By Pokemaniac Joe

Joe: You guys are helping me with this Interview.

Jinx: Why?

Joe: I dunno. Maybe because I feel like it. Now let's get started!

Karlos: Ok.

Joe: Why is it that all my Interviews are boring?

Jinx: Because we aren't crazy enough.

Joe: Well it's time to get crazier!

Jinx: Welcome to-

Lemmy: Lemmy's Interview Show!

Joe: This time we're gonna get crazier than ever before!

Jinx: And today were interviewing Czar Dragon... Where is he?

(Karlos comes to them carrying Czar Dragon in his hands.)

Karlos: One Czar Dragon, hold the Mushrooms.

(Karlos drops Czar Dragon on Joe.)

Joe: Karlos, you moron! You were supposed to put him on the interviewee chair!

Czar Dragon: Well now that I'm here, I guess I'll be interviewed.

(Czar Dragon sits on the interviewee chair.)

Joe: So Czar Dragon, what are you exactly?

Czar Dragon: I'm actually the king of all Blarggs!

Blargg: Czar Dragon it up! Czar Dragon it up!

Joe: ... That makes no sense at all.

Blargg: You dare insult King Czar Dragon? YOU SHALL DIE!!!

(Blargg jumps at Joe.)

Joe: Jinx, sic 'em.

(Jinx's eyes glow purple, and a piano falls on Blargg's nose.)

Blargg: OWWW, MY %#%% NOSE! WHY DID YOU #%^! DO THAT YOU ^%$&^! $#%^$%^^#$%%#%$%^%$##%$^#%$##%^$#%^*#($^#%)$#$-

(The screen has lots of colors for a moment.)

Cameraman: We're experiencing technical difficulties.

Karlos: ... What?

Cameraman: We now return to your broadcast.

(Blargg can be seen duct taped.)

Joe: Good, now we can-

(The TD screen appears, then disappears.)

Joe: What the-

(It does it again.)

Joe: Will you stop do-

(And again.)


(Four seconds later, the TD screen appears, then disappears.)

Joe: ...

(Joe tosses the cameraman out the window.)

Bowser: Nice work, Jonathan.

Joe: My name's not Jonathan, it's J-

Bowser: Shut up, Joseph! Now we don't have a cameraman.

Shroob: I'll do it!

Joe: Fine. Get up here.

(Shroob goes to the camera stand and hops on its seat.)

Jinx: Okay, How can you come back as Zombone?

Czar Dragon: A Magikoopa gave me that ability.

Karlos: Can you make Podoboos?

Czar Dragon: Yes I can.


(Doomtanks and doomships are approaching the Interview building. A red Dusclops goes up to Overlord in the Titan Doomship.)

Dusclops: King Overlord! We're 250.6 inches from the Interview building!

Overlord: Very good, Kevin. *turns to Plankton* Well, Plankton, looks like your revenge will be swift!

Plankton: I can't wait! Oh, and here's the 100 dollars I owed you!

(Overlord grabs the money, puts it in his Money Machine, and it comes out as 10,000 coins.)


Joe: Why didn't you appear in Super Mario World?

Czar Dragon: I wasn't king at the time.

Karlos: Audience time!

(Karlos brings out a battle ax and randomly starts to whack places with it.)


Wendy: Why are you and your cronies sneaking into Water Land?

Czar Dragon: Even us Blarggs need to cool off once in awhile.


Dora the Explorer: yudiu rugvre hkt rwgtgrw gshtgyr.

Karlos: DIE!!!

(Karlos slices Dora in half.)

Jinx: ... Seat WHYBOTHER!

Patrick Star: Um, why are you on fire?

Czar Dragon: I'm a Blargg, doofus. We're all on fire!


(Patrick runs outside and is hit by one of Overlord's doomtanks.)


Koopeleon: Who's your favorite Koopaling?

(Czar Dragon points to Larry.)

Koopeleon: But he doesn't like fire.

Czar Dragon: You sharpshooting me?

Koopeleon: Huh?

Czar Dragon: You stepping in my ice cream?

Koopeleon: How can you-

Czar Dragon: Let me tell you something about stepping in people's ice cream... it's a wierd way to eat ice cream.

Joe: That's all!

(Overlord and Plankton come into the building.)

Overlord: Joe, I am your brother!

Joe: NNNNOOOO!!! You'll never take me!

Plankton: Ha! We don't have to!

(The Dark Koopatrols come in.)

Joe: ... Good point.

Overlord: ATTACK!!!

(The Dark Koopatrols start beating up Joe, Jinx, and Karlos.)


Overlord: Hello, fools watching this! I am Overlord Yoshi! I shall be doing an Interview next time, but first...

(Overlord punches the camera, ending the transmission.)

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