P.T. interviews MACK

By P.T. Piranha

(P.T. just made it to shore, and knocked Doopliss, in Boss Bass form, back to E-man’s studio. Then he goes to his studio. He finds that the Goombas are FIXING his studio.)

P.T.: What the?

Bogmire: Well, I spoke to the Goombas during your Interview with Eely Mouth. They agreed to fix it, if you give them a dollar.

P.T.: (in Mario’s voice) Okey-dokey!

(P.T. gives the Goombas a dollar.)

Bill: Give ME a dollar.

(P.T. gives him … a dozen eggs.)

Bill: …

P.T.: Let’s interview, Drew!

Drew Carey: NEVAH!


P.T.: I’ll interview Mack. Mack, why do you like to bounce?

Mack: As a baby red-thingy, I found a pogo stick. I got on, and the rest is history.

P.T.: Can you jump better than Mario and Luigi?

Mack: Yes, because I have more experience. Their jumping ability is nothing to sneeze at, though.

P.T.: Why did you team up with the Shysters?

Mack: They’re the minions Smithy gave me.

P.T.: (Must find random humor. Must find random humor.) BOOBOO! YOGI! EGGS!

(P.T. turns into a piece of toast, and changes back.)

P.T.: Hey, I wanted something random and funny, not stupid!

Too bad!

P.T.: I’ll kill you, #7!

Clark (from Benchwarmers): My line!

Yeah! And my name’s not #7.

P.T.: Do you feel insignificant, knowing a generic version of you exists in Smithy’s Factory?

Mack: No. I use them as stunt-doubles and stuff, if I don’t want to do something.

P.T.: Wait, wouldn’t they notice that he’s gray, and not in colors like you?

Mack: It’s worked, so far.

P.T.: (I need to get a clone like that.) When did you find that giant knife-pogo thing?

Mack: I got it when I joined the Smithy Gang.

P.T.: What is your name?

Mack: Mack.

P.T.: What is your quest?

Mack: To get interviewed.

P.T.: What is your favorite color?

Mack: Red.

P.T.: What is the laiden velocity of a swallow?

Mack: African, or European?

P.T.: Uh… I don’t know.

(P.T. gets flung into Barrel Volcano. He makes it back, though.)

P.T.: Last question: How does it feel to be the Roy’s Sports Hall champ for Season 1?

Mack: Great! I have fans! But Birdo hates my guts, now.

P.T.: Right. End Transmission!

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