Here is what I was thinking in June 2002. Don't laugh! I'm sure I had more thoughts than some. Take a look at my thoughts, and Email me your comments!
Saturday, June 1, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Ice cream melts. Live
with it.
Comments: Ellie
Marie Koopa says: Of course ice cream melts because it's meltable.
Sunday, June 2, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: If your birthday is
today, happy birthday! Otherwise, leave me alone.
Comments: Ellie
Marie Koopa says: I agree that if it's my birthday then you shall greet
me with "Happy Birthday" and come to my party. If it isn't my birthday,
then oh well.
Monday, June 3, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: If you're going to
invite yourself into a group, it would be nice to at least let everyone
in the group know it.
Comments: Ellie
Marie Koopa says: Invite yourself into a group so that others can get
to know you well. Kooshi says:
Yes, but if you want the group to know, you must enter the group anyway.
Tuesday, June 4, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Who says time is a
constant? The only constant I know is that more time is always needed.
Comments: Ellie
Marie Koopa says: Time changes a lot so probably that's why it's a
constant. Who knows?
Wednesday, June 5, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Like anything else,
this is for rent if the price is right.
Comments: Bobby:
Did anyone get the number of that thought?
Thursday, June 6, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Sometimes, the only
kind of reminder that will work is a kick in the face.
Comments: Ellie
Marie Koopa says: That'd work if you forgot about something. Also a
kick or slap in the face would wake you up so you pay attention to what's
going on around you. Even if you doing something bad, the cost is a physical
"blow", which will wake you up.
Friday, June 7, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Is time really money,
or is one actually more valuable than the other?
Comments: None
Saturday, June 8, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Ultimately only the
end result matters. Do what you need to get there.
Comments: None
Sunday, June 9, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Sooner or later, there
will be a holiday each day of the year. The sooner the better, I say.
Comments: None
Monday, June 10, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Implications are just
as strong as what is actually said, at least in the mind of those most
Comments: None
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: When it's this hot,
there's only one thing to do: act foolishly.
Comments: None
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: If you're asked to
say the first thing that comes to your mind, it isn't cheating too
much to lie.
Comments: None
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Miraculous how flexible
the appetite is.
Comments: None
Friday, June 14, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Thinking is getting
harder these days, and I'm not even old yet!
Comments: None
Saturday, June 15, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Never hide the evidence
in a place where someone will look.
Comments: None
Sunday, June 16, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Some people have trouble
communicating because their words are hard to understand. Many others have
trouble communicating because their message is hard to to understand.
Comments: Koshi
says: So in other words, some people are like Ludwig, and most are like
Monday, June 17, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: There comes a time
in everyones' life when they realize they don't understand themselves.
Comments: None
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Unless you're in a
closet or phonebooth, if there's not enough room for you and one other
person, it's time to go on a diet.
Comments: None
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Some people criticize
junk food, but I'm willing to die eating it.
Comments: None
Thursday, June 20, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Some day I hope to
discover the all-purpose answer, which can be given any time you realize
that you've been asked a question but have no idea what was asked or what
the intended response is.
Comments: Koshi
says: There already is an all-purpose answer. It's: I don't know.
Friday, June 21, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Somewhere, your talents
are in demand. The question isn't what you can do, but where you live.
Comments: None
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: It's no surprise that
young adults have a hard time getting their feet on the ground. After all,
the planet is moving many thousands of mile per hour.
Sunday, June 23, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: I think once, therefore
I am once.
Comments: Koshi
says: So if you think twice, you are twice? So does that mean that there
would be more of you? Does that mean thinking is a way of cloning? And
would that mean the opposite of thinking takes away yous? Cool! (Koshi
thinks a lot and produces lots of Koshis.) All: Ooo, neat! *The original
Koshi does stuff, depleting the copies.) I like that saying.
Monday, June 24, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: When you don't know
how to spell a word, should you risk getting caught with an error, or should
you write a different word?
Comments: None
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: There's no such thing
as a dumb answer, although a person may mistakingly use an answer on the
wrong question.
Comments: None
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: A person's social standing
is largely based on whether they take part in fads before, during, or after
they are popular.
Comments: None
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: It took me a week to
finish something that could have been completed in one day. Not too shabby!
Comments: None
Friday, June 28, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: When reviewing desserts,
I judge taste, longevity, preparation time, and cost. Well, tonight's dessert
scored well on the first three, anyway.
Comments: None
Saturday, June 29, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Mind really is over
matter. Regardless of what a person may wish, hard work is impossible without
the willingness of the mind.
Comments: None
Sunday, June 30, 2002
Lemmy's Thought: Giants may fall harder,
but at least you can't step on them.
Comments: None
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