Contest 75
Picture by Videogamerpat

Ninja-Z: Rob: Arghh me mateys, we be the copyright pirates! We come to kick some bootie! **GOOD PRIZE**
Ninja-Z: Green Virus: You fool, you just took out the battery to this video gaaaaaaaaaa-
Ninja-Z: With Rob standing on the mute button, nobody can hear you scream like a total wuss.
Ninja-Z: And Rob gives an absolutely NEW meaning to the word 'hacker' with his digital axe.
Ninja-Z: When Nintendo took out the omb in Rob-omb's name, Rob commited suicide in the middle of the
Ninja-Z: making of Hackers: Bigger, Stupider, and Educationaler.
Ninja-Z: Cap'n Rob and crew, fighting the educational bugs in your remote control.
Ninja-Z: Wide-eyed thing: *gasp* They're math teachers, we don't stand a chance...
Ninja-Z: Rob: I got me a Gameshark, scum! Ar ar ar ar ar ar ar- *cough* *hack* -ar ar ar ar!!!

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Rob-omb may be packing firepower and Missingo may have more HP, but we all
Miles "Thumbs" Power: know the cinderblock will be the victor of this battle.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Rob-omb: Alright! Just tell me who changed my name on the panel, and nobody gets
Miles "Thumbs" Power: hurt!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: SMRPG2: Rob-omb's Quest, takes you out of the game and onto your own remote!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Rob-omb: Hasta la vista, baby!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: So that's what happens when you misplace the remote...

Wooster: TV Ad: Are you three inches tall, wear a bandana, and have a really huge blaster gun? American
Wooster: Idiot wants YOU to show off your unimpressive skills so we can get lots-o money.

Slimer49'r: Apparently, Final Fantasy Hopscotch: War of the Badly Drawn Charecters never made it on the
Slimer49'r: PS2 and that author was deranged. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Slimer49'r: Rob: Fear me and my laser zapper thingy! You can not hide from Johnny Depp!
Slimer49'r: Apparently Rob-omb thought the girls would like 'im if he acted like Johnny Depp.

Star Daniel: Rob-omb: Die you chalkfaced goons!
Star Daniel: Green Blob: Argh, I hate this game.
Star Daniel: Pink Circle: No! Please! Spare me!

MetaKnight: Missingo#37: DON'T SHOOT ME, ROB!!!

Dylan: Believe it or not, these three characters are on a team fighting against the TV remote- and losing!
Dylan: That explains all the missing TV remotes.
Dylan: So this is what happens when you leave the VCR paused all night.

Waluigi's Twin: Missingo #37: Who on Plit would have 100 buttons on their TV remote?!

DaKingKoopa: Rob-omb: OH NO! My gun's almost out of ammo!
DaKingKoopa: This is what happens when some idiot places a Missingo on a "remote" battlefield.
DaKingKoopa: Green Blob: AGH! I don't want to battle! I'm outta here!
DaKingKoopa: Pink Blob: OH NO! That Rob-omb's gonna shoot me!
DaKingKoopa: Missingo: They are all running from their deaths! Thanks, Bricky!

Bobby: Rob-omb may think things get weird, but he had no idea when it came to fighting over who gets the Bobby: remote control. **GOOD PRIZE**
Bobby: Rob-omb: Did we have to bring that weird glitch guy with us?

Afri The Koopa Master: Now Mr. Gun will make you all holely.

A-chana: Alright, who let the Pokemon glitch here?
A-chana: Missingo: Mwauhaha... I am going to erase your game file, now!
A-chana: Is it any wonder the first draft of Paper Mario 2 was rejected?
A-chana: Green Blob: Mommy! Rob's scaring me again!
A-chana: Rob-omb: Change the channel or I'll use this!

Kirbyfancobra: Man watching TV: Man, I really hate this Pokemon show.
Kirbyfancobra: Cindoscque: Let's just finish this, I've got a date with a stop sign!
Kirbyfancobra: Rob-omb: Man, watching educational childrens' television sure wore down my HP!
Kirbyfancobra: Rob-omb thought he pressed mute, but he really pressed the self-destruct button.

Luigi_Ownz: Rob-omb: Guns. Lots of Guns.
Luigi_Ownz: It's the newest video game, Extremely Stupid Characters RPG.
Luigi_Ownz: Missingo: One day I'll be a Kangaskaun and that'll be the day I quit.
Luigi_Ownz: Blob Man: BBQ! BBQ! OMG! LOL!

Koopland: Rob-omb: I am Rob, and... wait!

Matt and Houndie: Rebel Rob-omb: taking on evil one remote control at a time.

babykoopa19: Mr. Cindoscque: Mr. Rob-omb, I think the green thing's having a heart attack. So can you, like,
babykoopa19: not kill us, please?
babykoopa19: I don't remember these people and this level being in Super Smash Brothers Melee.

Dark Paratroopa: Rob got a little angry after he started to lose "Hop-Scotch".

Martin: And as the jello monster sat awaiting his doom, he had one thing of grave importance on his mind:
Martin: what rhymes with banana?

Seth: And then, Missingo glitched up the game so everyone had 99 Rare Candies they didn't know how to
Seth: use... and then the game froze.

Dark Koopa: Announcer: Rob-omb uses P attack for 1 damage to Missingo #37.
Dark Koopa: Mr. Cindoscque: Hey! Don't do that! You'll change the channel!

Detective Conan: Rob: Relax, dude. It's only made of plastic.

Tutan Yoshi: Rob: Prepare to die, evil Blobs!

Kirbyfancobra: Green and pink things: Oh no, anything but a Pokemon spoof!

Shadow Mario 2000: Missingo #37: Cool! Hitting the red button gives you major HP!!!

link: Little does Rob know that this is the first part of the war against badly made badguys...


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