Contest 5
Picture by Atticus

Videogamerpat: E. Gadd: Look! I have four arms! WEEEEE!!!

Fungi: Ludwig: So, I heard there was more than one FLUDD... can ya give me one?
Fungi: "Sorry, but FLUDDs are for heroes only."
Fungi: "Sorry Mr. Kooky, but one of our FLUDDs seems to be missing in Delfino... Wait... this is confusing."
Fungi: "So, Mr. Ludwig, decided to get a FLUDD against Mario after years since your first defeat?"

Game Guy: E. Gadd: No! I do not have Prince Albert in a can!

Ingvar Steinnes: The reason FLUDD and the nozzles landed on Isle Delfino was that Ludwig had ordered a
Ingvar Steinnes: FLUDD for a new experiment.

Jeff the Great: E. Gadd: Hello, Tech Support? Your product is making my hand repeatedly slap my nose.
Jeff the Great: **GOOD PRIZE**

Blue Boo: E. Gadd: Ludwig, I need you to make another invention for me! Mario's coming!
Blue Boo: As E. Gadd blabs all of Mario's plans, he has no idea that he dialed the wrong number! ***FIRST Blue Boo: PRIZE***

Crazykoopa: E. Gadd was so excited about his new FLUDD... that he forgot the instructions used to find it.

Gamer Guy: Gadd: Why is that Koopaling brother of yours running around with that paintbrush I made?!
Gamer Guy: "Then you add the paint on the tip, fill it with... wait... should I remember something about a Gamer Guy: different Koopaling doing something similar?"
Gamer Guy: We finally see where Professor E. Gadd gets his strange invention ideas.

e2car: E. Gadd: No, I can't modify FLUDD to squirt dangerous chemicals! **GOOD PRIZE**

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Unfortunately, neither scientist realized that their telephone wasn't plugged in.
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Gadd: Hello, Mr. Koopa? I'd like to report that your product has caused me to grow Lil Miss Game & Watch: two new arms.
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Gadd: Is this the All-Night Hash House?

Kooshi: E. Gadd: What? The FLUDD broke? I told you: Water, water and nothing else. No potion.

BobaFett: Ludwig: Yes, Super Koopa Moonlight.
BobaFett: Ludwig: Just in case Roy gets thirsty!

Wooster: "Mr. Ludwig, I have just managed to seal one billion boxes of FLUDDs and forgot to put them in. Wooster: When do we ship?"

Coco: E. Gadd: So let me get this straight, Mr. Von Bond. You need a FLUDD to use its squirter to mix
Coco: chemical potions to defeat Gold Ghost, right?
Coco: E. Gadd: I know that voice. It's LUDWIG VON KOOPA!!! AHHHHHH!!!

Master TJ Koopa: Ludwig: Hello? Is this Pop's Pizza Place?
Master TJ Koopa: E. Gadd: Whaddaya mean you need 50 FLUDD models?!
Master TJ Koopa: On-the-phone arguments are so intellectual...
Master TJ Koopa: E. Gadd: What?! I'm gonna wring your neck for that insult... whoever you are...

Masked Man: E. Gadd: What?! My buck tooth removal is cancelled until Friday?!
Masked Man: Ludwig: I love listening to people complain about my inventions.


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