Here is what I was thinking in December 2000. Don't laugh! I'm sure I had more thoughts than some. Take a look at my thoughts, and Email me your comments!
Friday, December 1, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Coherentness is to
the ears of the speaker.
Comments: Smash:
And virtue is in the color of the scales too.
Saturday, December 2, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Something something
something, have a happy holiday! Tra la la...
Comments: Smash:
Tra la la? Tra la la? You're almost as bad as Mewd! Next time you
want something sang, come to me! Bobby:
But the words Tra la la will NOT turn you into Captain Underpants! (Read
the book. It's hilarious!)
Sunday, December 3, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: The only thing that
separates the winners from the losers is that the losers are no good.
Comments: Maria:
Losers are WORSE than whiners. Smash
says: And that the winners are snobbish, at least in every game I've ever
played with the Koopas, with their holier-than-thou attitude... (speaks
on and on for about an hour).
Monday, December 4, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: If the only thing you
can count on is taxes, I'm in trouble because I've always counted on my
fingers and toes.
Comments: Smash:
and death, taxes and death, taxes and death... I'm getting a headache.
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Lemmy's brain is down
today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Comments: Smash:
leave a message after the tone. Beeeeep! Blackbelt
says: It is always down.
Wednesday, December 6, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Just because six is
my lucky number does not make this my lucky day.
Comments: None
Thursday, December 7, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: One problem with society
today is doomships that are doomed.
Comments: None
Friday, December 8, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Q...
Comments: Lil
Cheep Cheep: I hope that's not what you got on your report card...
mathgrant: It is VERY annoying in Scrabble
when I get that without the U.
Saturday, December 9, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: You don't get to choose,
they do!
Comments: Bobby:
So "They" is actually Bowser.
Sunday, December 10, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: You can always count
on bad luck when you're in a rush.
Comments: None
Monday, December 11, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I will try hard to
not waste today's one thought.
Comments: Boshee:
I have a comment for that.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Blackbelt said he would
see me in court. What caused the poor guy to start seeing things?
Comments: Bobby:
I think you should see Wario on a pile of gold coins.
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Consider this one,
if you have the capacitity to do so. No one likes the norm, and will eventually
want to change it.
Comments: Makina:
So true, and when it is changed, they just gripe about how they want it
back the way it was. Matthew: Yep,
that's why in truth there IS no norm. BTW, truth is relative, what's true
today isn't necessarily true tomorrow.
Thursday, December 14, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Don't worry too much.
Ultimately, what you're worrying about probably doesn't matter.
Comments: None
Friday, December 15, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Green cheese is bad,
unless it's mint.
Comments: Boshee:
You're right, Then it's YUUCK!
Saturday, December 16, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: If you watch where
you're walklng, you're not watching what's coming.
Comments: None
Sunday, December 17, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I fight for what is
wrong, but it seems that I always get knocked out.
Comments: None
Monday, December 18, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: The frightening thing
about success is that you never know when to expect it.
Comments: Boshee:
By jove, you've just answered the 10 million dollar question!
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Never wait when you
can steal it just as well now.
Comments: None
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I shouldn't take that
test today.
Comments: Boshee:
If you don't, you'll get a grade as bad as today's thought.
Thursday, December 21, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Wastin'... just wastin'
the day away!
Comments: Bobby:
And my time!
Friday, December 22, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: It snowed three feet
today. Oh well, maybe it will snow more tomorrow.
Comments: Bobby:
And close school! Yay! Oh, wait. Tomorrow's the weekend. Oh well.
Saturday, December 23, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I'm tired of December...
can't we skip to January?
Comments: None
Sunday, December 24, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: The thought of a gift-bearer
coming down the chimney I don't have somehow lifts my spirits.
Comments: None
Monday, December 25, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I should be so lucky
as to get millions of cookies in one night.
Comments: Bobby:
But they ARE for Santa, right?
Tuesday, December 26, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Time to raise taxes...
wanna buy a better sled.
Comments: Koopa
T. Quick: I really don't care if you raise taxes, cuz I don't pay 'em!
Wednesday, December 27, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Wanna really waste
some time? Buy a video game!
Comments: Makina:
Wanna REALLY waste some time? Listen to Lemmy's ridiculous thoughts.
Thursday, December 28, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: Get rich quick scheme:
Taint the water coming out of the faucet, then sell bottled water from
regular springs not tainted for the faucets as H20 Classic.
Comments: Bobby:
That water can't be from Water Land, right?
Friday, December 29, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I think I'll frolic
around and make some trouble today.
Comments: None
Saturday, December 30, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: There's a new year
coming. Ookay, back to work!
Comments: None
Sunday, December 31, 2000
Lemmy's Thought: I wonder what my first
thought of 2001 will be.
Comments: Bobby:
Thank goodness that Y2K bug didn't strike and kill everyone on earth?
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of the Day.
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