Mario Fan: And so it was that IRS spokeskoopa Ludwig Von went to court blamed for the death of one Mario Mario Fan: Mario; a tax reminder put him into a state of shock just as an epileptic Chain Chomp spotted the Mario Fan: unfortunate plumber. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Crazykoopa: "Mail first, Chain Chomps later."
Boo: Chomp: Mario's won $10,000,000. Tonight I shall eat him and earn
big bucks baby!
Blue Boo: Chomp:
(thinking) I wonder if my anti-drooling pills came in the mail today.
Blue Boo: Chomp:
This is Mario's latest hit, "Mario Reads Mail"!
Ingvar Steinnes: Who's this letter fr- OOUUCCHH!!!
Marie Koopa: Mario: It's just happens that I got a letter from a SECRET
Ellie Marie Koopa:
smiles as he reads the letter he got from his secret admirer.
Zim: Mario: Yay! A letter from Peach! She is making me a cake! Mmm...
Invader Zim:
This guy is so stupid he doesn't even know I'm right behind him. Bowser
gave me a Invader Zim: letter telling me to
eat Mario. Mmm... Mario.
Wooster: Letter: Reading this can be hazardous to your health.
gnidaplat: Mario: Hey, according to this letter from Nintendo, Chain Chomps are no longer going to be in my games, due to a decrease in thier popularity. I wonder how they will take it...
Chris: Mario's typical mailbox delivery.
Coco: Mario is reading a note until a hungry Chomp comes for him and the note for food.
Fungi: "Mmm... mail-delivering plumber..."
Zeus: Chomp: I wish Sushie would stop using Tidal Wave in my mouth!
Panzer Koopa: "I'm so anxious to bite Mario, my left eye is starting to twitch!"
Master TJ Koopa: Mario was so captivated by his mail that he didn't hear or feel the Chain Chomp's heavy breathing.
Letter: Dear Mario, there is a hungry Chain Chomp RIGHT BEHIND YOU!
Introbulus: Letter:
Dear Mario, please take care of my Chain Chomp for me while I am gone.
His name is Introbulus: Fluffy, and he likes
fat, Italian plumbers. **GOOD PRIZE**
Krystal Koopa: Mario: Hmm... this letter says "Look out behind you!"
LUDWIG_VON_KOOPA: Chomp: Good thing Mario doesn't know I ate the letter box.
Dudley Dowronger: Chain Chomp: Mmm... plumber on rye...
Horse Yoshi: Chomp: Mmm... Mario for
Horse Yoshi:
Chomp: It's not right to stare at fat people.
Chef Torte: Mario: Hmm, Bob-omb Battlefield's missing its Chain Chomp again...
Lord Wilco: Sure hope his health insurance is in that letter. **GOOD PRIZE**
Mario: So when you're heading to Bowser's castle, beware. He has many forces
out now. Also, watch David: out for that Chain
Chomp behind-"
David: Mario's
ultimate test of stupidity.
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