Larry’s Adventure 3: Brotherhood

By P.T. Piranha

Chapter 36: The Saga Concludes

<Opening: Rain, by Sid>

The final battle against Shadoo began, with Larry, Mario, Luigi, Boshi, P.T., Bobbery, Pyro Guy, Torpedo Ted, Blooper, Victor, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad. These twelve gave it their all against Shadoo and he eventually shed his form. But with his physical form failing and an overload of powers from his earlier victims, the Dark Star’s power itself took over Shadoo, though even the beast itself doesn’t know if it’s the Dark Star or Goomba or someone else. With everyone tired, Violet finally appeared to finish this.

Captain Syrup, Grak, Green, P.T.’s gang, Dry Bones, Snake, Poochy, Goomp, Guy, Paraplonk, and Brett have all been evacuated from town. The remaining people who aren’t at the fight are just outside the city.

Giga Lakitu: So is that everyone?

Cowboy Jed: Yee-haw it sure is!

Wiggler: Should we go help the others?

Junker X shakes his head.

Spike: Even though I’m lazy, he has a point. We should probably stay here and keep an eye on these guys.

Wiggler: I guess you’re right.

Spike: Woo, laziness finally wins the day.

Back at the battlefield near the mall, Blue Toad, Rudy, and Shade run over to their friends.

Yellow Toad: There you are!

Blue Toad: I got warped to a hill with those guys!

Rudy: Guys, listen! It’s very important that we stay out of the way! Purple- her brother- is going to guide her through this battle while she holds two axes, but it doesn’t work if there are lots of people running around, so we should all find some place to duck and watch.

Pyro Guy: *muffled*?

Shade: We don’t know how it works.

Dark Shadoo: So... You’re ready to fight?

Violet: Yes... And I won’t let you get away.

Dark Shadoo: Keep in mind I could very well be Petey Piranha. Or King Boo. Or one of the other innocent people that Shadoo destroyed. But I could very well be Goomba or the Dark Star.

Blooper: Didn’t you say that their minds aren’t in your body? So technically you’re probably the Dark Star.

Dark Shadoo: Huh. Now that I think about it, that’s probably right. I guess I am the Dark Star. I’m just doing to Shadoo what I did to Fawful. But somehow I took over his mind... Well it doesn’t matter. This is the end.

Dark Shadoo shoots a giant dark laser at Violet, but she jumps out of the way and rolls. She quickly throws an axe at Dark Shadoo and it sticks in his stomach... Ew...

Dark Shadoo: OW!

She throws the other and it does the same thing. Then Violet jumps over to Dark Shadoo, pulls the axes out, and X-cuts him.

Dark Shadoo: AAAAH! ... BLAH!

He belches a bolt of lightning at Violet.


Dark Shadoo then spits a cannonball at Violet, knocking her away.

Quick, get up! And cross the axes to form a shield next time he tries that!

Violet: Okay, Purple!

P.T.: Who’s she talking to?

Boshi: You really don’t pay attention at all, do you?

Violet holds out both axes and starts spinning to build up power.

Pyro Guy: ... !

He spits a fireball at Violet as she’s spinning, causing her tornado to catch fire.


Rudy: Oh good job, numbskull!

Torpedo Ted: I have an idea! Torpedo Whirlwind!

He creates his own tornado that collides with Violet’s (going in the same direction), causing hers to get bigger, big enough to start sucking Dark Shadoo in.

Dark Shadoo: No... No! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

When the tornado stops, a burnt Dark Shadoo is in the air above a slightly less burnt Violet.

Torpedo Ted: Um... Not quite my idea, but it works.

Ignore the pain, you know this guy is!

She wall jumps off a nearby building and reaches the foe’s height. Now she starts chopping him repeatedly.

Dark Shadoo: Rrr!

He explodes in dark power, but Violet blocks it just how Purple instructed her to. When the explosion ends she resumes chopping him.

Dark Shadoo: AAAAAHHH!!!

