Contest 218
Picture by Latisha Banks

Shell Mario: Roy: Step right up and get front row seats. Then watch the geek shriek when I launch Ludwig to
Shell Mario: the moon! ***FIRST PRIZE***
Shell Mario: Larry: Oh no! Ludwig is in trouble, and Roy has tons of fireworks. But worst of all, I'm missing
Shell Mario: the Home Gardening Channel!
Shell Mario: Roy: Hey! This the 4th of July, NOT Valentine's Day!
Shell Mario: Roy: Hehe, sucker! Ludwig's rocket is actually a painted DYNAMITE STICK!
Shell Mario: Ludwig: Hey, do you vant me to spin those eyes back in for you? Quit staring at me! There's
Shell Mario: nothing wrong, and my rocket vill not explode! Hey! Vhat did I say about those eyes?!

superjeff64: Larry: Oh no! Mario's coming, and all we have are these fireworks that will instantly kill anybody
superjeff64: they touch!
superjeff64: Larry: What do you mean firecrakers aren't edible?!
superjeff64: Ludwig: What do you mean you put a lit firework in my shell?!
superjeff64: Bowser Jr. (offscreen): So, that's why Ludwig's inventions keep blowing up.
superjeff64: Roy: Uh, Ludwig, there's a spider in your hair.
superjeff64: Rocket: I will explode in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... What comes before 1?

Daisyplayer1: Ludwig: Hey Roy, you give me those fireworks and I'll fix your broken toy rocket.
Daisyplayer1: Larry: Uh, guys? Wouldn't King Dad be mad if you blew up his front lawn?
Daisyplayer1: Ludwig: Stand back, let the pro show you how it's done!

Mario Koopa: Larry: Ludwig! One side of your hair-do is bigger than the other!
Mario Koopa: Ludwig: (whispering) Roy, take the wrench in my left hand. I'll knock him out with the wrench in
Mario Koopa: my right hand.
Mario Koopa: Larry: I can't see with those three lines in front of my face!

luigiluvr: Larry: Oh my gosh! I forgot Ludwig's Polly Pocket to strap on to the firework- I mean, get, uh,
luigiluvr: WENDY'S Polly Pocket!

Woshi: Roy: Come on, Ludwig! Come help me blow up Larry's room!
Woshi: Larry: How come Ludwig gets an exclamation point?! All I get is these stupid lines in front of my eyes!
Woshi: Ludwig: What do you mean Roy's trying to blow me up?!

Ravyn78: Larry: Ludwig, don't you know that the rocket will explode like your other inventions?

TheBlueJ: Ludwig Von Koopa: I could have sworn I built a rocket before this blue one!
TheBlueJ: Larry: I LOVE PLANTS! I'M MARRIED TO A PIRANHA PLANT! Can I feed that to my plants? It's-a
TheBlueJ: me, Larry! Moral: I'M A MORON!

corn: Roy: These fireworks are now mine!

Super Troopa: Ludwig: Almost done with the world's first fully automated, jumbo, nose picker!
Super Troopa: Roy: I'm here to help your rocket blow u- I mean takeoff!
Super Troopa: Larry: Um, guys, ever noticed that the backround is orange?
Super Troopa: Welcome to mutant town; meet Ludwig with a wrench for a hand, Roy with explosives coming
Super Troopa: out of his chest, and Larry who's just a total dork!
Super Troopa: Roy: After this we're playing Dork Dork Goose!
Super Troopa: Larry: Firing model rockets is the way to signal Santa Claus?! I always thought it was the
Super Troopa: Easter Bunny. **GOOD PRIZE**
Super Troopa: Ludwig: Do you really think we should be making rockets out of King Dad's pills?

Koop: Larry: *gasp!* Ludwig, you have an exclamation over your head for no apparent reason again! I'll go
Koop: get the doctor!

Ben Catchpole: Larry: NOOO!!! My Piranha Plant seeds are in that rocket! Wah! You're so mean!

WendyRulez and Co: Larry: Cool! Let's launch it at Mario's house!
WendyRulez and Co: Roy: This is a perfect plan, Ludwig! Tying Wendy to the rocket and launching it is
WendyRulez and Co: brillant!

Silver Boom Boom: Larry: OH NO! Now I REALLY wish I hadn't loaded that rocket with TNT!
Silver Boom Boom: Roy: You know, Ludwig, your rocket might fly even HIGHER if I blow it UP. **GOOD
Silver Boom Boom: PRIZE**
Silver Boom Boom: Larry: Uh, guys? That's glue that you're standing on.
Silver Boom Boom: Roy: Hey, Ludwig! Wanna know how I can send you even FURTHER into space?
Silver Boom Boom: Ludwig: I... uh... just testing my reflexes!

Hyper c. yoshi: Larry doesn't know that Ludwig is actually a NASA scientist.

Ms. Toadstool: Roy: Don't worry, Larry! If there was a sign saying that this grass is flamable, Ludwig would
Ms. Toadstool: see it. Like the one behind him!

Mario Koopa: Ludwig: (whispering) QUICK! Take the wrench AND the exclamation point!
Mario Koopa: Larry: Hey guys! Ludwig and Roy are throwing a late 4th of July party!
Mario Koopa: Larry: Omigosh, Ludwig! Your rocket made the sky turn orange!
Mario Koopa: Larry: Omigosh, Ludwig! I just noticed your hair is blue!

Mudkip1: Larry: Ludwig!!! There's an exclamation point over your head!!!

Metaknight82: Larry: Oh my gosh, Roy's a vampire!!!

ZippZapp: Larry: OH MY DAD! Ludwig can move the left side of his hair up and down!

Tail Koopa: Larry: You do realize this thing is just a toy, and doesn't really fly, don't you?


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