Contest 166
Picture by Grey Guy

supercomputer276: Yellow Shy Guy: Must... get... knife... kill... Red...
supercomputer276: A few seconds later, the Suy Guys realized it was a model for Luigi's Mansion.
supercomputer276: Yellow Shy Guy: I swear, if I ever get out of this, I'll never steal cookies from Bowser's
supercomputer276: snack drawer ever again!
supercomputer276: Red Shy Guy: I thought this was Luigi's Mansion!

sara: Apparently, the Shy Guys don't know to call for help...

YoshiForever: Boo: Guys... he may look fierce, but if you remove his pacifier, he'll start bawling and
YoshiForever: you can get away!
YoshiForever: Red Shy Guy: Guys! I've found the legendary Grey Guy 2/23/06!

LCrazy: Shy Guy Red: Uh oh, I think I'm gon- WAIT that monster is just a hologram! PLEASE tell me it
LCrazy: is *EEK*!

Koopa Girl: Just as the Shy Guys were about to be homicidal, they realized that Chauncey was a
Koopa Girl: ghost.

Yoshi tamer: This is what happens when Shy Guys forget to babysit Chauncey, he gets angry.

Rhinox: Green Shy Guy: I told you that these babysitting services would be a bad idea.
Rhinox: Chauncey: Yay! My new toys arrived.
Rhinox: Green Shy Guy: Please, take my brother with you. **GOOD PRIZE**
Rhinox: Red Shy Guy: No... Don't force us to watch Teletubbies.

KirbyStar: Chauncey: Fear my CRY OF DOOM!!!

Spirit Yoshi: Yellow Shy Guy: Oh. A dagger. This could come in handy.

EvilKarma: This game is called: Shy Guy's Mansion.

Shady Koopa: Ghost: Fear me! WHA HA HA!
Shady Koopa: Red Shy Guy: IT'S A PACIFIER! AAH!
Shady Koopa: Green Shy Guy: WE SHALL NOT BE COWARDLY! Uh, someone get the key besides
Shady Koopa: me.
Shady Koopa: Yellow Shy Guy: My dagger! SOMEONE JUST GET THE DARN KEY!

Mario Koopa: Red Shy Guy: Ok! Ok! You can play with the key!
Mario Koopa: Yellow Shy Guy: I got the dagger but I forgot that you can't kill ghosts.

Crazed Robot: Red Shy Guy: I think I'm in love...

Jorge Mario Castillo: Red Shy Guy: It was your idea, of having a daycare!

Courtney: Red, Green, and Yellow Shy Guys: Yahhhh! HE HASN'T HAD HIS DIAPER CHANGED TODAY!!!
Courtney: Little Purple Ghosts: Hey, that's our key. Go away, you big baby!!!

WendyRulez: Shy Guy: He's got a pacifier! Run for it, boys!
WendyRulez: Chauncey: Play with me or feel the wrath of my pacifier of doom!
WendyRulez: Red Shy Guy: Note to self, never go into a place that looks haunted.
WendyRulez: Yellow Shy Guy: On second thought, maybe touching that key wasn't such a good idea...

Ravyn78: Red Shy Guy: Yeah, right. You think I'm going to fall for the old "there's a ghost behind you" trick?

Kirby K. Koopa: Red Shy Guy: Ahhh! His soother is floating!
Kirby K. Koopa: Green Shy Guy: No, I checked, Red Guy, you don't have a spider on the back of your head.
Kirby K. Koopa: Ghost: I told you three morons that I wanted two lanturns! You're never building a haunted
Kirby K. Koopa: house for me ever again. **GOOD PRIZE**

Paraboo: Shy Guys: AHHHHHHH! A BABY!

Kammy: Chauncey: Goo goo gah gah. ACK! THIS ISN'T MY ROOM!!! WHERE'S MY ROOM?!
Kammy: This is how the Shy Guys look when Chauncey shrinks them, so just think how big the Shy Guys will
Kammy: be when they're not shrunk.
Kammy: Yellow Shy Guy: Nooo! I'll never get to dinner in time if these ghosts keep coming here!
Kammy: Chauncey: How do you like my drawing of a Boo on the wall?
Kammy: Lydia (from another room): Chauncey, baby, time for your nap!
Kammy: Chauncey: YAY! SHY GUY TOYS!!!
Kammy: Henry and Orville (from another room): Oh shut up, Chauncey! We're trying to sleep!
Kammy: Luigi: H-H-How will w-wearing S-S-Shy G-Guys' m-masks and cl-clothes h-help us b-beat Chauncey?
Kammy: Boo: You do notice that the key is right there, so getting past this room with Chauncey is easy, don't
Kammy: you?
Kammy: Fire in the lanturn: We are the three flames in the lanturn. Fear us!
Kammy: The ghosts are having a competition of who can scare the Shy Guys the most, and Chauncey's
Kammy: winning.

