By Jon
Lemmy: Ooohhh...
Lemmy had just recieved 567 Emails from his fans... a new record! Outside his door, however, were displeased Koopas.
Iggy: He always gets the attention...
Ludwig: I could kill the specimen...
Morton: He's so annoying, irritating, pesky, aggrivating...
Roy: He's gonna pay...
They all left.
Lemmy: Man, I wish I weren't so popular sometimes... but, it does have its good points.
Six hours later...
Bowser walked in.
Bowser: Time for bed, son.
Lemmy: Ok. G'night, dad!
Bowser: G'night.
The other Koopas returned later that night and hid somewhere inside his room, all plotting to get rid of Lemmy.
The younger Koopa that hadn't spoken earlier jumped out of the closet and creeped near Lemmy, but slipped on Lemmy's ball and crashed out the window, just missing Lemmy's bed.
A Koopa with a red wand came out of
another closet, and a Koopa two years younger then him came out.
The two battled it out, but a third
Koopa who had only said three words so far came out and killed the second
Koopa. The original Koopa killed the older one.
Now another Koopa who hadn't said anything came out and killed the victorious Koopa, and advanced to Lemmy. However, another Koopa came out from behind Lemmy's computer and fried the Koopa.
Now the victorious Koopa advanced on Lemmy, but suddenly got zapped from near Lemmy's bed. Now the other Koopa went up to Lemmy and eliminated him.
Who killed Lemmy?
Who was the first Koopaling killed?
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