By Dark Yoshi 123


Bandana Blue: What is it?

Bandana Red: Yeah, really.

DY123: You two have been sitting around for two months when we were supposed to be rescuing Bowser.

Bandana Blue: Well…

DY123: Shut up, the lottery symbols are on!

TV Announcer: Mushroom, Fire Flower, Cloud, Mario, Luigi, and the power circle is Blue Shell.

DY123: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I just won the biggest lottery jackpot ever. 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 coins.

(Knocks are heard on the door.)

TV Announcer: Here’s your money.

(He hands DY123 one coin.)

DY123: Where’s the rest?

(The TV Announcer turns to the side and there are mountains and mountains of coins)



Back at DY123’s...

DY123: Oh shoot, Bowser. Watch my money, TV guy. Come on, Red and Blue.

(They steal the TV guy's car and drive to the insane asylum.)

DY123: All right, Blue, you stay with me in case something comes up. Red, you go and see if you can get Bowser out through the insane asylum roof.

Five minutes later...

Guard: And stay out.

(Bandana Red is thrown out.)

DY123: Blue, hack the main doors to the asylum.

Bandana Blue: All right.

2 seconds later...

Bandana Blue: Piece of cake.

They walk in.

DY123: Let's go down this way.

Bandana Red: Why?

Bandana Blue: Can't you read the sign?

Bandana Red: I can't read or write.

DY123: That sign says that’s the longest hallway.

(DY123 points at a sign.)

In the meantime...

Guard: (looking at TV screens that security cameras lead to) Boss, we got us some break-ins.

Head Guard: Release all guards, and do it with proper English.

Guard: What ever you says, Boss.

Back with DY123 5 minutes later...

Bandana Red: We’ve been sitting outside this door for five minutes. Are we going to go in?

DY123: I’m thinking.

Bandana Blue: Well think when you're running.

DY123: Why?

(Blue and Red point at the herd of guards running towards them.)

DY123: Good idea.

(They start running down the hallway, which is oddly marked "People who hate DY123’s Interview show".)

All three Interview cast members: RUN FASTER!!!

Bandana Blue: I thought you couldn’t read?

Bandana Red: So did I.

DY123: Split up. I'll go into the "Crazy people who kidnapped a princess because they lost their stamp collection", and you go to the "Interview building" section.

(They split up and the guards follow Bandana Blue and Red.)

Guards: Got ya!

Bandana Red: Ya is not a word, even I know that.

Bandana Blue: What he means is we are famous interviewers and we thought you guards would like a show.

Guard: This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for us.

(Multiple guards start crying.)

Bandana Blue: Can you get us someone to interview?

Guard: Axem Black!

Axem Black: Does someone want to interview me?

Guard: For once, yes.

Axem Black: Cool.

Bandana Blue: Let's get this started. Hello and welcome to…

Bandana Red: Lemmy’s Interview show!!!

Lemmy: Hey!!!

Bandana Red: Sorry.

Bandana Blue: Today we're interviewing Axem Black, so…

Bandana Red: First question, what game are you from?

Axem Black: Super Mario RPG.

Bandana Blue: Second question, how were the Axem Rangers formed?

Axem Black: Well you see, one day me and my friends got bored so we formed a group called the Axem Rangers.

Bandana Red: What type of boss are you?

Axem Black: I’m a mechanical boss.

Bandana Blue: Last question, then audience questions; where is the place that you live?

Axem Black: What?

Bandana Blue: What’s your turf?

Axem Black: Oh. I lived in mostly industrial areas until I got moved here. It's not my fault I’m crazy over Interviews.

Bandana Red: Audience questions, seat 42 and 43!

Shady and Blaze: Can we have some pizza?

Bandana Blue: No. Seat 456!

Luigi: What are your weaknesses?

Axem Black: I’m weak against thunder.

Bandana Red: Seat 107!

Mario: Cheese!

(A pickle jar is dropped on his head.)

Mario: What are your strengths?

Axem Black: I’m strong against poison, fear, and sleep.

Bandana Blue: Seat 999!

Head Guard: What are your tactics?

Axem Black: I use spritz bombs and regular bombs.

(The door in the back of the room is kicked open, and DY123 is standing with Bowser.)

Bandana Blue: And that’s all we have time, so…

Bowser: OVER AND OUT!!!

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