you became that smart?

Booster: Huh? I just saw a giant eel that could gobble us up.

Team: 0_0 SWIM!

The eel that Booster mentioned starts following them.

Snifit 3: I hate underwater levels!

The Snifit team dodge some enemies that the eel soon eats. They see a crack in the wall and the Snifit team go through it.

Knife Guy: We’re lost, aren’t we?

Grate Guy: We can find our way.

They continue to walk across the ocean floor.

Booster: Soooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry.

Booster sees a fish. Booster swims to it but a Sushi eats it. The Sushi spots Booster and just looks at him.

Grate Guy: ! Booster, that Sushi thinks you’re a delicious snack!

Booster swims away and the team quickly swim away with the sushi following.

Knife Guy: HURRY!

Snifit 2: I’m hurrying!

The team see a whirlpool and some other Sushis.

Booster: We’re goanna die!

Suddenly the ground starts to shake as the Sushis flee.

Snifit 1: ? Huh?

The ground shakes even more.


Team: NOT GOOD!!!


Suddenly a HUGE Blooper emerges.

Mega Blooper: BLOOP! BLOOP! (I see I have intruders in MY territory. You will soon be in my stomach!)

Snifit 2: How do you fight something that BIG?

Mega Blooper slams Booster, Snifit 3, and the jesters.

Snifit 1: Let’s go!

Snifit 2: Here we go!

Snifit 1 44/44
Snifit 2 41/41
Mega Blooper ??/??

Mega Blooper slams his tentacles but the Snifits dodge the attack. Snifit 1 shoots out an Elec Bill but Mega Blooper blocks with his tentacle. Snifit 2 uses Bolt, Mega Bloooper can’t block the attack. Mega Bloober turns red and generates a whirlpool. The Snifits get sucked in and get hurt by the whirlpool. Mega Blooper slams them into the ground. Mega Blooper wraps his tentacle around Snifit 1. Snifit 2 shoots bullets at Mega Blooper but Mega Blooper blocks the bullets with his tentacles. Mega Blooper tries to grab Snifit 2 but Snifit 2 dodges it. Mega Blooper sprays ink and Snifit 2 gets hit. Mega Blooper pins him down. Snifit 1 let out a charged Discharge.


Mega Blooper flings Snifit 1 and he hits a wall. Mega Blooper generates another whirlpool and the Snifits are hit again. Mega Blooper uses Ink Cannon. Snifit 2 is hit. Mega Blooper uses Sucker Punch and Snifit 1 is hit. Mega Blooper successfully grabs the Snifits. The Snifits struggle to get free but they can’t.


The Snifits concentrate but Mega Blooper slams them. The Snifits use PK Thunder. Mega Blooper gets shocked by the psychic thunder and lets go of the Snifits. The Snifits use Elec Bill but Mega Blooper dodges it. Mega Blooper generates a bigger whirlpool.

Snifit 1 1/44
Snifit 2 6/41
Mega Blooper ??/??

Snifit 1 and 2 eat some Nuts, Snifit 1 and 2 +20 HP. Mega Blooper slams the ground and makes a wave appear. The Snifits try to dodge but can’t. Mega Blooper grabs Snifit 2 but he shoots an Elec Bill and it hits Mega Blooper’s face. Mega Blooper lets go of Snifit 2 and Snifit 2 uses Bolt on him. Mega Blooper turns completely red. Snifit 1 and 2 eat some nuts again, Snifit 1 and 2 +20 HP. Mega Blooper slams all of his tentacles and causes a HUGE wave. The Snifits get hit hard by the wave. Mega Blooper sprays ink all over them. Mega Blooper grabs Snifit 2 and slams him all over the place. Snifit 2 uses Elec Bill but Mega Blooper hits it back and it hits Snifit 1. Mega Blooper generates a whirlpool, Snifit 1 escapes its range but Snifit 2 gets hit by it, taking major damage. With the last of his strength, Snifit 2 use PK Thunder A. Mega Blooper gets redder. Snifit 2 gets hurt and collapses. Mega Blooper’s offense increases.

Snifit 1: 0_0 OH @#-

SLAM! Snifit 1 takes major damage. Snifit 1 eats a Mushroom, +30 HP. Mega Blooper makes another wave and Snifit 1 is hit. Snifit 1 used PK Thunder A. Mega Blooper starts to weaken. Mega Blooper doesn’t give up and uses Sucker Punch. Snifit 1 hits a wall. Mega Blooper charges like a torpedo. Snifit 1 dodges successfully but Mega Blooper hits a wall. Rocks go flying and one hits Snifit 1. Mega Blooper gets dizzy and Snifit 1 uses Drain. Mega Blooper gets hit. With the last of Mega Blooper’s strength, he generates a HUGE whirlpool. Snifit 1 is hit and takes major damage. All of their items get washed away.

Battle Over?

And so the Snifits have stopped Cackletta, but will they survive their latest battle? Will the legendary idiots’ tale stop here? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTERS!!!

Read on!

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