He grabs Violet by the arms and flies down before slamming her into the ground. Then he pulls out two bombs and throws both at Violet before she can get up or move.

Violet: OW!

Dark Shadoo creates two more bombs and does the same thing while Violet’s still reacting, and keeps repeating this until a blue-spotted egg hits him in the head.

Dark Shadoo: What the...?

Violet gets up and slashes Dark Shadoo in the neck.


He shoots lightning at Violet, and since she’s metallic she takes it a lot worse than someone else would.


Bobbery: By Mustang’s mustache, that can’t be good.

Luigi: Bro. How come a-that didn’t a-work against Metal Mario?

Mario: Because-a, he said he was a-not that kind of a-metal.

Larry: Someone should stop him! Boshi, another egg!

Boshi: I’m too worn out!

Victor: Conveniently enough...

Rudy: Well what do we do?!

Boshi: I’ll help in a different way!

Boshi runs over to the fight, but Shadoo uses his other hand to shoot lightning at Boshi continuously.


P.T.: Well hey, he’s only got two arms and they’re both taken!

P.T. runs over, but trips almost immediately.

P.T.: Ow.

Other non-fighters: ...

Rudy: ... Wait!

Rudy pulls out a fire potion and throws it at Dark Shadoo.

Dark Shadoo: GAH!

The electric onslaught ends for Violet and Boshi, but the former is at dangerously low health from taking the attack for so long, especially when it does more damage to Axems.


Dark Shadoo starts to shoot lightning at Rudy, but he gets out of the way.

Shade: AAAH!

It’s about to hit Shade! But suddenly Victor pushes him out of the way and takes the hit himself, and his armor is conducting the electricity.

Victor: AAAH-....!!!

He falls unconscious.

Dark Shadoo: Does anyone else want to have a go?! I’ve got lots of watts, and they’re all aching to meet you!

Violet runs up to Dark Shadoo, leaning her head back. When she gets to him, the enemy receives a nasty headbutt that knocks him back a few yards.

Dark Shadoo: You little-

Thrown axe to the face.


Violet, quit attacking! I didn’t guide you to headbutt and then throw your axe! I said to find somewhere to heal so one of your friends can takeover!

Without talking, Violet throws her other axe, runs up to Dark Shadoo, grabs the axe handles, and jump-kicks Dark Shadoo away, knocking him out of the axes, but he’s about to land on Boshi.

Mario: Boshi!

Boshi: ...

Blue Toad and Yellow Toad pull Boshi out of the way before Dark Shadoo lands where he was.

Dark Shadoo: OUCH!

Boshi: Ow... That lightning still hurts... Also, remind me never to get on her bad side either...

Dark Shadoo instantly stands back up.

Dark Shadoo: YOU FOOL!

He starts floating close to the ground and toward Violet. P.T. wakes up.

P.T.: Nyaaaaa!

P.T. gets up from where he was laying and quickly scrambles to the others, getting out of the way.

Dark Shadoo: Do you think you can keep this up?! DO YOU?!

He shoots a bolt of lightning at Violet, which hits regardless of axe-shielding.


Dark Shadoo: You might’ve survived that last one, but you haven’t healed! This time your game ends for sure!

Rudy/Boshi: Violet! ... Grrr...

They glare at each other.


Dark Shadoo: And this will be a reminder to all of your friends over there as to exactly what happens to those who think they can defeat me! Because next I’m going after them!

Blooper: Hey I never did anything to you!

Violet: (Purple... I should’ve listened! But I guess now we’ll be back together...)

No Violet, look!

Violet struggles to turn her head and sees Rudy jump in the way of the bolt, taking the hit himself.


Boshi: (I... don’t think I could’ve brought myself to do that...)

Larry: Little guy, no!

Bobbery: Rudy!

Pyro Guy: *muffled*!

Violet: RUDY!

The attack ends and Dark Shadoo slowly floats over to the X-Naut’s body, then kicks it away.

