Contest 279
Picture by Atticus

the game prince: On a Goomba's Radio: Be careful, people on skis tonight, for the rare snowy-Mario! He appears right in front of
the game prince: you when you go downhill trying to ask a deaf Koopa to tell him his time!

Pete: Mario: Yes, we are the first people from Plit to go to the moon! Wait, is that the moon over there?
Pete: Kooper: Wait, so I get ten coins, and then I stick my tongue to the flagpole?
Pete: Goombas: Oh no! There's a fat plumber in our path!
Pete: Kooper: Mario, about what you said that Goombas can kill you by just touching you? What happens if they CRASH?

polkamon: Mario: You know, I think I've finally figured out that I'm just wasting money if I buy ski poles when I go snowboarding!
polkamon: I've seen Atticus write his name on many things in previous Captions, but I am wondering how he wrote his name on
polkamon: the snow.
polkamon: Kooper: Are these sugar cookies?
polkamon: So Mario decided to have a deal with Lemmy: Mario sleeps in the -100 degree weather of Ice Land, and in return gets $1
polkamon: in Earth money, worth nothing on Plit.

shadowbowser: Mario: Yes! I win because the Goombas wreck.
shadowbowser: Koopa: Wow, world record! Three out of four Goombas wrecked in 12 seconds.
shadowbowser: Calm Goomba: I win. Wow. Wait, how come I am not at the bottom? Oh well.
shadowbowser: Luigi (off-screen): Darn, I lost my bet. I thought Mario would get wrecked by a Goomba.

flitchard: Bored-looking Goomba: Um, Mario? Generally you wait until the fortress is BUILT before you slide down the flagpole.

Daisyplayer1: Koopa: Hey, what happened to my banana?!
Daisyplayer1: Koopa: I work hard to host this year's skiing competition and all I get is a banana peel?! What a ripoff!
Daisyplayer1: Goomba #1: Mario won?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Neon Koopa: 1st Goomba: *sigh* You guys are such drama queens!
Neon Koopa: Mario: ...And that's why plumbers go to Ice Land!
Neon Koopa: As you can see, we'll all be thrown into darkness forever because Pac-man is eating all the stars!!!

Shade Koopa: Bored Goomba: Dude, Goomba in front, don't freak out, you're still on the ground.
Shade Koopa: Jumping Goomba: Oh why did I have to go skiing in yellow skis when I need to go? Watch out, here comes yellow
Shade Koopa: snow!
Shade Koopa: Sideways Goomba: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! It's past my bedtime!
Shade Koopa: Koopa: Er, Mario, this was supposed to be a climbing contest and you're supposed to put the flag at the top of the
Shade Koopa: hill!
Shade Koopa: Koopa: Oh, look at the time, i guess I'd better go. Oh wait, this is a stopwach.

Dynomite8: Goomba on the far left: You guys are already tripping up? The race hasn't even STARTED!
Dynomite8: Mario: Pff. Desert Land Goombas.
Dynomite8: The Mario Ski videogame was cancelled due to an incident involving some bad stunt Goombas.
Dynomite8: Goomba on the far left: I just HAD to be grouped with all the trainees.
Dynomite8: Guess who forgot to stretch.

koopaling: Scarf Goomba: Blue on blue! IT BURRRNNNSSSS!
koopaling: Koopa: Mario, squishing all of the non-Goomba competitors and bribing me with your old doorknob won't do anything.

SLIM9900: Koopa: Um, Mario, I don't think it counts if you scare the living snot out of the other competitors, so you are not the
SLIM9900: winner.

Jalvo the Slime: Jumping Goomba: (screaming) We shouldn't be on the Baby Mario SLOPE!
Jalvo the Slime: Koopa: Is this the only famous person who can cut the ribbon? **GOOD PRIZE**
Jalvo the Slime: Koopa: Wow, Mario said he would autograph my hand.

Shell Mario: Mario: See Koopa, yelling at the top of my lungs by a snowy mountain doesn't cause any harm. **GOOD PRIZE**
Shell Mario: Goomba with regular green hat: WOW, you guys are really lame! This is just a ten-foot hill!
Shell Mario: Mario: I have too many layers! I can't put my arms DOWN!

warioman: Koopa: I shined this lamp ten times! Why isn't there a genie inside it?
warioman: Koopa: Welcome back to Weak Minion Amazing Race. It's down to the final two Goomba teams to reach the pitstop. I'm
warioman: here with Mario, this leg's guest, and here they come down for the big stretch! ***FIRST PRIZE***

Brick Block: To the left, you see one of the 100 reasons why Bowser loves the sports channel, and to the right, you see one of the
Brick Block: 100,000 reasons why Bowser hates the sports channel.

luigiluvr: Koopa the Quick: Well Mario, it took you three seasons to get here...

Ravyn78: Mario's team gets ready for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

MKFan7: Goomba #4: What? A big fat idiot beat me? *cries*

marayo: Mario: YAY! I got the world record for skiing and- AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
marayo: Apparently Koopa is checking the stopwatch for how long it takes the Goombas to tackle Mario.
marayo: Who knew that Goombas can still sweat in the snow?
marayo: Koopa: Any day now the Goombas will learn they don't have hands...

MarioFanaticXV: Koopa: No, I'm quite certain my math is correct. His final time is -9.3 seconds.

James Issac Koopa: Koopa: I would like to say you won the race, Mario, but the Goombas declared this a practice run, so start this
James Issac Koopa: 854-mile race again!

Brick Block: Mario's Message to the Public: Cheating is Awesome! Do it!
Brick Block: Mario: Nice work, Luigi! We finally taught those stupid Goombas how to ski! Now let's teach that poor Koopa a way to
Brick Block: turn into a millionaire with a single leaf!
Brick Block: The reason Bowser hates ice levels.
Brick Block: Mario tries to prove to the world that Goombas can compete in the Winter Games.

Doopliss' twin: Calm Green Goomba: ... Amateurs, this happens like every other day with me. I'm telling you a flag is not that
Doopliss' twin: scary.

Waluigi's Twin: Frowning Goomba: Why did I get this dinky hat for Christmas? I wanted that Harry Potter scarf!

Your Twin the Fourth: Mario: AWESOME! To have Goombas tripping while skiing during the night and wearing goggles that
Your Twin the Fourth: worsen my visibility is cool!

Douglas Carr: Mario before his disgusting untimely death.
Douglas Carr: Koopa: Well, just a few more seconds until the Goombas cross the finishing line and I have to live through their
Douglas Carr: arguments.
Douglas Carr: Mario: Thumbs up to the paper mache trees!

Bob: Mario beats Koopa the Quick yet again, but it wasn't what he expected.
Bob: Goomba in air: I don't think the new sport "Skijump onto an unexpecting pedestrian and watch them perish" was a good
Bob: idea...

Killstriker: Bearded Man: Wow, these Goombas always fall for the trick with the giveaway skiers!

J-bit: Goomba Not Freaking Out: Do you guys have to scream every time we see a mustached guy?
J-bit: Koopa: Oh, hi Mario. Could you not stomp me now? It's my lunch break.


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