Cosmic H: Paragoombas: It's amazing! ... How can a caterpillar that fat come out through a warp pipe?
Crazykoopa: Apparently, Yoshi hasn't noticed that his Wiggler doesn't have any feet. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Ninji04: Yoshi:
Get that Bar-B-Q ready, guys. We're having Shiskabobs and crab crapes for
Ninji04: Goomba:
Say Yoshi, nice kiddie ride! When is it my turn? Now? PLEASE?! I'M ONLY
Dylan: Yoshi:
Ahhhhhhhhh!!! The dreaded Paragoombas are coming!
Dylan: Yoshi
is giving the Paragoombas a tour through the place with icebergs, cool-looking
pipes, and Dylan: snowy
mountains, otherwise known as Ice Land.
Wiggler: Maybe I can get my old job back at Gelato Beach.
Bobby: The
newest vehicle to be added to Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: Wiggler, which
is only a one-seat
Bobby: vehicle
and comes with many weapons, such as Paragoombas that Yoshi can use as
a roadside
Bobby: distraction!
Bobby: Wiggler
(Iggy): You stupid Paragoombas! I told you not to screw my wand up!
Mario: One reason why slavery was blocked out in America.
Shadow Mario:
I have some good news. No, I didn't give up slavery, but I saved a bunch
of money on
Shadow Mario:
car insurance by switching to Geico.
Shadow Mario:
For the last time, I am NOT a car!
Yoshi: Yeah, Yoshi have fun!!!
Yoshikano: Yoshi
found a new type of deformed Wiggler, called a Sledler.
Yoshikano: Paragoombas:
Oh we're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard Kamek, and he'll beat
Yoshikano: Yoshi
and take over the land, fa, la, la la, la, la, la, la!!!
Yoshi: When I entered this race, I thought I had it made, but just as we
started, they said that we
Boshee: can't
eat the opponents!
Boshee: Yoshi:
If the sun is in front of me, how is that pipe over there shining on the
other side? Creepy...
Boshee: Yoshi:
I didn't know these new Wiggler snowmobiles were so popular!
Boshee: Yoshi:
Hey guys, I think we should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque...
Boshee: Goomba:
Get your wing outta my face, man!
MarioFanaticXV: Contrary to popular belief, this is what Yoshi's Safari REALLY looked like. **GOOD PRIZE**
Blue Boo: This was an exciting day for Yoshi, as he'd just beaten his old record at counting pipes!
Miles "Thumbs"
Power: Yoshi: I hate it when the rental shop runs out of sleds.
Miles "Thumbs"
Power: Yoshi: I hate it when I'm late to the
rental shop.
Miles "Thumbs"
Power: The most secretive new car in Mario
Kart Double Dash, the Wigglermobile,
Miles "Thumbs"
Power: compatable with Paragoomba partner.
Miles "Thumbs"
Power: Yoshi: They never seem to run out of
new karts in this game.
Star_Daniel: That warp pipe came from China, so this Wiggler looks Chinese.
Yoshi's trip to the ice cream factory gets a little bit out of hand.
Gamechamp: The
strange thing is, Yoshi hasn't noticed that he's riding his favorite snack.
Jack Carrington: Paragoomba: So cruel! Yoshi's riding a Wiggler with no legs! He has to be stopped!
Flygon_trainer: Yoshi: Agent Five Zero, up up and away!!!
Todd: ... And then they hit a rock, and that was the last we heard of Yoshi.
Game Guy: Santa was sick this year, so he had Yoshi fill in for him.
Will Koopa: Paragoomba: Mmm... Screaming Wiggler with added Yoshi...
Bubbles: Wiggler: Oww! For the last time, I'm not a sled!
Knight: Here is a prime example of irony.
Silver Knight:
Yoshi say run faster, Yoshi say run like the wind, and Yoshi refer to himself
in third
Silver Knight:
too much...
Silver Knight:
Thingy: I knew I shouldn't have eaten that mushroom this morning!
Silver Knight:
not what it seems, Yoshi's just hallucinating.
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