Dark Shadoo: Adorable. But that’s the second and final time he’s going to interrupt my-

Violet, ironically enough, interrupts Dark Shadoo, with a vertical slice.

Dark Shadoo: GAAH! STOP DOING-

Horizontal slice. For the first time, Violet is mad. Dark Shadoo catches on and launches another cannonball, which Violet quickly chops.

Violet: He was my best friend!

She jump up and throws both axes down into Dark Shadoo’s shoulders before coming down and pulling the axes down through the monster, removing its arms. Dark mist and black boxes spew out of the holes made.

Dark Shadoo: No! This form! It can’t be fading already!

Yellow Toad: Is he harmless and armless?

Blue Toad/Larry: Shut up.

P.T.: (For once it’s not me.)

Violet uses one axe to keep chopping Dark Shadoo before kicking him away.

Dark Shadoo: AAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Then she throws the axe at his torso as he lands.

Dark Shadoo: OOAAOW!

Blue Toad and Yellow Toad start throwing pebbles at him, which no one notices other than Dark Shadoo.

Dark Shadoo: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Violet: Rrrrr!!!

Violet spins to build up speed and then throws the second axe at Dark Shadoo’s head, tearing it off with the velocity (gross), and the same mist and boxes fountain out.


Finally she runs up to the remaining body...

Dark Shadoo’s voice: THIS ISN’T POSSIBLE-


...and swings both fists down on it, doing massive damage.

Larry: She got him!


He staggers for a while and eventually explodes, releasing a dark mist that forms into a giant copy of the Dark Star’s normal shape.

Mario: Mamamia!

Boshi: Violet-

Bobbery: She’s down!

Violet has fainted from the damage she took during the battle. The mist charges up a beam, but suddenly the elemental crystals appear and form into a single, multicolored crystal around the monster.

Larry: Wait, so now he’s just trapped?

The crystal then zaps its prisoner, destroying the Dark Star once and for all.

Larry: Oh, okay. So that’s what they were for.

Bobbery: Good thing we collected them.

Then the crystal explodes, sending everyone flying.

Luigi/Boshi/P.T./Yellow Toad: Waaaah!

Larry/Blooper/Blue Toad: Whoa!

Mario: Mamamia!

Pyro Guy: *muffled*!

Bobbery/Shade: Oh!

Rudy, Victor, and Violet can’t react, possibly being dead.





Epilogue: After the Fall


Has she made a recovery? Yes she has. Should she stay rested? Definitely.

Violet wakes up in a tent somewhere. Boshi, P.T., and Bobbery are there.

Boshi: She’s awake!

Toadley: Is it obvious? Yes it is!

P.T.: Hey, you really went to town on that Shadoo guy, awesome!

Violet: What... What happened?

Boshi: When that guy exploded, we were all knocked back. Oh, and the crystals we all collected came in handy.

P.T.: Doctor guy said you were hurt so badly from the blasts of lightning that it wouldn’t be a surprise if the fight killed you!

Bobbery: They’re fixing up Toad Town now, but Dr. Toadley had to set up a temporary place in this tent.

P.T.: Ahem.

Boshi: Oh, and Violet.... He’s forcing me to tell you that I had a crush on you... But seeing Rudy take that hit for you, I really don’t think I would’ve done that... So I hope you two are happy together.

P.T.: (Score! I am SO getting that reward from Rudy now!)

Violet: Oh no, Rudy! Where is he?

Boshi: He’s next to you.

Violet sits up and looks over. Rudy’s unconscious.

Toadley: Has he received quite a beating? Certainly he has. But will he pull through? ... I don’t know...

Bobbery: Shadoo’s attack got him right in the heart, so he took it pretty bad compared to other times the attack was used...

Violet: Oh...


Shade is sitting on a stone step next to Blooper.

Shade: So... Do you think it was worth it?

Blooper: Well I don’t even own a 3DS, but I’m sure I’ll be glad I preordered the new Paper Mario game.

Shade: No, I meant the quest! We were all going to stop Fawful, and look what happened! Shadoo came and more or less killed some of our friends! And Victor... Whatever happened to him?