SFW: Shy Guy: Not the binky! Anything but the binky!

referee66: Key: Help save me!!!

YoshiForever: Yellow Shy Guy: Oh no! We're going to di- Hey, a knife thing!
YoshiForever: Boo: Come on, you can just grab the key without him hurting you!

Tommy Koopa: Red Guy: That's what we look like?!

Carlos: Chauncey: What do you mean you won't play with me?!

Parakoopa: AHHHHHH! Okay! We'll give you your teddy back!

coltranepep: Red Shy Guy: I'm scared. Can you help me stand up to this guy?

Luigi'sfan4ever256: Yellow Shy Guy: Hahahahahahaha! That ghost looks funny!
Luigi'sfan4ever256: Red Shy Guy: My eyes! They're tearing up! Must... go... on... with... the... staring...
Luigi'sfan4ever256: contest. I... need... to... win... for... my... freedom.
Luigi'sfan4ever256: Green Shy Guy: While Red Shy Guy's not looking, I think I'll take his mask off and pull
Luigi'sfan4ever256: down his hood to see what he really looks like.

Paraboo: Shy Guy: AHHH! A KEY!
Paraboo: Yellow Shy Guy: Hey, a knife!

astromatt3: Green-Horned Monster: Googoogaga!
astromatt3: Red Shy Guy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! A KEY!!!
astromatt3: Green Shy Guy: MUST... GET... BATS!
astromatt3: Boo: BOO!
astromatt3: Yellow Shy Guy: MUST... GET... KNIFE... TO... KILL... MYSELF!
astromatt3: DID CROSS THE ROAD!!! Oh, and no one knock-knocked on anyone's door.

torpedo TECH: Red: Phew! Your breath stinks!
torpedo TECH: Green: ARGH! Look how hideous that thing looks! Oh, that's you, Red... Sorry...
torpedo TECH: Yellow: Must... commit... suicide...

Sean: Yellow Shy Guy: Must... reach... for... shiny... nickel... under... sword... ***FIRST PRIZE***
Sean: The Boo decided whether to save the Shy Guys from the baby ghost, or to climb into the baby's mouth
Sean: and eat his mushy bananas.

Sergeant Dark Bones: Torch 1: Idiots. They're scared of a harmless baby!
Sergeant Dark Bones: Yellow Shy Guy: Must... get... dagger... to commit... SUICIDE!!!
Sergeant Dark Bones: Little did the Shy Guys know, the ghost-baby was a distraction so the Boo could eat
Sergeant Dark Bones: them!
Sergeant Dark Bones: Red and Green Shy Guys: No, I'm not getting the key, you! No, not me, you!
Sergeant Dark Bones: Red Shy Guy:Yellow, I know picking up your knife is important, but there's an ARMY
Sergeant Dark Bones: Yellow Shy Guy: 99 gallons of ghosts after us, 99 gallons of ghosts after us, go over,
Sergeant Dark Bones: slaughter one, 98 gallons of ghosts after us! 98...
Sergeant Dark Bones: They were only scared of the ghost because he threw his key at them.

Waluigi's Twin: Green Shy Guy: I TOLD you we shouldn't have accepted that Poltergust from that weird old Waluigi's Twin: guy, but NO, you just HAD to play Ghostbuster!

Mario Koopa: Yellow Shy Guy: So hungry... losing energy... must get dagger... and kill... ghost... that can't be
Mario Koopa: killed.

Dizzy Dude: Shy Guy: Hold it, little baby dude, I'm not Luigi!

Fried Rooster: Red Shy Guy: Wah! My baby wasn't born THAT big.

Nario: Green Shy Guy: Uhh, Yellow, you realize that knife will just pass through them, right?


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