Contest 105
Picture by Atticus

Antwan: Mario's shindig in Brooklyn.
Antwan: Luigi: I told you, that isn't the butter churner!
Antwan: Mario: Well, it took seven years, but we finally cleaned my room!

Bobby: As you can see, the Bros. had to do a lot of training before Wooster left on vacation.
Bobby: Little does Mario know, Luigi's just a cardboard cutout!

Star_Daniel: Luigi has to be careful with those flowers. Mario has just cleaned up the place!

Yoshi kid: Mario: I'll call it... home.

Duplipuff: Mario and Luigi thought they did a great job cleaning their house, until they realized that they
Duplipuff: weren't even in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Petey Piranha Fan: Luigi: Mario, what are you doing?! We have a dirt floor!!! **GOOD PRIZE**

Popple: Luigi: Yeah, thanks for the gift, Mario... What is it?

MetaKnight: Mario: A clean house is a happy-Koopa-kicking-butt house!

Drew: Why would Mario and Luigi be cleaning a house that isn't even theirs?!

Double D: Luigi: Now that we're done redecorating downstairs for Peach's visit tonight, let's do the upstairs!
Double D: It's spring cleaning time for the Bros: Mario cleans up (meaning he sweeps all the junk under the
Double D: couch and wraps another rag around the leaky pipe), and Luigi redecorates (meaning he moves
Double D: the dartboard and replaces the "air freshener" on the table).
Double D: Luigi: Once I break the vase, should I put it on the couch or next to the bottle?
Double D: Peach is going to be sorry that she mistook the word "plumber" for "painter".

VGMaster64: They're putting great detail into the new game, Super Mario House.

Donkey Kong: Roy, Ludwig, and Morton (hidden inside the sofa): Now it's our chance to make a surprise
Donkey Kong: attack on the Marios!

Dark Koopa: The Mario Bros. decided to give up fighting Koopas and returned to Brooklyn to fight boredom.

Kooky Von Koopa: Luigi: Hey Mario, Daisy bought some flowers for us!
Kooky Von Koopa: Mario: (Dang, I am a plumber, not a cleaning-person!)
Kooky Von Koopa: It's Super Mario House 2: Cleaning the House!
Kooky Von Koopa: Luigi: We get paid for this?
Kooky Von Koopa: Mario: Uh... Luigi... Are you using this old "paint the broom with glue" joke again?
Kooky Von Koopa: RIGHT NOW!
Kooky Von Koopa: Mario: Mmmm... I think we need more brooms.

Tayra: Luigi: I knew paying Psycho Kamek to hypnotize Mario into being a smart, obediant slave was a good
Tayra: idea.

Gabbie: Luigi: Well, we did a pretty good job of rearranging Strong Bad's basement, doncha think, Bro?
Gabbie: Bowser (over to the right): So... yeah. You two can just go upstairs and rest and won't AT ALL have
Gabbie: to worry about me taking that towel off the leaky pipe and high-tailin' it outta here.
Gabbie: Book under the table: This is my daily workout program!
Gabbie: Luigi: Hey Bro, could you finish peeling off the wallpaper so we can put up the pink flowerprint one
Gabbie: we stole from Peach?
Gabbie: Mario: You were right, Luigi! Being an interior designer is better than being a plumber!

Geno: Harry Potter (offscreen): HEY MARIO, I WANT MY FIREBOLT BACK!
Geno: After ten years, Luigi finally noticed the flowers are actually made of plastic.
Geno: Luigi: WOW MARIO! I think your new diet is finally working!
Geno: Mario: (Cheeesee...)

Boolia: Luigi: Mario, look! Aren't these flowers lovely?
Boolia: Mario: Now that's what I call Flower Power! *giggle*

Bigboo25: Luigi: And it's... done! Now that we've fixed up the living room, let's try the basement. **GOOD PRIZE**

Koopus: Luigi: Well Mario, after going through our basement thoroughly and tossing anything that isn't
Koopus: completely essential, the last thing in this house that leaks is you...
Koopus: Bowser (from top of stairs): Aaaaaaaaugh!!! I leave you two in the dungeon for two days and you turn
Koopus: the place "homey"! You're relentless!!! ***FIRST PRIZE***

Gabbie: And the battle between soda bottle and soda can is COMPLETE! The winner is SODA CAN!!!
Gabbie: Dart in the wall: Why does Mario have to have such bad aim? Now I can't join the well-aimed darts
Gabbie: club!!!
Gabbie: Mario: Luigi, I know the flowers are pretty, but don't you think it's a little weird that you've been
Gabbie: staring at them for six hours now?
Gabbie: The Mario Bros. have been enslaved by the evil checkerboard! They must work vigorously, making
Gabbie: a tablecloth that looks like him, while he rests by the couch watching HBO!
Gabbie: Mario: I can't see my feet! Have I put on weight?

Tommy Koopa: Mario: Luigi will never notice if I just sweep this book under the table leg.

Masked Sheik: Mario and Luigi seem happy, but before long they'll resent Toad's "natural exuberance" that
Masked Sheik: led to this "minor lapse in tidiness".
Masked Sheik: Remember, it was the Japanese that made Super Mario Bros, and the Americans that created
Masked Sheik: Super Mario Housekeeping.
Masked Sheik: Mario and Luigi were going to play tic-tac-toe on the couch, but their only X was that white
Masked Sheik: bandage, and the checker pieces didn't stay on the fabric...

Supa Koopa: Mario: Luigi, you said there would be cheese on the ground. I'M SUEING!
Supa Koopa: Luigi: Since when do you know how to sweep?! I must have a fever...

Iggy4Ever: I guess being a plumber doesn't pay much!
Iggy4Ever: Luigi: Better make the best of the worst!

fawfuls friend: Mario and Luigi finally found out how bad they've treated their basement and decide to clean
fawfuls friend: it and move flowerpots.

Birdo: Mario: Atticus is paying us 50 coins to clean Lemmy's castle basement, so let's do it right!

DarkLemmy: Luigi: Look Mario, Larry presented us with this beauty flowers... Hey, they made a strange
DarkLemmy: sound... Tic, tic, tic, tic, tic...

Mouser 4700: It's the new game Super Mario House Online!

peachy64: No matter how much Mario swept he could not get Atticus off the floor.
peachy64: Luigi: I hate this spring cleaning stuff.

Waluigi's Twin: Apparently, Blue Boo's idea for the game Super Mario House may not be so loony after all...

MarioFanaticXV: You would think that of all people, the Mario Bros. would have a better way to repair their
MarioFanaticXV: pipes.
MarioFanaticXV: Luigi: You just had to accept Wario's bet. Now we have to clean up after that black jewel MarioFanaticXV: and pretend that we like it!
MarioFanaticXV: Mario's house after the Super Smash Bros. tournament.

ServantOfNobility: The Mario Brothers can fix pipes, but apparently they still have a hard time fixing ServantOfNobility: everything else!

Denny W. Koopa: Mario: What's that can on the floor for? And why is Luigi kissing daisies? Does this connect
Denny W. Koopa: somehow?

Dylan: How to Clean Up: Mario and Luigi Style.
Dylan: The only thing Mario and Luigi couldn't clean up was the "Atticus" on the floor.

Extreme nintendo master: It's the best game ever to be created by Nintendo!


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