By P.T. Piranha

P.T.: Okay! Now it’s time for you to interview, Stew, Bristler, and Dark... COOKIES!

Plit: …


Stew: Okay. First, why do you have your own fighting music?

Rawk: I bring a boom box wherever I go! I rule!

Bristler: D1d y0u 3v3r f1ght Pr1nc3 Mush?

Rawk: Yeah. I lost. But he disappeared. He must’ve been scared that I’d eventually beat him… I rule!

Bristler: …

Dark: How did you survive in LM3?

Rawk: I can’t die! Because I rule!

Stew: (whispering to Dark): I think he had a stunt double. (normal) Why did you send a poisoned cakes and lock Mario in a room, if you say you can beat anyone?

Rawk: Well, he’d been tearing through the ranks faster than I did. And because I rule!

Bristler: Wh4t w4s 1t l1k3, l0s1ng t0 M4r10?

Rawk: Awful! All my fame, fortune, and fans left me! My world was RAWKED! I felt as if my perspective of the world was destroyed! I even lost my cool room! However… I rule!

Bristler: …

Dark: Did all that change when Mario left?

Rawk: Yes! I became loved again! But not only because he left, but because… I rule!

Stew: Audience questions! Seat SUPERHEROWARIO!

Wario Man: Are you wearing black glasses, or are those your eyes?

Rawk: They’re shades, because I rule!

Bristler: S34t D1N0S4URPUNK.

Boshi: How did you spike the cake with poison?

Rawk: I used a Poison Mushroom while baking it… I RULE!


Doopliss: How did you get the guard to lock Mario in another room?

Rawk: I threatened to maim him! I rule!


Rawk: Prepare for a RAWKING!

(Rawk maims him.)

Dark: Uh… Seat ALIEN.

Shroob: Do you want to appear again?

Rawk: Yeah! Because I rule!

Dark: Okay! Before we all get annoyed to death, let’s leave!

Random Goomba: Too late!

The Goomba explodes.

Bristler: By3!

They leave.

P.T.: Welcome aboard! Let’s celebrate with a… SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEE PARTAY! … Hey, that rhymes.

Punchy: I’ll order pizza!

(P.T., Spike, Kyle, Shrooby, Punchy, Bogmire, Shrike, Bill, Stew, Bristler, Dark, Lemmy, and Rawk Hawk are going to go to P.T.’s apartment, to celebrate. However, Link bursts through the wall.)

Link: Hey! Nobody plays SSBM without me!

P.T.: Fine.

Shrike: This ending seems too normal…

Lemmy: Just shut up, before you ruin it. Also, END TRANSMISSION!

Transmission Ended.

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