
Koopa�s Coins

By Cubone

One day in Dark Land, King Bowser Koopa was going through all of the money he had locked in his secret trunk. (Yes trunk, NOT safe.)

Bowser: 3,465,992 gold coins, 3,465,993 gold coins...

And so on and so forth. Meanwhile the seven original Koopalings couldn't help but hear their father.

Larry: That's a whole-

Ludwig: Lot of cash!

Lemmy: Stop sharing sentences! That was me and Iggy's gimmick!

Iggy: Lemmy, we did that when we were six.

Lemmy: Well still, it was our thing back then.

Iggy: We're twelve now, Lemmy!

Morton: Well, while you two play Doctor Phil, I'm gonna steal some of that gold!

Roy: You can't do that! You'd get caught!

Wendy: Yeah, you'd need our help!

Morton: But I'd have to share if I let you all help!

Roy: It's that or you get busted.

Morton: ... Fine.

So, later on that day, when Bowser went to attack the Mario Brothers, all the Koopalings snuck into the toy room and got their wands.

The "Sports Superstar" Koopaling grabbed a yellow wand.
The Koopaling with a silver shell grabbed a black wand.
One of the Koopalings with a red shell grabbed a blue wand.
The Koopaling who has the most votes in Lemmy's Leaders took a purple wand.
The family inventor grabbed a green wand.
Larry's "twin" grabbed a red wand.
The Koopaling who is known to throw tantrums grabbed an orange wand.

The Koopalings headed to Bowser's room and, all together, blasted the trunk open, revealing millions of coins held inside.

Morton: Sweet!

Morton began to drag the chest away, but was stopped by Larry.

Larry: What do ya think you're doin?!

Morton: Taking MY money!

Larry: You mean mine!

Ludwig: Mine!

Wendy: Mine!

Rest of the Koopalings: Mine!

The Koopalings then played Rock Paper Scissors to see who got the money. What, are you crazy? Of course they didn't do that! They started to shoot each other!

The Koopaling with the orange wand shot the Koopaling with the purple wand. Then the Koopaling with the green wand shot the Koopaling with the blue wand.

The Koopaling with the black wand shot the Koopa with the orange wand. Next, the Koopaling with the red wand shot the Koopaling with the black wand. Finally the Koopaling who hadn't shot anyone or been shot, shot the Koopaling with the green wand.

The last Koopalings standing began to duke it out. After several minutes of biting, scratching, punching, and kicking, the younger of the two Koopalings defeated the other.

As it was lugging the trunk out of the room, the Koopaling was locked in Bowser and Clawdia's room. The Koopaling tried to open the door, but some sort of goop coated the doorknob and the Koopaling's hand kept slipping.

???: Hehehehe... Papa's gonna be MAAAD at you!

The unknown stranger then went to find the telephone to call Bowser and alert him about his kids.

Who almost stole Bowser's money?
Who told Bowser?

And the answer is...

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