Ludwig and Iggy’s 'Trip'

By Yoshi_Lover

One hideous and ugly day in Dark World, Ludwig is building a machine until Iggy comes in.

Iggy: Hey Ludwig! What are you doing?

Ludwig: I’m building a doomsday device for the Mushroom Kingdom, Iggy!

Iggy: Can I help, Ludwig? Please?!

Ludwig: No. I’m sorry, but this machine is currently unstable and if a miscalculation occurs then the whole castle could implode!

Iggy: Oh come on, Ludwig! I’ve invented loads of stuff! You can trust me!

Ludwig: Well… Okay.

Iggy: Yay!

Iggy starts jumping around and nearly hits the machine.

Ludwig: Calm down, Iggy! You might set this thing-

The machine starts a timer.

Machine: Initiating destruction sequence! 5-4-3-2-

Ludwig: -off?!

Machine: 1!

The machine blows up, along with the castle. Iggy and Ludwig are flying off into the sky as if they were shot out of a cannon.

Iggy: Hey Ludwig! I thought you said this thing would implode!

Ludwig: No, I said it could implode. You caused it to explode by-

Iggy: I don’t wanna hear your life’s story! If I did, then I would ask Morton to tell me!

Ludwig: I only wonder what King Dad will do once he finds out what we did.

Bowser (off in the distance): Iggy! Ludwig! Clean up this mess! And when you’re done, go to the dungeon! Both of you! Now!

Iggy: Does that answer your question?

Ludwig: Actually, y-

They both crash into the princess’ castle. Toad and Yoshi come out of the castle.

Toad: You know, those anger management classes really helped me control my profanities. Thanks, Yoshi!

Yoshi: Hap! (You're welcome!)

Toad then sees Ludwig and Iggy in the courtyard.

Toad: OH MY #!%$@^# #!$^$#@^!!! IT’S @$#^ LUDWIG AND #$@^!$#& IGGY!

Toad then runs back into the castle.

Yoshi: Hmmph! (You guys are so inconsiderate!)

Iggy: I didn’t know you could say inconsiderate!

Yoshi is offended.

Ludwig: Now you’ve done it!

Iggy: What did I do?

Yoshi grabs both of them with his tongue and spits them back to the ruins of the castle.

Iggy: Oww… At least things can’t get any worse, right?

Lemmy, Morton, Wendy, Larry, and Roy (all covered in bruises and bandages) then walk up to him.

Lemmy: Don’t forget your job at the castle!

Roy: Yeah, because I’ll have to knock some sense into that noodle that you call a skull!

Iggy: What?

Roy starts pounding Iggy to a pulp (even though he pretty much is a pulp after the trip to Peach’s castle and back) until he runs out of energy. Then Bowser comes to hand Iggy and Ludwig a broom.

Bowser: I’m not gonna say it again! Clean this castle! NOW!!!

Iggy: Well, at least it can’t get any-

Ludwig: Hush up, Iggy. Your optimism is bugging me.

Meanwhile, in Kamek’s room…




Kammy: AHH!!!

Kammy jumps out but forgets that her broom was missing.


Kamek: Idiot.

The End

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