Blooper: You didn’t hear? The shock got him so bad that he got amnesia. They removed his armor so they could operate. Now he’s out there somewhere as a normal Koopa Troopa with no memory.

Shade: Does amnesia even work like that?

Blooper: Hey, you’re no doctor.

Shade: So? ... I have an idea.

Blooper: What, become a doctor?

Shade: No. We could probably win the Star Rod in the Star Battle Tournament and wish for a way to get our friends back to normal!

Blooper: Didn’t the place shut down after Goomba went postal there? Not to mention he kind of ate Ballyhoo from what I heard.

Shade: That is a problem...

Torpedo Ted: I’m a torpedo!

Shade: Huh?

Torpedo Ted: You guys are on an adventure! Can I come because I’m bored and I’m a torpedo!

Blooper: Eh, I don’t care.

Shade: You know what? Sure. Go nuts, you’re part of the club now.

Poochy: Arf, arf!

Blooper: Oh hey, Poochy’s back.

P.T. walks up.

P.T.: I have an idea on how to help. There’s a rocket in the Space Junk Galaxy-

Shade: No. But I do have a similar idea! There’s an old Noki folktale that talks about something like this, it’s in the ruins at Noki Bay. Anyone interested?

P.T./Torpedo Ted/Blooper: Sure.

Poochy: Arf!


Francis wakes up, trapped in a Junker X can.

Francis: Nerr! What’s going on?! Why’s it sunny all of a sudden?! This is not high-technicaaaaal!

Syrup: The side o’ good be winning the day. Me crew is now scrappin’ yer robot to sell to people!

Francis: Not schweet at all, I want those parts back!

Syrup: Actually ye are being my prisoner, meaning I got a new minion!

Francis: Nerr!

Syrup: Lucky me!

She slaps Francis hard on the back.

Francis: Ouch!

So hard that the can falls over and Francis’s face meets the ground.

Francis: Double ouch!

Green’s voice: Captain, where does he stay?

Grak’s voice: He is NOT taking my bed!

Syrup: Eh, throw ‘im in the brig, I don’t care.

Francis: Nerr...


Toadbert: Well Jojora, things certainly turned out for the better, by boogity!

Jojora: Yep!

Toadbert: But... Toadsworth wanted to give me a promotion... and it means I can’t hang out with you as much anymore.

Jojora: W-What?

Toadbert: But don’t worry! I talked to Princess Peach, and the Toad Brigade will build you a little house near the castle so you can visit! Considering they’re the ones building it, it won’t be so great, but we could probably get some of the guys fixing town to do it.

Jojora: Yay! We can still be friends!

Toadbert: Yep! And if you want a job, you’ve been offered a position on the Security Team! ... Which right now only has one member!

Junker X appears and starts dancing.

Jojora: ... Why not? I’ll do it!

Toadbert: By boogity, now we can stay together even though I got a promotion! Truly a good day!

Blue Toad: Hey, got room for two more on that whole security detail thing?

Yellow Toad: Yeah, we helped save the Mushroom Kingdom twice, this’d be a perfect job!

Toadbert: You’re hired!

Blue Toad/Yellow Toad: Yes!

Toadbert: ... That’s what I would say if I were in charge of that.

Blue Toad/Yellow Toad: Awww....

Toadbert: But we can ask Toadsworth, by boogity! And I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, seeing as how you two are heroes!

Yellow Toad: Hooray!

Blue Toad: Let’s go ask him!

The five of them walk into the castle.


Boshi: Well guys, it’s been fun, but I’m off.

Cowboy Jed: Tarnation! Where y’all headed off to, son?

Boshi: I’m not your son. And like I said, I realized that not only can I not race, but everyone hates when I sing, and Rudy likes Violet more than I do. So I’m gonna go travel the world until I can get better at at least one of those three things.... Or until the nearest cookie, whichever one’s closer.

Cowboy Jed: Y’all need a set of wheels! An’ ta get behind the wheel!

