Contest 197
Picture by Fried Rooster

Fried Rooster: Torte: Teehee. I sprayed ze poisonous paint on ze wedding cake so that ze guests vill
Fried Rooster: pass out.
Fried Rooster: Vivian: WAH! It's too hot in here.
Fried Rooster: Koops: I have pre-wedding jitters!
Fried Rooster: Koops: AHH! Koopie Koo has halitosis!
Fried Rooster: The most famous wedding of 2006.
Fried Rooster: Flurrie: I'm not crying, my eyes are bleeding.
Fried Rooster: Vivian: I'm sick of wearing pink! I want to wear blue for once.
Fried Rooster: Koopie Koo: I'm allergic to wedding cake.
Fried Rooster: Koops: Don't eat that candy of the bride and groom on top of the wedding cake,
Fried Rooster: 'cause it's too sour.
Fried Rooster: Koopie Koo: You all know thats really Fried Rooster in a Torte costume, right? I mean,
Fried Rooster: she created that stool, however she is apparently a bad cook.
Fried Rooster: Koopie Koo: Why is Torte wearing a dress?
Fried Rooster: Koopie Koo: Bet you 10,000,000 coins that Morton is gonna steal that cake in less
Fried Rooster: than two seconds.

Tail Koopa: Vivian and Flurrie thought a marriage is a funeral.
Tail Koopa: YOU?!
Tail Koopa: The Koopa chef is fired later because the wedding cake he baked was as hard as rock.
Tail Koopa: That groom must have been hypnotized by Psycho Kamek by the way his eyes and face
Tail Koopa: look.
Tail Koopa: Koopie Koo: I'm sorry, Koops, but I'm already married. ***FIRST PRIZE***

MAXX Koopa: Koops: I gotta go so bad! Ah, never mind.
MAXX Koopa: Chef: Ignore ze odd flashing pink! Zis cake is perfectly normal and not alive!

koopaling: The location of Koops's wedding ring was a mystery until the cake was brought out.

Mr.Nose: Girl Koopa: Honey, who hired the camera crew?

Darkness Yoshi: Everyone was tense at Koops's wedding because the cake was made by Chef
Darkness Yoshi: Torte. We all know where this is going...

Latios: Hello, and welcome to the unusual memories show! Starring anybody random!

Danny Koopa: Flurrie: Oh the agony!!! Huh? What's this? I'm receiving a call from Nintendo that says
Danny Koopa: I'm supposed to love Mario and... and... No way... I'm not doing that...
Danny Koopa: Koops: Aaaaaah!!! LEGS!!! GET 'EM OFF ME, GET 'EM OFF MEEE!!!

WendyRulez and Co: Chef Koopa: Heh, little do they know, the wedding cake's poisoned!
WendyRulez and Co: Chef Koopa: Mwa ha ha ha! My evil plan to neutralize the ring is working!
WendyRulez and Co: Chef: I now pronounce you... idiot and moron!
WendyRulez and Co: Koopa: Get this Hershey wrapper off me!
WendyRulez and Co: Flurrie: About time Nintendo stopped being perverts and gave me this dress!

Gigashroom: Groom (Koopa): Oh... Oh DAD. I just remembered that I accidentally invited Morton
Gigashroom: Koopa Jr!

Waluigi's Twin: Female Koopa: Always the bride, never the bridesmaid...

Donkey Kong!: Koops: Warning- this guy called Chef Torte is murdering wedding cakes; he could
Donkey Kong!: be at your wedding now.

Goomrey: Chef Torte: Zee Morton trap eez baited, and now we wait...

Stormy: Koopie Koo: What the hey? That cake doesn't look like Fried Rooster to me...

Petey Piranha Fan: Kooper: I d...d... I d... I... uh... I d... I... I...What am I supposed to say?

Amber Koopa: Flurrie: *sniff*! (I wanted to marry Koops!)
Amber Koopa: Koopie Koo: Koops! Go get my ring at the top of the cake!
Amber Koopa: Morton's Specialty: Fluffy Feather Boa Wedding Cake!
Amber Koopa: Apperently, the wedding cake was at the wrong wedding, because it clearly read,
Amber Koopa: "Fried Rooster, Dec. 2006", clearly stating Fried Rooster is a criminal because she is
Amber Koopa: too young to get married and man, that was a run-on sentence!!!
Amber Koopa: Flurrie: *SNIFF* WHHHHAAAAA!!! IT'S SO TOUCHING!!!
Amber Koopa: Police (offscreen): You're under arrest! You're much too young to get married!