Boshi: No thanks. Why don’t you just set up your little emporium or whatever like you wanted?

Cowboy Jed: Glad I thought of it!

Boshi: By the way, where’s the other one?

Giga Lakitu: I’m right next to you! I was here the whole time! I was even trying to give you an ice cream cone out of the three I bought! The whole time!

Boshi: Sheesh, stop whining! Well anyway, I’m going to become awesome. In one year’s time I will be the manliest dinosaur to ever walk this planet! ... So yeah, see ya guys.

Giga Lakitu: Wait, I want to go too! I want to be the manliest Lakitu!

Boshi: ... Well since I’m so awesome it won’t take me too long. And since you’re not that awesome to begin with, it’ll take you a bit longer... Well I guess I could stick with you for that extra time and become even more manly.

Giga Lakitu: Squee!

Boshi: But don’t do that. ... Well come on, let’s go.

Boshi and Giga Lakitu head off to begin their quests to find themselves. Cowboy Jed waves goodbye as Mii T. walks by.

Cowboy Jed: Hey, wanna get behind the wheel?

Mii T.: Huh?

Cowboy Jed: I’m openin’ a shop where this old buildin’ is! Wanna help?

Mii T.: You mean P.T.’s studio? ... You know what? Sounds good, he never interviews anymore anyway. I’ll get the others.


Bobbery is talking to the Mario Bros.

Bobbery: I say, the town looks all good as new now.

Mario: Mm-hmm!

Bobbery: I look forward to sailing once again. But what of you, Mario Bros.? Now that evil is gone from the world, what will you do now?

Luigi: ... I a-hear that there’ll be a new a-Mario Kart!

Mario: Woohoo!

Bobbery: Ah yes, quite good, quite good. I’m going to go check on Rudy and Ms. Violet. Farewell, Mario and Luigi!

Mario: Good-a-bye, Bobbery!

Luigi: Byebye!


Larry is standing before the border into Dark Land.

Larry: Oh man... I’m the new king... Wow... Hey, since you’re my new right hand, you’ll be sure to keep me in line in case I go mad with power, right?

Pyro Guy: *muffled*!

Larry: That’s what I like to hear... Hey guys, you made sure to pay the Karate Duo, right?

Goomp: Yes we did.

Paraplonk: We took some out of Iggy’s bank account.

Guy: King Larry, you’re the new king of Dark Land. What are you gonna do now?

Larry: ... Crud, I wasn’t ready for that question. Uhhhh... I’ll get back to you.

Guy: I’ll write that as “be confused”.

Larry: ... Well anyway... no more evil... To keep more people like Shadoo gone from the world, we can’t be bad ourselves. Or at least not like when King Dad was in charge. So we should probably make peace with another country. Any suggestions?

Pyro Guy: *muffled*?

Larry: I guess. You know, I just now realized what I’m doing is eerily similar to what happens in that Avatar cartoon.

Old Snake: Creepy...



Violet and Bobbery are standing in front of Purple’s memorial. Both axes are resting on the memorial marker and Violet has a crutch.

Violet: I couldn’t have done it without you, Purple. Thank you.

Bobbery: Indeed.

???: ... Violet!

Violet and Bobbery look.

Violet/Bobbery: !

It’s Rudy! He looks fine, but his stomach is wrapped up. He’s still got his uniform on underneath. Violet hobbles toward Rudy, who himself runs toward Violet and they hug. Bobbery just walks. He’s not in a hurry. That’s how he rolls.

Violet: Rudy, you’re alive!

Rudy: Yeah, I woke up! The doctor said that I just needed to rest for a while and I’d be back on my feet! ... Admittedly a few Shroom Shakes helped move things along...

Bobbery: It’s good to see that you’re still among the living, Mr. Rudy!

Rudy: Thanks!

Violet: Uhh, P.T. told Boshi to tell me something... You and him-

Bobbery: Er, let’s save that conversation for later. You both recently got out of a makeshift hospital.