Ravyn78: Koops: I think your ex-boyfriend the chef put a bomb in the cake.

Sam: You would be crying too, if your stem had to be surgically removed from the ground with no
Sam: painkillers.

Rio the Hedgehog: Koopa (Boy): This bandage REALLY hurts!!!
Rio the Hedgehog: Koopa (Girl): Cake... so... delicious...
Rio the Hedgehog: Vivian: She took the last bouquet of flowers!
Rio the Hedgehog: Madame Flurrie: My allergies are killing me...
Rio the Hedgehog: Chef Koopa: I get paid a lot for zees job! Ho!

Flame Shadow: What to say? What to say?... I bet that's what Koops is thinking.
Flame Shadow: I wonder if Koops is really THAT embarrassed about not having his hoodie.
Flame Shadow: When did Vivian decide to become detached from the floor?
Flame Shadow: Chef Torte looks like he has something evil planned...

Gastlis: Koops: Wow. This is the glory of onion cake?

Heavy Mole: Chef Koopa: ... Would somebody PLEASE break the ice?!

MilkandCereal: Announcer: Yes, we have screenshots of the hard-to-unlock Marriage Mode in
MilkandCereal: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door! Instead of fighting ancient demons, fight the
MilkandCereal: challenges of everyday life!

Ray: Koops: Uhhhhhh... Why am I here again?

YoshiForever: Koops: What the- OMG I'M WEARING A PINK TUX! SAVE ME! SAVE ME!!!

Angelette: Koops: Koopie, I think there are ghosts behind me...
Angelette: Koopie Koo: Koops, you act like you've seen a ghost.

Gastlis: Koops: ... It's my shoes, isn't it? **GOOD PRIZE**

marayo: Koops: My nose is bleeding again.
marayo: Flurrie: When do we get to eat cake?
marayo: Koopie Koo: LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT CAKE!!!
marayo: Vivian: *sniff* It took me all day to make that cake.
marayo: Koops: How come only girls are at my wedding?

Lakitufo: Koopa: When Morton and wedding cake aren't in the same room, you know something's
Lakitufo: wrong…

Amber Koopa: Chef Torte: *French evil laugh* My super wedding cake will bind Koops and Koopie
Amber Koopa: Koo together for all eternity! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!! **GOOD PRIZE**

Super Goomba: Chef Torte: Sacre bleu! What am I doing here? They didn't even hire me as caterer!
Super Goomba: Garfield (offscreen): Get out of my house! Except you, Chef Whatever-your-name-is.

tails: Koopa in bowtie: Is Fried Rooster the guy who made the cake? Is it made with fried rooster?!
tails: Tell me, evil-looking man!
tails: Koopa in bowtie: There goes my good luck. I saw the bride before the wedding.
tails: Lady Koopa: Look into my eyes...

Dry_Bonerangs: Mustached Koopa: Heheheh. I hid something of someone's in the cake.
Dry_Bonerangs: MWAHAHAHA!
Dry_Bonerangs: Constipated Groom Koopa: Where are my laxatives?

ServantOfNobility: Chef Torte: Zwahaha... Zey haff no idea. Soon, mein evil plan vill come to fruition!
ServantOfNobility: ... Vait, vhat plan?

mario the winner: koops: I am so scared. I can't even say a word.

Luigi: Koops: Today will be the day when I'm going to become a man!
Luigi: Koopie Koo: Come and give me a kiss.
Luigi: All except Koops and Koopie Koo: Ahh! This is so sad.

Introbulus: Koopa Chef: That's right, I made this entire cake out of fried roosters in December of 2006!
Introbulus: Flurrie: Fine time for me to get something stuck in my nose...
Introbulus: Much to the bride's dismay, the timid Koops had placed a cardboard cutout of himself in his
Introbulus: stead.
Introbulus: Vivian: *sniffle* I'd love to wipe these tears away... but I DON'T HAVE EYES!

Yosh4000: Chef: Nobody will know Morton is in the cake...

Super Yoshi 64: Koops: Oh no... I think I left the water running!

Keroh Toad: Koops: Just keep smiling, this'll all be over soon.
Keroh Toad: Koopa Chef: I can't believe my perfect wedding cake turned blurry!
Keroh Toad: Nobody knew that the ring-looking thing on the cake was an alien listening device; it
Keroh Toad: looks like the Koopa chef is an alien in disguise.


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