Violet: I guess so...

Rudy: Well Bobbery, what are you going to do?

Bobbery: I’m going to go back to sailing. I hear they sell good boats somewhere around here, so it won’t take me too long.

Rudy: And when you do get a boat, do you think you could take me and Violet to Isle Delfino?

Violet: What? But Rudy, we just got out of the hospital. In fact, walking here took a lot out of me as it is.

???: Hey, how about none of you walk or sail there and I’ll just give you a ride.

Everyone looks and notices a mini airship piloted by Larry.

Larry: Hi guys!

Pyro Guy: *muffled*!

Larry: Need a lift? Some idiots wanted me to escort them to Isle Delfino, I figured I might as well ask if anyone else wants to go so I don’t make a lot of trips.

Blooper: Hey, we’re not idiots, okay?!

Torpedo Ted: I’m a torpedo!

Blooper: Except maybe him.

P.T.: Is Poochy supposed to not have a nose?

Poochy: Arf!

Blooper: Maybe him too.

Shade: Oh Blooper...

Larry: You’re all idiots, now shut up.

Bobbery: I say, this is convenient.

Rudy: Well Violet, what do you say?

Violet smiles.

<Ending: Hologram, by Nico Touches the Walls>

Two Years Later

-Toadbert got promoted to being the master strategist for Peach’s nearly nonexistent army. When Toadsworth passed on, Toadbert took his spot. Jojora, Junker X, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad continue to run the security to this day. If Larry believed in kidnapping Peach anymore, he’d have his hands full.

-Cowboy Jed ran the Mario Kart Emporium in Toad Town where P.T.’s studio used to be. P.T.’s old crew found that working for Cowboy Jed was very similar to working for P.T. Brett also joined the team.

-Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk, and Sergeant Guy were promoted to being Larry’s royal bodyguards after they noticed their increased skills in combat.

-The Karate Duo Number 1 vanished and weren’t heard from again. At least, that’s what people think anyway.

-Captain Syrup and her crew roamed the seas of Plit unchallenged by any hostile pirates (other than themselves). First Mate Green Pirate Guy finally allowed Grak Barn to return to Windmillville one day when Syrup was sick and he was in charge. As punishment he had to help Francis swab the decks.

-Victor settled down in Koopa Village. Blooper and Shade frequently visit him, despite the fact that he doesn’t know them too well. He still seems to have quite the temper, but accepts the two of them.

-After failing their quest, Shade and Blooper turned to the Star Spirits for help. Petey, King Boo, Fin, Lakithunder, Army Hammer Bro., and even Goomba are said to have been reincarnated as new people, but at unknown places and times and with no memories. They could already be back.

-Luigi adopted Poochy. He and Mario enjoyed peaceful lives that consisted mainly of partying, racing, golfing, and every other activity under the sun.

-Boshi and Giga Lakitu returned to Toad Town, back and better than ever. They frequently brag about their (surprisingly true) adventures in the form of poetry at the rebuilt Club 64. They also visit Cowboy Jed at the Mario Kart Emporium.

-P.T. Piranha and Torpedo Ted went into business together, becoming freelance policemen/detectives/vigilantes, and/or any other excuse to beat up criminals. As Toadbert keeps the castle safe, these two keep the streets safe.

-Larry Koopa was the best king Dark Land had in a while, with Pyro Guy as his right hand and chancellor. Larry managed to earn a second chance for his kingdom from the other kingdoms, starting with the Mushroom Kingdom due to recently helping save it. His siblings objected only at first, especially Roy and Bowser Jr. Soon Larry is to discuss wedding Wendy to Prince Peasley for diplomatic reasons. Don’t tell Wendy.

-Axem Violet and Rudy Riverson travel the world with Bobbery on their boat, courage and strength abound. Purple would be proud of his sister. They sometimes see old friends and catch up with them. Oh, and something about getting married to each other.

And finally, at long last, Plit was at peace.

The End

~Karate Duo created by the creators of Bowser’s Kingdom.

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